Everyone knows you can play a big screen version of Club Penguin, but did you know you can play a small version of Club Penguin?
Here's how. First log on to the Big Screen version of Club Penguin or click here. Now simply resize your browswer window as small as you want! This will not work with the regular version of Club Penguin.
Using FireFox we can go really small! How small can you go?
- Club Penguin Gang
Thats kool i just tried it its massssssssssssssssiveeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey, i wanna be a member of the club penguin gang, and i have another sercert, rockhopper is back, look at the tellescope on the beacon, his ship is back!!!!!
-Q Tee Peiiii
That is cool, but it only works with the link you guys offer. The basic version does nothing but cut the parts of pages off the limit
you can view(if that makes sence)
how can i enter the "rockhopper's private headquarters?
You can't, it locked. The key has not been made available yet. We'll let you know when it does.
why don't you just have a test to let members in the clubpenguin gang and if they get it right they can get in just like a secret agent test! from, carpy45
CLUB PENGUN GANG PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!! one day i was using a penguin named ross2253 and i logged off to switch servers and when i logged on again i was BANNED FOREVER please get my penguin back!
If you have been banned, you need to email Club Penguin. go here:
Is this true if we get 50,000 coins,we get membership automatically?
I dont know how to put big screem with out going on this site on and on
it gets booring if u can help me do it !!!! plz plz plz plz
and if you are over 50.000 coins you not get automaticly membership casue i had 100.000 coins.
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