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7. Don't TYPE IN ALL CAPS. You're hurting my ears!
8. Don't be pointless. We want to understand you.
9. Don't type, "First Comment!" So pointless.
I just won't post the above kind of sillyness. K?
You can:
1. Be phunnie, weird and warped.
2. Ask Club Penguin questions.
3. Make sense.
4. Tell me the latest cheats! I'll give you credit!
5. Other smart stuff you come up with.
Check out the CPG Mod rules on the other side.--->
If you leave tips for me, I'll ALWAYS give you credit. ALWAYS! Many of you give the same tip and sometimes you don't leave your name. Or sometimes I found the tip or cheat before you. So, thanks for your tips! You are awesome!
like hello i've already done my missions before you post this.i love the part wen the letter explode and the craftsman certificate.why do we always get medals
The belt is for the ski lift the crying penguin is telling you about. If you click on the broken ski lift and put the belt on, I think you'll get a thank you note at the end of the game.
Can i be in the cpg as well please. i really love doing things that gangs do. how do you do the mission 4. i really cant beat it. its to hard. well its kinda hard at the end. i got to know some of it from this website but i still cant beat it. please tell me how to beat it. Please.
theres another tip! click on the crying penguin and click on 'i see wha i can do.'(something like that.) then go to the winter shop.find the statue penguin with a belt. click on the belt.drag it into your inventey. go back to the penguin. move your mouse behind the penguin and a big arrow will apper. click and it will zoom in. drag the belt to the reel. go out and the penguin will thank you!!!!
Thanks! that really helped me a lot but i still have to do the case of the missing coins.... I have done the avalanche rescue TWO times now because it was so fun P.S. I liked it when the letter at the end self destructed!
Club Penguin Gang is the ultimate source for Club Penguin cheats, hints, tricks, glitches, secrets, tips, pins, codes, pictures, and other sweetness!
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All screen shots and text are copyright of clubpenguingang.com. Which means you are not allowed to take anything off this site for your own site.
If you take an idea from this site link to me and give me credit! I will do the same to you!
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- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Club Penguin Cheats Gang is:
MiMo777, President
U Fride, Chief Cheat Agent
ZoeZoe11, Chief CPG Moderator
Me Santa, Cheat Agent
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That helped thank you so much!
like hello i've already done my missions before you post this.i love the part wen the letter explode and the craftsman certificate.why do we always get medals
thanx for the help
thanks i wont have complet it if wasnt you clubpenguingang
i wouldn't have completed it with out your help. i would have never worked it out i had already spent hours on it. thanks
thanks so much i would have never worked it out. and the instructions where so clear. thanx
It helped so much I just want to say thanks.. keep it up!
awesome help keep up the great work
The guide was great !!!!! Before I saw ur guide and tried it i got stuck . I couldn't have done it without u!!!!
In the avalanche mission, why did you need the belt? By the way, thanks for the cheats; your site rocks!
Thanks! Glad you liked it. Let us know what else you would like to see.
wow gracias por los trucos estaba muy pero muy enredada! adoro esta pagina ..! bye!
(thanks for the tricks were very but very entangled! I adore this page)
Your welcome. Glad you liked it. Gracias!
i havent done de mission yet but okey dokey!!!
where do i find the white fibers in the avalanche recue
Wow it was tricky. Without your help I would have never finished that mission Oh! whats the belt for? Thanx!
The belt is for the ski lift the crying penguin is telling you about. If you click on the broken ski lift and put the belt on, I think you'll get a thank you note at the end of the game.
Can i be in the cpg as well please. i really love doing things that gangs do. how do you do the mission 4. i really cant beat it. its to hard. well its kinda hard at the end. i got to know some of it from this website but i still cant beat it. please tell me how to beat it. Please.
We are trying to decide how others can join CPG. We'll let you know.
If you follow the SMART CHEAT GUIDE carefully. You will complete the mission. Good luck!
Where is G. At the End ? ? ?
omg that helped me so much i didnt get how u do it at first but when i saw ur instructions THANKYOU!!!
i already did the mission but i think what your doin is great but what is the white fur on missions 3&4?????????????????
ya u kinda helped me on tht 1 thx alot club penguin gang
also i just have to say this i like pie
so cool thanks :P
ahhh thank you sooo much! i spent forever trying to figure out how to do it..but i couldn't. so thanks for the help!
thanks i wouldn't b able 2 fin the mission w/o u thnks again
theres another tip! click on the crying penguin and click on 'i see wha i can do.'(something like that.)
then go to the winter shop.find the statue penguin with a belt.
click on the belt.drag it into your inventey.
go back to the penguin.
move your mouse behind the penguin and a big arrow will apper.
click and it will zoom in.
drag the belt to the reel.
go out and the penguin will thank you!!!!
yay! your done!
anyway thank for your help!!
Thanks! that really helped me a lot but i still have to do the case of the missing coins....
I have done the avalanche rescue TWO times now because it was so fun
I liked it when the letter at the end self destructed!
WOW! mimo that was SOOOOOOOOOOO helpful! i completed the whole thing!!!
It says the website isnt a website on my computer for the guide
how do you rescue the penguins?
How do you get the penguin under the tree?
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