Have you noticed that the Coins for Change borad on Club Penguin is broken? WE did that! Because of everyones awesome donations, we broke the numbers! So awesome!
In the last Cp Reviewed By You, they asked which Coins for Change cause you donated to and why. Here’s Hermey12’s answer:
I donated to ALL of them! I feel it's all of our jobs to help the earth, help build safe places, and provide health care for the ill. I can't believe we donated OVER 10 BILLION COINS this year! Wow! That's really a big difference that we made this year! -Hermey12 :)Yesterday, Cp gave us a sneak peek at the January Penguin Style catalog. Now they want to know:
What new penguin styles would you most like to see this year? Tell 'em in the comments! And they’ll feature one of your answers. If you’re picked, you’ll receive 10,000 coins!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Its been like that smart one...
mimo there is new years fireworks in front of the bakery in the sky.
i donated over 1000 coin. i feel so good inside
this happened ages ago i can't believe it took u this long to notice
its not like coins for change actually helps anything... its just a fake virtual game, they dont actually go and give food and build homes....
i donated 10,000 coins i feel it was a waste but worth it
I donated 5,000 coins to environment. :) Environment got way more money than all the other categories.
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