Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Club Penguin Prehistoric Party Q & A!

Everyone has been asking lots of questions about the Prehistoric Party. And today, Club Penguin answered some of the popular ones. Check out below for the Q & A's!

Which mascot will be visiting? Gary will be leading the exploration of Prehistoric Club Penguin. Get ready to help dig up dino eggs and interview caveguins (cave penguins!).

How does digging for dino eggs work? There will be dig sites and shovels all throughout the island. If you’re lucky, you’ll uncover something that looks like this:

Will there be new party emotes? Definitely! The Holiday Party emotes were a huge hit. So the team’s adding three new limited time emotes to your chat bars. Check them out:

AND REMEMBER! This stuff will only be here on January 17 through 29th, the Prehistoric Party!

What does everyone think about Cp having new limited time emotes for parties?

 - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


Anonymous said...

Too much is revealed before the party.

aurelio505 said...

the digging game looks like treasure hunt in Rockhoppers boat

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the party is going to be tomorrow!! Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

@aurelio505 exactly! And too much is revealed! :(

Anonymous said...

I love the party icon idea

Anonymous said...

I just have a tip for egg diggers, Just go to a digging spot with a dinosaur standing over it, and I'm pretty sure that you'll get an egg.

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