Club Penguin Tweeted this awesome sneak peek for the Prehistoric Party!
Check it!
We get to turn into dinosaurs!? Wad up with us always turning into things on Cp now days?
Like puffles, ghosts, cars, weird frozen penguin things and now dinosaurs! Do you like the idea of penguins turning into random things at parties?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

No, and I've noticed that. The parties lately have been sucking more and more...
Woah! So cool! Cant wait!
Is it just me, or is anyone else feeling CP gives out too much sneak peeks?
its just the one moment when you think oh cool when you finish the easiest levels ever it gets boring its been happening since the medieval party and. and also this is club penguin not club transformation
yeah cp parties ROCK!! but they do give away a bit too much sneak peeks that when the actualy party comes there is no suprises :(
hah they are copying that failed site webosaurs and also yes its getting worse and this party will be boring :-/
i think that when the time comes it is really fun to be these things, but after a while you get bored of them, and cp don't give enough daily things that will keep your interests up. I think the herbert catching party was cool in november coz they gave you a new room to go to every day! yeah cp give out a bit too many sneak peeks. i think the clothes will be cool though and, all in all, it will be an awesome party
Well, the parties aren't sucking. But it sucks when only MEMBERS do the fun things... and even for members I think that's boring. On the Holiday Party there were no special rooms! :)
and there are no surprises at the parties!
Hey Mimo! Did you know that some new emotes are coming for this prehistoric party? Its for this party only! Like the pork emote shown in the wallpaper!
the transformations suck. i'm sorry cp, but i think its time to get back to being penguins
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