Check out this months Cave-man teamed Featured Fashions!
StevenHappy’s outfit is epic! Dino bones + a fishing rod + skis = perfectly random! Although, those night vision goggles make me wonder... Doyouthinkhesaurus? ;)
Next we have RubyPark, who looks so glamorous in this prehistoric party dress! The Diva Sunglasses finish the outfit off lava-ly!
Thanks to Blazer Boy2 for nominating his buddy Fe1834! This is the ultimate caveguin rock star oufit! You look dino-mite!
Lastly, check out the T-Rexcellent style of Nerdysk8er (nominated by Theblackout2). The hair looks ace with this animal print! Loving the necklace... Brill bones XD
Pretty neat! And remember, you can always nominate your cool clothed buddies to Cp!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
I want more cheats !
I'm amazed that you're still updating this website. I haven't been on CP for 3+ years, I think. I remember when your website had 500+ comments as well. I suppose a large majority of your old fans has grown up, in a sense. It's nice to see you so committed to updating this website. :)
I have all those outfits
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if you change yourself you can click like again hint change your background
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