In the last Reviewed By You, Club Penguin us asked "what new penguin styles you’d most like to see".
Here’s what Ymuy said:
I think that we should have a mascot shirt (one shirt for each mascot) then, when we dance, we do what the mascot on the picture does best! For example: If I had a shirt with G on it, then when I dance, I do what he does best which is (obviously) building machines (and sometimes blowing them up straight after)!That's a creative idea!
In just a week, we’ll all go back to the dino days for the Prehistoric Party!
And Cp and I want to know, if you could take Gary’s Time Trekker anywhere, what time would you travel to and why?!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Travel to Justin Biebers and/or Ellen DeGeneres precise location :)
It's a time machine, not a transportation machine....
Hmm... this is going to be great... not... it will suck...
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