Club Penguin asked you to submit comments about helping endangered animals! They really liked Ariane2005's:
"Hey Guys can you guess what I do everyday? Yep I clean up where I live. I do that because there are animals that live there to. Like Birds,Stray Cats, Skunks, Deer, Insects, Mystery animal, Hedgehogs too. You see any backyard can be a habitat so help keep it clean no animal likes a dirty habitat. This idea was inspired by club penguin. I have been cleaning the habitat for years. One More Thing Waddle On C.P"Seems like the room pictured below could be somewhere wizards (or Gary) might spend time in... ;)
For the next Reviewed By You, they like to know what your favorite Club Penguin story is and why. They will post one of your comments and you'll even receive a 10,000 coin bonus on your account! Just in time to buy some sweet furniture items for your igloo castle.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

I don't even have a pet!!! I love them but I cant have one D:< I really want a hamster!!!
I think that this will be the coolest party ever on cp
This party is going to be awesome!!!!!
This party will be awesome
that room is probably the lighthouse
I think it will be the greatest and most awesome thing ever on the planet of earth! :D
Definatly looks like a place for wizards,
The room is the lighthouse but you cant sit on the purple seat on all the spheres only gary can.
from wobblybob294 (CPGmod)
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