Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Club Penguin EPF Message from Rookie!

Rookie has sent us a new Club Penguin message! Here's what he says::

Hmm, what's gonna make this Underwater Expedition party so memorable?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter 


Anonymous said...

i have a bad feeling: crab activity, island partly sinking/tilting and rookie responsible for the party.. something smells CRABBY. What will happen? Cannot wait.


Anonymous said...

i know what will happen, rookie is gonna sink the island, theres gonna be free hats of (???????)and when the island sinks, there will be a underwater maze
Herbert is going to escape!

mario30206 said...

i think i know what will make us remember it... the island is gonna be sunk forever and ever.

mario30206 said...

Anonymous said...
i know what will happen, rookie is gonna sink the island, theres gonna be free hats of (???????)and when the island sinks, there will be a underwater maze
Herbert is going to escape!
i am just telling you that the hat is an anvil hat. i saw it in the underwater expedition preview video. ps: rookie is sinking the island on purpose! and herbert is gonna wake up underwater XD

Anonymous said...

Rookie going to sink island then the end.

Anonymous said...

mario30206 said...

i think i know what will make us remember it... the island is gonna be sunk forever and ever.


There's no point in that because that would mean the end for club penguin. IF it might sink then there (i belive) will be operations to raise the island again by example pushing the anvils off the island.


Anonymous said...

Rookie trips next thing you know it we'll be at 115 degrees!!

martinj100 said...

Earlier today, i wrote a letter to Club Penguin, where i told them about my idea of Card Jitsu Snow Here is a very exiting paragraph of the answer:
Nobody is certain on when the Snow element will reveal itself, all we
know is that Sensei keeps telling us to look for a sign in the elements.

Perhaps it will snow of something special with the snow will happen
before Card Jitsu Snow is revealed by the elements and Sensei himself.
We will just have to keep reading the 'What's New' blog and the 'Club
Penguin Times' newspaper for more information from Sensei in the future.

Make sure this reaches Mimo.

Waddle on,

Braceface27 CPG Mod said...


After the island sinks, there will have to be a way to get it back up, right? We could attatch ballons to the island to make it float in the air, resulting in a FESTIVAL OF FLIGHT!!!

~Braceface27 CPG Mod

mario30206 said...

Braceface27 CPG Mod said...

After the island sinks, there will have to be a way to get it back up, right? We could attatch ballons to the island to make it float in the air, resulting in a FESTIVAL OF FLIGHT!!!

~Braceface27 CPG Mod
-----------------------------------i want to add something to your idea. after the party Rookie will try to get it back up, but he messes up. so the island is still underwater, but you cant get the items and get into the member rooms. and a like a month later Gary has an idea to get the island back up, meaning another festival of flight AND a real epf mission not a field op. and i think the mission would be to find a bunch of balloons and stuff to get the island back up.

mario30206 said...

that other comment that i put here was just a guess. i dont know if what i said is really gonna happen.

kcaz12346 said...

theres a glitch where the pin in the under water room is gone

kcaz12346 said...

meet me on club penguin kcaz12346 out

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