Dood! Check out this awesome Club Penguin Christmas display at the Metro Tatuape Shopping Center in Brazil:
Wow! This looks awesome! Why don't we ever get these cool things in America?
Let me know if you get to go to this mall and see this display, k? (Thanks, tj5005)
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

hmm theres a place to play gameday, theres a place to play club penguin but not a place to play elite penguin force for the ds
Brazil IS America.
JK, I know what you mean ;)
That's very cool!
Pretty cool
I think it will be cool to be in north america but what mall?
Also I saw at Fred Meyer that clubpenguin has eraser,
like 1 penguin and 1 puffle for $2.99
don't believe
in me search it(topps)
3 mouths memberships are back
It cost like $20 but with tax it's like 21.??
I saw them at target
i seriously wish they had those kinds of things in NZ... it would only make NZ AWESOMER THAN IT ALREADY IS(lol) =)
You don't get it where you live because it is popular where you live. In Brasil they need to publicise it a bit.
like omg! i was just in Brazil a couple of days ago and i was coming back to my home and was going to tell u! wow, u post fast!
Anonymous said...
i seriously wish they had those kinds of things in NZ... it would only make NZ AWESOMER THAN IT ALREADY IS(lol) =)
LOL! i agree! hahaha
WOW!!!! people go so over the top these days!!!! why cant they do it at the sunrise mall on long island???
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