Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Club Penguin Card-Jitsu Party Video!

Club Penguin has posted a new video on their You Tube channel. This is a commercial they have been showing on the Disney Channel:

Have you seen this on TV yet? I saw it a few days ago when my sibs were watching Disney. Cool, huh?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter


Anonymous said...

I saw that a while ago. The beach seems awesome!

Anonymous said...

awesome mimo i cant wait i wonder what free items you can get . only 2 more days in the uk for me

acter boy 1

Anonymous said...

It's been on your website for the past week, it was in the tiny advert that has the [play] button on it.

mario30206 said...

i think ive seen it before. i cant wait untill the party because im a non member and ive always wanted to play card jitsu water. WATER MUST WIN DA BATTLE

Mark said...

lol at end it's like, you can play games that require payed membership. payed membership required!

Anonymous said...

did u see the time in the video its wednesday 10 pm PST.

Anonymous said...

I don't get disney chanel on my tv so I probably won't see it but the ninja party looks aweseome I hope there are cool non member free things :s

Anonymous said...

Water will win, (water beats fire), but when snow comes...water will have soemthing to fear.....

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