Club Penguin Cheats

Friday, November 18, 2011

Billybob's Art Challenge Video!

Club Penguin's Billybob has posted these videos about the Warm Coats Warm Hearts coat drive:

Here's a video on how to draw a penguin in a coat:

For more information, click here.

Cool, eh?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter


M A S C R said...

i totally never knew billybob was going to do art! oh another thing, is the card jitsu party for ninjas?

Ethan80561 said...

URL?? What is URL? I was reading the Club Penguin Gang Comment Rules and URLs came up. What Does It Mean?

Mt Orange said...

Mimo, above your most recent post, there is an advertisement by Club Penguin that shows a commercial for the Card-Jitsu Party! It shows the Beach with lava rocks and the sky orange, the WHOLE Plaza, and more. It says half of the island will be fire-based and half will be water based. Check it out for yourself and post about it!

Mt Orange said...

About my last comment, the ad dissappeared shortly after I sent you the other one, but if you see it, post about it!

Anonymous said...

i enterd a whole bunch of drwalings to Cp, if u see mine on TV it will say sniffybear2!

Josh26088 said...

I sent them a picture a drew!

Braceface27 said...

Ethan80561 said...
URL?? What is URL? I was reading the Club Penguin Gang Comment Rules and URLs came up. What Does It Mean?
A URL is a website address.

~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)

Akshath said...

I know a glitch!

Everyone we click on(except ourselves)appear to us as members!

Try it out for yourself!


Braceface27 said...

Akshath said...
I know a glitch!

Everyone we click on(except ourselves)appear to us as members!

Try it out for yourself!

Mimo already posted this.

~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)

Josh26088 said...

Hey mimo if you unlock a sensei stuffy you get a new exclusive robe!

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