Club Penguin Cheats

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mimo Party on Kid Command NEW VIRTUAL WORLD!

Ok yeah! I love this. I am having a MAJOR BLOW OUT MIMO PARTY this weekend on:

Kid Command! 

Explore this 3D virtual world for kids. Brand new free games! Cool customization!

This Party will be called the "Look For Mimo Party!

For my party, you will automatically be given four temporary dance moves to use on the dance floor. After the event, you will keep one of the dance moves in your inventory to be used anywhere in Kid Command!

You will also get a sneak Peak of the new planet Gorf! Gorf is not out yet so come to my party to see it first!

This Sunday, January 23

2:00 PM Eastern Time
1:00 PM Central Time
12:00 PM Mountain Time
11:00 AM Pacific Time
7:00 PM UK Time
4:00 AM Australia Time (soz)

You have to find me to get to the party and get the FREE Mimo shirt! 

Check out some of the sweet rooms and games on Kid Command!

Jungle Quest shooting game!

Arctic Fun!

The Beach

By the water.

Coconut Grove!

Check out the Missions!

Glacier Meltdown!

Go get a good username now! Click here!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
Follow MIMO on Twitter!
Virtual Worlds for Kids


Anonymous said...

I still play ONLY cp and Black Ops

Boobear790 said...

Thats awesome!!!

Boobear790 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

hmm sounds kiddish to me.. but i hope u guys have fun!! :)

Spycomic29 said...

I have yet to figure out how Mimo is able to do special things on websites like Webosaurs and this new game Kid Command! Does he make them, or is he in anyway affiliated with the creators? How is he so lucky to meet Billybob in person?

Boobear790 said...

I live in Australia so i am so sad

Boobear790 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Awww man that sucks I live in aus and I'm in a evacuation center Cus of the floods so the internet only turns on at 8 in the morning it's sooo lame any way I hope get to go home soon wish me luck from HorsesGoBaa!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I still play ONLY cp and Black Ops
Me too! I also play Roblox.

liam said...

I live in Australia so i am so sad

to bad you cant play hopfully they make a upate so you can.
webboy11 (cpg mod)

Stickers303 said...

Anonymous said...
Awww man that sucks I live in aus and I'm in a evacuation center Cus of the floods so the internet only turns on at 8 in the morning it's sooo lame any way I hope get to go home soon wish me luck from HorsesGoBaa!!!!
Omg you got affected by the floods? :O My dad donated :) And I think the party is on at 8am for Aus I think Mimo got it wrong lolz.


Anonymous said...

What about da STAMPede party?
I have checked ur twitter everyday and u havnt said anything bout it in ages!!!
Is it no longer on?
Demmi Lee
(If ur having it have it so it is at least seven aussie time cause i really wanna go!!!!!!!!!!(!!!!!!!))

Gategirl87 said...


I had a question. When is the next clue for the STAMPede Party? I hope I haven't missed it, like I missed the last party. ☻ ☺ ☻

Natasha said...

I would love to join...alothough I find myself getting to old for CP! Well Poyble out.. for ever...

spycomic29 said...

What about da STAMPede party?
I have checked ur twitter everyday and u havnt said anything bout it in ages!!!
Is it no longer on?
Demmi Lee
(If ur having it have it so it is at least seven aussie time cause i really wanna go!!!!!!!!!!(!!!!!!!))
Yeah, what about that party for the hiding spot? If not that, I'm pretty sure there was a recent time when Mimo promised us a party and never had it!

Spycomic29 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Will there be a Beta Party?

Please reply!

Anonymous said...

Yes I am affected by the floods I live in Towomba that got hit by the inland tsunami and I have been in a evacuation center for almost 2 weeks the only things I got to take was my iPod touch and my clothes it was so scary I live in one of the worst hit areas and now I'm in a evacuation center BORED OUT OF MY BRAINS!!! horesesGoBaa

Stickers303 said...

I know this is off-topic but did anyone see the Australian Oprah episode's? Anyway she went to Hunter Valley which is 2 hours away from my house hehe :) Hope she comes back.


Stickers303 said...

Gategirl87 said...

I had a question. When is the next clue for the STAMPede Party? I hope I haven't missed it, like I missed the last party. ☻ ☺ ☻
Don't worry, you haven't missed the party or any clues. Keep an eye out though, I have a feeling we are getting a new one soon.


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