Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Club Penguin Wilderness Expedition Start Screen!

Have you seen this saweet new start up screen?

Looks like smoovelicious fun, don't ya think? What all do you think we will get to do at this Expedition?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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Someonewashere said...

I can't wait!!!! This is the first Forest Party!!! (Or ive been to!!)

Pinky1 said...

Theres another Im not sure if you know or not it says the Epf is under attack

Anonymous said...

when is your party gonna be? Is it gonna be soon? maybe 1 or 2 days before the party you could post all of the answers so we would know! thanks!-jam4798 "I Like Tacos"

Dj Wazzer said...

Pinky1 said...
Theres another Im not sure if you know or not it says the Epf is under attack

Thank you for letting Mimo know!

- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

mario30206 said...

umm mimo thats not new. cause i saw it before you posted it.

Anonymous said...

Theres another Im not sure if you know or not it says the Epf is under attack

ya i just saw thats one :)!

Mewbra123 said...

Well since im a non member....

I guess nothing....

Wait i wasnt there for the last expedition party...Did non members actually get to do anything? :3

Anonymous said...

Mewbra123 said...
Well since im a non member....

I guess nothing....

Wait i wasnt there for the last expedition party...Did non members actually get to do anything? :3
Nope sorry!

Phillies Kid said...

Hey! maybe we can get out old puffles sence they ran away to the wilderness right right [NO] fine ok
~Phillies Kid

Dot-Com said...

I'm liking the EPF start up screen!

Anonymous said...

im excited for card jitsu snow! :D

Anonymous said...

i hope this comes out early

Puddle62587 said...

I've got a glitch and a dare to Mimo! The glitch is, right before a sled race, bring up your EPF thing and you an sled while it's up! And the dare is for Mimo to go sled racing on Ridge Run while his EPF thing is in the middle of the screen!

coolguy0201 said...

hmmmm im not sure mimo maybe when we go in there a whole bunch of brown puffles will come out

Anonymous said...

It could come out today. -indiana742

Jojojo33342 said...

Wow! I certanly can't wait!

Anonymous said...

mimo the part starts today i think an noon 12:00 p.m Sammalyn my name on cp

Anonymous said...

I'll bet there will be another yeti cave or something, like the mountain expedition.

Trainz Railz said...

Mimo! I found an epic System Defender glitch.
To all people: how can i contact mimo with a picture?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo, i JUST found a NEW glitch! You need the ninja suit and mask and everything, and wave, you'll turn a dark color the invisable!!! Plz give me credit! -Sally

VanShan32 said...

i wonder what the brown puffle will be like.. i thought maybe smart..with glasses..!!

Eli2tyree said...

Mimo, they also added an EPF startup screen!

theguyonminecraft said...

mimo go to sleet theres a HUGE group of people just talking about disney and the expedition im there to protest to!

Jojojo33342 said...

LOL! It would be funny if there was an EPF Puffle in the Puffle Store.

Anonymous said...

when is it coming?!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo
Before I even played system defender, I checked my messages on my Elite phone, and there were none!

coolguy2199 said...

Hey Mimo777 and the rest of the gang guess what Guyz They didnt put on a field ops today I cant believe it!
Or is That They cancelled or something!

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo did you know that when you collect all of the stamps for a game you get double coins
Try to get all the stamps with the game of system defender

Demmi Lee said...

Its wierd!!!
After i read my messages, closed them and then opened the spyphone again, all my messages disappeared! Like i had never recieved them!!!

Please give me credit!!

Demmi Lee

Ashspire said...

lol Mimo i think you need to update your tracker... Also i'm prety bummed that nonmembers wont be aloud to do anything. Its not very fair

Anabel979 said...

I just logged on a couple of minutes ago and noticed in the town the Wilderness Expidition sign, but when I clicked it, it sent me to the dock and there was nothing there. - Anabel979

Anonymous said...

there is a new start screen, that says 'members: sail to uncharted land at the wilderness expedition' in the bottom left it looks like a bush, but is it a brown puffle?

The Plush said...

There's a glitch, so whenever you keep exploring Glide, connection is lost

alisufi48 said...

um mimo you no i have been thinking you no how penguins have 14 different colors will the puffles have those colors?
that might be true !

xmbo said...

OMG go to town click poster, fallow parts biuld stuff make ship go to bay get brown puffle!!!!!!

Thif Row said...

It's here! But every time I try to get through I "lose connection"!

Citrus Peal said...

They should have SAID for MEMBERS ONLY.
A lot of sad non-members at the trail head. They just kick you off, not even tell you they're going to

All Black5 said...

yo mimo777, when you adopt a puffle, club penguin send you a postcard and on it has a brown puffle!!!

Thif Row said...

I made it all the way to the bay. (That's as far as non-members can go)

Anonymous said...

Hmm there is a mega stamp glitch. I got the stamps. But my 5000 coin volunteer thingy stamp is gone. And I donated 5000 coins. Hmm. I hope CP fixes this.

Gategirl87 said...

Haha! I love the words you use, Mimo. Smoovelicious! ☻ ☺ ☻

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