This weeks Club Penguin Times includes information about the Wilderness Expedition! Brown Puffles Discovered... like this is news?
Gary the Gadget Guys is impressed by the Brown puffles engineering skills! Aren't we all?
Here are Gary's tips to complete the Lift Machine. Or, check out my cheats here!
Check out the upcoming events:
Not a lot to look forward to, eh? Except, the possibility of more cool puffles, right?
What do you think about all the latest news? Is it really news worthy? Did we learn anything new? Is it just a waste of time to read the newspaper, or do you really like it still?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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Virtual Worlds for Kids
I think club penguin is running out of ideas
Is the brown puffle going to be here after the party?
Hey Mimo!
Did you see the new Wilderness Exploration wallpaper? It's kinda cute. :)
- Autumn Rain
I heard that there was a rumor that if you tip the Iceberg, you get a rainbow puffle. And The third picture sort of likes like a white puffle. One of the pictures were from one of the missions!
Do you think that the Brown Puffle may have rebuilt the Ultimate Protobot? Or was it Herbert?
- Autumn Rain
P.S. I have had all of my system defender stamps for many days now! :D
Do you think that the Brown Puffle may have rebuilt the Ultimate Protobot? Or was it Herbert?
- Autumn Rain
it was herbert
I think club penguin is running out of ideas
P.S. Mimo, please throw another chobots party!
Hey Mimo, check out Club Penguin! Go to Community and look what Billybob said! ... And new technology:a?
Weird! I hope you find it before Club Penguin fixes it!
hey mimo, club penguin emailed me saying the old life vest for members only is not a bug. they also said that they didnt want penguins to wear it because its not strong enough to survive and that they didnt want us to drown.
i dont really beleive them, why would we drown?
it was a waste of time...
club penguin is running out of ideas, i thinnk it was poiintless.
demmi lee
Do you think that the Brown Puffle may have rebuilt the Ultimate Protobot? Or was it Herbert?
- Autumn Rain
it was herbert
How do we know? Hes actually not very smart, so someone else or something else could have done it.
I read the newspaper every week before they changed it, now I don't read it much.
Super Ben 5
Mine is mysterious.
Ice berg is secretive.
Kristopher columbus is like rockhopp.
End of this poem
DO you get it?
Hey mimo, if you go on club penguin on your iPad, it shows a picture of a penguin shquished up against you screen with a bunch of puffles.
I like brown puffle the most how bout u guys?
I think club penguin is running out of ideas
haha thats excactly wat i said when i read this post.. :)
Anonymous said...
Is the brown puffle going to be here after the party?
Dear anonymous, probably. It should be in the pet shop at the end of the expidition!! :)
~~ Safhira ( CPG MOD )
i just like the riddles
Do you think that the Brown Puffle may have rebuilt the Ultimate Protobot? Or was it Herbert?
- Autumn Rain
i'm pretty sure it was Herbert!!. :)
~~ safhira ( CPG MOD )
Maybe.. Just maybe... first of all.. who remembers the mission where herbert was going to do something about the puffles? maybe... he created this puffle, taught it how to build things, and when every penguin has one in their igloo. they attack everybody, getting rid of all the penguins so herbert can live peacefully!
i hope they make the golden puffle rumor true!i would love to get one!
brown puffle lover said...
I like brown puffle the most how bout u guys?
I like the Brown Puffle too! Its so cute!
- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)
Is it me or has the tree at the mine grown past the screen?!
Swim Rocket said...
Hey mimo, if you go on club penguin on your iPad, it shows a picture of a penguin shquished up against you screen with a bunch of puffles
Dear swim rocket, I posted this 1 billion times before. I was hoping mimo would notice, but he didn't D:
i really wanted to have credit and be 50% cp famous, not as famous as mimo!!!
googlwet ~wanting to be cpg mod~
Like everyone else, I think Club Penguin are finally starting to crack! :O However, it could well be not just there "fault" as such, it could well be us to. We always expect to much from them, and are never happy. You get me? So chill, after all, we have had quite a few things given in the last few months, and a brand new Puffle just weeks onto the New Year! What more could you want?? So chill, I`m sure things are coming soon....
P.S, I also have all the System Defender Pins :) Wonder when we get the other Advanced levels, because it seems to be there is one even harder then the ProBot one! :O Thanks Mimo!
Anonymous said...
Maybe.. Just maybe... first of all.. who remembers the mission where herbert was going to do something about the puffles? maybe... he created this puffle, taught it how to build things, and when every penguin has one in their igloo. they attack everybody, getting rid of all the penguins so herbert can live peacefully!
That is scary but probably true. maybe once theyre in the puffle catalog, theyre still free for everybody!
Dj Wazzer said...
brown puffle lover said...
I like brown puffle the most how bout u guys?
I do too!! its adorable.. and have you niticed , the fur ( hair ) isnt spikey like the others, it's kinda roundish
~~ safhira ( CPG MOD )
Anonymous said...
Maybe.. Just maybe... first of all.. who remembers the mission where herbert was going to do something about the puffles? maybe... he created this puffle, taught it how to build things, and when every penguin has one in their igloo. they attack everybody, getting rid of all the penguins so herbert can live peacefully!
That is scary but probably true. maybe once theyre in the puffle catalog, theyre still free for everybody!
O that's when we are going to find out if it's true!!!
~~ Safhira
Anonymous said...
Maybe.. Just maybe... first of all.. who remembers the mission where herbert was going to do something about the puffles? maybe... he created this puffle, taught it how to build things, and when every penguin has one in their igloo. they attack everybody, getting rid of all the penguins so herbert can live peacefully!
That is scary but probably true. maybe once theyre in the puffle catalog, theyre still free for everybody!
O that's when we are going to find out
Well we still dont know what about the non-members who cant get the puffles then they would still be safe because the brown puffles can't get to them
I think club penguin is running out of idea
Hahaa, yup (: Poor ol' club penguin doesn't know what to do.
-is random-
- from:
sophi jr , yo.
That's my new signaturee thing.
I can't wait until the next play. But I want Norman Swarm has Been Transformed! I missed that one, but it sounds cool! And I also can't wait until the next Penguin Style. ☻ ☺ ☻
if Gary is interested in them, could it mean the're going to be using them too for missions?
Swim Rocket said...
Hey mimo, if you go on club penguin on your iPad, it shows a picture of a penguin shquished up against you screen with a bunch of puffles.
WHAT?! As in an APP? or are you just able to get flash on the ipad?
Either Herbert or the Ultamiate Robot wrote thise notes in the Expadition Party. I think the brown puffle rebuilt the Ultamiate Probote. the brown puffle has safty goggles! Safty goggles usually help protect you in experiments.
Puffle page is a big waste of time; Black puffle, Golden puffle from the play, White puffle, and the drawing from the mission. I agree with RawrOrRoar that CP is running out of ideas.
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