Club Penguin Cheats

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Club Penguin "Popping" With News!

Whoa! Have you seen the popcorn explosion in the Ski Village?

How about the HQ?

The sign says:
"Eat all the popcorn"
"Plan to catch Herbert"
"Find a new HQ soon"

Woot! The Sports Shop will be gone soon, and the Sports Catalog will be located at the Stadium along with snacks! Not only that, but the Ice Rink will be a Soccer Pitch on May 28th!

So, what will become of the Sport Shop and HQ, you ask? Well, there will be a NEW Headquarters! Woot! Congrats to all you who figured this out!

Also, did you notice the Club Penguin Times is here a day early?

This is all so AWESOME, don't you think? Thanks CP for the fun surprise!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


Scamper52596 said...

Holy popcorn! Lol. Well I don't know about you but im going to eat the popcorn. All you can eat popcorn. Lol! Man the HQ is destroyed. Herbert will be stopped!... As soon as I eat some popcorn! *munch* (Says with a mouth full of popcorn) What? And by the way something funny for you. When your in the mission and the popcorn bomb goes off and the popcorn spews out of the sport shop the penguins who are watching the movie don't even flinch! Thats what TV does to your brains! Lol.

Lime013 said...

It will probably be rebuilt in the new mine. Maybe there will be a Hint in the new EPF game . . . I'll save up to get it. It might be "relocated" to the attic for a little. I think that would be funny.

mateybb said...

AW IT JUST AS U POSTED MIMO! (soz for caps) i love the psa and it looks like it wont disband!!! im so happy! how will it be secret if the SPORT SHOP is the hq? will there be a secret entrance? maybe it will be underground WOOHOO

Toa Kratak said...

Just remember, don't focus on the negative. Free popcorn to take with you to go see Quest for the Golden Puffle, right?

Anonymous said...

one of the biggest surprises club penguin could offer, after the shock created from the latest mission
Go CP Go

phillies kid said...

awesome the popcorn rulesi think the new hq will be at the gift shop thenbecuase of the curtens

Anonymous said...

its awsome but i am going to miss the sports shop :(

Sk8rman said...

Disney is ruining CP, no new missions (except for paying customers!!!) no sport shop! UGH! Disney even lowered cp's income by a little (or a lot; $500,000,000 to be exact!)

Anonymous said...

Mimo, dont you think its early because of the different time zones? Austrailia is a day ahead of America.


Unknown said...

Im not happy about the ice rink going! :( I think Disney is ruining Club Penguin & is trying to mould it into their kind of games.

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
its awsome but i am going to miss the sports shop :(
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Im going to miss it too. You know what would be funny? It would be funny if after a week they had a wrecking ball machine located in the ski village. Lol.

~Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Lime013 said...
It will probably be rebuilt in the new mine. Maybe there will be a Hint in the new EPF game . . . I'll save up to get it. It might be "relocated" to the attic for a little. I think that would be funny.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O yea. Maybe there will be a hint in the EPF game. Good thinking. I hope you get it!

~Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Toa Kratak said...
Just remember, don't focus on the negative. Free popcorn to take with you to go see Quest for the Golden Puffle, right?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lol yea. I got to take alot of popcorn to watch Quest for the Golden Puffle. Not all of it will be for me. Some of it will be for my orange puffle. He eats alot.

~Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Toysgoneby said...

mateybb said...
AW IT JUST AS U POSTED MIMO! (soz for caps) i love the psa and it looks like it wont disband!!! im so happy! how will it be secret if the SPORT SHOP is the hq? will there be a secret entrance? maybe it will be underground WOOHOO
Ha! That would be funny! I can see it now! Go buy a sled, and while you're there, Save the island too!

-Toysgoneby (CPG Super Mod!)

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
one of the biggest surprises club penguin could offer, after the shock created from the latest mission
Go CP Go
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I love it when Club Penguin surprises us with something random. And you said it!
Go CP Go!

~Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Toysgoneby said...

Scamper52596 said...
Holy popcorn! Lol. Well I don't know about you but im going to eat the popcorn. All you can eat popcorn. Lol! Man the HQ is destroyed. Herbert will be stopped!... As soon as I eat some popcorn! *munch* (Says with a mouth full of popcorn) What? And by the way something funny for you. When your in the mission and the popcorn bomb goes off and the popcorn spews out of the sport shop the penguins who are watching the movie don't even flinch! Thats what TV does to your brains! Lol.
I know right! Now, thanks to video games, people have like the 3 minute attention span of a chipmunk!

-Toysgoneby (CPG Super Mod!)

Toysgoneby said...

Toa Kratak said...
Just remember, don't focus on the negative. Free popcorn to take with you to go see Quest for the Golden Puffle, right?
Yeah! Except I think the Team Blue Rally better! Yummy popcorn, now, butter and garlic salt have to explode to make it perfect!

-Toysgoneby (CPG Super Mod!)

Toysgoneby said...

Lime013 said...
It will probably be rebuilt in the new mine. Maybe there will be a Hint in the new EPF game . . . I'll save up to get it. It might be "relocated" to the attic for a little. I think that would be funny.
Yeah, it could be relocated to a pretty much deserted place, like the MIDDLE of nowhere, or the Lodge Attic!

-Toysgoneby (CPG Super Mod!)

Toysgoneby said...

Anonymous said...
one of the biggest surprises club penguin could offer, after the shock created from the latest mission
Go CP Go
Yeah! Suspense... the oldest trick in the book!

-Toysgoneby (CPG Super Mod!)

Anonymous said...

darn! I like the sport shop! I dont want it to leave! :( Oh well at least we get free popcorn lol


TulipPearl1 said...

I like popcorn with better! Lol

That's werid that the newspaper is out early..

TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod) said...

Scamper52596 said...
Holy popcorn! Lol. Well I don't know about you but im going to eat the popcorn. All you can eat popcorn. Lol! Man the HQ is destroyed. Herbert will be stopped!... As soon as I eat some popcorn! *munch* (Says with a mouth full of popcorn) What? And by the way something funny for you. When your in the mission and the popcorn bomb goes off and the popcorn spews out of the sport shop the penguins who are watching the movie don't even flinch! Thats what TV does to your brains! Lol.
Haha, you sound like my mom...

TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod) said...

Lime013 said...
It will probably be rebuilt in the new mine. Maybe there will be a Hint in the new EPF game . . . I'll save up to get it. It might be "relocated" to the attic for a little. I think that would be funny.

TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod) said...

mateybb said...
AW IT JUST AS U POSTED MIMO! (soz for caps) i love the psa and it looks like it wont disband!!! im so happy! how will it be secret if the SPORT SHOP is the hq? will there be a secret entrance? maybe it will be underground WOOHOO
Idk, only Billybob knows I guess..

TulipPearl1 (CPG mod) said...

Toa Kratak said...
Just remember, don't focus on the negative. Free popcorn to take with you to go see Quest for the Golden Puffle, right?
I know! Maybe there should be some butter rain..

TulipPearl1 (CPG mod) said...

Anonymous said...
one of the biggest surprises club penguin could offer, after the shock created from the latest mission
Go CP Go
It must be confusing for those who haven't done the mission yet...

Toysgoneby said...

Anonymous said...
its awsome but i am going to miss the sports shop :(
Yeah... it is getting a little boring though!

-Toysgoneby (CPG Super Mod!)

TulipPearl1 (CPG mod) said...

Sk8rman said...
Disney is ruining CP, no new missions (except for paying customers!!!) no sport shop! UGH! Disney even lowered cp's income by a little (or a lot; $500,000,000 to be exact!)
We just had a new mission...
For non's and memberes..

TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod) said...

phillies kid said...
awesome the popcorn rulesi think the new hq will be at the gift shop thenbecuase of the curtens
The Gift Shop or the Sports Shop?

thomas deathgem said...

remember the latest epf room sneak peek THATS WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE

Anonymous said...

i think the sneak peek fron Herbert's Revenge with the construction means that PSA will be moved to the command room. Also in the paper, on the page with the popcorn story, click on "social scene" and you get a note from the director!


Anonymous said...

Well I an going to say what i have to say.CP is lame no offense cp lovers but just popcorn? No free item like a bag of popcorn to hold,If they had it it would be for members anyways.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Do we really know that the Sport shop is going? Maybe just the HQ is going.

little jedi said...

at first i thought cp would start being lame, but now its awesomer than ever

Anonymous said...

You missed some stuff! 1. In the "classified" part of the paper, if you click on "mystery idems" it gives you a clue to hidden gold bags. 2. Even though HQ is destroyeded, and the closet is on the ground, the EFP room is completly fine!

Skat said...

if you click the "Social Scene" on the "Puzzled by popcorn" page of the newspaper, a PSA message pops up.

Hello said...

Do you think we might see Gary at the HQ?

Laurel A. said...

lol that was a popping blast at that one!! You know what else Mimo? Im getting out of school on Friday!! Half day oh yea!! IM GONNA LOVE THAT (sniffle) Ok maybe I wont! I miss my friends and there is a new thing that my friends at school made waaaaa

park321 said...

i think the herberts revenge sneak peak is the new hq

Puffle 754 said...

It's funny I had the exact same idea of a mini party like this a day before it happened!


It would be cool if they game out an item like a pag of popcorn but oh well.

Waddle On!

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
its awsome but i am going to miss the sports shop :(

I hope it stays!

Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Scamper52596 said...
Holy popcorn! Lol. Well I don't know about you but im going to eat the popcorn. All you can eat popcorn. Lol! Man the HQ is destroyed. Herbert will be stopped!... As soon as I eat some popcorn! *munch* (Says with a mouth full of popcorn) What? And by the way something funny for you. When your in the mission and the popcorn bomb goes off and the popcorn spews out of the sport shop the penguins who are watching the movie don't even flinch! Thats what TV does to your brains! Lol.

Must watch TV... I like number one on the checklist the best! I just realized that they got popcorn for the movie!

Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

mateybb said...
AW IT JUST AS U POSTED MIMO! (soz for caps) i love the psa and it looks like it wont disband!!! im so happy! how will it be secret if the SPORT SHOP is the hq? will there be a secret entrance? maybe it will be underground WOOHOO

Or maybe.. It's at the soccer pitch! I bet that's what it is!

Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
one of the biggest surprises club penguin could offer, after the shock created from the latest mission
Go CP Go

Go CP! It is super dramatic!

Bobhead202 (CPG mod that likes drama)

theman009 said...

Scamper52596 said...
Lime013 said...
It will probably be rebuilt in the new mine. Maybe there will be a Hint in the new EPF game . . . I'll save up to get it. It might be "relocated" to the attic for a little. I think that would be funny.

Yeah! To the attic agents! ROFL!

Bobhead202 (CPG mod who is in the attic)

Anonymous said...

I guess it's cool, but I will DEFINITELY miss the Sports Shop, PSA and HQ!! I really think CP is going downwards. Just a little, but still...

Marc978 said...

So now the PSA Is the EPF awesome Im gonna get the new EPF game

Sunsfanninja said...

Sk8rman said...
Disney is ruining CP, no new missions (except for paying customers!!!) no sport shop! UGH! Disney even lowered cp's income by a little (or a lot; $500,000,000 to be exact!)
Whoah, whoah, whoah! We don't know that there will be no more missions. There might be some in the EPF. As for the sport shop, they're re-locating the catalog so I think it will be cool! So before you start boycotting CP, remember all the great things CP does! ;-)

Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

Soccebro22 said...

Sk8rman said...

Disney is ruining CP, no new missions (except for paying customers!!!) no sport shop! UGH! Disney even lowered cp's income by a little (or a lot; $500,000,000 to be exact!)
Dear Sk8rman,
If Clubpenguin is getting rid of things, then I'm sure they will come out with bigger and better things! (:

*Soccebro22* (CPG MOD)

Omiguy said...

Mimo have you notice? When Herbert makes the HQ explodes he uses a chair from the Gift Shop. Appearantly Club Penguin forgot to remove that chair from the Gift Shop when they made this popcorn thingy. I mean, the chair is supposed to be destroyed right?

-Bryan Omar

sprocket07 said...

Wow! Good riddance I say to the sports shop. We never used it anyway. I bet the new HQ is that room they're working on. The new EPF room. CANT WAIT!!!

sprocket07 said...

Lime013 said...
It will probably be rebuilt in the new mine. Maybe there will be a Hint in the new EPF game . . . I'll save up to get it. It might be "relocated" to the attic for a little. I think that would be funny.
lol yeah that would rock!

sprocket07 said...

mateybb said...
AW IT JUST AS U POSTED MIMO! (soz for caps) i love the psa and it looks like it wont disband!!! im so happy! how will it be secret if the SPORT SHOP is the hq? will there be a secret entrance? maybe it will be underground WOOHOO
I was thinking it would be underground too! -TTYL!!! -sprocket07 cpg mod

sprocket07 said...

Toa Kratak said...
Just remember, don't focus on the negative. Free popcorn to take with you to go see Quest for the Golden Puffle, right?
lol! yeah and popcorn to eat around town! there should be a popcorn picker upper for a job. TTYL!!! -SPROCKET07 CPG MOD

sprocket07 said...

Toysgoneby said...
mateybb said...
AW IT JUST AS U POSTED MIMO! (soz for caps) i love the psa and it looks like it wont disband!!! im so happy! how will it be secret if the SPORT SHOP is the hq? will there be a secret entrance? maybe it will be underground WOOHOO
Ha! That would be funny! I can see it now! Go buy a sled, and while you're there, Save the island too!

-Toysgoneby (CPG Super Mod!)
yeah, and all your coins spent go to funding the EPF! lol! TTYL!!! -sprocket07 cpg mod

little jedi said...

Sk8rman said...
Disney is ruining CP, no new missions (except for paying customers!!!) no sport shop! UGH! Disney even lowered cp's income by a little (or a lot; $500,000,000 to be exact!)
first of all, disney is making cp better. if u read the article, it says they will relocate the hq, so members and non members could still do missions. and the sports shop will be at the ice rink(soccer pitch). boycotting disney and cp will lower the income so whats the point. and how do you know how much it lowered. plus disney is a hecka rich company so it has the money to keep cp going.

-Little Jedi(CPG Mod)

Little Jedi said...

Anonymous said...
darn! I like the sport shop! I dont want it to leave! :( Oh well at least we get free popcorn lol

The sports shop will still be there, just it will be relocated to the ice rink/soccer pitch, which will be even more awesomeness.

-Little Jedi(CPG Mod)

Godzilla5419 said...

Hey Mimo did you notice that the sign pointing to the ski lodge has strange markings

Anonymous said...

On the "Top Secrets" section, if you click "mysterious shadow", a note will pop out saying "There are also hidden coin bags in some of the game levels.". Just saying just in case someone didn't knew :D


kacper said...

now that we have the popcorn where is the movies?

Giraffe7528 said...

Skat said...

if you click the "Social Scene" on the "Puzzled by popcorn" page of the newspaper, a PSA message pops up.
MIMO this works post this cheat for them.

Coby said...

Notice if you read the first letter of each task on the sign it says

EPF "Elite penguin Force""

Faith3398 said...

Hey Mimo, where is the Stadium? You said
"Woot! The Sports Shop will be gone soon, and the Sports Catalog will located at the STADIUM along with the snacks. Not only that but the Ice Rink will become a Soccer Pitch on May 28th!"

So where is the Stadium?

Agboy said...

The new HQ would have to be the EPF room, because remember when I posted that they are making the EPF room bigger? Well, that must be whats going on! The new HQ would have to be the EPF room!

S1d8pink said...

On the sign, if you read the first letter of each sentence, it spells EPF.

Anonymous said...

Ok.I need to tell you mimo that you know there was a sneak peak at the epf base well....THE PSA ARE GOING TO BE TAKEN OVER BY EPF.Firstly because of the brand game but also dot said I will keep an eye on you agent after gary said The psa are over.

PS.Myname on club penguin is TREX0504

Anonymous said...

The sneak peek you showed us a few days ago of the command room getting a makeover will obvously be the new HQ!

Anonymous said...

I;m going to miss the ol' HQ

Sigh...Well, hopefully the new HQ will over 9000(!) times as good! :D

~Minun 25~

Anonymous said...

but where will be the missions ? i want to play missions waaaaa

Anonymous said...

Btw: Ice rink GONE? Nooo! I have a small grudge against Disney, but I think it's *thinks of sueing* 1,2,3... Skipping through the meadows... beautiful flowers... What's this? WEEDS? Nooooooooo!

_________Bzz.Bzz.Bzzzzzz! *INAUDIBLE BUZZES* Attack!!

*flies are here: **************

*I am here:@

I didn't do anything to you! ______

Anonymous said...

WHAT! NO! not the sport shop! this is wrong! nobody wants a room gone and a nw hq! DISNEY WHY!?

Brooke said...

Maybe... A secret entrance? That's a pretty cool idea! We'll see what happens....

Scamper52596 said...

Faith3398 said...
Hey Mimo, where is the Stadium? You said
"Woot! The Sports Shop will be gone soon, and the Sports Catalog will located at the STADIUM along with the snacks. Not only that but the Ice Rink will become a Soccer Pitch on May 28th!"

So where is the Stadium?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Ice Rink and the soccer Pitch are the stadium. Well it says the Staduim when the Soccer Pitch is there and it says Super Rink when the Ice Rink is there.

~Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

aluila said...

Mimo, look at one of the tvs on the left, its still in perfect shape, but why?

Scamper52596 said...

kacper said...
now that we have the popcorn where is the movies?
Well I don't know about movies unless you were talking about the big screen Herbert was brodcasting on but you could always waddle along to the stage.

~Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

mateybb said...

Hey guys!!!1 thanks for the feedback LOL if i did fund the epf wit all my coins it will be rich i have over a million and i dont hack! although i have been On C.P. since the beta party! LOL


pinky said...

I think its CP last attempt of salvation wel its working with me xD this is going to be AWESOMe although iM sad that they are getting rid of th e sprots shop :'(

Rofegme said...

Yes, it was a fun surprise, but... again many of Club Penguins old memorable buildings and rooms have been.. destroyed. Even if there will be a new HQ, it won't be the old historical one.

Anonymous said...

it isnt early! dosen t it always come every thursday?

hizz42 said...

Yah, I realized that!I didn't realize it says that May 20th, but I looked on the news on Wednesday. Then on Thursday it was the same thing and I'm like "WHAT THE HECK???" Cool. Thanks for the site!

Anonymous said...

They destroyed hq how could disney do this it has been here so long.:(

Anonymous said...

Do people remember the skull emotion.I want it back!(no caps)

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