Go to the Lighthouse to get the newest free item, the Wizard Hat!
SAME as last yearz. Lame-o. Don't you think? At least change the color.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Nooo! Lame! I hate that hat!
The coins in Ye Quest 2 are furniture items!
It's also the same as the year before that :___:
I want a new item!
Ok seriously this is the third time CP has given out the wizard hat. BE A LITTLE MORE CREATIVE CP!
This is the reason why I quit Club Penguin last year.. Disney is sooo greedy! All they want is for us to BUY, BUY, BUY, oh yeah,did I mention that they're greedy?
I already got the wizard hat last year. I agree with you, it's lame!
I like the hat, but I already have it from last year. I sprt of feel sorry for non members. But we shouldn't blame Disney. They need the money to keep the site running. So, no member-ship=no cp.
P.S. I agree with you on the hat. They should've at least changed the color. I'd choose purple!
this is lame!! we want new items every party not plain old same items! next time we want something new or atleast a different color clubpenguin!
it was cool when it came back at the 1st medieval party but now its just LAME!
wag15 said...
I like the hat, but I already have it from last year. I sprt of feel sorry for non members. But we shouldn't blame Disney. They need the money to keep the site running. So, no member-ship=no cp.
P.S. I agree with you on the hat. They should've at least changed the color. I'd choose purple!
Yeah I can understand cp needing money for the site, but they should have at least changed the color. Also cool color choice :)
-turtle140(CPG MOD)
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