Club Penguin Cheats

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Club Penguin Card Jitsu Fire Changes!

Wow, have you played Card Jitsu Fire lately? Nothing major going on, but just a couple of minor updates to the appearance.

The first change really make it easier for you to choose which element you want to play. When you have to pick between two elements, and you put your mouse over one of them, only the cards from that element will be highlighted. Check it out:

The another change is your points and cards are now circled or highlighted with your player color.

I wonder how many other minor changes around Club Penguin there are and we never notice them? Have you found any? Let me know! `

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


Anonymous said...

cool post lol Btw when will the hat poll be out in catalog ?? Just wondering :)

Pinkytwist4 ;) said...

Well one new thing you havent noticed is, now some times theres more than one pin out at once! Oh and you forgot about Chobots tons of new things happened! There is this robo-z suit in membership items, i am sure you would like it :)

-pinkytwist4 on cho and pinkytwist5 on cp

MasterM said...

Interesting..... not much eh..?

- Olivia48yes >:D

Unknown said...

I have already gottn the highlighted card thing before

Anonymous said...

Well first of all... the black screen in the agent room that will turn into the recycling room

Safa153 said...

WOW! Awesome! :D

=> Safa153 <=

purplejoeler said...

hey mimo i was actually coming to tell you that i saw those changes but when i got here you already posted it
-purplejoeler(cpgmod,sorta)<---i say this because im not listed as 1 but i still help out some times and give some clubpenguin info if he hasnted posted it already

Whizzbobrox said...

Neat! I can't find any but BTW when a friend is in the Mine Shack and I click find it says 'Hidden on your map'. Its not anymore cuz theres the path from the Forest. They need to update it! :-P

Whizzbobrox - CPG Mod In training

Rollover said...

Safa153 said...
WOW! Awesome! :D

=> Safa153 <=

Wow Safa153, man, You r super xcited! :O :D Congratulations Safa! U deserve to be on that board u never let Mimo down did u! u followed the rules and set everything like a champ would!;)
PS. Mimo777 Sorry I haven't been moding for few days I had to go on a vacation and it was fun sorry Mimo I let u down! :(

Rollover said...

Yikes! U got one speech there look dude, there is no reason for talkin like that. Man cmon try to be nice next time k!
- Rollover

Anonymous said...

This happened a long time ago but you never posted it... the map is a lot different from the original

Hildagard said...

The first new thing with the elements was already there...

Unknown said...

fishinking98 said...
I have already gottn the highlighted card thing before
Great job! If you told Mimo, I'm sure he would've given you credit for it.
-Pinklala949 (Future CPG Mod)

Unknown said...

Whizzbobrox said...
Neat! I can't find any but BTW when a friend is in the Mine Shack and I click find it says 'Hidden on your map'. Its not anymore cuz theres the path from the Forest. They need to update it! :-P
I know! It's so weird. Maybe we can
tell CP and then they'll change it.
-Pinklala949 (Future CPG Mod)

bob said...

cool lol

Nicole said...

wasn't the highlighted card thingy there all the time? Probably since I am not from America it was there all the time for me :)

Anonymous said...

they've always been like that -.-

Anonymous said...

The highlighted cards where there from the get-go, maybe you just never noticed

Anonymous said...

Cool but I just became a fire ninja!

Anonymous said...

mimo i thought non member only members can play card jitsufire

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