Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, May 17, 2010

Club Penguin Mission 11 SMART CHEAT GUIDE!

Woot! Club Penguin Mission 11, "The Veggie Villain," is finally here! If you are an PSA agent, go to the Headquarters now and do the mission! Club Penguin has made it so you do not have to finish old missions to complete the new one. Cool?

Here is the medal you get when you finish the mission:

If you help the penguin needing to see the movie, you get an extra bonus gift from Dot:

BONUS SPY GOGGLES: After you finish the mission, go to your player card inventory and click on your new snowglobe gift from Dot. Click on the red button and you will get the Spy Goggles. Hey, remember when we voted for these?

This mission is pretty easy and short, don't you think? But, if you need help...

Click here to get the Mission 11 SMART CHEAT GUIDE NOW!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


Anonymous said...

its early! :D

Humungadunga said...

About time we got a new mission

crazy said...

good job cp its out early

k9kool said...

cool ive already compleated it

lilhukz said...

Its awesome!

Scamper52596 said...

I did it! I think it was awesome. This one made you think cause they had a couple puzzles for you to solve. I figured them out though. It also had a cool ending and an awesome reward. Two awesome rewards actually. But you have to help out in the mission to get the second reward. Above all the mission was awesome! Have fun playing it everyone!

lighthouse said...

Anonymous said...
its early! :D
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yea! They said it would be early in a post yesterday. Have fun figuring it out! Waddle On! Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

k9kool said...
cool ive already compleated it
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yea me too! I thought it was an awesome mission. Waddle On!

ineedalotofhelp said...

i haven't finished it..i'm still locked with gigantic popcorn!! wahh!!

Zacfan15399 said...

Scamper52596 said...
k9kool said...
cool ive already compleated it
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yea me too! I thought it was an awesome mission. Waddle On!
I'm stuck! Where do u get the lenses from??

Zacfan15399(CPG MOD)

TDR Creator said...

I Guess That's it for the PSA But What'll Happen to it in the Game?

R2and3po said...

I'm stuck! I can't get past the river! :(

blueblue2010 said...

how do get that ladder down in the corn field

Pinkrosie909 said...

Hey mimo! I have a throry about the new DS game....
Why would CP all of the sudden tell penguins about the EPF? They need some reason to just blurt it out into the blue!! I think that the DS game will be a continuation of the mission, and that CP will start showing bits and peices of EPF life to regular penguins on a post or in the news!! That way, they will get more penguins to buy the game, and more game buyers to join CP!! ITS THE PERFECT PLAN!!
Please give credit! -Pinkrosie909

Anonymous said...

I am stuck cuz I can't get up the ladder past the river? Could anybody help me please thank you!

Dingeljoe (cpg mod) said...

Yay!!!!!!!!! see club penguin is awesome. Things come out early! :DDDDDDD

M@rio said...


theman009 said...

Cherrylion said...
The only problem is that at the end, we can still go to the HQ! HOW does that make ANY sense!

I DON'T know. Just don't ask me. I have NO idea.

Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

What do we do with all this popcorn...?

Zach said...

Wasn't expecting it this soon. :D

Rondny 101 (CPG Mod) said...

How do you get past the river!

Anonymous said...

i cant get past the river

Anonymous said...

Brock O Lee:
If you help the brown penguin fix his glasses, Dot gives u a snow globe. If u look at it in ur inventory under the awards section, and u push the red button on it, u get a cool pair of glasses and a note from her telling u wat a good job u did.

Dianac99 said...

Scamper52596 said...
k9kool said...
cool ive already compleated it
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yea me too! I thought it was an awesome mission. Waddle On!
I'm stuck! Where do u get the lenses from??

Zacfan15399(CPG MOD)

May 17, 2010 12:20 PM
All you need to do is go to the beacon, the go downstairs find a tin can, bring it back to the worker, then go fill it up at the dock, bring it back, he will want it frozen. Put it in the special machine in the gadget room, then pick up the ice thing that fell out, then bring it back to the penguin at the beacon. He will let you bring the other one to the brown penguin. Hope this helps! Keep on commenting and Waddle on!
~Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

I cant get through the corn maze...

Anonymous said...

i got medal and gift its easy

Doopliss 677 said...

Hey guys, I did a walkthrough on mission 11 but it's a little fast. You can check it up on Gesni1.

Santa1456 said...

It's awesome, but WAAA! the PSA is over. :(
:D :D Santa1456 :D :D

Doopliss 677 said...

Some of you asked how to get past the river. This is how: Do you remember how in one of the parts of the corn maze there were two snow roads with both of Herbert's marks on them? Well, take the path on the left and follow the corn and his foot marks until you find the final piece of paper and a plank. Then, go back to the river and place the plank on it. You will get to a ladder. Throw the corn that you found as evidence at lever to move the ladder down. After that...You will have to figure out the rest. ;)

Anonymous said...

We waited this long for this mission?? I mean i also thought we were going to get those glasses the worker at the beacon wears.

Doopliss 677 said...

SO SORRY! I meant the path on the RIGHT!

5smartboy said...

**Warning, spoilers! Do not read this if you do not want spoilers**

I was just wondering, I absolutely cannot believe club penguin gave away a non-member item (for free) that is NOT a hat! Wow, ya finally gave non-members a little credit cp.


5smartboy said...

And also, thanks mimo for the cheats on it. I would've rather done it by myself but I just couldn't do it (i did most of it by my self though =D).


Anonymous said...

we waited 2 years for THAT?!? (srry for caps) the end of the PSA and a pair of glasses?!?! Im mad!

berserkerike said...

come on they kept us waiting for only this!!!
definately cp is gping dpwn

Anonymous said...

mimo if you didn't complete all the mission, all of them are unlocked...
good job on the guide too. keep up the good work mimo.


uno57 said...

ooo that is how it will be connected...

misstiss66 said...

You thought the mission was easy? It took me forever...Expecially that last part....But I finished it!

misstiss66 said...

Anonymous said...
I am stuck cuz I can't get up the ladder past the river? Could anybody help me please thank you!
You got corn from the Gift Shop, right? If you did, take the corn out of your inventory and click the handle of the lever that brings down the ladder. The ladder should come down.
-misstiss66(CPG Mod)

LuckyG10 said...

Sad... Too Bad...Oh well...Well there will still be EPF agents...

Scamper52596 said...

Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
What do we do with all this popcorn...?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well I don't know about you but im going to eat it! It's the only way! Lol. Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
we waited 2 years for THAT?!? (srry for caps) the end of the PSA and a pair of glasses?!?! Im mad!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I loved the mission. And I don't think its the end of the PSA. It's just going to be shut down for a while until they can fix everything and get all the information back. See, Herbert messed up the PSA and while they are fixing it, the process of capturing Herbert will be transfered to the EPF. Get it? Waddle On! Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

josephrocks1999 said...
how do get that ladder down in the corn field
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, first of all you have to find some corn in the gift shop by Rookie or the Jet Pack Guy. Once you do that go to the ladder and put the corn in the torch and pop it. The popped corn will get the ladder down. Have fun! Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Cherrylion said...
The only problem is that at the end, we can still go to the HQ! HOW does that make ANY sense!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don't know. Maybe penguins eat pop corn fast! Lol. Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Love the glasses. And the music at the end was pretty uber. It was a good mission but it looks like agents are gonna be gone for awhile.

Maddi said...

It's NOT easy! Took me a while to finger it out!

Anonymous said...

Guys.. you know how when stuff have to be continued..
and it always blacks out like at the end... anyone remember about herbert's revenge? maybe pat two is in the ds/dsi game? cause epf is a ds/dsi game
(i changed my name >.<)

theman009 said...

Those glasses are beast, but I'm not in the mood.. I just got cussed out by Kookle...

Shiver Jak (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said....Guys.. you know how when stuff have to be continued..
and it always blacks out like at the end... anyone remember about herbert's revenge? maybe pat two is in the ds/dsi game? cause epf is a ds/dsi game
(i changed my name >.<)
Yeah it might be in the game!
and Cool New name!

- Shiver Jak (CPG Mod)

Julien R said...

I love the goggles. Thanks MIMO!!!

Anonymous said...

I got the glasses!;) Also can help if you need it.

Anonymous said...

I discovered something. When you go to your inventory and check out the medal, it's a maze. Then you can use your mouse to move the ball to the end of the maze. Cool!


Jediluke8 said...

OK that really doesn't make any sense. How come we can still go in HQ? It should be destroyed and filled with popcorn.

Shiver Jak said...

Jediluke8 said...
OK that really doesn't make any sense. How come we can still go in HQ? It should be destroyed and filled with popcorn.
Well some people havent did the mission yet. And for the people who want to do the mission but arnt old enough. so they will keep it but
in the game its done.

-Shiver Jak (CPG Mod)

JazZ said...

haha,its quite easy~

Anonymous said...

To people who keep asking why the PSA HQ is still up, it's because what happens in missions does not affect what happens in-game. The missions are a storyline based on Club Penguin but holds no bearing on the actual game itself. Games like Neopets and MapleStory do this all the time.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that this isn't relevant, but Mimo, did you find the secret underwater room?

Sunsfanninja said...

Zacfan15399 said...
Scamper52596 said...
k9kool said...
cool ive already compleated it
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yea me too! I thought it was an awesome mission. Waddle On!
I'm stuck! Where do u get the lenses from??
To get the lense... First go to the lighthouse and click on the can. Go outside to the beach and fill the can with water. Take the can filled of water to the HQ test chamber. Push the snowflake button. Take the ice cube to the worker at the Beacon. Talk to him, he will give you a lense! ;-D Super cool, huh?

Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

Sunsfanninja said...

Scamper52596 said...
I did it! I think it was awesome. This one made you think cause they had a couple puzzles for you to solve. I figured them out though. It also had a cool ending and an awesome reward. Two awesome rewards actually. But you have to help out in the mission to get the second reward. Above all the mission was awesome! Have fun playing it everyone!

Yeah, the mazes and stuff was so cool! I agree with you. Kinda like the Midevil party maze and the Yeti cave maze all in one, huh?


Anonymous said...

OK that really doesn't make any sense. How come we can still go in HQ? It should be destroyed and filled with popcorn.

It's probably for the new players they have to be over 30 days to play and if they close it down then it wouldn't be fair.

David Louch said...

mimo, i think its rubbish! bascally, we waited a year and a half to work through a hard maze and be brought back to the beginning, they blew up HQ and then they revealed the EPF to all PSA agents!

Zacfan15399 said...

I don't think it was THAT good,i don't think it was worth waiting for all this time.Although it was good that u got googles at the end.


Fredoboy said...

i think they made it too easy to beat herbert, i mean unplug the computer is that ALL!! I love cp but this mission could of been more exciting, dont you think Mimo?

Anonymous said...

Since the PSA is finished... does that mean we'll all need to head to EPF instead? I wanted to Catch Herbert!!!

Yameimob said...

yes mission 11 is finally out ive been waiting for so long and tis time the rewards was cool! u can get to play the maze on the medal and even able to get spy goggles! cool!

slippeestars said...

Anonymous said...
its early! :D
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~im glad!

slippeestars said...

Humungadunga said...
About time we got a new mission
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ya huh

slippeestars said...

bob said...
good job cp its out early

slippeestars said...

lilhukz said...
Its awesome!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~its like the best

slippeestars said...

Scamper52596 said...
I did it! I think it was awesome. This one made you think cause they had a couple puzzles for you to solve. I figured them out though. It also had a cool ending and an awesome reward. Two awesome rewards actually. But you have to help out in the mission to get the second reward. Above all the mission was awesome! Have fun playing it everyone!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~it was kinda hard to i hope theres moe mission but what if you need to be epf to be in new missions epf test

slippeestars said...

we will probly need to take a epf test

slippeestars said...

Cherrylion said...
The only problem is that at the end, we can still go to the HQ! HOW does that make ANY sense!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~no it dosent make sense hmmmmmmmmm

slippeestars said...

ineedalotofhelp said...
i haven't finished it..i'm still locked with gigantic popcorn!! wahh!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eat your way out!

slippeestars said...

Zacfan15399 said...
Scamper52596 said...
k9kool said...
cool ive already compleated it
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yea me too! I thought it was an awesome mission. Waddle On!
I'm stuck! Where do u get the lenses from??

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~just go get the worm can at the light hous then fill with water and freeze at hq

slippeestars said...

TDR Creator said...
I Guess That's it for the PSA But What'll Happen to it in the Game?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~capture herbert?

slippeestars said...

R2and3po said...
I'm stuck! I can't get past the river! :(
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~take a difrent path to get a piec of wood

slippeestars said...

josephrocks1999 said...
how do get that ladder down in the corn field
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~throw popcorn seeds at it

slippeestars said...

Pinkrosie909 said...
Hey mimo! I have a throry about the new DS game....
Why would CP all of the sudden tell penguins about the EPF? They need some reason to just blurt it out into the blue!! I think that the DS game will be a continuation of the mission, and that CP will start showing bits and peices of EPF life to regular penguins on a post or in the news!! That way, they will get more penguins to buy the game, and more game buyers to join CP!! ITS THE PERFECT PLAN!!
Please give credit! -Pinkrosie909
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~good iea mabey,or mabey they will make you take the test of epf when you finish psa

slippeestars said...

Queen Binawa said...
It's NOT easy! Took me a while to finger it out!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~me to

Ponchee's cheats said...

Mimo! On the award u can do this maze thing go to your inventory and click the award you will see a ball and a maze and a X get the ball to the X and then another maze will pop up it keeps getting harder!!

~Ponchee (If you post this call me Ponchee.)

Lily said...

The new misson is awsome but I can't wait for the next misson which will probably come out later this year or next year.

Thif Row said...

Mimmo here's something you should know. After herbert sends us the popcorn bomb, click on the piece of paper on the file cabinet. It shows agent writing with a code. I can't decode it. Maybe you should try?

Anonymous said...

it's too short!

Vyolit said...

im back mimo! back to modding!
_Vyolit, CP Prodigy

Vyolit said...

TDR Creator said...
I Guess That's it for the PSA But What'll Happen to it in the Game?
Hmm We will find out! May be something similar!
-Vyolit, CP Prodigy, (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

how do get that ladder down in the corn field
get the corn fro myour inventory and throw it at the fire

Safa153 said...

Woot! Mimo! ;-D Got the new goggles! Hehe. Club Penguin has heard from your post I think. xD
Keep Modding everybody!

=> Safa153 <=

Maxx2020 said...

theres a game inside the medal!!!

mateybb said...

Sometimes i could kill CP i mean for the people that entered the code there should be a different ending where you know dot and everything! i hope rookie works for the epf in the next mission and I WILL ALWAYS MISS AND REMEMBER THE PSA (soz for the caps) they better bring it back by the next mission!!!!!!!! if they clean it up quick.................... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa im gonna miss the psa mimo please campaign to get the psa back!!!

theman009 said...

M@rio said...

Plz no caps! I agree, the medal is awesome!

theman009 said...

bob said...
good job cp its out early

Yeah it is! Hey! You stole my name! XD

Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Humungadunga said...
About time we got a new mission

I know! Weren't they supposed to come out every two months?! The last one came out last year!

Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Scamper52596 said...
I did it! I think it was awesome. This one made you think cause they had a couple puzzles for you to solve. I figured them out though. It also had a cool ending and an awesome reward. Two awesome rewards actually. But you have to help out in the mission to get the second reward. Above all the mission was awesome! Have fun playing it everyone!

I know! The rewards were awesome! Especially the spy goggles!

Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

TDR Creator said...
I Guess That's it for the PSA But What'll Happen to it in the Game?

Well, the games are the EPF, which is the thing the PSA sent it's files to!

Hope this helps!
(Bobhead202(CPG mod that hopes this helps)

Chaos6267 said...

ERRG. i havent actually started it yet. grr. the moment i got on the computer, my brother came up and said he needed to do homework on there and my mom made me get off. GRR. sounds cool though. ( personally i think the missions are all waay too easy ) CHAOS OUT!

Rafipenguin said...

The meadel you get is a virtual maze. Move your mouse around it to complete the maze. Every time you finish a maze a new one loads

imalwayscool said...

I wish that by completing the mazes on the medal that you could get another free item!

Anonymous said...

Shiver Jak (CPG Mod) said...
Anonymous said....Guys.. you know how when stuff have to be continued..
and it always blacks out like at the end... anyone remember about herbert's revenge? maybe pat two is in the ds/dsi game? cause epf is a ds/dsi game
(i changed my name >.<)
Yeah it might be in the game!
and Cool New name!
lol thanks i took it from my bff >:D but she doesn't care, and yes i am going to go beg the pants off my mom for the new ds/dsi game :P

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
it's too short!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well the new DS game that comes out next week is supposed to contunue from the mission. We will see what happens in the new game. Waddle On! Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
Humungadunga said...
About time we got a new mission

I know! Weren't they supposed to come out every two months?! The last one came out last year!

Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I think the mission took a while because they wanted the game to connect with the mission. A while ago it might of been two months because they could have had another plan originaly to capture Herbert and stuff on the online PSA missoins but they might of thought that having missions connect to a DS game was a better and more fun idea so they had to drop the current mission ideas and plan a couple new missions that would connect to a new DS game they also had to create at the same time. Thats probably why it took so long. Make sense? Lol sorry for the long theory. Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Vyolit said...
im back mimo! back to modding!
_Vyolit, CP Prodigy
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome back! Have fun modding! Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Thif Row said...
Mimmo here's something you should know. After herbert sends us the popcorn bomb, click on the piece of paper on the file cabinet. It shows agent writing with a code. I can't decode it. Maybe you should try?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It says orange book. (Hope im not spoiling it for anyone) Lol. If you want to know how to decode it there's a decoding system at the bottom right part of the screen next to your invintory. It will say code. Guide your mouse to it and it should come up and show you all the code symbls and the letters they represent. Have fun! Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Dianac99 said...

Anonymous said...
I am stuck cuz I can't get up the ladder past the river? Could anybody help me please thank you!
All you need to do is take the corn, (found in gift shop on floor) and put it into the fire. Hope this helps! Keep on commenting! Waddle on!
-Dianac99 (CPG Mod) :) <3

Dianac99 said...

I'm kind of annoyed for some clothing items. Like the glasses you get from the end of the mission, (sorry for spoilers!)so i stuck on the glasses, I think beast! Yet, i'm still looking at the player card. When I close the player card, I spin the penguin around. They are huge and bulky!! That really annoys me. Who else does it annoy?!?
-Dianac99 <3

Dianac99 said...

Hey Mimo! Does CP watch your posts?
I noticed it from a recent Safa post.
You must be really lucky!
<3 CP 4evr! Mimo rocks hard!

chobot cheats said...

yay we now cp police are now elite peguin force omg woot!! its awsome we get epf.

chobot cheats said...

yes omg the cp force is now getting promoted to epf Ithink omg lets have a party.

Scamper52596 said...

Dianac99 said...
Hey Mimo! Does CP watch your posts?
I noticed it from a recent Safa post.
You must be really lucky!
<3 CP 4evr! Mimo rocks hard!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yea. Billybob looks at Mimo's sight. Mimo has even met Billybob before! Hes pretty lucky.

~Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

at the maze part is a little confusing but worth it and its the first time cp has just given us a reward that is for your penguin!!!

Anonymous said...

it's an super miasion

Piper said...

Rondny 101 (CPG Mod) said...
How do you get past the river!
EASY! Once you get to the big popcorn pile, pick up the wood. And once you get to the river, you put the wood on the river and cross! Easy!
~Lemon2608, CPG Mod

zxcvbnm said...




Rofegme said...

Strange that we had to wait 1 and 1/2 years for this short and easy mission.

Anonymous said...

the medal is a maze if u click on it you can play it!!!

Sophie Daisy Cotterill said...

If you study the mission 11 medal carefully, you will see an 'x' and a circle. the circle follows the mouse. If you guide the circle to the 'x', you will go onto the next level. Since it is endless, I think there is no reward.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to play but I cannot click on anything or talk to anybody. Is it only for me, or everbody has the same problem?

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