Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

White Puffles, Rockhopper, Mimo and other Stuff!

Whoa! Enough alreaDy! Sheesh you wore us out on the caption contest! LOL! My eyes hurt from approving comments! Ok now we have to read 100 squizillion comments to pick the good ones! Can you help? Pick out some good ones and ONLY THE GOOD ONES and leave a comment, k? Or will you just send another 49 kabillion comments?

So when is he coming? And what's the deal with the pirates? Rockhopper got lost and he will find his way back to Club Penguin of course. But I think he will be found by some other relative of Rockhopper like a 50 foot giant flying grizzly pirate penguin named Carl. Or not. :-/

I'm going to guess it will be available to buy for the BIG SNOW PARTY in March! So they are really "Snow Puffles!" Do you think I'm right?

I got some other cool sweet parties coming soon. Look for hints on my Twitter and other secret places. ;-)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Listen to Mimo's music now at:
Mimo - Decoding Mimo


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Anonymous said...


musicman said...


Anonymous said...

i think stickers303 comments were really good and mine too.

Bb Polo745

Anonymous said...

I hope you're not right about the white puffles! I want them Friday! ;)

Anonymous said...

I think Pandlav was hilarious!!! I like how he showed a little vizualization and I like how he said Mom! I told you not to hang out with Mimo! Now your stuck again! I'm going to call the agents. ulgh. That was really great. Rock on Pandlav, wish you luck, and God bless you!

Let It Rock!!!

Anonymous said...

i found a new thing to find white puffles. first go to the beacon. then click edit account(question mark) and you can see the white puffle in the snow on top of the beacon

Anonymous said...

9 days until u r 1 years old on Twitter from your first post! Happy almost b-day!

diego292 said...

lol thats funny you just cant get enough

Anonymous said...

Yay! lol :D! From Craft123456

Anonymous said...

I like my caption in the Caption Contest!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

congradulations to the newest mod Dex Dude!

Ill be up there too one day...

Until then...
Waddle On

Anonymous said...

I Think You Should Pick Shiver Jak

- 99souljaboy6

Red Rock32 said...

awesome i hope the white puffle comes into the pet shop soon and i hope someone new comes to club penguin along with Rockhoppper

Anonymous said...

I Think you should pick shiver jak

- Gkiua

Anonymous said...

yay rockhopper

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

okay mimo,
i'll try my best to send only my very best captions, k? plus, i kinds have no clue what i should do anymore...
i sent all my ideas! lol i am happy and i like cheese.

Anonymous said...


diego292 said...

lol its kinda funny when we where you out

Anonymous said...

I like Sophi Jrs, but everyones is awesome!lol u guys r so funny.

Anonymous said...

Mimo your caption cotest r awesome. u should do them more often.They r so funny!

Anonymous said...

i like the one of the caption contest thingies that says, "Purple, purple, purple, orange, pur...ORANGE?!" or something like that but also, good luck to everyone else who entered.


Anonymous said...

I think Orange Land's Was good!
"I told you mom! Penguins do have bad endings!"


Anonymous said...


Lol Again

Tiny Tim77/ Timmy said...

I think one of the ones to be able to win is the one by Tiny Tim77! ;-)

Anonymous said...

come on get more comments so I can answer them so I can be a mod!


PS:Mimo I am a huge fan. I've viewed your blog 24:7 since your first post ever. I like the one about the water wings making u look muscular w/ U FRIDE LOL. Say hi to the rest of CPG for me. ;)

Anonymous said...

I went to a place called Laser Quest today and my teacher was there! The point of the game is to shoot as many ppl as possible with red light gun thingys while walking through a never ending maze. I hit my teacher like a gazillion times LOL!

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

WOAH how many comments were on that last post, dude that must be a record

Anonymous said...

mabye his name is bob

Anonymous said...

Kool ideas!

Anonymous said...

i like green teddy, bluemaster51 and macaroni161

Anonymous said...

I Liked Blue Sub Sevens:
I think there is SOMETHING wrong with this.

a new fan

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo, its confupenguen, unless you didn't see or post my idea yet, here it is:

Hey mimo, open wide, it's your favorite, Trix with Red Bull!

remember the name

Anonymous said...

I agree with the Snow Puffle thing and Rockhopper totally has a giant flying relative named Carl! Who doesn't know that???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

definatly a snow puffle.

Dex Dude said...


~Dex Dude~

Anonymous said...

awesome mimo. awesome

Anonymous said...

aww, man. i was gonna post but then i had to go to piano lessons so i left up the page and when i got back i refreshed and the contest was closed!!
anyways, you should do these say what things more often! very clever!

Anonymous said...

you should totally pick that second comment on the other posting! i think that one is so cool =) it says "what is that good looking orange thing?". isn't that just GENIUS?? and funny

Mikosubaka said...

nice mimo lol good guess i agree

Kitty said...

Wow! That's a lot of comments for the caption contest lol! I would like to help you Mimo =) but wish I could. And Snow Puffles is a nice name. I'm thinking it could be name it that way.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the abominable snow penguin!!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoops i mean puffle LOLZ

natrika said...

it rocks!

Anonymous said...

I liked Pumkinpeng7's entry the best...
Zebra Puffle, that genius

Anonymous said...

Nice (plz approove my comments) (my name on cp is Geejay08) Mimo... Ur not good... UR AWESOME!!!!!!! :D

Anonymous said...

LOL. I really want to get a white puffle and name it Paco or Snowball. JK :) Anyway....... ROCK ON MIMO!!!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hay Mimo!
I think your right aboat the white puffles, But i'm not sure about your giant Rockhopper's cousin! lol!

Anonymous said...

Wicked I reckon He stops at rockhopper Island and finds Something !


Anonymous said...

awsome SNOW PUFFLES too bad their not orange.-icyicycool

Anonymous said...

lol nice idea about the giant flying grizlly penguin called carl :) i reckon tht is a good theory lol ! but i reckon we forgot to put a certain part on the ship and it fell apart again!


Anonymous said...

Halirious sorry for posting

techdeckguy said...

Hopefully Rockhooper make it and does crash into an iceberg!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


I waonder if it will give me a tour in the outback?
hey this one is good to

still 1373 to look at lol

yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

jay said...

"If only i had flippers i could, wait is that mimo"




Anonymous said...

Cool Fangs said...

"Ha ha Purple Puffles! Now I get the night...wait a second whats that big orange thing? OK just back away slowly..."



Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"hey get out of my place you are'nt a puffle"

mert 01


Anonymous said...

I like the one by Omar07 alot it was "Mimo add me and i will protect you from these purple puffy things!!"

Anonymous said...

Club Penguin Wave said...

Red Puffle: Get out of there! You are itting on the Zebra Puffle! What's that smell?



Anonymous said...

How did you find about the pirates? I haven't heard about it yet! I must know more facts!
I also agree with you Mimo, the snow puffles will come at the next party

Anonymous said...

awosome cool lol

Anonymous said...

The best caption is mine. Nah. You choose.


Anonymous said...

the red puffle could say "wanna swap places???" my user name is j9sd56

Anonymous said...

Wow, 1,000+ comments on 1 post. Well thats crazy! Phew, I'm lucky that I posted before you couldn't post no more.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo,
I read almost ALL of the comments. Some of those captions were really good, but I think one of the BEST ones was:
"MMMMMMM, Must be a full moon out tonight."

By the way, I love the website! I go on every day!!
Waddle on,
Waddlpingu(CP name)

Amanda Dlny said...

Cool! I wonder what Rockhopper brings back this time! Hmmm...

Amanda Dlny

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo - i suggested that they would be snow puffls!

Anonymous said...

I hope Rockhopper will catch the White Puffles and sell it to the penguins! And I hope We can buy a Golden Puffle too!

-America King

Anonymous said...

Awesome :D lol ;D

1i1 pingy

Anonymous said...

hey mimo you got good imagnation lol. i liked nearly all of them captions but i wont say i liked mine cause i just thought what puffles might say if that really happens lol, but wouldnt it be cool if puffles could talk!?

Anonymous said...

I think the one by Bunny 310z was the best by far! Made me laugh alot! Read it its soooo cool! He is down as anonymous though.

Anonymous said...

did i win the contest Mimo?


Anonymous said...

Those r my favourite comments:

"I told you it hurts when they shoot in your mouth!"

Huh,I'll pick that weird colored clown in da middle.

Red Puffle: I better get help mimo got stuck trying to get that zebra agian.

Anonymous said...

thats heaps of comments

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah they probably will be Snow Puffles

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gee, my eyes are tired from looking at them. I think all of them are good, so it's reeally hard to choose from!!

MichRich (Richelle in Club Penguin name)

Krishna. Mohan said...


Anonymous said...

Cool :) -Vita888

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey mimo duh1011 here!

Well the puffle party is still on!

See ya!


fluffy54605 said...

cool mimo!

Anonymous said...

I think a good one would be the one kiba30 said. he said the puffle shud say: Hey thats my place and im starved!

Me said...

Wouldn't it BE a real number like 1 Quintillion

Anonymous said...

lol wow there are alot of comments!! probably a record or something lol

Anonymous said...

all I have to say is half of the comments were about ether a mimo puffle or the orange puffle lol

good job everybody

mayamax123 said...

yeah rockhopper is probably lost in a hurricane or something like that who knows.

mayamax123 said...

lol u r awesome mimo

Anonymous said...

Cool Mimo, I think ur tight about the snow puffles, but im not sure about the Big bear :S I know all your secret sites, and I always look at ur twitter, so, expect to see me at the party ;)


Anonymous said...

I think it should be: If i only had a disco ball...

Orange con

Anonymous said...

actually you have to read 1326 comments mimo

Anonymous said...

Coolie. OMG, I just pictured what an orande rainbow zebra puffle would look like. EPIC WIN!!!

Anonymous said...

-elise 23

Justin Mac said...

the white pufflle are already out

Anonymous said...

Yea tht makes sence Snow Puffles

Anonymous said...

I like CleverAqua64'

Bad Chickens! said...

Anonymous said...
my penguin is Ladylola13 & this is my caption:

TheBadChickens said...

He should say "I want a taco!" or somthing (I am Tuggy4)

Both are cool


Anonymous said...

oh my

Bevang said...


Bevang said...


Dex Dude said...

I can't wait for the next party1

~Dex Dude~

Anonymous said...

ok lol

Anonymous said...

ill help with it

Anonymous said...

omg i cant wait mimo for the "snow puffle"
yr website and you are so awesome

Anonymous said...

he he he nice Mimo

Anonymous said...

Yeah it will probaly be available there. really good guess

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i agree on the "snow puffles" thing.
yeah pretty cool
Waddle On

Anonymous said...

Cool mimo! :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think your theorys are right.

Anonymous said...

I wish I would have entered

Anonymous said...

"hey,theres an orange puffle with a parrot on its shoulder!!,but theres no zebra puffle!!its probably invisible..."


Anonymous said...

mimo u r absolutely rite about snow puffles happening in march

Anonymous said...

i think for what the puffles saying contest it should say hi mimo

Anonymous said...

gazillion million comments coming soon mimo!! lol

Anonymous said...

I like Bollo 24's "is it halloween already" idea

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo, Awsome website! i posted a caption for the contest i hope that i will do good and everyone else will too!

Syndro 89

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

awsome lol
there loaaaaaads of grate captions lol
ill try n help u out mimo :)


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

im not even sure if any1 saw mine lol. woot cant wait till the white puffles are out and till rock hopper comes and i also hope he brings new items aswell rofl! :D


Anonymous said...

i think puya26s was cool

Anonymous said...

Erm if anyone wants to see mine, here it is:

"Man, that orange puffle sure is weird!"

I just put it in because people might not see it because theres a billion jillion other comments ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo! I laughed and thought of all the funny comments you had to read. I think mine which says "Oh, man! I've gotta lay off these Puffle 'O's..." was pretty funny! Did you think it was funny?

~*{ Dsnygurl

Anonymous said...

I loved Lewiskid4's

Anonymous said...

well um mine were the best lol not really bye!

Anonymous said...

i think all of em where good

Anonymous said...

idowantpie's was the BEST!

Anonymous said...

Mimo! Rockhopper is VERY close now! Look in the telecscope! should be here soon!!!!
Finnoula Ice

mileyfan3333 said...

Sweet! Mimo u rock! I think thats stickers303 had awesome ideas for the quote!

Mileyfan3333 (cpg mod in training)

Anonymous said...

this is for the puffle picture!: Puffle: Hey Mimo! Im the hungry one here!

Anonymous said...

I am totally being honest, I think the best one was by someone named Kailin. She was really good. Yeah!! thats not mine either mine was the one where I was talking about peanut Butter..... I put it on then deleted it.

Anonymous said...

cool! i choose Octuples! it was sooo funny!!!!!! lol :)

Anonymous said...

ooh heres my caption: "... is that really a puffle?

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

wow poor mimo
can deside can ya lol
u will do soon lol :)


Anonymous said...

Ajk 89 said...

2. WOW ITS PUFFLE WACK A MOLE! i better not hit mimo.

3. put down the bubble wands plz i dident do any thing to you! MIMO TELL THEM!!!!

4. i am not feeding that thing...wait thats mimo...

thats mimo (and the puffle thinks) wait y do i care?

6. i am not shareing so you may as well close your mouths...not u mimo

thats it! Ajk 89



till then ~ icecream789

Anonymous said...

i think naruto350 comment was really good

Anonymous said...

wow thats the most comments i ever saw posted for a contest u rox

Anonymous said...

Sweet, I hope Rockhopper will bring a new item this time


filp3134 said...

mimo is so cool! and have useful info Thanks

Bad Chickens! said...

who is the winner????

Bad Chickens! said...

who is the winner????

Anonymous said...

I think Kavnik1's speech bubble thingy is really kool!

Anonymous said...


Bad Chickens! said...

idk how to c ur Twitter

Anonymous said...

Mimo i really need to tell you something if i won the contest i used my nickname as "Lovemoody" but she is banned forever so can you use it on monstersk8er

Anonymous said...

I like Red Cheese42's iz funny.

Anonymous said...

mckmitch said...
i like the one of the caption contest thingies that says, "Purple, purple, purple, orange, pur...ORANGE?!" or something like that but also, good luck to everyone else who entered.

lolz great idea! i like THAT caption idea! you people are so smart when it comes to thinking up captions... i stink at it! lolz.
PS good luck everybody!

Anonymous said...

mckmitch said...
come on get more comments so I can answer them so I can be a mod!


PS:Mimo I am a huge fan. I've viewed your blog 24:7 since your first post ever. I like the one about the water wings making u look muscular w/ U FRIDE LOL. Say hi to the rest of CPG for me. ;)
okay, so put more questions for me, too! i REALLY wanna be up there on that list. i hope Sophi Jr gets to be a Mimo Mod! i read all her/his comments because they rock and i am a BIG fan i sophi. Mimo, appreciate sophi because everybody knows she's better than anyone else-----including me! but, of curse, i am not a mod YET. But i guarantee you, i wil be up there someday. That's my DREAM. To be just an ordinary mod. Sure, i wanna become a mimo mod, but you've gotta take it step by step -- you can't just leap up the stairs -- you wont be ready yet!
PS hope this helps all the people who dream of being mods and mimo mods! AND the mods.

Anonymous said...

I like draflame's comment

green2play (CPG MOD) said...

Lets vote for maxblade.
I think it was good.
The best

Justin Mac said...

I hope you're not right about the white puffles! I want them Friday! ;)
The White puffles are already out, they r hidden in the catalog

Anonymous said...

I like Amilaiscools! She had more than 1. But it was awesome! I like he or he (i think its a she) The best! What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Congrats DexDude!

Anonymous said...

Mimo Im sorry, but I could not write until today, I had my idea since Monday though: Red Puffle: Weird, I didnt know there was orange, I mean Mimo puffles on sale! Maybe I will come for him later. (Sign should say: Puffle Mania, where puffles rule)


Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo, I feel bad that you had to look at a gazillion comments. I think stickers303 comments was really good.
Until then,
Waddle on
-your biggest fan remember the name

Anonymous said...

Mimo Im sorry, but I could not write until today, I had my idea since Monday though: Red Puffle: Weird, I didnt know there was orange, I mean Mimo puffles on sale! Maybe I will come for him later. (Sign should say: Puffle Mania, where puffles rule)


Amanda Dlny said...

27ht said...
"mimo u r absolutely rite about snow puffles happening in march"
"Cool, how did you find that out? I would have guessed that as well as February is over on Saturday but still"

Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

Kenna Z. said...

U R funny!!!!!!!!!!! :-) It makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

I think that RacerXboi's was really punny. I also like brody's. Cool. Good Luck everyone. I hope a CPG Mod wins

Amanda Dlny said...

Justin Mac said...
"the white pufflle are already out"
"Ya, but you cant have them as pets yet and its not official"

Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

Amanda Dlny said...

Pink Jimmy12 said...
"How did you find about the pirates? I haven't heard about it yet! I must know more facts!
I also agree with you Mimo, the snow puffles will come at the next party"
"Look through the telescope at the Beacon on CP and you will see Rockhopper on his way, hes even closer now :)"

Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

Amanda Dlny said...

Bad Chickens! said...
"who is the winner????"
"We will find out soon enough, dont worry Mimo will post :)"

Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

Anonymous said...

you might be right with the white puffle thing, good idea!

Lisa (bluieblue323) said...

sweetness, stickers was good


Amanda Dlny said...

Fluffygood (CPG MOD) said...
"Hey, your that penguin who added me, thanks :)"

Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

Anonymous said...

this is kind of off topic but is the white puffle sensia puffle cause the whit puffle was at the dojo and i think sensa needs a puffle friend :) then you said i was a snow puffle which also kind of makes secce cause it snows here like all the time (will it ever not snow) so yah i dont know but i cant wait to have the white puffle as a pet (if we can get it as a pet)

that is my penguin

Anonymous said...

actualy I think That Puyttre guy had a good one too!

Anonymous said...

I THINK that ikuto sins caption was really good

Anonymous said...

i think lucy 6375's was the best

Anonymous said...

Lol i love the ones that said
"Sorry I don't have any twix: By: sunset
" No way Mimo you are eating me. Eat yourself. You ARE a mimo and jelly sandwich" by goofy73
and the one that said "Stop in the name of love"

Anonymous said...

Mimo will you meet me at icicle on saturday febreuary 28 at the dock at 2:00 PST?

-Rb Qb I am your biggest fan :)

Anonymous said...

Bad Chickens! said...
who is the winner????

Mimo got many entries but the winner will be posted, maybe a week or so.

Sand Flipper


Anonymous said...

"ooh, what's that orange one? Can i have it mom? My old penguin ran away!"

Anonymous said...

I just added that comment with the quote "whats that orange one..." I hope its not too late. I thought it would be funny and perfect!
keep R O C K I N G !

Anonymous said...

i like mrpengiewin's comment, the second part of it not the first.


Anonymous said...

I i liked Omar07's ones!!!!!!! Plz choose his and mine here is mine "I wonder what clubpenguin is gonna do to mimo when they find this out

Anonymous said...

I also liked the one that said
"Could you open your mouth a little wider?"

Anonymous said...

i think that mandalay1 and annao124's caption was the best

Anonymous said...

red puffle: grr..the only chance of me to be inside with those hot ladies(meaning the purple puffles) is like seeing a penguin in there with them!
-out of no where mimo777 pops out-

-my penguin name is Zajaxta

Anonymous said...

Bad chickens! said...
who is the winner????
Mimo will post the winners up in about a few days or so. I'm glad I could help you and God bless you!

Let It Rock!!!

RacerXBoi said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo will you meet me at icicle on saturday febreuary 28 at the dock at 2:00 PST?

-Rb Qb I am your biggest fan :)

February 25, 2009 3:43 PM

Same old question. Mimo can't meet you because If he did, he wouldn't have time to pst. sry

Anonymous said...

The one I liked was the "Trading spaces: penguin edition"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo will you meet me icicle on saturday febreuary 28 at the dock at 2:00 PST?

Rb Qb I am your biggest fan :)
I know you would really love to meet Mimo but he is very busy during the day working on posting new blogs. But he usually gets on servers Fjord and Big Foot(Mostly Fjord) I am glad I can help you and God bless you!

Let It Rock!!!

RacerXBoi said...

Well. Everybody knows Stickers is gonna win but. Let me go ahead and post my again just for the fun of it.

"I don't have enough Puffle O's to feed all of you. Is that Mimo. Hi Mimo. I wonder if Mimo eats Puffle O's? hmmm. Umm Mimo, Mimo, could I ask you a question?"

Anonymous said...

I think Skyrocet123's comant was really funny
- Aplus100

Anonymous said...

cp will probalaby let u buy white puffles soon because if you see a puffle hidding in places that means hat clubpenguin will discover them and then u can buy it a few weeks later!

Anonymous said...

Justin Mac said...
"the white pufflle are already out"
Yes they are but they are not a available yet. But it will take like a few good couple of days or so. I'm glad I could help you and God bless you!

Let It Rock!!!

Anonymous said...

i like frosten63's

Anonymous said...

Pink Jimmy12 said...
"How did you find about the pirates? I haven't heard about it yet! I must know more facts! I also agree with you Mimo, the snow puffles will come at the next party"
Well at the lighthouse beacon go to the telescope and you can the Migrator. It is really close now!
He'll be here much more sooner.
I'm glad I could help you and God bless you!

Let It Rock!!!

Shirley Zhang said...

i like mine alot☻

Anonymous said...

Well... there is snow bearded dragons snow bunnies snow foxes and others

theres got to be a snow puffle

i mean C'MON!

Anonymous said...

If it's not to late her is mine.

Red puffle: "Puffle food for the purple, purple, purple, purple, orange, pur... wait orange since when is orange one of the puffle colors? It looks like a penguin, its, its, its a.... Mimo?"

Penguin Name:

Anonymous said...

Sand Flipper

Anonymous said...

Bad Chickens! said...
"who is the winner????"

Nobody is yet, mimo and cpg still have to figure out which ones they like the best.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

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