Ok here is a super sweet glitch but I warn you, it's really hard to make it work!
You can wear another members clothes on your player card even if you are not a member!
U Fride is not a member right now. Check this out.
Step 1. Get as close as you can to a member.
Step. 2. Click that members player card.
Step 3. Then click your player card really fast!
Your player card should now be wearing that members clothes! So very sweet!
Here is U Fride right now. He is NOT a member.

Here is U fride wearing other members clothes!

Pretty funny pictures of U Fride!
Try it! It's really hard! Thanks, Saavy
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

1 – 200 of 361 Newer› Newest»Awsome!
cool!!! Awesome!!! lol...
Awsome! I will try it in 3 days thats when my membership expires!
U Fride! I acidently deleted you on PC! We outta re add sometime!
You havent posted glitches in ages!
Im having a party! Snowy river at the Cove right now! Pirate theme!
Hay Mimmo Do you get to keep the clothes
does it work if you are already a member??
plz post never been posted!! :)
omg saavy! lucky lucky! i just tried doing that but it didnt work. maybe practice huh? hahahah.
i cant do it
omg saavy! good work, im going to try that. it seems super coollll!
do u keep the clothes
i cannot do it
it dosen't work
Woah, look at his money!!!
Too bad cp will (probably) fix this soon. They always fix every glitch. :(
cool.Bb Polo745 is throwing a party on Feb.21
i will add anyone who says polo or i from cpg.
polo is out dawg
Bb Polo745
it is hard to do i tried but im bad at that kinda stuff.
P.S. stickers! im at the cove in
snowy river!!
that is pretty neet,but i dont need to try because i am a member.
polo is out dawg
Bb Polo745
I found this a while ago, you can also do it with people on your friends list! Open it up, and click on one of your friends, then click another one really fast. Ive done it a few times! Its really funny to see penguins "morphed" together!
You have to be 45 days old to become a tour.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Stickers im in Snowy River server
at the Cove and you are'nt there!
that happend to me!some non member kept following me.and i said leave me alone!and he said hold on and i disappered..so it was mimo who started this!its anoying but fun for the non members..i would do the same thing.
Mimo has an Itouch Ipod.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Whoa!!! Thats awesome!
the cheat works but you can't where the clothes around:(
The ice rink use to be a soccer pitch.
Marquizi98(CPG MOD)
There are six rocks in the forest but there is four right now since there is a big box in the middle of the forest.
Marquizi98(CPG MOD)
There is candles in the pizza parlor, Ski lodge, and I'm pretty sure i saw a candle in the mine.
Marquizi98(CPG MOD)
that's very cool
Happy Valentines Day Ya'll!
♥Sliperslidin (aka Slip)
Mimo777, I respect you very much because you find out SOO MANY things on Club Penguin, (You are even my role modell!), but I don't really understand the glitch. It would really help if you showed us a video of it. Thanks in advance!
ya wow. But did you know
you can bring puffles to play games with you like...
the pink puffle aqua grabber
the red puffle surfing
the purple puffle dance competition
huh did you know that?!
GUH! I cant get it to work :(
ill keep trying though!
Thanks for the tip! :)
awsome i got it to work!!!! but it gave me some random member items not the ones the guy was wearing!!!
i cant get it
It's hard like you said. But cool.
Wait a second! I saw U fride just recently and he was a member!!!!!!
Hi everyone I'm having a Valentines Day party on Club Penguin at 4:00 PST. I hope everyone comes.
When: 4:00 PST on Valentines Day
Where: Cool Fangs Igloo
Why: Valentines Day
Who: Anyone Who Wants To Come
Please come!
I posted a party but forgot to post the server. The server is Ice Berg. Please Come!
wow its really hard
its not working for me
it doesnt work
it works, just keep trying!
arcticgerm(CPG Mod)
Hooman said...
cool!!! Awesome!!! lol...
dear hooman,
i know, im going to try. thx mimo!
cool! it works! I'm a member but i wore nothing then i wore another guys moose hat! XD
It doesn't work for me. I tried and tried but no luck.:( Can someone help me?
jp568 to answer your questin, NO you do not keep the clothes.
lol kool! can't wait to try it!
Wow U Fride you are loaded with coins!! I wish I had that many! (I could buy a lot of puffles!)
Waddle On!
Dragon Fly34 :-D
good job saavy!
do you get to keep the clothes??
doesnt work 4 me!
Way to go Saavy. Thanks for giving her credit mimo
i cant do it and great party today on planet cazmo. it was awesome!
Anonymous said...
Hay Mimmo Do you get to keep the clothes
Unfortunately, not :[
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr(CPG MOD)
Hey everyone, you don't keep the clothes.... But that'd be cool!
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr
it dosnt work! :(
Whoaaa how did U Fride get all those coins?
Sophi Jr
In the last picture why is u fride wearing a weird outfit?
Anonymous said...
it dosen't work
it takes a bit of practise keep trying
yoshhi456 (CPG MOD in training)
Man, it won't work... But, ill try again! =)
Blogger Club Penguin Wave said...
U Fride! I acidently deleted you on PC! We outta re add sometime!
Wait are you 2 buddies on cp?
Anonymous said...
does it work if you are already a member??
plz post never been posted!! :)
Mimo said it works for everyone!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Hay Mimmo Do you get to keep the clothes
No and it only shows on your player card!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
holy cow thats awesome!
jp568 said...
do u keep the clothes
No cuz they don't belong to you!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
skydive78 said...
i cannot do it
Keep trying. You have to do it really fast and it takes practice!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
That is so cool!!!!
yes it works for any body including members
(cpg mod)
can u walk arouned in the member cloths?
Anonymous said...
can u walk arouned in the member cloths?
No. u cant. It just shows up on your player cards
Seichi Party:
When: Now
Where: Ice burg
Server: Fjord
Plz come. there only like 5 ppl there
Anonymous said...
You liar Mimo777
it doesnt work!!!!! ive tried and tried!!..... it doesnt work
Actually, it does work but it is REALLY hard to do.... How do you think U Fride got member clothes when he is a non member? He doesn't have a member's badge... :]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr
Sophi Jr said...
Whoaaa how did U Fride get all those coins?
Sophi Jr
Thats what I said. When I was a non member I did the same thing. Its just the habbit that since non members cant really buy anything, they just earn coins. I almost had up to 1 million coins when I was a non member since I could only buy puffles.
CleverAqua64 said...
good job saavy!
do you get to keep the clothes??
No. you cant keep them
Mystery100 said...
Mimo777, I respect you very much because you find out SOO MANY things on Club Penguin, (You are even my role modell!), but I don't really understand the glitch. It would really help if you showed us a video of it. Thanks in advance!
heres the glitch. Its very hard to do thats why most people cant do it. If your a member, I dont think you can do it. But its just that you can wear a members cloths. People wont see them but you can. Its so cool
Im Having a party!
Where: Outback
When 8:00 Eastern time
What rooms: Cove all the way to the Ski hill!
wow that is seriously cool
btw mimo, did u buy any new puffles or member clothes? you havent said anything
Anonymous said...
In the last picture why is u fride wearing a weird outfit?
This is because his outfit and the member's outfit was morphed together :]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Arod321123 said...
It doesn't work for me. I tried and tried but no luck.:( Can someone help me?
Just keep trying it takes practice!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
RacerXBoi(CPG Mod) said...
Way to go Saavy. Thanks for giving her credit mimo
Hey Racer, guess what? Saavy is a BOY! LOL
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
im a member it expires this week): so that must work (:
Anonymous said...
In the last picture why is u fride wearing a weird outfit?
Cuz the clothes that he was wearin and the clothes that the other person were wearin got combined so they looked phunnie.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
it wont work maybe cause i already am a member
Anonymous said...
Hay Mimmo Do you get to keep the clothes
mkathyii (cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
does it work if you are already a member??
plz post never been posted!! :)
im so sorry but i dont know
mkathyii (cpg mod)
jp568 said...
do u keep the clothes
mkathyii (cpg mod)
leish7 said...
Stickers im in Snowy River server
at the Cove and you are'nt there!
i dont know
mkathyii (cpg mod)
codi said...
ya wow. But did you know
you can bring puffles to play games with you like...
the pink puffle aqua grabber
the red puffle surfing
the purple puffle dance competition
huh did you know that?!
yeah we all know that already
mkathyii (cpg mod)
Next58's Party:
When: 7:00 p.m. which is now
Where: Ice burg
Server: Fjord
i am a member and i wish i had half the coins ufride has because i can buy a years worth of stuff with that! :)
It's a bit hard but I got it in the end. Thanks.
Arod321123 said...
It doesn't work for me. I tried and tried but no luck.:( Can someone help me?
ok sometimes it can be down by accident and just keep on trying and follow what mimo said ok
(CPG MOD in training)
I can't do it why not?
jp568 said...
do u keep the clothes
no its just the appearence.
Anonymous said...
Wait a second! I saw U fride just recently and he was a member!!!!!!
recently thats the key word his membership just expired.
Pufflenabber said...
Blogger Club Penguin Wave said...
U Fride! I acidently deleted you on PC! We outta re add sometime!
Wait are you 2 buddies on cp?
ya u fride can add ppl i added him yesterday in a thing.
:-( It doesn't work for me.
WOW U fride is rich
Hey saavy are you a boy or a girl
i am allredy a member
Coolbluerydr (cpg mod) said...
jp568 said...
do u keep the clothes
no its just the appearence.
Yeah it opnl;y shows on your player card and only you can see it.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
I can't do it why not?
Maybe your computer is slow or your not fast enough.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Hey saavy are you a boy or a girl
Saavy is a boy, lol
Anonymous said...
I can't do it why not?
It will work, eventually, u just need to be really quick
Sammy said...
i am allredy a member
You can still do it, u just wear other ppl's clothes
ilovemyroc said...
Woah, look at his money!!!
Too bad cp will (probably) fix this soon. They always fix every glitch. :(
It might not be a glitch, U fride might just be ultra good at a game or hes a robber lol probably not though
Anonymous said...
I can't do it why not?
Yea. its hard. I cant even do it
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD) said...
RacerXBoi(CPG Mod) said...
Way to go Saavy. Thanks for giving her credit mimo
Hey Racer, guess what? Saavy is a BOY! LOL
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
I know. I was thinking of something else and must of put her. Sorry!!!! :(
cool the first time i tried i got a cool portugal pin!!
it works!
Anonymous said...
Hey saavy are you a boy or a girl
mkathyii (cpg mod)
Anonymous CleverAqua64 said...
good job saavy!
do you get to keep the clothes??
mkathyii (cpg mod)
Anonymous Arod321123 said...
It doesn't work for me. I tried and tried but no luck.:( Can someone help me?
ur self will be the one to help you
mkathyii (cpg mod)
Anonymous Sophi Jr said...
Whoaaa how did U Fride get all those coins?
Sophi Jr
its just a bug clubpenguin will fix it soon
mkathyii (cpg mod)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
In the last picture why is u fride wearing a weird outfit?
maybe u fride is close to the member with that outfit
mkathyii (cpg mod)
Anonymous Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD) said...
Anonymous said...
does it work if you are already a member??
plz post never been posted!! :)
Mimo said it works for everyone!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
it wwill work,just a little patient
mkathyii (cpg mod)
Blogger RacerXBoi(CPG Mod) said...
Anonymous said...
can u walk arouned in the member cloths?
ahm.. no
mkathyii (cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
cool the first time i tried i got a cool portugal pin!!
Cool I will try it tomorrow on a fasyer computer to see if i can do it.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
SWEET IT WORKS! YAAAAAY! will other peoples see it?
AWWWWW! I CANT DO IT NO MORE. but its kinda hard going close to someone without freaking them out, lol.
not working
do u keep the clothes
Mimo you forgot a cheat in the puffle catalog
on the page where it shows the houses
click the light brown blob next to the green house
cool.... but I done that b4... I was having a snowball fight with other penguins but I accidentaly click on my player card then clicked on one of the old club penguin members. Then I was wearing some o my clothes with the penguin's 1....
dear mimo do you want to have a party on club penguin some time but i mite not make it
whats up mimo?
thanks for posting the info.
cool, mimo! you can take the clothes of everybody on cp with this... even non-members clothes!!
you can do it on non members too!
Thanks for the tip, Mimo!!!
Mimo it doesnt work! Have they fixed it or have you tried to fool us? Plz answer back if you could do a video! DO A VIDEO IT WOULD HELP! even though it doesnt work.
Anonymous said...
Hay Mimmo Do you get to keep the clothes
No. I think that they only show up on your player card and not on you or in where you select the clothes.
Burpy678(CPG Mod in training)
omg ninety four thousand coins?!?!!?
yo mimo if u use the purple puffle in the dance compo u win twice as much coins!!
How COOL is that
plz post u have never posted 4 me
It doesnt work for me :(
Mimo! This may not be about the glitch but it's so nice to watch. My puffles were sleepy so they went to their beds. But instead of sleeping in their own bed, they slept in each others bed! Next thing you know, puffles are snoring when your trying to read!
i have a glitch
go to the stage and throw a snowball it turns into a basketball
hehe U Fred have got lots of money but i have more XP !!!!
L o O o O o L
i have Question :p !
why dosn't penguin storm works anymore =[[ !!!
-Fatma Q8ya
If you think I have a lot of coins (305544)Check out U Fride's!
OMG how many coins does U fride have??? This is just a guess but i wonder if he probably got them when there was the coin glitch on certain games where you could get lots of coins in a few minutes?
That's happened to me!
WOW But i cant get it 2 work!!!
LOL that glitch rocks!!!! I did it myself first time I tried! I was "wearing" the puffle sweater, rollerskates, green sunglasses and other stuff! Its sooo cool!
Hey mimo you can do that glitch to other players too! Click on one player and then another really quick and the second player will wear some of the first players clothing!! This glitch is fun!
oh man!! i can't do it!
Anonymous said...
Hey saavy are you a boy or a girl
Saavy is a boy ;]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
codi said...
ya wow. But did you know
you can bring puffles to play games with you like...
the pink puffle aqua grabber
the red puffle surfing
the purple puffle dance competition
huh did you know that?!
Yeah, he did! But thanks for the tip! ;]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
RacerXBoi(CPG Mod) said...
Sophi Jr said...
Whoaaa how did U Fride get all those coins?
Sophi Jr
Thats what I said. When I was a non member I did the same thing. Its just the habbit that since non members cant really buy anything, they just earn coins. I almost had up to 1 million coins when I was a non member since I could only buy puffles.
Yes! That's it.... BUT..... U Fride was a member not to long ago.... So how did he get all the coins in such a short period of time? ;]
waddle On,
Sophi jr
It is really hard. All my friends have done but I can't. Any more Hints anyone??. Im desprate!
yes you can move around in the clothes you just have to stay in the room you are in and don't lave
robotragerul (CPG MOD)
Whoa! U Fride is rich! I wonder how he got that that much money...
Later CPG!
to answer everybody's question no you can't keep the clothes.
polo is out dawg
Bb Polo745(cpg mod) in training
Anonymous said...
i have a glitch
go to the stage and throw a snowball it turns into a basketball
Zxz192 (me) said...
Well done for spotting this, but it isnt a glitch. This first happened the second time this play came to the stage. This is the third time. And its a dodgeball, not a basketball.
Hope this helped!
Hey mimo! how was the party?
I couldn't make it because i had a soccer tornament. We were in state cup! We got third place out of Thrity three teams. Anyway I hope u will post about the party!
kooliogirl2 said...
In the last picture why is u fride wearing a weird outfit?
Zxz192 (me) said...
U fride is wearing a weird outfit because he tried to do the glitch but only some of the other persons clothes appeared on his player card. The disguise, the armbands, the scarf, the propellor cap and the boots were already his.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Mystery100 said...
Mimo777, I respect you very much because you find out SOO MANY things on Club Penguin, (You are even my role modell!), but I don't really understand the glitch. It would really help if you showed us a video of it. Thanks in advance!
Zxz192 (me) said...
All you do is go up to a member, or any player really as long as they are wearing different clothes to you. Then click on the member that you walked up to and then, really fast, click on your penguin. If it worked, you should be wearing at least some of the other players clothes.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
does it work on memebers too?
hey mimo it works on members to they can do it to non members
i tried it again this morning and it worked!!!
Hi mimo.Something confuses me did u make planet cazmo or something coz its like mimo city and mimo valentine partys y? o and y does everybody say mim o instead of mimo??
It didn't work... All of the members began running away from non-members. I guess I have to wait for one of my member buddies.
- 92pinko
thats so kewl! i havent gotten it yet but im trying! thnx!!
~Sparklepurpl (jchou33)
This is cool!!!!
dude that is the BEST!! it worked -kinzkid222
I can't do it xP
can you show us a video on it. it will be very useful
please and thank you :D
Mystery100 said...
Mimo777, I respect you very much because you find out SOO MANY things on Club Penguin, (You are even my role modell!), but I don't really understand the glitch. It would really help if you showed us a video of it. Thanks in advance!
Well, mimo might do that, but I wouldn't count on it. All it is is to click on a member, then right when your finger comes up from clicking on him, click on yours(super fastly) lol
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG mod)
Anonymous said...
does it work if you are already a member??
plz post never been posted!! :)
Most people that do it are non members, because they cant wear member clothes, but yes, it works for everyone!
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hay Mimmo Do you get to keep the clothes
Nope, sorry, but you do get to see them on your player card! thats pretty cool, you could take a picture and keep that.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
anonymous said...
it dosent work
Keep trying! It works! Don't worry!
Best of wishes,
Anonymous said...
can u walk arouned in the member cloths?
Nope, unfortunetly you don't get the clothes, you just get to see them on yourself on the player card.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
does it work if you are already a member??
plz post never been posted!! :)
Probably not. But no one has proof!
Until then, Waddle On! :)
~ Troyhsm1hsm2 (CPG Mod)
pinjinkees1 said...
it wont work maybe cause i already am a member
Nope, you must not be doing it fast enough, because mimo said it works for everybody.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG mod)
Does it still work? I keep trying but it doesn't work. How close do I have to be and do I have to click on my penguin for the player card or on the star?
ITS ME!!! only put the body on if your a member
Sophi Jr said...
Whoaaa how did U Fride get all those coins?
Sophi Jr
Well, i know a way that he could have got them.
1. Doing it by himself and earning them.
2. using a website that gives them to your account for free.
3. using the new game in the night club to get 1 million coins. (it doesnt work anymore tho, they fixed it)
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
CleverAqua64 said...
good job saavy!
do you get to keep the clothes??
Lol, nope. I wish you did though! It would be like stealing. ;l
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Sophi Jr said...
Whoaaa how did U Fride get all those coins?
Sophi Jr
There was an awesome coin glitch a while back. I have a million coins! That is the maximum amount:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
can u walk arouned in the member cloths?
Nope, it only shows up on your player card:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
In the last picture why is u fride wearing a weird outfit?
Because he did the glitch and he was whearing someone else's clothes!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
I can't do it xP
can you show us a video on it. it will be very useful
please and thank you :D
dear anonymous,
that would be helpful. but maybe all you have to do is be patient. happy waddling!
Anonymous said...
Hi mimo.Something confuses me did u make planet cazmo or something coz its like mimo city and mimo valentine partys y? o and y does everybody say mim o instead of mimo??
1. Well, he probably spoke with the makers of Planet Cazmo and got these parties..
2. They say this because 'mimo' won't show up on club penguin but only 'mim o' will.... So they say mim o.
Waddle On,
Sophi jr (CPG MOD)
Hi everyone! It works with non members && members.
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr
Anonymous said...
Hi mimo.Something confuses me did u make planet cazmo or something coz its like mimo city and mimo valentine partys y? o and y does everybody say mim o instead of mimo??
Mimo didnt create Planet Caxmo. He might have sent them a email and asked them to do that for him. Also the reason we say "Mim o" instead of "Mimo" on CP is because "Mimo" wont show up. Well it will show up but only you can see it. People cant see everything you type. Hope this helps!!
Sophi Jr said...
RacerXBoi(CPG Mod) said...
Sophi Jr said...
Whoaaa how did U Fride get all those coins?
Sophi Jr
Thats what I said. When I was a non member I did the same thing. Its just the habbit that since non members cant really buy anything, they just earn coins. I almost had up to 1 million coins when I was a non member since I could only buy puffles.
Yes! That's it.... BUT..... U Fride was a member not to long ago.... So how did he get all the coins in such a short period of time? ;]
waddle On,
Sophi jr
He msut of didnt buy that much stuff. i guess he likes saving up for like stuff that Rockhopper brings or Coins for Change. Maybe we should have a coins for change party when it comes back
Hey Sophi Jr. This is Marquizi98. I was wondering how much time or days do you have to wait to become a MIMO MOD? Please respond to this question.
Thanks mimo i saw that u said pancakes on twitter woot woot!
hi mimo
i tried doin it but it didnt work!!
Mimo theres a toy update!
nothin to do wih the member cheat thig, but i love ure DC SHOES in ure mimo eats cerial thing!
DCs r awsome!
u fride has a lot!!!! of coins!!!
ITS really hard!!!!
Lemonbro said...
Hey mimo! how was the party?
Zxz192 (me) said...
The party was awesome!!! There was loads of people there! I met Mimo, U Fride and Zoezoe. U Fride said that he thought Me Santa was also online but I didn't see him. It was even better for me because it was my first ever Mimo party. I wasn't there long though because I had to go to my friends.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
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