Screenhog has a little post with some pictures of how they make clothes and stuff for our penguins. I like how they draw it on a penguin with a marker, then draw it on the computer then make it 3D! Pretty sweet. Club Penguin is also asking us for new clothes ideas! WOOT! Email them your ideas! I think I'd like to see a Zebra Puffle!
Click here to take a look.
They also are asking to bring back old clothes! No! Keep rare things rare, right!?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Awesome Mimo thanks for getting to us so fast You rock
Wow!! Cool!!
I would love to see like pink uggs and trackie bottoms, oh and more hoddies but with designs on them!
Amanda Dlny
i want rare things t be rare.....
i want rare things to still be rare................
Mimo,ur site is AWESOME!!
I'd like them to make a orange puffle. Plus I think we could use a zebra puffle.
No, bring back rare items!
It isn't very fair that rare penguins should hog rareness..
LOL, that's just me...
People commented before I submitted :(
Oh well, like tenth comment (for now)
i would like to see iceskates so when you wear them you skate everywear that would be awesome
thanks mimo
Supersoradud said:
No, bring back rare items!
It isn't very fair that rare penguins should hog rareness..
LOL, that's just me...
i agree its not fair! what if your parents JUST said you could get a membership because u begged, abd begged and BEGGED for one?
I bet they're bringing the hoodies back, like the black one!
i want rainbow puffs
hi mimo is me youg3 hmm i think they could stay rare but i dont lol
I think its cool =)
Noooooo rare items! Why cant they stay rare! lol
Ok Mimo lemme gusse...If they make a Zebra Puffe your going to smell it?
mimo this is sorta off subject but can you please make a poll that asks what there fav. puffle is.
Hey! I don't want them to bring back rare stuff cuz i have a lot. Well, it depends what they bring back, rarer stuff then my stuff would be awesome :] I would like to see boots in a cool color like brown. And some more colos of hoodies. And maybe more color wigs in the style of the flutterby :]
Sophi Jr
I think rare things should stay rare mimo your right!
i want a orange puffle username thousand56
what is it with you and zebras???
keep'um rare!
umm what is clubpenguin and what r puffles???
Anonymous said...
"i would like to see iceskates so when you wear them you skate everywear that would be awesome
thanks mimo"
"Ya cool and like skateboreds and stuff :)"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Hey Mimo! I have a totally awesome Idea!
Hi guys! I am having another party! Anyone who wants to be on my buddy list come to this party! If you get deleted, I didn't know who you were. So, we could meet up again and I'll know who you are :]
WHEN: 2/7/09 (Saturday)
TIME: 12:00 P.M. cp time
SERVER: Icebound
ROOM: Mine shack
Hope ya can come!
Sophi Jr
i like rare
i want the black hoodie to come back! and mimo, wouldnt the zebra puffle stink up your igloo?
p.s. this isnt a question for cpg mods.
plz post!
no, i dont want thing r rare cuz' there are a lot of us who got memberships so we could get the stuff when/if it came out again.
I could send you a picture of a zebra puffle :D i could make one, lol!
Sand Flipper
Club Penguin Wave said,
"Ok Mimo lemme gusse...If they make a Zebra Puffe your going to smell it?
lol stickers!
No i want some old clothes to come back! But you still rock Mimo!
i sent you a picture of a zebra puffle, i made it. But i emailed it to you... if you get the chance to see it its pretty cool hehe
Sand Flipper
confuzzled said...
umm what is clubpenguin and what r puffles???
Clubpenguin is a site where you make a penguin, waddle around, play games to earn coins, and make friends. If you buy a membership, you can buy clothes, have access to member parties, and you can buy furniture to decorate your igloo! It's quite fun.
A puffle is a fluffy furball that is basically a pet that you can buy at the pet shop. You take care of it by feeding it, bathing it, having it rest, and playing with it. You can also walk it around club penguin.
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
I hope they bring bak those redish brownish sunglasses oh and that tiara without jems on it that would be kool.
LOL! I put 'I would like to see boots in a cool color like brown' I meant OTHER than brown :]
yay! there alot of old things i would like1 from volzie
confuzzled said...
umm what is clubpenguin and what r puffles???
dear confuzzled
clubpenguin is a fun online game that u can play with other people around the world. puffles r these pets that u can buy on clubpenguin which come in different colours! :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
WOOT !!! yA !!! Keep em rare!!!!keep them rare!
No, bring back rare items!
It isn't very fair that rare penguins should hog rareness..
LOL, that's just me...
but finding people with them is hard, and fun, it puts more fun into it, so it would be less fun if they were re released, because it would be to easy
and if they mADE THEM NOT RARE THAN THE ORIGINALL SUPPORTERS WOULD NO LONGER BE SUPPORTED.sorry about my caps lock, it was a mistake, but do you seriously blame me for no wanting to e type it?!?! leet rocks
confuzzled said...
umm what is clubpenguin and what r puffles???
Well club penguin is just the awesomest internet game ever and puffles are the pets that you can get when you play the game. (CP)
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
confuzzled said...
umm what is clubpenguin and what r puffles???
Club Penguin is a virtual online game (released in oct 24 05) where you can meet other people and chat with them! I like it! When you start an account you pick if you want "Ultimate Safe Chat" where you use a wordbox of words. "Safe Chat" is where you can type messages but they are filtered so if you say something bad, it banns you for 24 hours. You can buy a 1 month membership for only $5.95! 6 months for $20.00 i think. With a membership you can buy cloths, go to in member parties, buy a fancy igloo, and decorate it too! You can play games and earn a bunch of coins! My favorite game is the dancing game (located in the night club (located in the town))
A puffle is like a fluff ball that is a pet. You can buy one in the Pet Shop (Located in the Plaza). They are 800 coins. You can take it for a walk. You need to care for it by feeding it, bathing it, keeping it company, letting them rest, and play with it. The kinds of puffles are green, blue, red, yellow, black, purple, and pink. If you are not a member then you can only buy the red or blue puffle. Thats pretty much all I can say about Club Penguin. Anyway this comment is getting to long.
Hope I helped!
(CPG Mod) Penguin name: Kjsc03
I want the MP3000 to become a members item so then I can buy it.
I know,I saw it!I requested the whole red hockey gear!It's amazing!
P.S.Meet me in the Agent HQ.I'm hsmfan 51 on CP.
umm what is clubpenguin and what r puffles???
Club penguin is a virtual online world where the main population is penguins. You can earn coins in games and some books. There are items you can purchase or get for free at on of Club Penguin's parties or when Rockhopper the good pirate comes. Some other penguins such as Gary the Gadget Guy, Cadence, The Club Penguin Band(G Billy, Franky, Petey K, and Stomping Bob) have also appeared, giving out free backrounds. Rockhopper also does this. There are also collectable pins. You can only purchase items as a member. You must pay to get a membership. You willed be banned from Club Penguin if you use bad language. Puffles are the second biggest population of animals in Club Penguin. There are currently 7 types. Blue, Attitude: Mild-tempered, content loyal. Favorite toy: Ball. Special Features: Loyal, easy to take care of. Red, Attitude: Adventurous, enthusiastic. Favorite toys: Bowling pins, Cannon. Special Features: Originally from Rockhopper Island (Where Rockhopper lives). Pink, Attitude: Active, cheery. Favorite toys: Jump Rope, Trampoline. Special Features: Loves to exercise. Black, Attitude: Strong, silent type. Favorite toy: Skateboard. Special features: Sometimes very energetic. Green, Attitude: Energetic, playful. Favorite toys: Unicycle, Propellor Cap. Special Features: Like to clown around. Purple, Attitude: Usually happy. Favorite toys: Bubble wand, disco ball. Special features: Loves to dance, finicky eater. Yellow, Attitude: Artistic, spontaneous. Favorite toys: Paintbrush, easel. Special features: Very creative, dreamer. All puffles cost 800 coins. Red and Blue puffles can be bought by Non-Members. There are currently two puffles that can be seen by themselves without an owner walking them. 1. The supposed Keeper of the Boiler Room, a green puffle found on one of the Night Club's speakers. 2. Yarr, Rockhopper's pet red puffle, found up by the Crow's Nest. Puffles were first seen as "little fluffy things" being seen at the Snow Forts, Night Club, and Hockey Rink. They captured one the night of November 20, and made the post November 21, 2005, at 1:42, by admin. The look on the Blue Puffles face in the picture is hilarious. It looks like a deer in the headlights.
no no ya got it all wrong! Do bring the stuff back. Iw ant 3d glasses
if rare things come back they won't be rare. Wat's the point?!
confuzzled said...
umm what is clubpenguin and what r puffles???
ummmmm. Akward i gues clubpenguin is an online game where u can interact with other ppl. Puffles are the pets.
poseidonbub said...
mimo this is sorta off subject but can you please make a poll that asks what there fav. puffle is.
that's a cool idea but i think cpg has ideas too.
i TOTALLY agree about rare things should stay rare. as a non member it just annoys me how CP often brings the exact same things back because then the ppl that have lots of rare things dont get to be as unique,
its pretty cool how they draw them...but i want rare things to be rare!
Spanner Anzy
LOL Mimo. A Zebra puffle!
If rare things are not rare the world will end..... srry that was wierd...
Yeah, I really don't like it when I have an item that I think is really unique or cool, and then they bring it back and EVERYONE has it!! Its kinda annoying, but I've been on cp for like two and half years now, so they bring back a lot of stuff that I have :(
I hope they can bring back the Roman Soldier Helmet and the Letterman Jackets. I also want them to bring back the Admiral Shirts!!!
Yes i agree a zebra puffle would be cool.
Blogger A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...
Noooooo rare items! Why cant they stay rare! lol
If there is NO rare items then whats the point of rare items when you see rare items all the time.
Good Luck!
Blogger A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...
Noooooo rare items! Why cant they stay rare! lol
If there is NO rare items then whats the point of rare items when you see rare items all the time.
Good Luck!
hey mimo can u have a draw mimo contest please
i think that they should have the red cp jacket back because it's my favorite outfit.
also i think they should have jerseys of sports athletes in usa
Bb Polo745
Check out Daprankstar's party on February 8 at Freezer in the cove at 9:00 am PST. Hope to see you all there.
Bb Polo745 is throwing a b-day party.
i will add anyone who says polo or i from cpg
Bb Polo745
pokemon roks(my penguin name) and madaco said...
and if they mADE THEM NOT RARE THAN THE ORIGINALL SUPPORTERS WOULD NO LONGER BE SUPPORTED.sorry about my caps lock, it was a mistake, but do you seriously blame me for no wanting to e type it?!?! leet rocks
Yes it is O.K. Remember everyone makes mistakes! You learn from your mistakes.
Good Luck!
hshibeeb said...
i want rainbow puffs
Again, I say you should Email club penguin at Its a good idea and you should email that to them. But that rainbow puffle probably will be 1,000 coins.
Good Luck!
i think you should be able to make your OWN type of pufflem
confuzzled said...
umm what is clubpenguin and what r puffles???
February 5, 2009 1:04 PM
If you dont know what it is why are you on this site?
Spring here we come!
Pie1530 (cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
"i would like to see iceskates so when you wear them you skate everywear that would be awesome
thanks mimo"
Before they turned into a "rare" item club penguin had roller skates for your penguin and when ever you walked some where it actually looked like you were skating all over the island!
(you can also but ice skates in the Snow and Sports catalog!)
Sassymagoo51 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
i think you should be able to make your OWN type of pufflem
Cool idea you can E-mail CP with your ideas and they might respond or even make them a part of CP.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
I don't want them to bring back old things. If someone has something from when CP started, then it's sorta like a prize or symbol to show you were there! I dunno, I'm a sucker for rare things so i want them to stay rare!
Denali567 said...
what is it with you and zebras???
There's nothing up with Mimo and zebras, he just think they smell funny. I wouldn't know becuase I've never smelled a zebra. Apparently, they don't let you do it at the zoo! *chuckle, chuckle*
confuzzled said...
umm what is clubpenguin and what r puffles???
Club Penguin is an awesome site where you become an animated penguin and you can 'Waddle around and meet new friends!' And puffles are little balls of furry cuteness that we keep as pets! The official website is Visit it!
cool.........u rock.............the best
anyway r there other rules for cpg gang?
my friend wants it too......
i want to see the I love Puffle t-shrt
mkathyii said...
cool.........u rock.............the best
anyway r there other rules for cpg gang?
my friend wants it too......
Umm no bad words no posting a website name on a comment stuff like that the main rules of the site are on the sidebars of course.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
lolz i asked cp to bring back old items like the black electric guitar and grey shoes..etc.. umm do you work for clubpenguin or wat i dont really get it(dumb question?) anywayz thx for showing cheats and secrets ;)
sakuraninjax said...
lolz i asked cp to bring back old items like the black electric guitar and grey shoes..etc.. umm do you work for clubpenguin or wat i dont really get it(dumb question?) anywayz thx for showing cheats and secrets ;)
Mimo does not work for CP and he is not buddies with Billybob or family or anything to do with CP except that he has an awesome website about CP so ummm... yeah.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Ok umm i like being able to hav e rare things but i really want the white glasses but idk i also want things to stay rare.
Get them to make different color designer scarves and urban-style tees!! That would be AWESOME!!!!
Anonymous said...
Get them to make different color designer scarves and urban-style tees!! That would be AWESOME!!!!
You can E-mail CP with your ideas.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
how bout puffle clothes?
Zebra puffle! Cool! I want them to make an orange one and I also want a rainbow puffle. I wonder if at the puffle party a new puffle would be discovered?!?!?!? What do you guys think, CPG mods?
~Dex Dude~
hey mimo!
can you help me?
do you know what software they use to make the 3d things?
i try out a bit of 3d modelling i was wondering.
How do you get the gold viking helmet be my buddy WAGONSRULE
Christmas server OK
Its sorta easy to see where you are since theres a big blob of penguins around you.
Denali567 said...
what is it with you and zebras???
Zebras r cool ! Sure they're smelly, but for some reason people love it! So do I!
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
confuzzled said...
umm what is clubpenguin and what r puffles???
Gee well, this is awkward. This blog is based on club penguin. Well anyway, club penguin or CP/cp is a website that allows you to talk with other people or penguins. You get to play games and earn coins. Use those coins to buy clothes and accessories for your penguin and igloo, but u have to be a member for that. Puffles are little pets that your penguin gets to have. Only members can buy all of them. Non-members can buy only two puffles, blue and red.
Later CPG!
Gamer 12356 (CPG Mod)
cool.........u rock.............the best
anyway r there other rules for cpg gang?
my friend wants it too......
Well first of all the g in cpg is gang, so u just said gang twice.
Anyway, u cant place a website, use bad words, is pointless, and/or has too many exclamation marks. So, yeah.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
sakuraninjax said...
lolz i asked cp to bring back old items like the black electric guitar and grey shoes..etc.. umm do you work for clubpenguin or wat i dont really get it(dumb question?) anywayz thx for showing cheats and secrets ;)
Mimo doesn't work for anybody. He just likes to spread the knowledge of club penguin and its new things. He also throws parties in CP and has membership contests.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Okay I own and i like waffles, I am Hfgsd from cp. I like screenhog andhave himas a frein if it is true that he is these boots. Overall i own
Great read! You might want to follow up on this topic :D
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