Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, February 23, 2009

Club Penguin Mimo Puffle Caption Contest!


LOLZ! To celebrate the Puffle party here is a cool sweet contest! Check out the picture below and come up with something that the Red Puffle would say!

That's it! Just leave a comment and Mimo and CPG will pick the best ones!


We Probably will NOT give away prize but I will post your penguin name! I THINK MAYBE I might still have a coin left I MIGHT give away if I can find it. But don't hold me to it, k?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Listen to Mimo's music now at:
Mimo - Decoding Mimo


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Anonymous said...

im in

Anonymous said...

" What is the nice looking Orange thing doing there" - Fiasco 121

Anonymous said...

Look at that good looking new puffle... nevermind its just mimo

Anonymous said...

cool! i think it should say" wow, to many purple puffles! i think I'll have mimo! here mimo, come on i won't harm you. I'm just a puffle

Anonymous said...

I never knew you could have a penguin pet!

Anonymous said...

Red puffle: Man that blue puffle was wrong. There's no oragne puffle here! Just some weird penguin...

Anonymous said...

1.Oooh! Penguin feeding game!
2.Oops, guess I threw that Mimo a little too far.

Anonymous said...

my penguin is Ladylola13 & this is my caption:

Luck of Fire said...

-JaneJn(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

i found a penguin with the beta party hat that is yellow and bright pink!!!!♥♥♥

Anonymous said...

heres an idea for the puffle tt say "hey its mimo777 what is he doing in that hole,mimo are you stuck?"

Anonymous said...

look my puffle friends and.... oh its mimo.

Bad Chickens! said...

1) How do you do that?
2) Does it have to be funny or what?
3) What do you mean by "coin"


Anonymous said...

hmmm... i thought this was feed a PUFFLE..guess its feed a PENGUIN

Anonymous said...

Wait a second mimo is supposed to be feeding me... well he doe slook good there tho.

Anonymous said...

what am i doing here
Zake Bros2 is my penguin name

Shaayif said...

"im feeding my own kind with a big orange thingy!! awesome"

Anonymous said...

red puffle: hmm should i pick all the purple puffles or mimo.???:psst pick its not mimo sayin this


Anonymous said...

What is that exotic creature doing in the puffle feeding? I wonder if he bites?

Anonymous said...

"It's time to feed the puffles hey what's that it's a Mimo"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Im Zake Bros2 and i want to say something else. okay here it is: How come theres different colors on the board?
Zake Bros2

Anonymous said...

does this mean the night club empty now?

CpwehaveItShow said...

Red Puffle: Theres Finally A New One Of My Kind!!! Wait....Thats Just an Orange...Or Is It?
Purple Puffle: What are you waiting for??? Feed Us!
'The Orange':........

Anonymous said...

Red Puffle:Wow alot of purple puffles,plus a weird orange one. I might need glasses.


Anonymous said...

Red puffle should say "Feed Mimo! Throw a bowl of delicious cereal!"

-Leo the Larg

Anonymous said...

i think it should say "purple purple purple purple orange purple wait WHAT! oh its just mimo.

Anonymous said...

" They should have called this Mimo777 Feeding!" or " What?? Orange and purple puffles, and not RED ones!! I'LL GET YOU CLUBPENGUIN!!!" or " Hey!How does clubpenguin expect me to throw Puffle O's if I dont have hands!!??


Anonymous said...


Vote4grapes6 said...

It should say: "Why look at that, a penguin shaped puffle. I never thought I would see the day when that happened"!
Penguin name :

spy1248 said...

" is a tough choice, witch one should I bye. Purple Puffle, Purple Puffle, or Mimo. Well it doesn't matter, they all smell the same!"

Bad Chickens! said...

He should say:

"I am in the mood for a taco!" or somthing!


Anonymous said...

I found the new orange puffle! Oh, wait thats just mimo.

Anonymous said...

Hey, they did make a orange puffle!I should go tell Mimo...

Anonymous said...

OMG! The orange puffle is finally here! Just look at all thoese other puffles! Speechless!

davidrock13 said...


Anonymous said...

i dont have a big enough puffle o for the giant orange puffle in the middle, plus i dont have any arms.

Anonymous said...

"Hey you over there! Yes you Orange looking puffle! You wanna get some dinner, cuz you look fine?" lol~Wheezy127

Sunset93366 said...

"Sorry, I don't have any Twix."

Anonymous said...

I am NOT feeding that!!

-I dont have account but my penguin is Beads12

Nejipalm360v said...

"Wow a rare Mimo puffle!"

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

what is that a new puffle? no it cant mabey i should tell aunt artic

Anonymous said...

Hey! I found the new orange puffle! oh wait thats just mimo... -Rylo 500

Anonymous said...

i think il feed that weird, ugly looking thing first-zack41413

Anonymous said...

orange and purple? What is this, mardi gras? Oh wait. -misskaylaa

Anonymous said...

lolz just kidding mimo i dont mean that


ps lolz

Anonymous said...

so many purple puffle why is mimo there?? HEY MIMO WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?

Anonymous said...

must be some new lame puffle breed lol -Brandon7565

Anonymous said... that really a puffle?

Anonymous said...

"im out!"
-zhao yong 1

Millywily said...

All man, the Puffle Party is over?

Anonymous said...


Jabba Flip

Anonymous said...

Umm why is there a Mimo in there i mean common us puffles are tryin to get away from penguins these four weeks!

Anonymous said...

"purple, purple, purple, purple, orange, pur....ORANGE!!!!"cupcakes013

davidrock13 said...

look its a nice puffle o a pupele no what orange o mimo

Anonymous said...

Arr, Me matey, ye shall be caught with thy purple puffles, ye orange good-looking scallywag

Anonymous said...

-wow!what's that creepy orange thing in the middle. AND WHAT'S ON IT'S SHOULDER?


Anonymous said...

OMG not again another penguin got stuck uh oh..... hold on penguin i'll go get the police,firefighters, and rescue squad BE SAFE! plus i'll get yourbteam members of acp

Anonymous said...

-ow!what's that creepy orange thing in the middle. AND WHAT'S ON IT'S SHOULDER?


Anonymous said...

Wow!, we will feed penguins what a crazy idea.

Icehog23 said...

I finally taught you how to fetch puffle o's say what your stuck oh well bye


Anonymous said...

-Should i feed them or keep the puffle o's for myself...


Anonymous said...

"Whats Mimo Doing in my spot" "Get out of my spot " LOL From {Pup}

Anonymous said...

"Oh no! That poor puffle in the middle is incredibly sick!Someone call the ambulance!

Penguin name:Drake111144

Anonymous said...

Oh i new there were orange mimo's butnoone believed it!!!!- Dez234

Anonymous said...

IT'S AN ORANGE PUFFLE!!! With a beak? COOL!!!

Anonymous said...

wow!! there is a new penguin puffle and a bunch of purple puffles

Anonymous said...

penguin name: girlysings12
Hey mimo want to go surfing

Anonymous said...

Oh no! My bestie puffle is in there! MMMMMMIIIIIMMMMMOOOOO!!!!!!

vermontshivam said...

"what it is purple day"

man love ur blog

goofy73 said...

"no way im giving you my food! eat yourself! you ARE a mimo and jelly sandwich!"

you're friend goofy73

Anonymous said...

wow! what is that orange penguin puffle doing there? But that doesn't look like a puffle, it's mimo!

Anonymous said...

Stop In the name of Love!

Anonymous said...

wowzers that that that orange puffle looks like a penguin......

Anonymous said...

look its mimo i want one i will go buy him at the pet shop!!

Anonymous said...

I think that the red puffle should say "MMMMMMM, Must be a full moon out tonight."

Anonymous said...

Who is this great looking thinmg oh ya Mimo777.

Anonymous said...

look mimo i want one i guess its adopted a mimo day! - bethissocool

goofy73 said...

hiya Tuggy4! you asked

1) How do you do that?
2) Does it have to be funny or what?
3) What do you mean by "coin"


1. all you have to do is think of a funny caption the red puffle would say.

2. yeah it should be funny. have fun

3. mimo means coins like for the treasure book. it lets you unlock items on clubpenguin.

you're friend goofy73

Anonymous said...

"I love the new orange puffle, I think I will feed it!!"-Treyvow

Anonymous said...

OMG! a rare mimo puffle in its natural habitat.

Anonymous said...

"Woah, how'd that get in there?"

Ajk 89 said...

Bad Chickens! said...
1) How do you do that?
2) Does it have to be funny or what?
3) What do you mean by "coin"



1. he uses a program called photo shop

2. most likely it would help

3. a coin code will het you free itims of free coins

hope that helps


Bowser Jr 75 said...


Bowser Jr 75

Anonymous said...

"Who would know that even puffles worchip Mimo, they even have their own little Mimo costume!"

penguin770 and tootywooty1 said...

purple puffle: oh cool! so the ornage puffle is real... mimo was right

Anonymous said...

wow lookin good mimo

Kel said...

the red puffle would say...
"This isn't McDonalds! I really shouldn't have given my map to those white puffles! And why are those purple puffles and that orange guy in those holes???"

my penguin's name is 123starkel so ROCK ON!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Something's not right, there's too many purple puffles!

Anonymous said...

I love feeding the wild mimo puffles.

Anonymous said...

HEY good job purple puffles you win the synchronized feeding contest!!! Oh wait... MIMO!! what are you doing there!

Anonymous said...

Huh!Somebody told me i would fit right in!

Anonymous said...

Heres my idea: If I only had a disco ball...

Orange Con

nerfpro said...

Im gonna buy the orange puffle! wait a minute thats mimo. HI MIMO!XD

Anonymous said...

hmmmm witch one should i feed, i pick the orange one because it looks ill!

my penguin name is blu577!!

Shiver Jak said...

"Don't Worry Mimo I Will Save You No Matter How Many Puffle O's I Will Have To Eat"

- Shiver Jak

Anonymous said...

Answer to contest:

"Am I the only red puffle in Club Penguin or is it just my sight?! Hey what's that funny looking orange looking thing over there? Hey you! Are you Mumo no wait wait! Mamo? Or uh uh, hey I saw you on the Kelp flakes cereal box commercial! That good kid".

Let It Rock!!!

Test said...

Red Puffle: "The tables have turned, Mimo... Now I feed you!"

Anonymous said...

Sigh. Purple Puffle.....Purple Puffle.....Purple Puffle.....Sigh....Oh Wait! Can it be the orange puffle coming out of the hole? Yay! It's sooooo....wait a minute....Mimo?

Dex Dude said...

Oh no! I better go get my cereal box! It's Mimo feeding time!

~Dex Dude~

Anonymous said...

" hi mimmo, you look nice with the purple puffles. want a puffle O?"

Anonymous said...

this is what it would say:hey mimo.

Anonymous said...

I thought that penguins were supposed to feed puffles but now I think that puffles are supposed to feed penguins

Anonymous said...

I think the red puffle should say "umm I think I am supposed to be in that spot!!! Can't we switch or something? I practically own that spot!"


ShaliTheKing said...

Hmmmmm look at that handosme looking puffle but I never saw it in the woods.

Anonymous said...

here Mimo Mimo here little penguin you want an O berry...
well catch!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, do you like puffle-o's?

What's with parrot dude?

So many puffles, and only one Mimo!

Hmmmm, who should I feed first?

Hey, could you open your mouth a little wider?


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh!!!!! Too many Purple Puffles! Must get the orange one but it looks odd. Hmm... It says Mimo so ill call u Mimo and I wouldn't harm u, come here Mimo! Good penguin/puffle!


Anonymous said...

Hey!They made an orange puffle!I got to go tell Mimo this...
From Padle16hsd
PS cool pic Mimo!

Unknown said...

" Yo dude, and dudets, where did the purple spray paint go? I want to be purple!"

Anonymous said...

WOW! look at that weird looking puffle, well its not the amazing zebra puffle, not the orange puffle WAIT! thats mimo777! MIMO CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Red Puffle(narrarating): Mimo always did have a knack for sneaking in to places...

Ajk 89 said...


2. WOW ITS PUFFLE WACK A MOLE! i better not hit mimo.

3. put down the bubble wands plz i dident do any thing to you! MIMO TELL THEM!!!!

4. i am not feeding that thing...wait thats mimo...

thats mimo (and the puffle thinks) wait y do i care?

6. i am not shareing so you may as well close your mouths...not u mimo

thats it! Ajk 89

Anonymous said...

Sorry guys! I accidently put anonymous!

Answer for contest:
"Whoa am I the only red puffle in Club Penguin?! Hey what is that funny orange looking thing over there? Hey you! Are you Mumo no no wait! You are Mamo? Uh uh, hey I saw you on the Kelp cereal box commercial! That good kid.

Let It Rock!!!

P.S. Anonymous was ME. I clicked Anonymous on accident so don't think that is somebody else.

Anonymous said...

What kind of orange puffle is that? Hey purple puffles wanna go surfin?


Anonymous said...

"Whoa!""Attack of the girly purple puffle. I love Mimo but there is no way I can save him. Wait! Mimo catch the O berriers and throw them in the purple puffles mouth.""Oops, I have bad aim." Fortunently the couragous red puffle threw the O berries in all the purple puffles mouths."I saved Mimo!Uhoh, here comes the black puffles.Sorry Mimo I may be brave but black puffles are my friends, and they like you. You should be safe now. !THE END! (The red puffle says everything in the story) Penguin Name:Max97221

Anonymous said...

can we only submit one per person? and...

"Wrong hole buddy! Pool's the other way!"

-King Bubba 3

Anonymous said...

Red Puffle: Its Mimo777! Lets Feed Hime Some Weirdness!

Penguin Name: Arban

Mikosubaka said...

"Whoa that orange puffle looks so orange puffle! Why won't you eat the Puffle O'?

Anonymous said...

Look at this wild puffle. Shhh. He can be startled easily. He is usually feeding in the forest but when there is free food he is all for it! This type of rare puffle is called the "Mimo".
When I was writing this I was thinking that when the puffle was talking, he should be talking in an Australian accent!

Anonymous said...

" let's see how you like having people throw food at you when your trying to sleep. "

Chucksmi said...

red puffle: wow! My boss didn't send me hear to feed purple puffles AND an orange zebra!

Ajk 89 said...

mimo entry 2

give me your puffle Os and i wont hurt you...yes thats you to mimo hand it over

Ajk 89

Anonymous said...

"dude, I would not hold my mouth open, who knows what could fly in there. The penguin is smart"

Anonymous said...

I have one!

red puffle:

Puffle Feeding? Aw, man. I thought that this was Whack-A-Mimo!

Anonymous said...

hey! Rockhopper didn't say THIS would happen here I feel so out-numbered

UAEdubaidude (CPG Mod) said...

1) Thats a big puffle o.

2) I feel outnumbered.

3) Why am i never invited to the cool parties.

4) The doctor lied. I need to get my eyes checked.

5) No more sugar for me.

6) Someone needs friends

Anonymous said...

Red Puffle: The yellow puffle was right! The cool guy he did a drawing on is here! Wait...who are the other ones?

Anonymous said...

An orange puffle... In a penguin shape... That's a very nice orange shaped penguin puffle that wears green glasses, a tour guide hat, a parrot, and a bracelet. Say, that looks like Mimo. Maybe it is Mimo! Hi Mimo!

Anonymous said...

Red Puffle: This is why no one will play with you.

Anonymous said...

Red puffle: WOW!! its an orange puffle!!, with...a parrot?

-cool guy7414

Anonymous said...

How did you get stuck? Don't worry Mimo! I'll go get some help!

Anonymous said...

Answer for contest:

Whoa! am I the only red puffle in Club Penguin or is it me sight??? Hey what's that funny orange looking thing over there. Hey you! Are you Mumo? no wait! You're Mamo? Uh uh, hey I saw you on the Puffles O's cereal commercial! That good kid

Let It Rock!!!

Anonymous said...

red puffle:" Mommy! i want the orange one!!!!!

Kitty said...

"Hm...One purple puffle..two purple puffle...three orange mimo puffle...hey! there is no such thing as a mimo puffle...Mimo?" Hope you like it! ;) I'm doing it for the fun of it lol! Penguin name: Koco563

Anonymous said...

Orange puffle thing stop hogging all the berries!

Anonymous said...

"Aww man how did I get out here!?!"

Alighf said...

Red Puffle: I think there is somethig weird here.... Oh yes! That puffle has closed its mouth!


Anonymous said...

"Ooooh Look!!! There's a new puffle!!! Its called a... a... A MIMO!!!" lol I hope I win!!

Anonymous said...

red puffle:Mommy! i want the orange one!!!!!!! Can we get him plz!?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

I think that the red puffle should say, "Oh Come on! Club Penguin would rather put in an orange puffle instead of me? This is SO NOT fair!"

mt penguin name in 674sparkly

Anonymous said...

" Mwahahahaha, look at whos gunna be shot at with berries now"-red puffle says


Anonymous said...

Bad Chickens! said...
1) How do you do that?
2) Does it have to be funny or what?
3) What do you mean by "coin"

1. Well... he probably uses some kind of paint relate thing or photo shop
2. Yeah!
3. Like a coin that comes with a code to unlock items :]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

1)Red Puffle: Ooh Puffle-Os on a bush!

2)Red puffle: OMG it's Mimo! and purple puffles are singing when he's coming out of the hole!

3)Red puffle: I can talk!for this amazing event, puffles came, and even Mimo!

4)Red puffle: Mimo and purple puffles,IT's not opposite day!

also known as Draoflame

Anonymous said...

red puffle: hey, look at all the purple puffles....whats this? its the invisible orange zebra puffle with a parrot on its shoulder! you were right mimo! they do exist!

Anonymous said...

I think the red puffle should say "When did the new orange puffle come out? Oh wait, it's just Mimo."
My penguin name is Penny Mickey.

Unknown said...

Club Penguin is getting weirder and weider-hghnytyb5rt (thats my name )

Anonymous said...

Red Puffle: Purple Puffles always hog the famous people first fever than billy bob now this

Anonymous said...

"Wow,I didn't know there was a mimo puffle"

MileyCyrus#1fan said...

i think he would say hey is that the new ornge puffles or go why is there a bunch of purple puffles worshiping a oranga penguin! my penguin name is club1miley

Anonymous said...

hey mimo im Ms Efron Xo

im free from that cage finally after 19 years now you now how i feel mimo777

Monica said...

Red Puffle:Hey my turn next!!!!!!! My turn next!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the red puffle should say, "Time for feeding my puffle friends..........and Mimo777. Mimo777 must be hungry just staying there in the hole!"
Penguin Name: Japaneseqt12

Anonymous said...

I think I fed the onarge one a LITTLE too much

Glynnannsbff said...

Red Puffle: "Hmm the sign says no feeding mimo..... i think ill feed him a nyways

Anonymous said...

Red puffle: I really need to get a new hobby...

Monica said...

sorry didn't leave penguin name.....sweetpanda95

Anonymous said...

is there lots of zoezoes puffles wait a secend is that a mimo puffle?

Anonymous said...

In the Newspaper on page A2, It spells "PUFFLE PARTY" But the A in "PARTY" Is WHITE while all the other colors are puffle colors! That is so cool! ;) - Joe Joe 74

Anonymous said...

Red Puffle- I wonder what would happen if i threw an o berry at that spiffy orange one?


Anonymous said...

"I can't believe I didn't get my picture on the poster!"-Fenney

Anonymous said...

I think he should say, "Well, I guess it looks like I'm outta place! Oh hey Mimo!"

Anonymous said...

"Hey! That penguin took my spot!!!"


Anonymous said...

Red puffle: That thing looks familiar, is it the orange, rainbow, zebra puffle Mimo was talking about!? wait it is Mimo!!!
I can talk its a miracle!!!!!
also known as Draoflame

Anonymous said...

Hey, Loop, Pop, Flit, Flare, Bouncer, Chirp, I discovered the rare orange puffle!'s even better, it's Mimo777!

Andrew said...

look at all those lovely ladie purple puffles, oh " Hi Mimo!!"Now back to the ladies

Anonymous said...

Hahah! A few of these were da bomb... Like tick tick tick ;]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr

Anonymous said...

Hey you don't eat oberries

Anonymous said...

i think the red puffle said "woah thats a alot of purple puffle wait a minute whats that orange puffle oh wait just a penguin"

Andrew said...

WOW!!!! Look at all those lovely lady puffles!!! Oh " Hi MIMO!!! Back to the lady's


Anonymous said...

red puffle " I wander what Billybob would say to this. "


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"So there is an Orange Puffle... but it looks different. I wonder why?"


Anonymous said...

I might try a few Mimo lol,


Red Puffle: Oh great Mimo's stuck again...

LOL! i love teh mimo stuck one lol well if we only can do one the stuck one is it!

Sand Flipper


Anonymous said...

Look it's Mimo and the Purple Puffle clan!

Anonymous said...

1.Hmm, I think there's SOMETHING wrong with this.
2.I think they're a bit too picky for O'berries.
Blue Sub 7

Anonymous said...

Red puffle: Now its MY turn! you have been missing EVERY red puffle!! From: slyer521

Anonymous said...

"oh no the super awsome special Mimo777 zebra puffle thats normaly invisible anymore and 926puffle isnt going to win because Im talking to long and make no since well anyways good luck with the invisibility thing"

Anonymous said...

"maybe i should go ice fishing and get some fish?"- legendkid1

Anonymous said...

hmmm... how 'bout this?

"what an honor to be replaced by the famous Mimo Penguin!"
-Birdygurl is my penguin name, too.

Anonymous said...

OH MY! i think that poor puffle over there is sick! he must be a o berry-entolerent puffle!

Anonymous said...

Now it's time to toss those berries onto the penguin who splattered my fur with o'berry!

Anonymous said...

Ooh! i am SOO excited to FINALLY meet my long-lost cousin, the white puffle!
is what hew should say.

Tiny Tim77/ Timmy said...

Red Puffle: Oh NO! Mimo is being attacked by purple puffles! I cant save him! I would throw a "Puffle O," but i have no flippers! He's going down!! Bye Mimo!
lol! penguin name: Tiny Tim77

Anonymous said...

"Is that Mimo? nah probably just some puffle that thinks it's Halloween.

Anonymous said...


Kidomo said...

"Looks like mimo777 was majorly hungry for some puffle food so he just pretended to be a puffle! Wow! i guess i am smart" says the red puffle

Anonymous said...

i think it should say "Decisions, decisions.I think I'll give Mimo a Puffle-O, because he's so cool!"

-Penguin name: Link 7303

Anonymous said...

"why is there an orange in the middle of a bowl of grapes.......oh its mimo"

CP name-Mr Money96

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Guys!
I'm no good at these things... But I'll give it a shot.
"I'm speechless!"
"What should I say?"
" Nice tongue guys..."
" Whoaa! Did mimo switch places with me?"
" Poor puffles stuck in holes..."
" Leave me alone! I was only on my way back from subway!"
" Is that Mimo I smell? Oh wait... Don't have a nose..."
" Kerl pantu lak ru"
^^ That was puffle talk
Sophi Jr

Anonymous said...

Hmm i would feed that orange one but he smells funny... just like a zebra.... is there a zebra in his pocket?

Lol i dont know i was just relating to the zebra in the pocket thing i brought up lol!

Sand Flipper


Anonymous said...

This is mine " Why would I need to feed all these! Hey a orange one with a tour hat! Oh. Wait it's just Mimo777.

Anonymous said...

HA Ha im free take that mimo and now i going to eat your pizza.


Anonymous said...

red puffle: what is that a mimo penguin i guess it wants food

Anonymous said...

"Sweet, I'm on the side of the fence with the puffle-o's. Sorry, purple puffles and Mimo, all for me. Woo!"


mini you7 said...

"Oh, wow, thats alot of purple puffles! Ummmm? What is that thing doing in the middle? Oh its my owner! Ummm? Mimo what are you really doing?

~Mini you7

Anonymous said...

mimo:cool cp finally has sum toilets

purple puffles:NOOO!

red puffle:ill save you guys for a puffle O

-mario penguin

codi said...

"cool an orange puffle with a hat,perret and a braclet!"

"oh. it is just a penguin."
"sily me"

Anonymous said...

I have another O.o
" Hey! I was never here! MIMO! How DARE you edit me with photoshop!"

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