Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Club Penguin Lime Green Dojo Clean Book Now Available!

Go to the Book Room above the Coffee Shop to check it out now!

Don't forget to find all the hidden coins on each page. There are 8 coins total. One on each page except the last one. You get a bonus if you find all the coins. You can win 800 coins! Sweet!

I know some of you are still having trouble finding the book, but I want to assure you that it doesn't matter what server you are on or if you are a member or not. CPG non-members have been able to play it. I would suggest to clear your cache and try again. When we go to the Book Room, there is a red book in the bottom right hand corner. Try clicking it. Let me know if it works for you and how you like the book!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Listen to Mimo's music now at:
Mimo - Decoding Mimo


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Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo.
I logged on but I cant find it?

Anonymous said...

yay i love paint by letters u rock

Anonymous said...

I just went its not there! But other books are there...

Anonymous said...

I looked and it's not there :(

Anonymous said...

wow mimo you found this already

ur so cool

u rock!!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Sweet i've been waiting!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo! i followed your directions, and it just has "my puffle' and " burnt out bulbs" it dosn't have the new one!

byg123 said...

Koop this is byg123

Anonymous said...

Mimo777, you are OFFICIALLY AWESOME! I just went on Club Penguin and directly went to this site to see if you had found out that the new Paint by Letters book was in the Book Room. You know EXACTLY what happens on Club Penguin EXACTLY when it happens!

sisters team said...

Lime green dojo clean is not out yet Mimo

Amanda Dlny said...


Amanda Dlny

Anonymous said...

Taylor said...
I just went its not there! But other books are there...

Taylor,obviously Club Penguin it still hving problems with the book. I'm sure that in a short time you will be able to see it. Don't worry, I can't see it either.

Anonymous said...

Never Mind I found it

Anonymous said...

Teh Dalek said...
Hey Mimo.
I logged on but I cant find it?

Mimo said that it is in the book room so go look there.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

sisters team said...

hey Mimo iam loged on but i can'find it

~Vapnoar777~ said...

It's still not up yet...

Anonymous said...

u rock

sisters team said...

yay mimo your the best

Anonymous said...

Awesome I'll go check it out!!

Anonymous said...

mimo i played it and it was cool

Anonymous said...

This is late but in the 2007-2008 yearbook in April 2008 if you click on the green puffle you can see the pyramid pin in towards the corner...

Just thought I`d tell you that...

Catz4ever330 OR Morressey (on Club Penguin)

Anonymous said...

Well the new one was there for me sweet.


gerryhh said...

Hi Mimo777
I found all the coins and in the other books too.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo! i followed your directions, and it just has "my puffle' and " burnt out bulbs" it dosn't have the new one!

Perhaps they took it down for a little while to fix a few more bugs.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

i found all the bonus coins

Anonymous said...

The lime green dojo clean paint by letters book is not there. Did you check before you posted this?

Anonymous said...

Dear Teh Dalek

The book is at the book room. Go to the book shelf or click the Library icon. Find a book that says PBL or Lime Green Dojo Clean! Some people have the book and some people don't it might be a glitch.

Pink Shorie

Anonymous said...

Mimo777,I can't find a coin in a page that starts with "I just cleaned the floor".Help!There is only a door I can click but there's nothing there.-hsmfan 51 (Club Penguin user)

Anonymous said...

Dear Taylor,

Some people have the book and some people don't I guess Club Penguin hasn't put it out to everyone.

Pink Shorie

Anonymous said...

Dear Mnmnbrett123

You said "Hey Mimo i am logged in but i can't find it"

Well,Club Penguin had bugs in the book before thats why it was delayed it still has a little problems maybe tomorrow or in a few hours you will see it and play! Hope this helps!

Pink Shorie

Anonymous said...

Sweet I love your cheats I go on EVERY DAY!

Anonymous said...

Sweet cheat!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mimo,

I luv ur web and helping people is tons of fun i think im gonna try to become a REAL CPG MOD!!

Anonymous said...

I wish we could have gotten the green capes from the book...'

-Leo the Larg

Anonymous said...

where r the coins?????? i only got 160 coins

Muddy Duki said...

It won't work!!!! Please help!! I CAN'T SEE IT! Your lucky it's on yours! :(

Any help?

Anonymous said...

I found all the coins the first time that I tried it. YAY ME!


Anonymous said...

Taylor said "I just went its not there! But other books are there..." Taylor i suggest that you should try to wait a day or two. If it is still not there you should contact Club penguin. Good Luck

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, I know it might not be there for you. If it isn't log off and then back on, it should be there.
Sophi Jr

Anonymous said...

If you did not find the new book try another day or two and if it still does not work contact club penguin. They will probably try harder to fix the little bug.

Anonymous said...

hey that game was fun! thanx for the tip about the coins mimo!

Anonymous said...

OMG 800! LOL!

Anonymous said...

hay mimo weres the book!!

Anonymous said...

I know it is a cool book.

Anonymous said...

The new book isn't on there yet! The other two books are there but not the Dojo one! I just checked like 30 seconds ago! Are you sure it's on there they may have taken it off so you need to post something that says it's not on there because it's isn't on there!

E said...

Most of you been commenting that it is not in the book room. Well,you should wait a day or two and see what happens then or try another server. The server Ice Berg seems to have it.

~FLuffygood (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Most of you been commenting that you can not find the new book in the book room. Well, you should try another day or two. The server iceberg seems to have it.

~Fluffygood (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

I can't find it wa wa wa

wiltsmith100 said...

i went on Clubpenguin but it was not there witch world is it on?????

Anonymous said...

its not there i checked it several times!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Mimo this is cool, but I can't find it! Is it only on a certain server or something?

Anonymous said...

~Vapnoar777~ said:

It's still not up yet...


The book may already be out. I encountered the same problem but I diagnosed and solved it by clearing my browsing history, which you can follow the instructions on the Club Penguin Website to do, and I went on one of the servers at the top, because those servers occasionally have something before another server has the new thing. If you follow the two steps of clearing your browsing history and logging on to a top server, you may find it.


Anonymous said...

cool ur blog allways comes in handy!
thanks mimo777!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ive ben waiting 4 dis!!! yay u rock mimo!!!!!!!

Amanda Dlny said...

Anonymous said...
"The lime green dojo clean paint by letters book is not there. Did you check before you posted this?"
"Log off and go into a different server as when I went on there was no book, I logged off and went onto Fjord and it was there :)"

Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

Anonymous said...

it is not there

Avatar14 said...

Its not there!

Amanda Dlny said...

Anonymous said...
This is late but in the 2007-2008 yearbook in April 2008 if you click on the green puffle you can see the pyramid pin in towards the corner...

Just thought I`d tell you that...

Catz4ever330 OR Morressey (on Club Penguin)"
"You can find a pin from every month in the yearbooks"

Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

michelle said...

i dont see the new one?

Anonymous said...

i cant find it :(

academycheer said...

hey its my birthday on the 10th im sooooo happy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck to all you CPG Mod.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Teh Dalek said...

Hey Mimo.
I logged on but I cant find it?
dear teh dalek,
that's weird. maybe there was a glitch or it didn't get to the server yet? this is interesting. i went on a minute ago and it was there? that's weird, i`ll look into it, but from then, waddle on!!!

Amanda Dlny said...

academycheer said...
"hey its my birthday on the 10th im sooooo happy!!!!"
""♪♫♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ♪♫♪♫ ☺"

♥ Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod)

Anonymous said...

Vasa12345 said...

DEAR vasa12345,
me too! i love it! its better than the other two and their both really awesome too! lol, happy waddling!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
where r the coins?????? i only got 160 coins

once you are done typing a page then you go over to the picture and look at it. Start clicking on things because the coin is hidden in the picture somewhere.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
hay mimo weres the book!!

The book should be in the Book Room but some people are not seeing it and they may have a bug. So just chill, log off then log back in then if that doesn't work contact CP and aask them what's up.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

nanooki said...

I logged of and on a bunch of times but it isn't there

Club Penguin said...

Come talk on your secret site!

Anonymous said...

Its really cool!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Yeah Mimo this is cool, but I can't find it! Is it only on a certain server or something?

Well it should be on all of the servers at like the same time so if you don't see it then maybe CP took it down for a while because of bugs or you are having a big problem. So if you are having a big problem then contact CP.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Dear Michelle and Anonymous,

The book Lime Green Dojo Clean has had alot of bugs before and then. It still might have a little bit more. But if you be patient it would come alot faster. Check back at the Library tomorrow or in a few hours. Just remember Club Penguin Staffs have a big job and they can't have everything right on time.Hope This helpS!

Anonymous said...

michelle said...
i dont see the new one?

It probably isn't there. Many other people are having the same problem as you so don't worry too much it is probably a CP problem not a your computer problem. CP might have found a bug or two that still need to be squished.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo I know that you won't answer this so it is a rhetorical question and you other awesome CPG MODs do not have to answer it because nobody but the gang knows it.

I just checked you twitter and it said that maybe 30 minutes ago you posted a comment saying you had something sweet planned. WHAT IS IT?


Tennisbaseball said...

Bb Polo745 is throwing a party on Feb.21
time:11:15 pst
i will add anyone who says polo or i from cpg

Anonymous said...

its not there!

Anonymous said...

I cant find it!

Anonymous said...

same! It wasnt there for me yet either... :(

Anonymous said...

woot i love the new book! *and it came out on my b-day yea!*

Anonymous said...

this is my favotite book out of all of them

Anonymous said...

Mari61995 said,

wow mimo you found this already

ur so cool

u rock!!!
Dear Mari61995,
he did not get it so fast where he lives he has it already.
igotmail90 (CP TRAINING)

Anonymous said...

Its only members who can get it now its so unfair :-(

Wolfgirl993 said...

i played that game just now! i got 800 coins and found all the bonus coins! yay!

Anonymous said...

that was awesome! some of my friends's acounts don't show it, though.


Anonymous said...

Umm nevermind about the 'whats new' posts, it looks like you have already seen the new one :]
Sophi Jr

Mightythunder89 said...

Huh its not there!! I checked it and nothing!

Anonymous said...

mimo! it's not there!

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Woo hoo finally ill check it out now

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Ok guys obviously the book has a few more bugs so we r gonna just have to wait a bit longer! argh

Anonymous said...

Why is the penguin orange? In the picture of the book the penguin is orange! Well maybe it is because you are orange! I want to go to a party Mimo! Quick make one!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo,
I checked the book room on one server and it was there, and when I logged onto a different server later on, it was gone! Wierd, Huh?

Anonymous said...

I can't find the coins :[ Could you post the answers?
Sophi Jr

Anonymous said...

dear mnmnbrett123

The book isnt out yet, i cant see it either, so the team probably has found more bugs in it, dont worry im sure it will be out soon!

Unknown said...

It isnt there! I did everything!You think there is still bugs?

Anonymous said...

Where are the coins??? I can't find them anywhere! Please help me!

Anonymous said...

This is kinda off topic but, can i PLZ be cpg mod. I really want to be one. You always tell me whats going on in clubpenguin. And i love cp. I try to buy all the items.( that are for boys of course) PLz let me be cpg moderator
PS PLZ post i never been posted My penguin is copppermp

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This is late but in the 2007-2008 yearbook in April 2008 if you click on the green puffle you can see the pyramid pin in towards the corner...

Just thought I`d tell you that...

Catz4ever330 OR Morressey (on Club Penguin)

Hi anonymous

In the two latest yearbooks there are secret pins on each of the pages. Thanks for telling Mimo and the CPG mods but I think they already know.

Thanks DigitalMonke (CPG HOPEFULLY)

Anonymous said...

this rocks but can you show us where to find the secert coins are p.s. you rock

Shane Zimmerman said...

thanks for all the tips mimo

Anonymous said...

Hey what do i do if the book isn't there?


Anonymous said...

To the penguins who say Lime green dojo clean is not there yet here is your sulution.

Mimo's computer may be faster and has gotten the update before anyone.

Your computer may have not got the update yet, maybe its slow, if not probably because of the first reason.

Also if your waiting for something to come out make sure if your on you log off then go back on, it should be there.

Sand Flipper


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is kinda off topic but, can i PLZ be cpg mod. I really want to be one. You always tell me whats going on in clubpenguin. And i love cp. I try to buy all the items.( that are for boys of course) PLz let me be cpg moderator
PS PLZ post i never been posted My penguin is copppermp

Hey! you can be a mod anyone can! all you have to do is answer questions. Here is an example

Q: Where is the pin?

A: The pin is at the beacon


See? i dont put the cpg mod though but still mimo rocks is enough to say.

Sand Flipper


copppermp said...

Oh hey mimo i went and created an account so you will no its me. Bye!

Anonymous said...

People you need to clear your cache and restart your computer to see the book it work for me!!!

xXx JaDe xXx said...

i didnt find it!?!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The lime green dojo clean paint by letters book is not there. Did you check before you posted this?

For all that said that it's not there, they just took it back down for a little bit to fix the bugs. Also, yes, when mimo posted this he did check because he has a picture of the game.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is kinda off topic but, can i PLZ be cpg mod. I really want to be one. You always tell me whats going on in clubpenguin. And i love cp. I try to buy all the items.( that are for boys of course) PLz let me be cpg moderator
PS PLZ post i never been posted My penguin is copppermp

Hey, to become a cpg mod, it's not that easy=D You have to answer questions, be polite in comments, and only put cpg mod after your name when you answer a question.
Over time, if you are good, you will be added.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is kinda off topic but, can i PLZ be cpg mod. I really want to be one. You always tell me whats going on in clubpenguin. And i love cp. I try to buy all the items.( that are for boys of course) PLz let me be cpg moderator
PS PLZ post i never been posted My penguin is copppermp

Mckmitch says...
to be a mod you have to answer questions but i know how you feel i really want to be one. ;)

Waddle on.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why is the penguin orange? In the picture of the book the penguin is orange! Well maybe it is because you are orange! I want to go to a party Mimo! Quick make one!

Ya, whatever color your penguin is, that's what color the penguin in the pictures on the book pages will be:D Good answer!
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

wait until it says you can change the page on every page except the last one but DONT click it. Move your mouse around the screen until it changes into a hand then click it or shake it until something happens.

Waddle on.

natrika said...

this is so cool mimo

Anonymous said...

HAHA THANKS FOR TELLINg me about the hidden coins[sorry bout d cap letters, to lazy to write again] i was halfway trough until i remembered bout ur post, anyway thanx again!!!

natrika said...

Teh Dalek said...
Hey Mimo.
I logged on but I cant find it?

log in again!

natrika said...

mnmnbrett123 said...
hey Mimo iam loged on but i can'find it

maybe ur computer have an error!

mkathyii (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

mimo i cant find it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. Its great!

Amanda Dlny said...

Anonymous said...
"This is kinda off topic but, can i PLZ be cpg mod. I really want to be one. You always tell me whats going on in clubpenguin. And i love cp. I try to buy all the items.( that are for boys of course) PLz let me be cpg moderator
PS PLZ post i never been posted My penguin is copppermp"
"Sure you can be a mod, all you have to do is answer penguins questions just like Im answering yours, and when Mimo thinks your ready he will make you a mod if you want more info there is some more on the right of the blog underneath Mods!"

Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

Amanda Dlny said...

Kickit14 said...
"Where are the coins??? I can't find them anywhere! Please help me!
"The coins are hidden throughout the book, on the first page you have to use the mop to get the coin and on another page you click the lightbulb and do a maze!"

Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

Amanda Dlny said...

Anonymous said...
"Why is the penguin orange? In the picture of the book the penguin is orange! Well maybe it is because you are orange! I want to go to a party Mimo! Quick make one!"
"Yup its cos Mimo is orange, like on my book my penguin is pink ;)! Also Mimo has a party coming up soon for the people who entered the food Mimo contest, but you never know he could have a quikkee at any time"

Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

Amanda Dlny said...

Mrpengiewin said...
"Hey Mimo I know that you won't answer this so it is a rhetorical question and you other awesome CPG MODs do not have to answer it because nobody but the gang knows it.

I just checked you twitter and it said that maybe 30 minutes ago you posted a comment saying you had something sweet planned. WHAT IS IT?

"Well you see Mimo is gonna have a comp and the winner will get to go out to macdonalds with Mimo and then go back to his gaff and watch the office :P, JK! I dunno,but I wanna knw!"

Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

Amanda Dlny said...

nanooki said...
"I logged of and on a bunch of times but it isn't there"
"Are you a non-member? If so then loggin on and off wont work as CP has a glitch and the book isnt showing for most non-members"

Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

Uno_Dos_Kate said...

Teh Dalek said...
Hey Mimo.
I logged on but I cant find it?
Do you mean the book?

if you do, go to the coffee shop then go upstairs.Then go to the bookshelves

Penguq2 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...


can you tell us where the extra coins are?

nicollai (penguin name)

Anonymous said...

Ok I logged on but i can't find it!

Anonymous said...

grrrrr....... :(

Anonymous said...

I dont see the new book in the book room! may i know where u find it?

Anonymous said...

Sophi Jr said...

I can't find the coins :[ Could you post the answers?
Sophi Jr
dear Sophi Jr,
i had more luck than you, i could find all but one coin. there really tough! i missed the one on the first page! :{ happy waddling!

Anonymous said...

Hello, i cant find the book..

Anonymous said...

where is the book i went to the book room and i clicked on the book shelf and i still couldn't find it can you help me please mimo or other clubpenguingang members.

Anonymous said...

yay this book is so cool and if you read it its actually a poem!

Mina Pham said...

The book is great i'm earning lots of coins:) ~icee freeze 3 ~

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why is the penguin orange? In the picture of the book the penguin is orange! Well maybe it is because you are orange! I want to go to a party Mimo! Quick make one!

The penguin on the cover is what ever color you are. So for me it was purple. Mimo won't just make a party cuz you asked him to its totally up to him.

Mrpengiewin(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Answer to everyones question about lime green dojo ok heres the deal about it club penguin support and they know what happend so contact them they will reply and you will have it fixed and i am waiting for the e-mail from them how!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is kinda off topic but, can i PLZ be cpg mod. I really want to be one. You always tell me whats going on in clubpenguin. And i love cp. I try to buy all the items.( that are for boys of course) PLz let me be cpg moderator
PS PLZ post i never been posted My penguin is copppermp

To be a CPG MOD you have to answer questions that people asked in comments. Like I am doing for you now. Then just put (CPG MOD) next to your name and if you do this enough times then you will be a CPG MOD.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Kickit14 said...
Where are the coins??? I can't find them anywhere! Please help me!

They are hidden in the pictures and you have to interact with the pictures to find the coins. You need to move stuff around in the pics.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Taylor said...
It isnt there! I did everything!You think there is still bugs?

Yes we think there are still bugs so just hang in there and CP will have it fixed soon.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

StrummedPick said...


Anonymous said...

I'm stayin home from school today cause I'm sick. Boo hoo and hooray! Anyway I'm glad they came our with this book! I wanna learn to type faster and you can get 800 coins!
Peace Out

Anonymous said...

played it ten times and won 800 coins every time

Anonymous said...

Ok since most of you seem to be having problems I'm just gonna clear this up.

Some penguins seem to be having the problem of not seeing the book. Apparently CP hasn't squashed all the bugs yet. Keep checking back every once in a while.

Peace Out
Icy2598, CPG Mod

Anonymous said...

hayy i found all of the hidden places for coins!

Anonymous said...

Sophi Jr said...
Hey guys, I know it might not be there for you. If it isn't log off and then back on, it should be there.
Sophi Jr

srry sophie but i logged off 3 times and it wasn't on.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is late but in the 2007-2008 yearbook in April 2008 if you click on the green puffle you can see the pyramid pin in towards the corner...

Just thought I`d tell you that...

Catz4ever330 OR Morressey (on Club Penguin)

acually theres one of those on every page. go check it out!

Anonymous said...

But Mimo,
What are the cheats?!?!


Anonymous said...

You will just have to look for the coins in the book but again the coin is not on the last page.

Anonymous said...

Nice cheat Mimo!

Anonymous said...

Now that i am trying to be a CPG MOD i will probably comment more often.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is kinda off topic but, can i PLZ be cpg mod. I really want to be one. You always tell me whats going on in clubpenguin. And i love cp. I try to buy all the items.( that are for boys of course) PLz let me be cpg moderator
PS PLZ post i never been posted My penguin is copppermp
Hi! To become a CPG MOD you have to answer questions on the comments. If you are good enough you will be listed with the other mods on the mod list. For more information (which you should read) look on the right side of this site. :]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr

Anonymous said...

how do u paint the letters??

Anonymous said...

I do not have it. I suppose that maybe it is a member only thing so far. And since Mimo is a member, he can check it out. Mimo, if any of the CPG penguins aren't members, can you see if they can do the PBL?

Anonymous said...

D'OH, D'OH, D'OH it's not there Mimo... It only has "Burnt out bulbs" and "My puffle"...



Anonymous said...

i cant find it what sever do you go on ???? :) :) ;) :0

Anonymous said...

maybe it is only members or mabye its the servers. wat server do u go on?

Anonymous said...

Mimo!! thats cool!!

But.. can you give US a cheats for the bonus points on the new book??

Anonymous said...

coppermp said...
This is kinda off topic but, can i PLZ be cpg mod. I really want to be one. You always tell me whats going on in clubpenguin. And i love cp. I try to buy all the items.( that are for boys of course) PLz let me be cpg moderator
PS PLZ post i never been posted My penguin is copppermp
Yo coppermp
If u wanna be a CPG Mod, then u gotta answer people's questions or help them somehow and put CPG Mod after you're name, i.e. Icy2598, CPG Mod.
Peace Out
Icy2598, CPG Mod

Anonymous said...

I got all of the coins,mimo! the new book rocks!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The lime green dojo clean paint by letters book is not there. Did you check before you posted this?

Zxz192 (me) said...
Mimo always checks everything before he posts about it. If you can't see it it means that Club Penguin probably took it down again to get rid of some bugs.

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo I went on to club penguin and its not there. Whats up with that? The old books are still there. Help!

Anonymous said...

LittleCuteGirl said...
Mimo!! thats cool!!

But.. can you give US a cheats for the bonus points on the new book??

Zxz192 (me) said...
I'm sure Mimo will have the cheats for the bonus coins for us shortly. It will take him a little while to make the post and get the screenshots and stuff, but they will be posted in the end.

Hope this helped! And enjoy the new book!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

chels xx said...
how do u paint the letters??

Zxz192 (me) said...
To paint the letters, all you have to do is type the words that you see on the left page. This can make the picture on the right change. You can even choose your own word when you are given words to choose from. If you still need help, look at the example in The PBL Book "My Puffle".

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
where r the coins?????? i only got 160 coins
dear anonymous
did u find all the bonuses?

saavy (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

can you go on penguin chat 3?

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo,
Iwent on and it is still not there!I've been on 5 servers and none have it. Does anyone know why?

AL said...

HELP! Its not there! And im a member!

Anonymous said...

its not there mimo i logged on but.... its not on the book shelf in the book room + i tryed it on both penguins and plz tell me the coin cheets for all books ok

Anonymous said...

I was in there and it won't work 8(

Anonymous said...

chels xx said...
how do u paint the letters??
You don't really paint the letters. All you do is type the words :]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

i found it i love it!

Anonymous said...

Ok guys, the book may still have some bugs. I know it is for members and non members. I went on my member penguin, it was there. Then I went on a penguin I made that was a non member. Both of the penguins had access to the book. I'll investigate some servers :]
Waddle on,
Sophi Jr

Anonymous said...

chels xx said...
how do u paint the letters??

You just type them silly.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

LittleCuteGirl said...
Mimo!! thats cool!!

But.. can you give US a cheats for the bonus points on the new book??

Mimo is a very busy penguin but I am sure that he is working on getting those cheats available to us ASAP.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Cj0q said...
maybe it is only members or mabye its the servers. wat server do u go on?

It is not for members only because I am not a member and it still worked for me. It might be the servers but not likely. Mimo usually goes on FJORD and BIGFOOT.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Hey guys. If you are having trouble finding the book, look on these servers: alpine , white house, christmas, snow ball,ice rink, ascent

If you want to, you can give me this info so I MIGHT be able to figure out if certain penguins can't access the book:
Penguin Name:
Sophi Jr

Anonymous said...

Sophi Jr said...
I can't find the coins :[ Could you post the answers?
Sophi Jr

They are all there in the pictures just keep looking and I think that MIMO will work on a post witha answers soon.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Unknown said...

i have completed it 800 coins
its very good

Anonymous said...

Sodigirl said...
I do not have it. I suppose that maybe it is a member only thing so far. And since Mimo is a member, he can check it out. Mimo, if any of the CPG penguins aren't members, can you see if they can do the PBL?

Dardy Wardy said...
Hey Sodigirl! I'm not a member and I can see it so it isn't a member book. I know what it is. Just Club Penguin didn't put it onto sll the servers yet so some of you are having trouble.

Amanda Dlny said...

Cj0q said...
"maybe it is only members or mabye its the servers. wat server do u go on?"
"Mimo goes on the servers Fjord and Bigfoot"

Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

Amanda Dlny said...

chels xx said...
"how do u paint the letters??"
"You just type the words that are shown, dont worry you will get the hang of it eventually"

Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

Anonymous said...

Mimo I'm trying to find the book but it isn't there can you please help me find it!

Anonymous said...

its not there!!!!!

Alatorr said...

I can't find it anywhere and I've tried a bunch of servers. There is just NO trace of it. Mimo, can you help me?

Anonymous said...

Mimo I had seen it yesterday! But now that I look again, it isn't there anymore! I wanted to beat it again, but I didn't see it! Well, at least I found all of the coins!

Jan0499 said...

Teh Dalek said...
Hey Mimo.
I logged on but I cant find it?
Keep looking, you'll find it sooner or later!

(CPG Mod) Penguin name: Kjsc03

Jan0499 said...

Teh Dalek said...
Hey Mimo.
I logged on but I cant find it?
Keep looking, you'll find it sooner or later!

(CPG Mod) Penguin name: Kjsc03

Anonymous said...

to little cute girl

i will tell you where the first coin is on the first page click on the mop the move the mop around the window then the coin will appear then click on the coin and with the other pages move your mouse around until u can click on something it might be a puzzle or you will have to move something out of the way its pretty cool. hope helped. yoshhi456(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Its not the Mimo its been a day
did u try it for non members??

Anonymous said...

i went on and still cant find it i think its only in USA currently

Anonymous said...

hey mimo i luv the new book cya

Anonymous said...

the new book rules mimo u rock

Anonymous said...

I can't find it Mimo!

Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
i went on and still cant find it i think its only in USA currently

Zxz192 (me) said...
Its not only in the USA because I'm in the UK and its there for me. I think CP are having some technical difficulties or something. It'll be out soon though.

Hope this helped!

Amanda Dlny said...

Anonymous said...
"Its not the Mimo its been a day
did u try it for non members??"
"I got my friend to log in as she isnt a member and she can still read it, so I think its just a glitch placed on random penguins"

Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

Tennowey Stardoll said...

i went on there but it aint there!!

HELP it looks really kool.


Anonymous said...

ITS NOT OUT!!!-(yet)
mimo could u plz tell me how to take those good screen shot plz plz plz plz with a smelly zebra on top

Anonymous said...

best club penguin book ever
i got 800 coins from it

Anonymous said...

luv it! but some of them were simple and others super hard- i thought it was cool though!
keep R O C K I N G !

Anonymous said...

i can find it

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