Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, February 16, 2009

Do You Care about Puffle Care and Stuff?

So Club Penguin put out some helpful hints about getting your Puffle to get it's groove on, yo.

Puffle Hints and other smoovey Puffle stuff.

Your Puffle's health will GO DOWN WHEN IT'S HEALTH IS FULL if you do these things.

1. Don't make your Puffle eat any Puffle O's when it's full. If you do, he will eat too much and nearly explode and get sick. (JK) ;-)
2. Don't make your Puffle sleep when it's full. If you do, he'll have nightmares about Giant green Puffle O's and get freaked! (JK) ;-)

You can get your Puffle's health to GO UP IF IT NEEDS MORE HEALTH if you do these things.

1. Play with your Puffle. When you do, your Puffle builds up super muscle power and can lift the whole Iceberg with one hand. (JK) ;-)
2. Feed your puffle. Puffle O's are filled with caffeine and Apple Sauce! (JK on the caffeine) ;-)
3. Make your Puffle sleep. He needs a happy nappy. ;-)

Remember the Puffle Par-tay starts Friday! And yeah, pretty obvious what the colored boxes are for. There will probably be different areas for different colored Puffles.

What sweet things has your Puffle done on furniture? And what is your Puffle's name?

I'll be posting the Planet Cazmo Party pictures later tonight on my secret site. ;-)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Listen to Mimo's music now at:
Mimo - Decoding Mimo


1 – 200 of 205   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

Lol! Simon Cowell :]

Anonymous said...

I have been an admirer of ur blog, but this is the first comment. U rock!

Anonymous said...

my puffles name i kinda wierd its mojo!!!

Anonymous said...

my puffles name i kinda wierd its mojo!!!

Anonymous said...

Mimo. My brithday is the 18th and I was wondering if you could give me a free gift to a free year to be a member. I love my puffles. P.S. That would be the best brithday presant ever.

Anonymous said...

mimo aim me i have a questin. it's about what server u get on i just want to meet u i started cp when they made it so plz respond????....

PS:I'm on sim almost every day so if im not, Do u want my e-mail address

Ansower my questian plzz.....?????

yes NO
| | | |

Dex Dude said...

Nice puffle name! Thanks for the tips1 I'M GONNA KEEP ON TRYING TO BECOME A MOD!

~Dex Dude~

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha. me puffle name ees icicle for ze blue on and ze red one ees awso icicle. me wanted to name ze red puffle fireyflamypants. LOL mimo i loooove ur site... it funny...
ps.if puffle os were really filled with caffine and applesauce, i would eat it. i wonder if it taste like chicken... if it did would puffles like the taste? or are they forced to eat it or starve? hmmmm...

Dodge the Hedgehog & videog1500 said...

ur full of jk's,and when r u goin on mimo chat?

Anonymous said...


Dex Dude said...

Ummm my some of my puffle's name are iRock, iDance, and iPlay. I have fourteen puffles and I can't remember their names so lol!

~Dex Dude~

xoel4everlife14 said...


Anonymous said...

awesome! that was really funny! my puffle names are buddy and iTunes!

RacerXBoi said...

souljaboy5210 said...
mimo aim me i have a questin. it's about what server u get on i just want to meet u i started cp when they made it so plz respond????....

PS:I'm on sim almost every day so if im not, Do u want my e-mail address

Ansower my questian plzz.....?????

yes NO
| | | |

Mimo goes on Servers Fjord and Bigfoot. He can't always meet you cause he is a very busy penguin. He wouldn't have time to post if we always wanted him to meet us

Alatorr said...

My puffles are Oscar, Kierra, and Fred, and I used to have Danny, but he ran away this morning :-(

Anonymous said...

my puffles are... Bob, Frank and Joe! Its awesome that puffles are filled with apple sauce. lol ; )

Anonymous said...

my puffles are running awat because of the furnirue!! skully9517

Anonymous said...

LOL! Simon Cowell.... He is perfect for a black puffle :P
I currently don't have any puffles and I'm planning to get one on Thurdsay or Friday. :]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Oops! I put (CPG MOD) after my name...sorry about that
Sophi Jr

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo. My birthday is the 18th and I was wondering if you could give me a free gift to a free year to be a membr. I love my puffles. P.S. That would be the best birthday presant ever.

Im sorry but mimo does not just give away free memberships to random people who ask for them. You have to win it in a contest or buy it. He wont even give you a 1 month free membership. Happy Birthday too!

Anonymous said...

Whos puffle is that? Simon Cowell! LOL
I guess Zoezoes

Anonymous said...

Ummm... puffles dont have hands... LOL!!!! Ive got two, one is named bubbles she is purple and the other is fire puppy which is red

Anonymous said...

souljaboy5210 said...
mimo aim me i have a questin. it's about what server u get on i just want to meet u i started cp when they made it so plz respond????....
Mimo usually goes on Fjord, sometimes Big Foot. But mainly Fjord... ;]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Lolz I named my puffles after their colour.

Anonymous said...

souljaboy5210 said:

mimo aim me i have a questin. it's about what server u get on i just want to meet u i started cp when they made it so plz respond????

It might be very hard to find Mimo but it says that Mimo usually go on Fjord or Big Foot. Try going there and look around for Mimo!

Nigiri294 (Cpg Mod)

Anonymous said...

Videog1500 President of CPB said...

ur full of jk's,and when r u goin on mimo chat?

He goes on Mimo chat at really random times. Here's a tip, try looking at online users on the left and if it says Mimo is online, go onto chat and see.

Nigiri294 (CPG Mod)

Dex Dude said...

Souljaboy5210 said....
mimo aim me i have a questin. it's about what server u get on i just want to meet u i started cp when they made it so plz respond????....

PS:I'm on sim almost every day so if im not, Do u want my e-mail address

Ansower my questian plzz.....?????

yes NO
| | | |
Mimo cannot meet you personally on ClubPenguin. it would be unfair for other penguins. Try finding one of his parties! No-one really ever knows what server he ever goes on really. My guess is that he goes on a bunch of diffrent random servers. I don't think he cares what server he goes on but I'm sure he has a favorite!


Anonymous said...

My puffle is called Forrest Gump

Dex Dude said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo. My brithday is the 18th and I was wondering if you could give me a free gift to a free year to be a member. I love my puffles. P.S. That would be the best brithday presant ever.
I am really not sure if Mimo can get you a free membership for ClubPenguin. Happy birthday anyways though! Mimo is a very generous person(and penguin)though. So you never know what will happen!


Lexi said...

Simon Cowell, LOL........

~Areinia on CP

Dex Dude said...

Videog1500 President of CPB said...
ur full of jk's,and when r u goin on mimo chat?
Mimo goes on Mimo Chat whenever he feels like it. Try to keep Mimo Chat a secret though, Mimo wants it hard to find! SHHHH!


Mike92 said...

thanks about the puffle info

Pokemon80123 said...

my puffles names are Pokemon and caption from pokemon80123 your #1 fan. you rock mimo

Anonymous said...

dude u need 2 kidding 2 much. ;-)


RacerXBoi said...

Mimo. I know your online. Come in da American Idol room. Plz

Anonymous said...

my puffle is random randy (the red one) and bloo (the blue one) I'm not a member, but i still have fun with my puffles. :)
ps: great fan mimo!

Anonymous said...

I name all my puffles after the meerkats in "Meerkat Manor," like Rocket Dog and Flower and Tosca. cpg rox my sox!

Anonymous said...

hey u should post bout the new toy update even know i dont reakky care

RacerXBoi said...

Sophi Jr said...
Oops! I put (CPG MOD) after my name...sorry about that
Sophi Jr

Its ok Sophi Jr. Alot of ppl have made dat mistake

Anonymous said...

I had 7 puffles and all ran away. LOL and :( I bought 5 more and three ran away because of the dumb new update that puffles do whatever when they want without us telling them to. When I had 5, the were named:

Red- Surfer
Green- Greeny
Yellow- Puffly
Purple- DJ Cadence
Pink- Cheesy

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo. My brithday is the 18th and I was wondering if you could give me a free gift to a free year to be a member. I love my puffles. P.S. That would be the best brithday presant ever.

Buddytoe here! I don't think he'll give you something.

-Buddytoe (CPG moderator [in training])

Anonymous said...

I still dont understand why puffles just sometimes randomly play or sleep

Anonymous said...

hey Mimo! Thank you so much for posting that the exact day all of my puffles leave! so i had to take out all of the puffle stuff and put in like a movie theater! oh yeah i just fiished watching ICarly with Fred on it! so hilarious!


Anonymous said...

Mimo is really busy but he might be able to met you. who knows! you and him might be close friends!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I still dont understand why puffles just sometimes randomly play or sleep

That haven't happened to me before...
they never slept or played without me clicking on the button for them to do that.


Anonymous said...

My puffles name is shaymin lol

Anonymous said...

lol, Simon cowell. yeah, I've had that nightmare before[ jk ;]

Anonymous said...

lift the icebrg with one hand? Poof balls don't have hands!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo. My brithday is the 18th and I was wondering if you could give me a free gift to a free year to be a member. I love my puffles. P.S. That would be the best brithday presant ever.

Mimo doesn't give out membershops for free!... Okay he does but you have to earn it!

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Bb Polo745 is throwing a party on Feb.21
i will add anyone who says polo or i from cpg.

Anonymous said...

i have 10 puffles i think.
one is named Mimo he he he lol.
polo is out dawg.
dont forget to come to party.
Bb Polo745

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. simon cowell.
thats funny


Anonymous said...

hey mimo, what was that one cheat where you could movve a members furniture again?

poseidonbub said...

Hi mimo this is for you to read only =) when you go to the club cazmo thing today (2-16-09) and you do ur party thing he will gave u the hat still =)

Anonymous said...

Mimo I wanted to let you know there are two new postcards for the play. If you give me credit my penguin is Thomas An.

Anonymous said...

Arrow 2000 at Club Penguin said...
I have been an admirer of ur blog, but this is the first comment. U rock!

I think u notice it now but ur 2nd lol

Anonymous said...

I have all puffles. ( 1 of each) There named in the order I got them; puffle, puffle2, etc. All the way up to puffle7.

- Frrod

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo. My brithday is the 18th and I was wondering if you could give me a free gift to a free year to be a member. I love my puffles. P.S. That would be the best brithday presant ever.

mimo only gives membersships to contest winners :( Happy b-day!

Anonymous said...

o ya 2 of my puffles ran away today AND NOT ONE OF THEM WAS THE PINK ONE!!!!!!

dakoda14 said...

i found ur secret site and my puffles names are fluffy(pink) pufle bubba jr(blue my old pufle bubba ran away :[ )and rocky(red)

Anonymous said...

Dex Dude said...
Nice puffle name! Thanks for the tips1 I'M GONNA KEEP ON TRYING TO BECOME A MOD!

u keep trying dex and i will too :)

Anonymous said...

Videog1500 President of CPB said...
ur full of jk's,and when r u goin on mimo chat?

he was acually on the other day gotta catch him next time.

Anonymous said...

I have one black Puffle named"Jared".If they had an orange Puffle I would buy it and name it Mimo.Lol.Great Site,Great Post,Great Mimo,GREAT EVERYTHING!

Anonymous said...

Tomichael said...
Whos puffle is that? Simon Cowell! LOL
I guess Zoezoes

DUDE MIMOS DA lol he said it... i think

Anonymous said...

souljaboy5210 said...
mimo aim me i have a questin. it's about what server u get on i just want to meet u i started cp when they made it so plz respond????....

his main servers r fjord and bigfoot. I like fjord it sounds phunnie i mean fj makin like a y sound almost sounds spanish how the j sounds like y lol. i think im over caffenated.

Anonymous said...

dudes and dudets my puffles names are Yarr (named after Yarr) and HAPPY(all in caps)!
seeya laters dudes and dudets.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
my puffles name i kinda wierd its mojo!!!

ya that's from transformers ya it rox love that name man!
-Birdygurl (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

Simon Cowell!?!?!?!?!?! LOL

Anonymous said...

my puffles name is: Tom Cruise! Lol is so funny.

Anonymous said...

Lol Simon is favorite judge on American Idol! He is so funny! lol puffles rock and i cant wait for the puffle party!

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Hmmm I dont have any puffles cos I kinda forget to feed them

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
my puffles name i kinda wierd its mojo!!!
lol like Mojo Jojo off the Powerpuff girls.....dont ask me how I know about that, lol

Anonymous said...

My puffles name is Feed me and lime green( i named him lime green becuase i got him when the new book came out!

Anonymous said...

souljaboy5210 said...
mimo aim me i have a questin. it's about what server u get on i just want to meet u i started cp when they made it so plz respond????....

PS:I'm on sim almost every day so if im not, Do u want my e-mail address

Ansower my questian plzz.....?????

yes NO
| | | |
you can be MY friend. PLEASE?

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Tomichael said...
Whos puffle is that? Simon Cowell! LOL
I guess Zoezoes
Well it might be Mimo becose hes a member now, Simon Cowell a depress black puffle, that sounds about rite

Anonymous said...

LOL! cute name! Simon Cowell! haha! Even looks like Simon Cowell :]
Btw... aren't puffles allergic to apple sauce?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Mimo. My birthday is the 18th and I was wondering if you could give me a free gift to a free year to be a member. I love my puffles. P.S. That would be the best birthday present ever.
Tlsth33 said...
First of all Happy Birthday!!! And Second Mimo isn't made of money, now I understand you want to be a member (Don't we all?)But don't get your hopes to high, Mimo is a busy kid and memberships are kinda pricey...

Anonymous said...

Yay Guy said...

lift the icebrg with one hand? Poof balls don't have hands!

my answer:
It said that the puffle will get super muscle power so it could grow hands and then it'll lift the ice berg.

nigiri294 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

hey mimo, what was that one cheat where you could movve a members furniture again?

I tried to do that cheat but I think that Club Penguin fixed the glitch.

Nigiri294(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Mimo. My brithday is the 18th and I was wondering if you could give me a free gift to a free year to be a member. I love my puffles. P.S. That would be the best brithday presant ever.
if mimo did that for u then everyone will get jealous and like 200 people will like ask him for one to

cheers yoshhi456 (CPG MOD in training)

Mikosubaka said...

lol mimo awesome and funny post!


Kaukuoliukas said...

Puffles THE BEST!!!

Anonymous said...

mine are called lolly and pop

Anonymous said...

I have a black puufle named Emo, a yellow puffle named Priscilla and a green puffle named Fat Boy.


Anonymous said...

lol cuuuuttte name! i luv it
i named my puffle Yarr and Light Yellow, Happi, darkrider, nature green, puffle pink, and Ipod

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo! I have an idea for you.
You know that on every single server you go on like every penguin wants to be your freind? You could always send them a postecard instead of using up buddy space. Rofl Simon cowell!
Vanillawhite hope to be ( CPG MOD)
LOL ;)

Anonymous said...

Um my green puffle is called Bugsy (Lol, you should watch that guy in Bedtime Stories) and my yellow one is Grizzly! Lol

Anonymous said...

hey its leish7

Anonymous said...

Mimo is really busy but he might be able to met you. who knows! you and him might be close friends!!!!!!!




he was talking about this guy called Irish521... and yeah he might meet the guy someday...
but probly not..and yeah it would be nice for me and mimo to be close friends...but i live in australia...:/that gets me thinking...

~leish7(cpg mod in training)

Anonymous said...

my puffle name mellow
p.s it a "yellow puffle"

Anonymous said...

LOL Simon Cowell!!!

Anonymous said...

this is the 1st time i've actually commented on ur blog even though ive been going on it 4 a year now lol. if ya wanna get the bars on the puffle card full, give it a bath then feed it.

Anonymous said...

hi its leish7

i have 14 puffles the red ones are
Yarr,Blast and Flamee
the blue one is Bouncer
the pink one is Loop
the purple ones are Cadence,Pop and
Blob the black ones are Coaly and Flare the green ones are Biker and
the green ones are Biker and Flit
and the yellow ones are Money and Chirp.


Anonymous said...

my puffles are called blackie cutie pie cherry mimo grape sunshine and pinky

Anonymous said...

lol my puffle is called pop(she is purple) and my other puffle is jack black(he is a black puffle). U RULE MIMO!
-jodietame(cp name)

Anonymous said...

Haha! Simon Cowell! Cute name for a black puffle!

I used to be a member, but now I'm not so my puffle's scratching post, bed and the rest of my furniture has been packed up and can't be used. I still have my puffles though. I have a blue one named Wiffle, a red named Fluff, 2 yellows named Fuzzy Mambo and Cosmo, 2 greens called Hansel and well, the other one has no name, 2 pinks called Gretel and Lulu, 2 purples called Kayla and Bambi, and 2 blacks: Austin and another nameless one.

Anonymous said...

omg this it totally AWSOME !!!!
it will be my 11th birthday on friday thats when the PARTY STARTS !!!!!!!
p.s. my puffle is called hannah !!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I still dont understand why puffles just sometimes randomly play or sleep

Zxz192 (me) said...
Me too! This is the exact reason my blue puffle ran away. They sleep when they don't need to and get their health low and run away. I don't give them any furniture now for this reason. I take care of them though. I like having pets ;)

Anonymous said...

mimo if u want a perfect puffle full with all 3 lines full. giv u piffle some food not buiscuit the before its finished its food giv it a bath


Anonymous said...

my puffles name is star and the other one blitzz which makes me starblitzz

Anonymous said...

Yo, Mimo, I've got 4 puffles right now, here they are:

Black - Brad Pitt
Black - Neo
Purple - DJ Cadence
Red - Yarr

Obidankenobi signing off.


Anonymous said...

I used to have a yellow puffle when i was a member. i called it marmalade :P

Taiga H said...

Need more help? First, wash your pet(s) and then feed them Puffle-O's. They will be fully energized!

Anonymous said...

My puffle's name is Piper!

Anonymous said...

my puple puffle is names pulpo wich is spanish for octopus and also sounds like purple!!

Anonymous said...

by the way... my puffle's names are Puffer and Red

Unknown said...

since im a member on club penguin i have three puffles. there names are Golden, Candie, and Princess

Anonymous said...

i alredy posted a comment but i looked at dis post again and looked at the puffles name and had a question. was that your puffle?
P.S. my name is zake bros2 and im almost all in blue. i wear a red bandana,blue face paint,a blue lei,blue waterwings,my blue belt(im higher then blue belt), and brown boots and my color is blue
-:) Bye (thats my all the way sign)

Anonymous said...

i love mimo777s club penguin cheats and i think youre AWESOME but ive never seen you but i will keep hunting Bye!
Zake Bros2 -:) (all the way sign)

Anonymous said...

cool my puffles r weird andcp are putting 2 much stuff on cp it 2 confusing now lol my cousins puffle is named afta her sista becuase her black puffle is a furry version of her sis lol go LK MY COUSIN AND EK IS HER SISS

Anonymous said...

My puffles are named Larry, Jerry, Chris, and Zeebo.
Zeebo is green, Chris is yellow, Larry is red, and Jerry is blue.

Anonymous said...

These are my puffle names:

I like their names. I kinda regret calling my green puffle "furball" though. Not one of my greatest ideas. Lol.


Anonymous said...

Coolbluerydr (cpg mod) said...
Tomichael said...
Whos puffle is that? Simon Cowell! LOL
I guess Zoezoes

DUDE MIMOS DA lol he said it... i think

ok ok so he didnt say it but i think scince all his stats r in the middle he just bought it so i think its mimos

Anonymous said...

i cant believe i gotta go to school today :(

Anonymous said...

hey mimo wat kind of mini pizzas r they u kno at the gas station. Peperoni? Sausage? Peperoni and sausage? yum.

Anonymous said...

IS Simon Cowell actually ur puffle! LOL love it's name!

Anonymous said...

LOL Simon Cowell!! Are you a fan on American idol too? LOVE that show!! OK my puffles names are Haley Nicole and Candy (got her on Valentines Day lol) so ya they go in the puffle condo and pop out (sooo cute!) and thy hop in there food and water dish and get all dirty(jk but it splashes on them) LOL i LOVE puffles!!

Anonymous said...

ps.if puffle os were really filled with caffine and applesauce, i would eat it. i wonder if it taste like chicken... if it did would puffles like the taste? or are they forced to eat it or starve? hmmmm.. -Artic


Anonymous said...

souljaboy5210 said...
mimo aim me i have a questin. it's about what server u get on i just want to meet u i started cp when they made it so plz respond????....

At the left hand side Mimo tells us which servers he goes on so its Big Foot and Yukon. Good Luck Finding Mimo!

( CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes when I play with my puffle, maybe after it eats, sometimes it flies. it catches on fire and just bounces around. I might get a new puffle, and name it something silly. I'll get a red or a green one, maybe blue.

Unknown said...

Hi Mimo

Cool Puffle name!! I have puffles!

A red one called Sharon (Osbourne)
A pink on called Danni (Minnogue)
A blue one called Louis (Walsh)

And this is soooo random but...



Keep Waddling

Ur member friend

Anonymous said...

3 of my puffles ran away, lol.

Anonymous said...

haha Simon Cowell my red puffle's name is Eni while my blue puffle's name is Keni

Anonymous said...

vanillawhite said:

Hey Mimo! I have an idea for you.
You know that on every single server you go on like every penguin wants to be your freind? You could always send them a postecard instead of using up buddy space.

Thanks for the idea! Maybe he'll actually do that!

Nigiri294 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

omg this it totally AWSOME !!!!
it will be my 11th birthday on friday thats when the PARTY STARTS !!!!!!!
p.s. my puffle is called hannah !!!!

Happy Early Birthday!!!!!

Nigiri294(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Taiga said:

Need more help? First, wash your pet(s) and then feed them Puffle-O's. They will be fully energized!

Thanks for the tip!

Nigiri294 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

My puffle is Green and called Barney

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said....

Do puffles reely need to get exersise to hold an iceberg and where are there arms?

I said.....

Dude... Mimos just joking and puffles do not have arms.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo i know a way for making your puffles energy full first make it play than it must sleep and then feed it ...
Bye P.S. YOU rock

Unknown said...

My puffles Rockhopper and Hinata are two years old.

Anonymous said...

my puffles names:
red: dobbs
blue: lola
purple: puffy (i was stuck 4 names!)
pink: boo
yellow: lily
green: dora
I cant wait for the paaarty! its gonna be awesome!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo!! awesome site! My purple puffle is named Blossomm and she once jumped into the half and half food and water thing, it was really funny. Hope to see u on cp, and at ur next party!

Anonymous said...

puffles= bob and charile the unicorn!

Anonymous said...

souljaboy5210 said...
mimo aim me i have a questin. it's about what server u get on i just want to meet u i started cp when they made it so plz respond????....

Mimo goes on Fjord and Bigfoot. He goes on it near 6:00 PST. So, yeah. But, u might not meet him...

Laer CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

Dex Dude said...

Tomichael said...
Whos puffle is that? Simon Cowell! LOL
I guess Zoezoes
Umm no that's Mimo's puffle I'm guessing! He's kinda odd and weird so he does stuff like that! LOL! =^D


Stickers303 said...

I missed the bus,the car is broken and its too rainy to walkand school is a 30 minute walk lol!


Anonymous said...

lol funny name! :]

Anonymous said...

I take care of my puffles! :)

P.S Sophi Jr I met you on club penguin today! and you added me! lol your sooo rare!

Stickers303 said...

Did I already tell you about my music video I made with your song "opera house"? Type Opera House by Mimo and look at it its so werid! I might make Zoe Dance Music vid!


Stickers303 said...

Aww! My membership has expired!

Im bored! Mayas well answer comments =)
P.S Do I anny you with my comments? I post so many!


Dex Dude said...

LOL Simon Cowell!! Are you a fan on American idol too? LOVE that show!! OK my puffles names are Haley Nicole and Candy (got her on Valentines Day lol) so ya they go in the puffle condo and pop out (sooo cute!) and thy hop in there food and water dish and get all dirty(jk but it splashes on them) LOL i LOVE puffles!
Yes, Mimo LOVES American Idol. Even in his secret Mimo Chat, he has a chat room called American Idol!!!


Stickers303 said...

Anonymous said...
My puffle is Green and called Barney
Does it burp like Barney Gumble?


Stickers303 said...

Mimo (MY GOLDFISH) is doing fine! He has big eyes like you Mimo ;-) I might get a girl and name it Zoe or China! Also U Fride...I still outta bash you with a stick! He called me Stick Man,Mimo can you get him for me?


Stickers303 said...

One more thing...Well im Australian so I dont no much! I thought super bowl was bowling lol! Well who is Simon Cowell?


Anonymous said...

haha simon cowell

Anonymous said...

My birthday is the 18th and I was wondering if you could give me a free gift to a free year to be a member. I love my puffles. P.S. That would be the best birthday present ever.
dear anonymous,
sorry but mimo doesnt just give out free memberships. But if he did, that would be sweet!!!! you can enter one of his contests or something.
Kickit14 CPG Mod in training
P.S Happy Birthday!
Waddle on!!!! =)

Anonymous said...

Cool mimo i cant wait for the party!! I also love the pics of the party i done the quest but couldnt come to the party

Anonymous said...

Babba123654 said...
LOL Simon Cowell!! Are you a fan on American idol too? LOVE that show!! OK my puffles names are Haley Nicole and Candy (got her on Valentines Day lol) so ya they go in the puffle condo and pop out (sooo cute!) and thy hop in there food and water dish and get all dirty(jk but it splashes on them) LOL i LOVE puffles!!
Ohh yeah! He is a HUGE fan of American Idol ;]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo, what was that one cheat where you could movve a members furniture again?
Hiii! They took that cheat away a while ago :[
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

lol my puffles name is Chuck Norris XD

Anonymous said...

i gots a puffle named ketchup and one named steve

Anonymous said...

i love your jokes lol u should make more jokes

Anonymous said...

My puffles can't play with their furniture they just walk to a random spot in the room and play with their own toys. Jumpropes, Skateboards, etc. I even took out the furniture to make them stop doing that and they still do it. It drains their stats way to fast. I hate this bug I can't wait for them to get rid of it.

Anonymous said...

mimo i found an update.

...the books in the book room say on it ant the bottom snowball press so penguins make books

give me credit

Anonymous said...

Hey This is Marquizi98. I was wondering on Mimo's Moderator rules When he says he SECRETLY gets to meet how, HOW does he meet you. Am I not supposed to ask that because it says SECRETLY. Please respond to this question.


Anonymous said...

ok ok mimo this is awsome. In latin class today we learned mimo meant to mimo u kno like mime. See wat i mean.

Btw i am dion a animal report and im doin it on zebras. even the book smells funny.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Mimo wont be friends with anybody cuz he is full! But, if u become a Mimo Mod, he will let u be his friend!

Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

my black puffle's name is mimo!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo. My brithday is the 18th and I was wondering if you could give me a free gift to a free year to be a member. I love my puffles. P.S. That would be the best brithday presant ever.

I dont want to bring u down, but Mimo will only give the memberships to people who win contests. Not to anybody. Sorry, but Happy Birthday!

Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

LOL Simon Cowell!! Are you a fan on American idol too? LOVE that show!! OK my puffles names are Haley Nicole and Candy (got her on Valentines Day lol) so ya they go in the puffle condo and pop out (sooo cute!) and thy hop in there food and water dish and get all dirty(jk but it splashes on them) LOL i LOVE puffles!
yea, mimo does like amarican idol just like me! and i love puffles!

Anonymous said...

Dex Dude said...
Nice puffle name! Thanks for the tips1 I'M GONNA KEEP ON TRYING TO BECOME A MOD!

~Dex Dude~

February 16, 2009
Well good luck! Hope u also become a Mimo Mod!

Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Simon Cowell...
My Puffle Names Are To Werid To Post.

Anonymous said...

Club Penguin Wave said...
One more thing...Well im Australian so I dont no much! I thought super bowl was bowling lol! Well who is Simon Cowell?

i could tell u this on mimo chat but he's an american idol judge

Anonymous said...

too bad, I only have two puffles, they're names are Punkie(Blue Puffle)and James(Red Puffle). Punkie and I love eating fish cheesy pizza in Club Penguin.

Anonymous said...

Hey this is Marquizi98! Hey Sophi Jr., you know how you put "Waddle On" as a sincere of farewell? When I become A Moderator (hopefully) I'm going to say this. "Let It Rock!" Tell what do you think of that

Let It Rock!

Anonymous said...

yo mimo,its juh again my puffles are:red:puffball yellow:artsy green:wacky blue:puffy purple:happy (kinda weird name) pink (ew):pinky black:awesomecool

also,i went on youtube today and saw one of your vedios! simon cowell,huh? i know u like american idol but i like it more than u do! lolz pplz. keep the name in your brain:juh76t

Ally♥ said...

Hey@ My puffle's name if Muffin. shes a purple puffle! then i have another one named Katie. shes a pink puffle!

Anonymous said...

The three places that have candles are in the pizza parlor, The Mine Shack, and the Ski Lodge.

Marquizi98(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Simon Cowell?? LOL!

My red puffle's name is Rox (weird, I know- my sis named it for me)
My pink puffle's name is Lilac, and my yellow puffle's name is Picasso.

Anonymous said...

You have to be 45 days to become a tour person.

Marquizi98(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

The place that has a waterfall is at the background of the dojo.

Marquizi98(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

You have to be 30 days old to become an agent.

Marquizi98(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

The Ice Rink used to be a Soccer Pitch.

Marquizi98(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

"Nubbin" Means when you waddle under your chat bar.

Marquizi98(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

There are six fish in the lighthouse.

Marquizi98(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Club Penguin Wave said...
One more thing...Well im Australian so I dont no much! I thought super bowl was bowling lol! Well who is Simon Cowell?

Hey Stickers303 it is me Bb Polo745 and Simon Cowell is a judge for American Idol a singing compition.
Bb Polo745(cpg mod) in training

Anonymous said...

VIPER 4548 Wants to host a party at snow forts february six at seven oclock penguin time at the dock ²Ãµ ~Viper 4548~

Anonymous said...

My puffle's name is Doinysus. The name might sound familiar because he's a greek god. I like greek Mythology!!

Let it rock!

Anonymous said...

I would like to host a party and i was wondering if you can post it on you site. It is called a vipes party. The server is snow fort.But if thats full thermal. If thats Glacier. And if thats full sub zero. It will be at the dock on Febuary 26th. The time is 7:00 oclock penguin time. (6:00) I was wondering if you can post it on the site ~Viper 4548~

Anonymous said...

I have two puffles. One thats name is Flea and the other Frusciante.

Anonymous said...

you have a secret site?? what is it?

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo! I've probably had over 80 puffles, because I always forget about them and they run away. I've had my current puffle, shade, for quite some time now though.

Anonymous said...

Club Penguin Wave said...
One more thing...Well im Australian so I dont no much! I thought super bowl was bowling lol! Well who is Simon Cowell?

Simon is one of the judges in American Idol. If u watched it u would see why his name is Simon.

Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
you have a secret site?? what is it?

Well it is secret. But, u can find it out by "hunting." All I can tell u. Hmmmm... Just think...

Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

I like the ''Happy Nappy'' thing! Its sooooo LOL! My puffles names are Puffy Cotton Candy and Grapy. I think I made a typo on Grapy... WADDLE ON!!!!!

Anny Ning said...

hahah ok dont make fun of me for this... but i got my puffles like last year. two of em. guess what i named them? *snicker*
Floober and Snooten ^_^
hehe get it, floobersnoot?
yeah that was pretty stupid. anyway, havent posted a comment on here for a while, and no im not going back to moderating. that takes up wayyy too much of my time. but hope everyone's doing well, yes im still looking on this site every once in a while... and great job to all you guys who are still modding!! ya'll are some real hard workers =]

so i suppose i'll be seeing some o you around, probably on twitter... and happy (late) valentine's day!!

peace, love, happiness...
~Floobersnoot (aka Floob)

ps ive been getting the same question over and over. here is the answer: i am a GIRL!!!

Anonymous said...

souljaboy5210 said...
mimo aim me i have a questin. it's about what server u get on i just want to meet u i started cp when they made it so plz respond????....

PS:I'm on sim almost every day so if im not, Do u want my e-mail address

Ansower my questian plzz.....?????

yes NO
| | | |

Hey ! mimo always go on Fjord or Big Foot ! but many penguin find him at another server ! Hmm.. mimo buddy list IS FULL .. he doesnt want to be your buddy(bcuz he is full) even you are so rare.. but there`s another way to be his buddy ! you must be a mod, actually MIMO MOD. MIMO MOD level can bring you to be a famous penguin ( i think so ). and you can be mimo's buddy !
Congratulation and start being a MOD !

Anonymous said...

Hey my puffle name is Puffy !

Abominable46 said...

Your Puffle's health will GO DOWN WHEN IT'S HEALTH IS FULL if you do these things.

1. Don't make your Puffle eat any Pizza when it's full. If you do he will get Pizza Burn! (JK) ;-)

Andy061095 said...

Puffles have apple sauce in the Puffle O's???

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I still dont understand why puffles just sometimes randomly play or sleep.


Well I think it is just like us. We sleep because we get tired so the puffles get tired, and they choose to sleep. Same thing with playing. If we get bored we wanna play then we do so.

- Vanilla422 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...



Mimo is very busy guy. If he went to meet you would it be fair to the others? And if everyone got to be his friend then he would have to many buddies. Try looking for him at his parties!

- Vanilla422 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

VanillaWhite said...

Hey Mimo! I have an idea for you.
You know that on every single server you go on like every penguin wants to be your freind? You could always send them a postecard instead of using up buddy space. Rofl Simon cowell!
Vanillawhite hope to be ( CPG MOD)
LOL ;)

Comment- That is a WONDERFUL idea but there is on problem... Each post card costs 10 coins! I am sure Mimo thanks you for trying to help him out but it would be hard money wise.

- Vanilla422 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

Lolly137 said...
this is the 1st time i've actually commented on ur blog even though ive been going on it 4 a year now lol. if ya wanna get the bars on the puffle card full, give it a bath then feed it.


If ur looking for a cheaper way for health try playing with the puffle instead!

- Vanilla422 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

leish7 said...
hi its leish7

i have 14 puffles the red ones are
Yarr,Blast and Flamee
the blue one is Bouncer
the pink one is Loop
the purple ones are Cadence,Pop and
Blob the black ones are Coaly and Flare the green ones are Biker and
the green ones are Biker and Flit
and the yellow ones are Money and Chirp.

Comment- Awsome names! I like how you named them after Elitie penguin force puffles! I did the same exept the names are mixed up.. LOL

- Vanilla422 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
omg this it totally AWSOME !!!!
it will be my 11th birthday on friday thats when the PARTY STARTS !!!!!!!
p.s. my puffle is called hannah !!!!

Comment- Happy B-day! Hope it is a good one! I would say so!

- Vanilla422 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said..
Mimo. My brithday is the 18th and I was wondering if you could give me a free gift to a free year to be a member. I love my puffles. P.S. That would be the best brithday presant ever.

Hey Anonymous!
Mimo orobably won't just give out free memberships unless they are in contests. Happy Birthday though!

Nifc251198(CPG Mod Wannabe)

Anonymous said...

Souljaboy5210 said...
mimo aim me i have a questin. it's about what server u get on i just want to meet u i started cp when they made it so plz respond????....

PS:I'm on sim almost every day so if im not, Do you want my e-mail address

ansower my question plzz.....?????

yes NO
| | | |
Let me give you some advice. Mimo usually goes on bigfoot or fjord but mostly fjord. Check those two server every day to see if Mimo's there.
Let It Rock!!!

Entei said...

:P my puffles names are mimo, and paula XD

Unknown said...

i don't have no more puffles :'-(

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