Wednesday, April 9, 2008
New! New! New! On Club Penguin!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats
There's a new mission coming out soon! This month.
There will be new faster servers coming soon! April 14.
There will be a new Club Penguin Home Page coming soon! April 14.
There will be a free item given to beta testers of CPIP!
The new mission will be a continuation of the last mission. Sweet! I'm sure it has something to do with the Crab. What do you think?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
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ya i SOOO bet it is about the crab! i just hope that all the agents can stop th@ evil polar bear lolz! U ROCK MIMO!
Tight Mimo I cant wait...
I hope they change the servers names, i think the mission will be mentioning the crab,also i want the new item to be a trading syestem
Cooool I hope its a hat or body item
mimo i think the mission is something to do with the polar bear
Hi U fride!
Hey Zoezoe!!!!
thx 4 telling me mimo!!!!!!!!!
Hey everyone,
They said that the CPIP testers will receive their gifts in a few days or weeks...they're using this new way that they're trying, to deliver the free items. I am so excited!
There are so many new things coming out on April 14th, so make sure you go to CP on that day!
For the new mission, I think that you will do something with the polar bear...maybe you become its therapist! lol
See ya later guys,
niz info mimo but it kinda says it in the what's new section of cp but i didnt noe the free item thing for beta testers thanx anyways!
ok who ever posted that comment from shnophie ISNT THE REAL SHNOPHIE! I AM OKAY? anyways mimo i cant wait 4 the next mission and i hope u will be having another party soon!!!
mimo you rock and thanks for the ups good job on the site
mimo great job you rock and you have a great site funny the smell theng i smelled somethin?
All I hope is that they DON'T change the server names. I would hate it.
I can't imagine no Shiver, Frozen, Blizzard or Mammoth.
I really want the item to be a free old item like the the hula lei or watchacallit. CLUB PENGUIN ROCKS!!!!
Jewel45615(CPG Moderator and Secret Agent)Lol
Hey mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here, saying that im really excited about all of this!
Thanks for posting this =)
p.s: any questions? lol
COOL NICE April 14 there is a party April 20 7:00 p.m. I do not know the server
ohh i cant wait for the new mission i LUV them!!!!!!!!!!
i also cant wait for the free item
wait so how would they give u a free item?
~Rasengan 9
coool nice i hope u make another club penguin buddy party! i cant wait fr the new site too! ya biggest fan -Ye11
how do you become a beta?
i hope that the mission is actually kind of hard this time...
The new mission will be fun. Rock hopper is involved in it.
awesome u rock!!!
I love these missions! They're so awesome! lol.
omg omg omg omg omg omg i am soooo excited i cant wait for the missiong sooo excited
Hey Mimo! It's violet5599!
I totally agree with you! I love doing the missions! Well, I'm gonna upset my cousin cuz we share our penguin violet5599! OH WELL!
COOL! I get a new item
~Jjjyoyou~ CP name
We're probaly gonna need to get rid of the bear.
Oh hi Daisydarr and thats a LOT of new stuff!!!
Do we get our cellphones back???
Please post this i have never posted anything in my LIFE
what's a beta tester?
is that the people that helped with the test servers?
COOL! Thats my birthday! But I can't wait for the new servers!
-Rainey Rain
where is teh CPIV?
Hey mimo,
I think the free item will be....A BLACK TOQUE!
PS......When's the next party?
ausome!! i cant wait!!! hope its funnn!!!!
HOORAY A NEW MISSION! that is awesome. it will definetly involve the Crab and Polar Bear, don't you think?
Yeah just to tell you they wont change the server names just the speed of the servers because billybob said that
Will they give an item to eberyone who teted the servers??
wat do u mean? so, if u had an account CPIP u get the item? plz help!
mimo you know what i wonder. if no one can go inside rockhopper's ship, then why is the light on at the bottom? lol thats weird.
way2cool000 CP name
I think its the sequence about the crab.
cant wait
Here was your question:
When's the next party?
I am not exactly sure when the next party will be, but Mimo will let us know when one is coming up. Good luck, those clues can be pretty tricky!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
hey guys i am here and ready to ROCK AND ROLL
actually no im just here to answer some questions =]
1) so Rasengan 9 asked how we'd get the free item. well no one knows, thats one of the newest features on CP thats still a seceret. but we will get something.
2) the beta testers are those who got a cpip account and helped out by playing on the cpip test servers
3) yes, cpip beta testers will be getting an item. pretty awesome, huh?? *squeals in delight*
4) cpip (club penguin improvement project) is this project that cp is doing to update cp and make it better! so far they've released some test servers for us to play on and find bugs and glitches for them to fix. theyre gonna make those 6 servers real servers soon... but you cant go on it anymore cuz the beta testing is done =[ sorry! they're also redesigning the cp banner and homepage... wow i wonder what its gonna look like?? they're also gonna release a BUNCH of new features and more activities! sweeet!
GREAT questions guys!! keep up the good work, mods, and see ya later!
pssst... hey kim, goof, blackpearl, jessicamary.... any of u guys wanna have a little party on friday? well comment or twitter me back!
AHHH I CANT BELIEVE MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW!!! GACK IM GETTING OLD! haha well not that old. but yah it should be great... cake and presents are always welcome =]
just fyi.
see ya guys!
♥♥♥~Floob ♥♥♥
how are we supposed to get the free item for beta tester if they closed the testers on april 4?
how are we supposed to get the free item for beta testers if they closed the testers on april 4?
i think its about the crab AND the polar bear together. I CANT WAIT 4 EVERYTHING
that cool cant wait
Where did you find out all these imformation mimo?
wow mimo this is so cool!!!
yup yup yup im sure Mimo the last mission was violent.... rollin down hills,explosians and ya
oh i can't wait!
someone please answer my question, I'm confused!
(CPG Moderator in serious need of help)
YEAH! i CANT wait!
sorry but cpip is closed. i went on there and they would not let me. i cant wait till the new mission comes out!!
rock on-isaacmoose
where is the key to the door of rockhopper boat?
Hey Lyter9101!
Kimberrlley1 here =). You asked when the next party would be? =)
Only mimo knows the answer to this ;-), but i hope soon! They are a lot of fun and i really enjoy figuring out the clues. What about you?! =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Bobpickle1!
Kimberrlley1 here =). You didnt understand the free gift for CPIP?
Yea your rihgt! Clubpenguin knows who helped with CPIP and who didnt, so whoever had an account will get the free gift =)!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Way2cool000!
Kimberrlley1 here! You said that you noticed a light in rockhoppers ship? spot things very well =)! I wondered that too...but maybe it was a piece to the ship and when we built it the light went there =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here. You asked who got the CPIP gifts?
Everyone who had an account gets a gift! =)! I think its going to be a really good gift too. What do you guys think?!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG moderator)"
Hey Rasengan9!
Kimberrlley1 here! You asked how they'd give you the new CPIP gift?
Billybob said their going to send it using an all new method! I think i know what the method is you guys wanna know what i think?!
Comment Yeayea if you want me to tell you my prediction!
Thanks guys &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG moderator)"
Cool. I new about most of that but i didn't know that t new homepage where coming out on the 14th! I hope that it's good.
Im so so excited to!
mimo how did you know there was a new mission. there was no letter in the Newspaper. help me
Crushcat- biggest fan:)
Yeayea i wanna hear it kimberrlley.
you're friend goofy73
hey crushcat! you asked: mimo how did you know there was a new mission. there was no letter in the Newspaper. help me
Crushcat- biggest fan:)
well if you go onto clubppenguin and click whats new it says it on the board. mimo gets it from that. i hope i helped.
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
Hey Goof!
Kimberrlley1 here! My prediction is that we will be able to sned things to our buddies from our docks!
What do you think?!
Thnaks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
thats awesome! like if youo have this perfect piece of cvlothing for an outfit your friend doesn't have you could lend it to them.
awesome prediction kimberrlley
you're friend goofy73
p.s. wanna go on clubpenguin 2:45 cptz
Here was your question:
mimo how did you know there was a new mission. there was no letter in the Newspaper. help me
On the Club Penguin homepage, there is a button towards the top that says What's New. Click on it. That is where the Club Penguin blog is. Someone named Billybob writes in it and keeps you up to date on things around Club Penguin. You can even see a few sneak peaks! That is where Mimo found that out. Keep checking it and you might even know a few things before Mimo! ;-) Have fun and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
How do u know these things Mimo???? Anyway thx!!!!!
heyy all, how has your day been???
1) mimo finds out about all this crazy stuff in the "whats new" section of CP... just go to
to read cp's official blog =]
2) no one knows when they're gonna release the free item or how... its still a cp seceret oooooohh o.0
3) right now, there is no key for rockhopper's boat, only rockhopper has it. maybe in the future they'll send us on a hunt or something to look for it to open his office, who knows?
well see you guys all later!!
Hey Anomyous!
Kimberrlley1 here! You asked where the key to rockhoppers room is?
The key is actually in rockhoppers hands ;-). Rockhopper has the dont listen to penguins that say they have the key..haha!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo, =)
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Crushcat!
Kimberrlley1 here! =) You asked how we knew there was a new mission?
Go to =). If you click on whats new, a sketch of the new mission will pop up on the screen! Thats a sneak peek of the new mission! Cool huh?!
Thanks for the question so much &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Goof!
Kimberrlley1 here to say sorry that i couldnt go on at 2:45 CPTZ! I was at the hair salon getting a tiny twim..haha ;-)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
Kimberrlley1..idol give sback time! Ill be on clubpenguin after =)
wats da item?
me? get new item?! yes! yes! im so excited! :-D thankyou mimo! love,maykate
How do you play on the CPIP? I don't know how...?
How and when do you get the free item?
1) cpip is now closed... the testing is over. sorry =]
2) no one knows what the free item is, when we're gonna get it, and how we're gonna get it... all we know is that we get FREE STUFF! oh yeah helping out was fun. but FREE STUFF!! i wonder how long it will take? oh well thats too bad cuz theres FREE STUFF!!!!
btw if u haven't noticed, i like free stuff =]
ttyl and ttfn!! (which, fyi, are AWESOME BOOKS)
i think the new mission is gonna have the polar bear in it and i hope the new homepage is a lot better then the one we got
RE: floobersnoot
dobey4 is mimo do you know how i know cause the picture in the left hand corner has a star indicating that is you!!!!test it out yorself!
idk but mimo once will u let me join the club this rules!!!!!!
ive got wat question mimo, can u tell us wat day the mission is going to come out? it would really help
how do u think we will recieve the item?
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