If you right click on the new Club Penguin Home Page you can zoom in and zoom out. Not sure why they made it that way. But if you click "Zoom Out" or "Show All", you can see over on the right the Jet Pack and boat penguins waiting to do their thing! Pretty cool. Thanks i luv swans.
If you are a Mac user (like me) you can hold the Control button before you click the home page.
Also you can go to the blog and check out the new mission sneak peak. But when will the new mission start?! (soon) And when will Rockhopper come?! (soon)
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
That's so cool!
Mimo i bet rockhopper is coming tomarrow!
Way2cool000 CPG modrator.
Cool! I can't wait for the new igloo!
I give this an A+!!!
P.S. the background u have now i voted for love it
thx mimo
AWESOME! i checked it its soooooo cool! I CANT WAIT FOR ROCKHOPPER!plz post! ya biggest fan -Ye11
guess what i like swans too o and i have a mac also o and also i cant wait for the techno i and very fond of its style because my brother makes and gets money for makeing
I don't wanna look at the Sneak Peak at the blog. I want the new mission to be a surprise! I'm so excited.=)
Hey! Look at the address bar at http://www.play.clubpenguin.com/! The icon has changed! It's now a blue penguin instead of a dressed up penguin!
Give credit to Mr Pengi Guy (CP name)
woaw! mimo, thats kewl you have a mac have you ever seen the brand new, new mac... my cousin got it for college... and i got to play with it! he bought me an itunes video (fosters home for imaganary friends)
i have an ipod do u have an ipod? plz reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you know when your going to do the one thing where people ask questions and you answer them? that would be cool -cheese242
do you use Garage Band from your mac for the techno music your makeing or some other software?
yes i THINK rockhopper will be comming tommorow and thats awesome that it zooms out!
mimo the news paper is half an hour late and thats aonly so far!
Hi Mimo
The clock tower dont give cp time anymore! I got my real time!
Have more penguins the same problem?
Hey Everyone!
Why does everyone think Rockhopper is comming tomorrow? And when does the new mission come out?
the clock towers ethier not working properly or the news paper is over 12 hours late...
hey puirple is now called dark purple and i lost it so i had to buy it back.....=/
Hey, Mimo!
I noticed another cheat on the cp home page. When you click on the penguin behind the Hydro Hopper boat, the penguin will jump! And I hope Rockhopper will be back soon!
Jewel45615(Cp Name)
Mimo thanks for posting my comment.
Way2cool000 cpg moderator
hey dinnerrolls i luv swams was the penguins name. lol tafantic cpg mod
Cool thanks for tip. I can't wait to read the news paper.
that is so cool!i hope Rockhopper will be coming soon and the new mission!
I think maybe we will have to go to plan C. (giant snowballs) maybe there will be a party!! But I'm not sure.
Its a swf page thats why.
thats awesome!
mimo your the best!
puppyluv 100 cp name.
please post.
I hope rockhopper will come soon! We have worked really hard to send Rockhopper back :)
HMMM yea the first day I went on the club penguin website, it was really slow. I waited as few hours not it's fine!! The new site is REALLY REALLY cool!! :D
Hi everyone
If your wondering this is
soooooo not about the new igloo
or the click and drag thing with
the new front page.
OK here's the thing I am getting
really annoyed. Because every time
I go to log in and I'm neally
loaded at the servers.There's this
thing that comes up and says EXCEEDED
When Ive only just tryed to log in it says that and then I cant go on club penguin and I don't get to see
all the cool stuff thats on club penguin. WILL SOMEONE PLZZZZZ HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!
Mimo the clock is down
plz post andgive me cedit
you can see him on his boat in the telescope!!
the agent board says "Get ready, agents! Time to investigate"
Which servers are new?
please help
hey there, Way2cool000, just wanted to send a reminder to only put "(cpg moderator)" after your name ONLY if you're answering a question =]
hi, dinnerrolls! you like swans? cool! so do i! but i think mimo said "thanks i luv swans" because that was the name of the penguin that told him about it =]
yay mimo the clock tower is gone haywire i think th polar bear did it hhorseysdoggi
Wicked Mimo777 I am a mac user and I thought you had a windows. Did you use photoshop to make he amzing header? Can you make be one. Saying Fisheyss
Awesome Cheats
if you want to meet the octupus do this:Make sure you playing agua grabber at 10.00 or 10.15 or...evry 15 min the octupus will come.
Go to the bottom of the sea, Their you befour found the migrater.
place yourself to the left of the air bubbles that comming from the sea bottom. Just wait and the octupus will come...
(i found the answer to my own qwestion lol)
Saraapril (CPG moderator)
Hi Mimo777,
I know this has nothing to do with what your talking about, but its cool, I think. I reckon the CP Clock aimer thingy has something to do with the mission.
I reckon Rockhopper will come real soon. Probably the day of the Party.
Thank you
Princess Haze
C.P.Name; Princess Haz
Cya There
the club penguin clock is broken
how do u start to play club penguin now? the homepage is too confusing i have no idea how to play:'(
I think the broken clock has something to do with the new mission...
-No12th Jer-
Now the octupus dont come anymore why? WHY? this make me crazy
Hey Mimo
I find that the new home page trick is really cool i love it so much. Also in the HQ there is a message on the noticeboard and if you look in the telescope Rockhopper is on its boat with Yarr.
From Peny 1010
Hi mimo its Benucicas a spy for the gang Im realy good at spying I wanna meet you today at six pinky swear I'll be there please go on the sever with the party I know what it is in the dojo is were I will be Bye you ROCK PS that so cool I cant wait for rockhopper or the mission or the igloo
I like that cheat! Its cool! By the way Mimo, I am still having trouble connecting. I can connect to the homepage but not to the actual game. Its so annoying.
Also, please post. You have only ever posted me once. Boo Hoo.Plz post.
go to the beacon and look in the telescope!!
This is benucicas mimo the clock in the snow forts isnt working the polar bears destroyed it. Thats why it says "time is about to run out" put this as a thing on the site still wanna see you bye
dear mimo,
if u go to the coffee shop and press the brown bored it changes.
sincecierilly brownpig
thx mimo
Mimo rockhoppers finally in the telescope, he coming on april the 25th. Also the clock in cp are broken this must be what herbert meant
Oh mimo somthing has come up, in HQ in the FISH book there is a diagram of a spy phone, on the antrenta of it I clicked on and up came a code it said: THE RED LIGHT SPELLS YOU ARE COOL IN MORSE! Weird is it joined to the new mission?
omg mimo i didnt realize u had featured me on cpg im so suprized mimo u rule! i only found out by googling my name lol!
i know the mission will begin before the end of the April;)
cool mimo my is i luv swans im on ur page i left the comment
thanks dinerrolls u like me thats cool i like cp alot and mimo thank u so so so so somuch for posting my glitch
omg for all u penguins who dont get my name i luv swans i dont luv swans its my name and mimo doesnt luv swans he thanks (i luv swans)cp name
Hey Guys!
Its MishMash215
Just a little update that should help a couple of people!
We are throwing a party for Rockhopper on the 25 April whch should be good! Also, Club Penguin have covered up the break-down of the clock by saying that "Too Many snowballs were thrown at the target" Smooth... but still it WAS a bug! Has anyone noticed that you can post comments of the Gift shop Catalog? Its near the Aunt Arctic Page.
If you look at the clock its going CRAZY! Saying diff times and mounths constantly!
Anyway, Thats all from me!
I will be back tomorrow if i have net access on the plane! (IM GOING TO LIVE IN HONG KONG FOR 2 YEARS!!!)
Plz plz plz plz post this Mimo!!!!
Thanks Mimo & Everyone Else!
See you Later!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator) ... and a future Hong Kong citizen!!!!:D
Hey Guys!
Its MishMash215
What do you know, there is a question! lol here we go...
Anonymous said...
Hi Mimo
The clock tower dont give cp time anymore! I got my real time!
Have more penguins the same problem?
Hey Saraapril!
It seems that HEAPS of penguins are having the same issue as you! As was really surprised when I first saw it showing the time on my comp! I think that it is just a bug from when Club Penguin updated the site. Now, Club Penguin have covered the bug up by making it go crazy, the time and mounth change in seconds. Look in the new newspaper for an update. Im sure that Club Penguin will fix it up soon, especially because RockHopper & Yarr's Welcome Back Party an the 25th April so that sort of have to fix it!
I hope I helped ya out ther Saraapril!
I'll be back soon will more Q & A!
Thanks Mimo & Everyone Else!
See you soon!
P.S I will not post anything from 6am Friday (AUSTRALIAN TIME) till 3pm (AUSTRALIAN TIME) because I find out there will be no net access on the plane.
Plz Post this Mimo!
hey mimo this has nothing to do with the new site but when you login and then you go to the little question mark at the bootom right hand corner to edit your account they have changed it?!?!
You said that the newpaper was 12 hours late.
When the newspaper did come, it said that the clock was broken.
I wonder why.
Mimo777, Please give Credit to Anonymouszs1.
mimo777 hey me and my buddy discovered somthing on aqua grabber. If your running out of air with your pink puffle.(Minni is mine) wait until its near you and it blows a bubble and gives you air also if you hit it with the grabber it gives you air too. we both wanna meet you and become penguins who find secerts for the gang from benucicas bye you ROCK
i have a mac 2
thanx for the tip (im glad u have a mac cause u miss out on SOME shuff)
but i love what macs can do lol
and i tryd to make a comic on comic life (software on mac) but i cant call it what they whant it saved as
can u help me? i undersant if u cant
mimo i think somehow rockhopper is coming with a boat and a motor at the back and something else is that in the new club penguin website if you clik on the boat the green penguin on the back will jump and when you move your mouse on the lighthouse the secret agent will peep out
cp name: Apl17
nice find.
way cool mimo!!! im glad im not the only mac user in this world!!! you rock!!!
abc123yay4me (CP name)
Hey there!
Kimberrlley1 here! Anonymous said the clocktower was only giving his time now?
You're right, and i think thats part of Herbert's plan! Its part of the new mission,which is coming out very soon! I can't wait! I also can't wait until rockhopper comes back! He's well on his way =)
Thanks &+ thanks so much mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here! You asked how to play clubpenguin? You think the homepage is confusing.
To play, you go to www.clubpenguin.com. Then in the top right-hand corner, you wil see a Play Now button. Click it and there ya go! =)
Thanks so much &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Way2cool000!
Kimberrlley1 here, to just remind you to only put "(CPG Moderator)" when your answering a question. Otherwise only put Way2cool000! Thanks!
go mac go mac
hey mishmash i just wanted to say to you.... ITS NOT A BUG! in the polor bears secret message he said..."time is about the run out" so it is not a bug! tafantic, cpg moderator
Hey mimo! I have a glitch for you!
You know the new video on the club penguin homepage? Well, if you click on play now in the video box you can actually go to the play now page!! COOL HUH! Please give credit to megrina10! thx!
Question: the club penguin homepage is SOOO confusing where can you play club penguin?
Answer: Go to Clubpenguin.com and then on the right hand corner it should have a blue button that says Play Now! You click that and then you can play club penguin now!
Waddle On Penguins!!
megrina10 (cpg)
Yep! Everyone is buzzing to see when the new mission is coming! I am wayyyyy excited for Rockhopper coming back! It's gonna rock!
hey guys! CP is finally working for me =] yay!!! it looks like they've extended our puffle's endurance... mine aren't getting as hungry or tired as fast as before! sweetness
1) to play club penguin, there are a few ways... you can:
* go to the homepage
and click "Play now!" at the top right
* just go directly to
*go through miniclip at
* use the fullscreen version, acesssed at
2) an anonymous penguin said:
"in HQ in the FISH book there is a diagram of a spy phone, on the antrenta of it I clicked on and up came a code it said: THE RED LIGHT SPELLS YOU ARE COOL IN MORSE! Weird is it joined to the new mission?"
acutally, it's been like this for a loong time, so no, it's not connected to the new mission =] good find, though!
how do u sign in i was trying forever?
Is the blog on CP or here?
i NEED to meet ROCKHOPPER beacuse i have NEVER seen him before
so i hope i can see him on 25th April
And if you click on the penguin on the Hydro-Hopper he jumps.
"Anonymous said...
Mimo i bet rockhopper is coming tomarrow!
Way2cool000 CPG modrator."
Hi Anonymous/Way2cool000,
No, Rockhopper will be making his grand entry on April 25! We're throwing a party, so be sure to have an eye out for him!
Also, only put "CPG Moderator" after you name, if you're answering a question. Not just when you write a comment! (Just a freindly reminder)
"Anonymous said...
Hey! Look at the address bar at http://www.play.clubpenguin.com/! The icon has changed! It's now a blue penguin instead of a dressed up penguin!
Give credit to Mr Pengi Guy (CP name)"
Anonymous/Mr Pengi Guy,
Wow! What a keen eye! That's so cool, I never noticed that!
"Anonymous said...
Hey Everyone!
Why does everyone think Rockhopper is comming tomorrow? And when does the new mission come out?
I don't know why everyone thinks Rockhopper is comming tomorrow. But, he's comming April 25. :)
I don't think they've released a date for the mission, yet. :) Keep checking back! I'm sure Mimo will post a Mission Smart Guide!
I did that it is so cool. The hydro hoper boat came out of the white part lol and if you click on the hydro hoper dude it jumps even when it is no moving lol penguin name -kirby 246
"tafantic said...
the clock towers ethier not working properly or the news paper is over 12 hours late..."
Yeah, the clock tower is broken, right now. Go to the snow forts, and you can see that's something wrong!!
"Anonymous said...
Mimo the clock is down
plz post andgive me cedit
Mimo knows that the Clock Tower is broken. Sometimes it just takes awhile for him to post things! ;) So, since it's not a new cheat or glitch, he won't post your name. But, Mimo will almost always post your comments. If he didn't it was probally because you used inappropriate or suggestive language, had a website in your post, put "CPG Moderator" after you name when you weren't answering a question, it was negative or mean, pointless or hard to understand, or he accidentally skipped it.
"Mageeco said...
Which servers are new?
please help"
None of the servers are new. CP just updated them, to make them faster. The front of CP is all new, too!
"Anonymous said...
Hi everyone
If your wondering this is
soooooo not about the new igloo
or the click and drag thing with
the new front page.
OK here's the thing I am getting
really annoyed. Because every time
I go to log in and I'm neally
loaded at the servers.There's this
thing that comes up and says EXCEEDED
When Ive only just tryed to log in it says that and then I cant go on club penguin and I don't get to see
all the cool stuff thats on club penguin. WILL SOMEONE PLZZZZZ HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!"
Wow! Looks like you've ran into a problem. lol. Try refreshing the page, clearing your cache, and clearing your cookies. If that doesn't work, email CP and hopefully they cna fix it. (even it does work, email them anyway so they knows there's a problem out there they need to fix. :)
You can also try getting in thru www.miniclip.com
"Fisheyss said...
Wicked Mimo777 I am a mac user and I thought you had a windows. Did you use photoshop to make he amzing header? Can you make be one. Saying Fisheyss
Awesome Cheats"
Yes, the banner was done on photoshop, or a similar program. It takes time to make edited pictures or banners, like this. Mimo is so busy with school, his regualar life, CP, CPG, and other stuff he wouldn't have time to make you one. Plus, if he did, everyone would want one!
that is a motor boat! just zoom in and you can tell that he's NOT paddling
Hey Mageeco!
Kimberlley1 hereto naswer your question. In the blogs, you asked which servers are new?
Well, none of the servers are new ;-) They just fixed them up to make them faster and better for us to play on =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey tafantic =)
Kimberrlley1 here, becasue you said the clock tower wasnt working properly?!
Your absolutely 100% right =) It is very broken, becasue we think it has to do with the new mission! I cant wait =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo.
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here, to gladly answer your question =) This anonymous user asked why everyone thought rockhopper was coming tomorrow. And when is the new mission coming out?
Hi there! Here to answer your question =) I dont really know why everyone thinks hes coming. All's i know from what the newspaper says is that rockhopper is coming on April 25th =) I cant wait, can you?!
Also, the new mission is coming out soon..and we think it definately has to do with the clocktower and Herbert ;-)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Way2cool000!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said that you bet rockhopper wll come tomorrow!
Actually, from what i read in the newspaper, he's coming on April 25th =) I CANT wait!
Thanks &+ thanks so much mimo.
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Did ya know that if you wait long enough you will see a green puffle in a propeller hat? I noticed it flying by when I was watching the movie! I am pretty sure you have to watch the movie though to see it! It is pretty cool, although it does nothing when you click it(which is pretty hard!)
--missk0987 (cp name)
Here was your question:
Hi everyone
If your wondering this is
soooooo not about the new igloo
or the click and drag thing with
the new front page.
OK here's the thing I am getting
really annoyed. Because every time
I go to log in and I'm neally
loaded at the servers.There's this
thing that comes up and says EXCEEDED
When Ive only just tryed to log in it says that and then I cant go on club penguin and I don't get to see
all the cool stuff thats on club penguin. WILL SOMEONE PLZZZZZ HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!"
Although I am not quite sure, it sounds like you might have the Egg Timer. If you don't know what it is, the Egg Timer is a device that your parents can use to limit your time on the internet. A while ago Club Penguin said that it was coming soon. Try contacting Club Penguin and ask them about it. Good luck and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
macs are awesome
mimo rox
"Missk0987 said...
Did ya know that if you wait long enough you will see a green puffle in a propeller hat? I noticed it flying by when I was watching the movie! I am pretty sure you have to watch the movie though to see it! It is pretty cool, although it does nothing when you click it(which is pretty hard!)
--missk0987 (cp name"
Yeah, I saw it yesterday. No, you don't have to watch the movie. Pretty cool, huh? It's a great memory for us tester penguins that got to be puffles for a weekend!
wait how do u become a cpg moderator again
-Chelchell (cp name)
Hey Chelchell!
Kimberrlley1 here =) you asked how to become a CPG mod again?
To be a CPG moderator, all you have to do is exactly what im doing now..answer questions on the blogs =) Its a lot of fun, and be sure to sign your name like i do, but only when answering a question =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Missk!
Kimberrlley1 here! You said:Did ya know that if you wait long enough you will see a green puffle in a propeller hat? I noticed it flying by when I was watching the movie! I am pretty sure you have to watch the movie though to see it! It is pretty cool, although it does nothing when you click it(which is pretty hard!)
Hi! I loved being one for that weekend =) Also, nope, ya dont have to watch the movie =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo so much
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Chelchell,
Here was your question:
wait how do u become a cpg moderator again
To be a CPG Moderator, all you have to do is look for a question, then answer it the best you can. BUT, you have to remember to sign your name like this:
_________ (CPG Moderator)
If you don't, then Mimo won't post it. Good luck and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
to become a cpg mod, all you gotta do is keep your eye out for questions that all the penguins ask in the comments, and answer them! make sure to put "(cpg moderator)" at the end of your name so everyone knows who you are =]
also, someone asked when rockhopper and the new mission were gonna come. well rh is coming on april 25th, and the mission will probably be released really soon! woo hoo!
i luv the new site page
Hey Mimo!!! You know how you said when you look through the telescope Rockhopper is coming and the water is splashing? You said it was either his feet or the motor on his boat and I looked today and I saw his feet!!! Rockhopper is coming on a motorboat. Thought you might like to know that.
Holyoakster2 (CP name)
hey flipfloped 2
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