Yes, it looks like there is a new room coming to Club Penguin. But where could it be? To me it pretty much looks like they'll finally open up the locked room below on Rockhopper's ship the Migrator. BUT, how will we get in? Will they just open the door? What if we have to find the key? THAT would be so cool! And if the new room is on the Migrator, we will only be able to get in the new room when Rockhopper is in town. Right? Bummer. I like the find the key idea. BUT WAIT, it can't be on the Migrator. If the room opens next week after Rockhopper leaves (thanks edlu). If it's not on the ship, where is it?
FINALLY, Rockhopper is coming to town. Finally, finally, finally. But it's only for the weekend. I guess after all the work we did in rebuilding the Migrator, he just stays for a little bit. Nice. Oh well. Will anyone help Mimo finally find him? I can't be on CP much this weekend. Help me!
I LOVE all of your membership contest ideas! The one I like the best so far is having a video contest. Sweet. I am also working on another idea too. I guess I could use them both. What do you think of the "Make a Mimo Video" contest?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
New Room, Rockhopping, and Free Membership!
Labels: free membership, rockhopper
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Awsome idea for the membership!!!!
I hope the room is Rockhoppers cabin!!!
p.s. Mimo your awsome!!!
I dont think its RH's Room because they say that it will open next week!
And RH will leave on Sunday/Monday!
What do u think?
edlu, I think you are right (maybe)!
I found RH by looking for his speech "OK I be going now"
hey mimo its me sand flipper. you know kalin116? he makes cool videos and he is on my buddy list if you go to youtube and type in kalin116 you can go to the latest mimo party and i am on it! also check out his final buddy list. stop the time at 4:20 and there i am! im so happy. but i cant make videos i dont have a video camera or somthing like that or i cant download a video software thing. i wish i could make videos im kimberely is on maybe she can tell me how to make videos for free.
rockhopper is on the island a day early? and the newspaper is 2
hey mimo it maybe rockhopper island.y?bcuz wut would be the use of a room that will only be here evry now and then.tell me wut u think.
Sensity(CPG Moderator)
hi mimo its sand flipper. i tried to put me on rate my penguin but i dont know how to screen capture? my penuin is so cool he should surely win.
cool your online mimo cause you just posted my latest comment! its me sand flipper, sorry if i post to much i just cnat help talking to you your so cool!
i wonder what the knew room will be lick hmm. well i already met rockhopper over five times lol i just see his big hat sticking out of the croud and i know its him! ill tell you a way how to help you find rockhopper. from sand flipper!!!
ur kidding right
i think its a really great idea but i dunno how to make a video!!!
hmmm i wonder where the new room will be
Sand Flipper, you are cool too!
its me sand flipper and heres how you can find rockhopper easier. i know how to tell if he is online or not so listen, go to the login spot and type in rockhopper as the username. and any password. it will say incorrect password if he is online and your account is banned forever if he is offline. it is no hack or nothing it really works! cool website keep up the good work
thanks mimo! your website rocks i come here all the time before i go on to club penguin to see if anything knew is out.
sand flipper
4 the membership that isn't fair to ppl who can't upload stuff like me and my friends
It think da mebership idea is awesome!
i hope dat its rockhoppers cubby thing........
From chocolate luffa!!!
BTW ur sooo awesome mimo
Ur da BOM!!!
mimo just tell me if i post to much lol. its sand flipper again. on my last comment i spelled like as lick lol funny.
i cant wait tell your first party clue. i will figure it out for sure ill take all night if i have to. its me sand flipper. you are so cool! clubpenguingang rocks! i should make a video about this site and put it on youtube so more people might come.
im gona go on club penguin and see if there is any thing you forgot so i can tell ya. well bye nice talking to you mimo! sand flipper
i hate it when people hack. a while ago my account got banned for no reason i think it was a hacker or something im not sure?
sand flipper
lol when i read your comments half of them have sand flipper in it. at least your online.
ah clubpenguingang is so addicting i cant get off i just want to talk to you. sand flipper
the newspaper and rockhopeer came a little early lolz weird!!!
what is it mimo? contest where please tell me i really need a membership>
it wont be rockhopper island i dont think cause that whole island in one little room. sand flipper
MIMO BIG KNEWS FREE ITEM! its red and black.sand flipper i need to find where its at though ill be back on
Hey Guys!
Its MishMash215 here!
I cant say much coz im using teh school computer and i think the teacher might be on to me!
Anyway...Im not too sure about the video contest coz there might be someone that doesnt have a camera...
Yeah Mimo!
I reakon it IS Rh's secret room btu I also think it might be rockhopper island!
Ill be back when I get home!
thanks Mimo & Everyone Else!
i don't want the room to be in Rockhopper's cabin cos then it will only be here for a couple of days. I would like them to finally put something in the forest cos i think its a bit boring there's nothing to do there!
I just realised that i never say that u r sooo great!
thanks for everything Mimo and u Really do Rock!!!!!!!!!!!
hmmm thats a really good idea mimo! just one thing... lots of us dont have that video software downloaded on our computers, and lots of them also stick a bunch of spyware and adware and "cookies" and stuff on your computer... i don't really konw if it'll be fair to those who can't download it. but hey, its still an AWESOME idea! i would totally do it if i could!!
also, check out the newspaper, mimo. it says that rh will be hiding the key to his quarters in cp somewhere! yay! =]
WACKO! somthing weird is going on right now i dont know if its real or not! i see everyone wearing black and red shirts but when i click on there player card they dont have them on and i cant find the shirts anywhere!? is somthing wrong with my computer or what?
sand flipper
I REPEAT ROCKHOPPER IS ONLINE ROCKHOPPER IS ONLINE! rockhopper is online for real! sand flipper
sand flipper here and rockhopper is online and free shirts? or not?
Free items at the beach.
I like the video contest also.
I just read the new paper and Rockhopper has written something in there it says that he will be hiding the key to his Quarters for us to find on April 28th and we get to search for it and then we can go in!
So Exciting!
He also mentioned that he would be planning something fun for us!
But the best part is April 28th is my birthday!
hey Guys!
Its MishMash215 here!
Ok, I think the teachers gone now
so i can spend some time on the site!
I think youre on Mimo coz you just posted my!
Mimo, Maybe we could set up a RockHopper watch to try and help EVRYONE to catch the RockHopper!
I hope everyone can!
Can someone look at me blog plzzz?
thank you!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Mimo, what if someone doesn't have a camera for the contest? PLZ HELP ME!!!!!! I dont have a camera!!!!
P.S. (I love your website)!!!
nooooo! i dont know how 2 make a video!
how is it(member)
I don't think a video contest is a good idea because most people dont have webcams or screen recorders. :(
i dont think so because i dont know how to make a video
too hard!!!
mimo, what if its a video contest about who can make the BEST club penguin moive, well like only maybe 45 sec sort or something like that :-) then the best one gets the membership! is this a good ideai
from: mrbowgangle
p.s my clp name is mrbowgangle! :-0
i found rockhopper 2 day but u cant get a free item and it wont let u add him as a frend.
hiya mimo777. i normaly go on the server frozen so if u see me mimo add me plz hawk842. mimo wot time do u go on cp and go on frozen on friday the 25th of apr at 5:30 plz
What if the key is the new pin and you equip it then the door opens! THAT WILL BE SWEET
not a good idea.
sum people dont have cameras, some people dont kno how to make videos. and besides the people who know how to make videos will work so hard and someone else will probably win. not a good idea.
RH on slushy!!
i like that idea but you should also have a photo contest for the penguins without a camcorder
the video contest would be kind of hard because i cant download hypercan or anything else my dad wont let me ;((((
i dont think the video contest will be fare because a lot of us dont know how to make videos and stuff like that
I saw Rockhopper! He was in server, Parka. Seriously! I did saw him!
How can we make a mimo777 video contest?
mimo777 rox!
i dont know how to make video and i cant use the software either! that wont work for me. not at all
no idont like it the member thing
worst idea ever!Did u ever think about those little kids who don't know how to make videos?That gives them an unfair disadvantage.
P.S. if u post this ill reveal who i am
This is Tonymadi a big fan and someday hope to meet you Mimo I would love to help you find Mimo we can search every server if we have to. Good Idea about the membership and Mimo Rox Ur Soxz!!!
hi there everyone, water jewels here! mimo u r sooooo cool im glad to b posting a comment here! I think the new room will have something to do with rh's quarters but cant b sure its his cabin because a room would move long distances every 2 months and the stow away story in the library could come true thousands of times! LOL! i kinda disagree with the video contest idea because some people might not have that option, so i thought people could submit descriptions of made up characters for cp or your site, P.S sorry for the long post just think your site is soooo cool! cul8ter water jewels
I think the video contest might be good but some people might not have the stuff to make a video so i think you should have an alternative aswell
mimo i like the video idea but it wouldnt be fair to some people that cant upload videos on their computer or smthn else i hope u can pick an idea that works for everyone! thanks!
No offence or anything but thats a bad idea cuz I can't make vidios on cp so tt wouldn't b fareA!!!!
Hey guys~
Kimberrlley1 here =) Mishmash, i look at ur blog! its cool!
Also, Tony, you said you would look in every server for mimo?
mimo goes it servers bigfoot and fjord at night, so keep a look out ;-)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
hi there mimo, water jewels again trying to find rh for my mom any way i have an rh cheat for u, on the homepage of cp if u click the place where yarr the puffle usually sits he'll jump out and look through the telescope try it i worked for me if that doesn't work click the basket on top of the mast, sorry for the long post again P.S i know your online because u posted the comment i left 5 minutes ago! LOL!
I dont think there should be a video contest because some people wouldnt know how to make a video. i think it should be a fair as possible.
cool how does it work because if you have to use a video camra i cant perticapte
mimo I like the idea of giving away a free membership but I think you should have a story compition (Im not a geek i just dont think its possible) plz post never got posted
p.s. u rock mimo
p.p.s. i dont want the new room to be in the migrator
Yay! I want to see rockhopper again and I cant believe a new room is coming! MEMBERSHIP CONTEST, can't wait!
No, I dont like the membership idea, What I think is i mean serisly WHO CAN DO MOVIES? Well I CAN but i dont know what it would be about.
but idont know how 2 make a vid!
c its not fair 2 da ppl who dont know how to make one
I think that the new room might be another island.I think that Rockhopper will show us where his island is and let us visit it any time we want!!
i am really sorry about saying this, but i dont have a video cam, or a youtube account, i cant do either of those!!! Neither can like any of my friends. you could have that, but also do something else.
I will help you mimo777 what do u want me to do?
u no the viedo contest i cant make one since i dunno how to :C tats not fair
Cool idea Mimo. Mimo I just have one question, do u have any puffles?????
~*Kind Cc*~(cp name)
how do u make a mimo vid?m not many of us have met u
Hey Kamokid!
Kimberrlley1 here =)
Q: I would love to help you mimo! What can i do?
A: Actually, the only thing really mimo does need help with is answering questions on these blogs, like i am doig right now =) When you find a ? on the blog, try to answer it ,and sign your name like i do, but only when answering a question! (i.e:"________(CPG Moderator)"
Good luck &+ thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)" =)
GOD! You cannot be kidding me!
Not everyone knows how to make videos, so that means.... uh oh.
Also, not everybody has a youtube or AOL account, so how can they post the vids?
hey there guys! i sitll haven't found rh yet... but i'll keep trying! =]
sand flipper, you had a question about the free shirts, yeah? well at first, the tshirts and new newspaper were released for a few minutes, but then cp removed them again. so those that put the shirts on seemed to have it on, but they didn't have em on their playercards. but then cp released it all for real a few minutes after that =] weird, huh??
bye guys, time to do some rockhopping!
Hey there Kind Cc
Kimberrlley1 here! Ya asked if mimo had any puffles?
I actually don't think he does! When i visit his home sometimes, there are no puffles there =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey everyone!
Kimberrlley1 here =) I have a really good prediction(i tihnk). There it is, so tell me what you guys think!
I do not think the new room is the Migrator Room, becuase the migrator will not be here forever! Rockhopper leaves Sunday/Monday, which means we wouldnt even get to go in the room! lol =) What do you guys think?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo
mimo777 plz post this can u or Sand Flipper or Kimberly meet me somewhere? plz!Fjord 6:00 Saturday 4/26/08 Ice burg.
All u out there rock!
Hey anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked me if i could meet you tomorrow at 6:00 pm at fjord?
Sure thing! Remind me tomorrow, bc i dont want to forget!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hi, mimmo how old are you?
mimo777 plz post this!KIMBERLY THANK U SO MUCH!meet u there!o and its at 6:00pm
every1 rox!
mimo777 plz post this 2 kimberly1! thank u!
mimo777 rox!
I found rockhopper!!!
Hey anonymous!(who wanted to meet me somewhere on CP) =)
Kimberrlley1 here =)~ Yesterday you asked me if i could meet you at 6:00 pm on server fjord at the iceberg!
I actually made last minute plans with the familia for tonight, and i'll be gone at six. when i get back, i'd be glad to meet you on clubpenguin! Is that okay with you?(it wont be at 6) =)
Thank you so muhc for your understanding &+ thanks so much mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
mimo i think the video contest is a great idea , but not all penguins have video cameras (including me)
so i dont think that will be fair
rockhopper is at the cove at frostbite. check it out!
he now moved to the iceberg. so cool!
someone asked how old mimo was, right? well mimo the penguin is gonna be a year old on may 4th, but mimo the person is 12 =]
isnt that amazing??
Hey Anonymous,
Here was your question:
Hi, mimmo how old are you?
Mimo is 12 years old. His penguin is almost a year old. It will be a year on May 4th. Pretty exciting, huh? He is planning a party and giving away a membership for it! Good luck and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
no i dont know how to make videos. plz dont do this mimo :-(
mimo777 plz post this!
Kimberrlley1 DIDN'T COME!BOO HOO!
Where was she!Im so sad.
CatGirlBlue remember my sis (Amb7940)
has Leukemia :_(
mimo777 rulz!
its CatGirlBlue again!
When you watch the video in mission7
(clock tower) when the polar bear takes the gear out of the clock tower you can see the spring fly over to the ice berg.
CatGirlBlue & Amb7940
my sis (Amb7940) has leukemia :_(
mimo777 rulz!
mimo777 rox!
please don't make a video i dont know how
Hey guys!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Anonymous asked us "how old mimo is"?
A: Mimo is a `2 year old boy, that has a penguin on clubpenguin and CPG turning 1 year old, May 4th! Its so exciting, and he's even giving away a free membership to one penguin by a contest! =) This should be fun!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Amber!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Im BACK and i'd love to meet you RIGHT NOW! Where are you on clubpenguin?
Thanks Amber! Your so nice! &+ thanks so much mimo
i don't really like the idea cause i know there are lots of people who don't know how to set up a video! there could be people who deserve it much more but couldn't enter because they didn't know how to make a video! that could make u lose a lot of people and it would take a long time to look through all of them! sorry this is so long!
cp name-sportyjr23
Hey Amber!
Kimberrlley1 here =) I left you a comment saying i had to do something with the family at 6:00, so i couldnt come! But i am back now, and im so sorry for not making it before! Can we meet up right now?!
Meet me on Fjord at the iceberg right now! Ill be there =)!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey guys!
Kimberrlley1 here! Sorry, i meant to say "Mimo is a 12 year old boy" =)
Thanks mimo!
p.s: even i make typos too ;-)!
Hey Amber!
Kimberrlley1 here =) I'd love to meet up with you right now, but your not at the iceberg =)
I am in Fjord at the iceberg right now if you want to meet me! I would LOVE to meet you, and i'd be more than glad to!
Thanks &+ thanks so much mimo!
Kimberrlley1-To amber!
Hey Amber(Amb7940)
Kimberrlley1 here =)! I feel so horrible right now. I just read your comments above that said you were so sad that i wasn't there.=( I had last minute plans with the family, so i couldnt make it at 6 ocklock. I posted a comment saying that. =) Well i am SO sorry, and im sending all of my apologies to you! I would be glad to meet up with you right now if your on CP, or CPG. I am on SERVER:FJord, At ROOM:Iceberg! =) Also, how are you feeling? I just found out that you had lukemia from your comment? I hope you get ALL better! =)
I hope to see you there! Thanks so much &+ thanks for understanding and i hope you forgive me &+ thanks mimo
kimberrlley1 its Amber how bout
Place: Ice Burg
Real Time: 4:00 pm
Date: 5/3/08
Server: Fjord
O! And I'd like u 2 meet my sister
My penguin name is Amb7940!Wats urs? kimberrlley1?Sorry i cant put my blog up at the moment.Im on my moms.
Amb7940(i have leukemia!) I don't know how I got it! :_(
All u out there rock!
Hey Amber!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Can we meet right now on fjord at the iceberg?
Im on clubpenguin now =) Thanks so much. Just post back Yes or No
Thanks &
+ thanks mimo,
p.s: i think i might be able to do that but idk because i dont usually make plans last minute =p! if you can meet me now that would be excellent =)
Thanks again =)
Hey amber!
Kimberrlley1 here =) I'd also LOVE to meet your sister too!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
i found rh 2 times this week but a lot of times before like 13 total
kimberrlley1 I hav a hospital appointment on 5/3/08.Lets make it at Place:Ice Burg
Amb7940 & CatGirlBlue"All u out there rock!"
Mimo777 tell us if we are making 2 many comments.
Kimberrlley1 I'm doing fine I'm usually on CP a lot so I'll check every time at 6:00pm!Thanx!
All u out there rock!
Mimo777 its Amb7940
Rockhopper is at the Cove on Fjord! But he might've left already.
All o' u rock!
Dear Mimo the other day i met rockhopper and i asked him "could you say hi to me", and her replied back "arr of course i can say hi" it was the best day of my life also in the newspaper last week it says rockhopper will hide the key on the 28th but on the new newspaper it doesnt say that at all i am confused i wonder what that room is like it will be soooooo cool thanks mimo
-flower395 (flower397)
i cant make a video. neither can most people
Hey Amber!
Kimberrlley1 here =) I will meet you tonight at:
Time: 6:00 pm. (CP time)
Server: Fjord
Place: Iceberg =)
Also, i'd love to meet you AND your sister! Get better soon =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
p.s: good job finding RH flowers!
Rockhopper opened his secret HQ!
But u have 2 find the key!If u go 2 the bookroom then click on library go to the last page of Rockhopper's Journal click on the key and go to the ship!U may enter RH's HQ!
the girl with leukemia. :_(
all u out there rock.
mimo i found the key! it is in the book room UPSTAIRSS IN THE COFFEE SHOP in the back of rockhopper's book
Hey @mb3r!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You rock too! Can we meet up right now? Server fjord at the iceberg? Post back YES or NO
Thanks so much amber, and feel better soon =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
Kimberrlley1(to AMBER)
rock hopper is back from dearest123
hey Mimo you are awsome and realy cool, but how can i get the free membership?
i vote for picture number nine. i have ALWAYS wanted to be a member. can you give me a six month free member ship and i will do what ever you want me to.
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