Check out the game Aqua Grabber at the Iceberg. Here are a few cheats.
Since Rockhopper's ship The Migrator has been finished Club Penguin has changed the game. So now you can pick up clams in stead of pieces of the ship. Cool. Check inside the clams, they have pearls!

Watch out for the Mullet fish! It's new!

Don't forget the Treasure Chest! It's new too!
Also, if you take your pink Puffle with you, they will blow you a bubble that will help you breath underwater. Sweet. I still think this game is kinda slow, but it's getting more fun.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
you didnt say anything about the treasure chest!
If you're a member and you take your Pink Puffle for a walk, you can make it swim with you in aqua grabber!
down the botem of the cave thinbg there is a gap and there is a tresure chest down there. you have to get past 4 fish including the mullet and get some air to finsh the stage
I hope they make more levels! :)
i got the treasure chest!
lol your pink puffle makes air bubbles for you!
this is cool
the white won is worth 25 coins
the black won is worth 50 coins
yes, it's true the thing about the pink puffle -buddytoe
i got the gold perl! the first clam you see has the gold perl in it!
where is the secret area i can't find it please tell me
i don't really like aqua grabber...
Have you noticed that the quiz for becoming a tour guide has changed?
Club Penguin name Ajs7303
Hey Mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here! =).
I actually noticed this too earlier today, but i wasnt sure if it was a glitch or something! ;-) Then i remembered that the migrator was done, so we didnt need to retrieve the peices anymore ;-). I like the new game! Its fun =)
Thanks mimo!
If u collect all the items u get a 250 coin bonus
Hey everyone!
Kimberrlley1 here! Still no ?'s lol! Im having a blast STILL!
Thanks guys &+ thanks mimo!
how many stages are there?
hey mimmo the clubpenguin inporment project is over. the new website is coming april 14.
Anonymous said...
how many stages are there?
There is only 1 stage
sk8rboidud3 (CPG Moderater)
i cant pic up clams only pearls
can anyoan pic up clames?
Do we get a new pin if we are good?
Hey Mimo! It's violet5599 cousin leaving a comment!
That's pretty cool even though I'm not very good at that game! LOL! Well see ya later Mimo!
hey the test cp is off i think now :(
yeah the black pearls are in random clams, they change every time you play =]
hmm i dont see the gold pearl, is there really one?
hey mimo! there is a new comic in the 'fun stuff' section.
Anonymous said...
how many stages are there?
April 4, 2008 5:25 PM
Brushflight (CPG Mod.)
Come on guys now is the time to ask some questions for me! ;]
Hey Guys!
Its MishMash215!
Well, I just played the aqua grabber and i think its great but as mimo said, its very slow!!!! i agree with u kimmberley! its so easy not to answer ?'s!! lol!
anyway i have an idea guys! do you
Club Penguin will use the pearls as snowballs!!!??!! i think they will! :D anyway good luck guys and ill see y'all at the party! :P
Signing Off,
P.S did anyone try my "green commander of cheese" cheat? If no-one got it then ask me to and i will re-post it ok?
Do you think Aqua Grabber will be a permanent game on CP?
i finished it i got 250 and the game i good but i dont have a pink puffle
tafantic said...
you didnt say anything about the treasure chest!
actually he did! right at the end of his post lol
hey i think thats soooo cool about the pink puffle!!
-kathleensccr (CP name)
cool (cpg moderator
The occtupuss is in the game!
So Cool
This can be the best game ever!
Lots of secrets!
ok someone got on as MY name. i dont know who did it but they said "tafantic said...
you didnt say anything about the treasure chest!
actually he did! right at the end of his post lol"
and i can assure you, mimo, that i did not write that. the name doesnt even have a link to my little blog site. im not mad really, kind of flattered that someone would want to use my name (as long as they're not posting bad things and pretending im doing it) but i just want to know why someones pretending to be me and if it could stop, then thanks!
you dont need to tell me who you are ^^
but yeah it'd be nice to stop
heyy there Kewli88, i dont know if aqua grabber will be a permanent game or not, but since they did create new things for us to grab, it will probably stay for a long time. we might even use it to contact rockhopper, who knows?
great questions everyone, and see ya later!! =]
heyy Kewli88, i dont know if aqua-grabber is gonna be permanent or not, but i think it'll stick around for a while since they added other stuff for us to retrieve... and we might even get to contact rockhopper with it! sounds like fun =]
great questions everyone, and see ya later!!
Where do penguins get that rescue outfit from coz i really wunt 1 !
loopy welsh
The game is awesome!!
I like it.
It is much harder than the old one but I like it.
Thanks Mimo for the cheat.
From penguin:Jbd 97
Club Penguin Keeps losing connection! Like every 5 minutes
Anonymous said: 'how many stages are there?'
Dear Anonymous,
There is only one stage in the game.
tafantic said:
'you didnt say anything about the treasure chest!'
Dear tafantic,
Actually, Mimo did!! Look at the post again, there is a picture too!!
i got the chest whoo hoo!
hey whats up im just seeing if this works:D
its easy!!!!
also did you know that if your at the iceberg and click - or = the screen becomes more blur!!!
Anonymous said...
i cant pic up clams only pearls
1)can anyone pick up clames?
2)Do we get a new pin if we are good?
There is two kinds of pearls lol a white one and a black one the white one gives you 25 coins and the black pearl give you 50 omg :-)lol
One time when I was playing the new Aqua Grabber, there was like a squid's shadow in the background swimming away but I only saw it once.
Hola Kewli88!
Kimberrlley1 here, i just woke up =p! lol. Well im awake now and id be glad to answer your question!
You asked if Aqua Grabber will be a permanent game on clubpenguin?
Well, it may or may not. They might use it to get other treasures in the deep waters ;-), or they might make it into a toaster...lol!
Well thanks! &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey guys!
Kimberrlley1 here! Tafantic said: Mimo, you didnt say anything about the treasure chest!
Hey tafantic! I'd be glad to answer this for ya =). Mimo actually did say something about the chest at the bottom of him post. Have fun and Good luck!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Mishmash!
Kimberrlley1 here! thanks for leaving that nice comment =). It sure isnt easy ;-)! Well, i might or might not see you at the party. Im just looking for someone to help me on the date clue with the moai statues. Any help here?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
P.S: If you can help me, maybe we can meet somewhere so you dont write it on the pot. If you choose to help me with that clue, then post where ya wanna meet. THANKS SOO MUCH! =) And keep up the great work!
Hey everyone!
Kimberrlley1 here, to answer a question asked by an anonymous user =)
You asked how many stages there are?
Hey there! Ill answer this question for ya =). There is only one stage at the moment, but more to be coming....=)
Thnaks for the ? &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Mycartmen is out of the hostpital!
Somebody, I need to know how to get the pearl! I cant because every time I try, and mind you I was right above the clam, the clam woke up and jumped! waahaahaaa! help me!
i cant pic up clams only pearls
can anyoan pic up clames?
Do we get a new pin if we are good?
The clams aren't pickable but when they fall asleep you will see them yawning and you have to pick up the things inside the clams!(WARNING!:DONT GO TO NEAR THE CLAMS WHEN THEY ARE ASLEEP YOU WILL WAKE THEM UP!)You do not get a new pin (that was only for the original 'AQUA GRABBER')but if you get everything including the things inside the clams you may get some extra coins...
mimo mimo i got it i got it did u
This has nothing to do with aqua grabber but it's about a game, the maximum coins you can get on Pizzatron 3000 is 1085 without making any mistakes. This is on the normal level not the candy one.
Fire Happy CPG Moderator
Hey Mycatcarmen!
Kimberrlley1 here, i am one of the temp CPG mods!
I am so happy your doing better! Im so glad that your out of the hospital =). I would have loved to help throw tht party for you a while back =)!
Im so happy for ya mycatcarmen &+ thanks mimo!
Hey Mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here! Go North Carolina! =) Their def going ALL the way this year =)
Thanks mimo,
P.S: Go NC!
i said this on the thursday post but u dident say anything about this o well
p.s. i cant wait till ur party
YAY! Aqua grabber is my favorite game! I am sooo excited to try it.
Hannabrianna & Aqua1322
If you get all of those pearls/treasure chest(black/white pearl,treasure chest),you get 500 coins woohoo!!!Woot woot=
150 coins=all pearl
100 coins=treasure chest
250 coins=tip for get all
hey there mycatcartmen, im glad to hear ur feeling better!!! =]
1) to get the rescue outfit, you gotta be a member. go to the gift shop catalog and flip through it until you see the "penguins at work" page. you can buy it there!
2) sorry theres only one level =P
3) cp might be losing connection cuz they were probably updating aquagrabber when you were on... updating games and parties causes it to crash quite often
4) no, you cant pick up the clams... only the pearls
5) sorry we don't get a pin this time =D maybe they'll make one later...? lol
hey blackpearl, your name now has a new meaning... connected to aqua-grabber! lolz
see ya later, and good luck to those wanting to be mimos buddy!
hey mycatcartman i am so incredibly happy you're doing good. u rock and ur very strong. my mom went through breast cancer. well great job u rock.
you're friend goofy73
u didnt say anything about where to find the treasure chest
Hey Coolgirl!
Kimberrlley1 here =)
You said that mimo didnt say anything about the treasure chest?
Actually, mimo did at the bottom of his post ;-). lol i thought the same thing at first =)
Thanks for your question &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here =). you asked if there will be a pin at the end of the game?
Nope ,not at the moment there isnt, but maybe theyll give us a differetn suprise sooner or later ;-)
What do you think?
Thanks &+ thanks so much mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
he said about the treaasure chest coolgirl. but its o.k its just an honest mistake.
i think you're right kimberrlley the will give another thing. and the buddy glitch is weird. i mean i added floobersnoot and know were not buddies. its weird. but anyway congratulations! u rock and u deserved to be mimo's buddy
you're friend goofy73
hey kimberly 1 u said that he said something about the treasure chest but i meant something about where to find it
oh i get what your saying coolgirl. well i'll tell you. when you go to aqua grabber you just go like straight down then you see a little opening. then you go down there and the treasure chest is there. but you shouldn't get that first because when you put the treasure chest in the net the game ends.
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
oh aqua grabber is hard now it used to be so easy but how do you pick up clams? its hard! dont laugh at me :(
waddly penny
Hey Coolgirl!
Kimberrlley1 here! Sorry about that! I thought you said mimo didnt say anything about it lol(as if he forgot it) =).
Lol im sorry, but to answer your question, to find the treasure chest, there is a gap all the way on the sea floor that you go through to pick up the treasure chest!
Good luck and im sorry &+ thanks so much mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Goofy!
Kimberrlley1 here! And no worries, if you didnt become his buddy this time, you can do it next time =)! I was actually a little late to mimos party, so its kind of lucky for me to actually be mimos buddy! Im still really exzcited lol, and dont worry if you wanna know if mimos on just ask me=). id be glad to tell ya'! Thanks for saying i deserve it Goof! Thats so kind of you, and you deserve it just as much as i do =)!
Keep up the great work and thanks &+ thanks mimo!
how do u clean rockhopper"s ship do you use the fire hat and jacket from the summaer kick off party or what?????
thank you so much kimberrlley you just make me feel so happy you are very kind and what happened was i think he appeared out of nowhere (i wasn't paying attention)and then i saw him and clicked near him and i ended up in the town because he was right near the ice rink. then i kept clicking the snow forts on the map but it said the room was full then i kept constantly doing that then i finally showed up and he replied no to my buddy request. this shows how much bad luck i have, but better luck next time.
you're friend goofy73
waddly penny said...
oh aqua grabber is hard now it used to be so easy but how do you pick up clams? its hard! dont laugh at me :(
waddly penny
DOnt try to pic up the clams like I did, you loose pritty quickly that way, wait till they fall asleap, then they snoore and open their mouths, grab the perl while you can and quickly get some air.
-Brusflight (CPG Mod.)
how do you get the pink puffle?!
heyy guys, hows it goin??
1) so waddly penny, you asked how to pick up the clams. well actually, you cant pick up the clams. wait till theyre asleep, then when they're WIDE open, pick up the pearl on the inside. dont pick it up when their mouths are halfway open cuz then they'll wake up and you hafta wait again =]
2) someone also asked how you clean up rockhoppers ship. you can't literally clean up the ship, but when cp updates the ship they'll make it cleaner and cleaner... as if we were the ones doing it (but we're really not =] )
3) to get the pink puffle, you MUST be a member (and you have to have at least 800 coins... those puffles are expensive, huh??). go to the pet shop and walk over the the cage with a bunch of puffles and the puffle catalog should pop up. in the table of contents, click "pink puffle", click "buy", give it a name, and voila! it's in your igloo!
answering questions is a blast!! but the question asking is slowing down a bit... =] see ya later!!
urg i keep bumping into the mullet and his little fishy henchmen (henchfish?)... aren't they called fluffy or something? well anyway good luck to everyone playing it and getting past o evil mulletfish and his wee fluffy henchfish!!
*ominous music plays*
dun dun dun DUUNNNNNNNN
hey katie aka midnight! you get the pink puffle by becoming a member, and then you go to the pet shop. you click on the adoption booklet or you could click on the bin of puffles. then you open the book and go to the page with the pink puffle on it. which is the fifth page. then you click ADOPT and then you give it a name. but remember you have to have 800 coins. when your done you go to your igloo and its there!
you're friend goofy73
Hey Mimo What do u think there planing to do with the pearls we get.? I hope u have the Answer!?
hey all! so someone asked what we might do with the pearls. i think it would be cool if we decorated somewhere with a bunch of pearls, but that's the suggestion coming from a girl =] maybe we just keep them cuz they're pretty! =] i dont know, what do you think? u can probably email club penguin, too, and see what they have to say.
see ya later!
we'll probably make them into pearl necklaces for the catalog.
you're friend goofy73
Hey Anyonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here! You askedwhat we may do with the pearls we collect from Aqua Grabber?!
Wouldn't it be cool if we decorated rockhoppers ship?! Or maybe we can reflect them off the sun so it sends a brightlight to rockhopper somewhere way out there...?! What do ya think?
Thanks guys &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
sorry ppl to get the gold clam you need to collect the treasure chest first :()
and to floobersnoot when i said it mimo hadnt said anything about it!
Hey There!
Kimberrlley1 here, regarding someones(i dont remember who im sorry!) question about how to clean rockhoppers ship?
We dont really clean the ship, but if you dance on it or use your fire outfit and then dance, the hose will make it look like your cleaning the ship ;-). Clubpenguin will make it get cleaner and cleaner and cleaner until its all the way clean ;-)
Thanks guys &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
ok, i have another cheat. i'm not sure if anyone has posted this, but you know how in the second level mullet is blocking off an area? i think theres a way to get him to move. in the same little cave that you get the 4th or 5th soda from, there is a place to get air. if you bump into that really hard, a worm comes out. its called bait, but i'm not sure how to use it. i haven't read all the comments, so u might already know about this.
i cant get past the giant clam in aqua blaster the thing keeps sucking me in!!! how do u get the pearl in it
i can;t pick up the giant clam's pearl either. how do you do that??
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