Well, Rockhopper is paddling his way back to Club Penguin. Or is that a little boat motor? Anyway, he'll be there April 25 and of course there will be a party! Sweet. I WILL find him this time. I'll probably need all your help. ;-)

That Polar Bear has messed up the Clock Tower. It is going crazy. Go take a look! It's pretty funny. I guess we get to fix it in the new mission. Ski lodge clock has also gone "coo-coo"!

And yes, the new mission will be here soon as well. So many cool things happening. Missions have to be the coolest part of Club Penguin. Don't you think?

I haven't check any comments yet today so I wasn't able to give anyone credit. Thanks for ALL YOUR comments. You are the coolest penguins.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
I can't belive it!
Can't wiat for new mission!!!!!!!!!
This is sooooooooooo cool
This will be great! My account name is starmonkey9
dude yeah well dude the party's gonna be awesome dude why am I saying dude
hey mimo,
also in the ski lodge, the cookoo clock is goin crazy
Hey look at the coco clock in the ski lodge its the same way as the clock tower at the snowforts!
PLease give credit to Blug567
hey mimo its benucicas cool rockhoppers comming woo! hes nearly as cool as you.Thnx for putting the clock thing up for me the missions gonna rock bye
Aaaaah!!!!!!!!! Where are some other clocks?
Hey Mimo! Remember when Herbert said "time" is about to run out? I think this whst he meant!
Get Ready,
Hii Mimo! Kookywild here! I see that the clock is showing different things saying : 'Thanksgiving' and the area of something. The message is changing every second!
wow thanks mimo i hope i find rh aswell ive only found him once!!
Mimo! I got another one!
Rockhopper is in a speedboat!! He's not paddling!!
hey mimo
i just found a glitch!?
i went to go to the clothing catolog and look at the colours to see if there is any new ones so i wen throuhg them all and when i got to blue(normal blue)it said would you like to buy this colour and then i got counfused because i went to see my colours i all ready have on my player card and i did not have that blue even though when i made my penguin i picked that colour now that is weird does anybody agree with me!?if so say "yes pinu"and has anybody had this done to!!??thnx byby
I have completed all of the missions,found Rockhopper (Luckly,once during August 2006)and keep checking on the The Clock Tower...Now,we have to deal with the broken Clock Tower,Rockhopper's approching in April 26, 2008,and as for the new mission.Well,I'm hoping that whatever CP throws at me, I'll complete it with some struggle. Also,they have modiefied some other parts of the site,like the Comics,Blogs and others.
From Blacky523:
The Black Penguin
P.S. The Secret agents are no longer a secret.Pretty weird,considering that they keeping the HQ a secret to non-agents.
Hey Mimo i think the bear messed up the clock for the mission
The clock in the ski lodge is also broken!
the clock in the ski lodge is crazy too
mimo go to the ski lodge!Check out the bird in the clock!
Your biggest fan, lucky peg (clubpenguin name)
i love club penguin and i cant wait till the new mission comes out! see ya!
wow mimo you sure are great!
cool, cant wait!!!!!!!!!
we cant throw the snowball on the round thing near the clock tower coz it disapeared.
plz post
cp name:005cena
plz give me credit
Hey that's what the Bear was saying about the ''time'' he ruined all the clocks :o
Mimo, The mission is coming on Monday!
Please give credit.
~ mR fuNGUIN
lol, you're blue!
i know who broke the clock it was herbert p bear
This all sounds like so much fun, too bad I STILL CAN'T LOG ON! Why isn't it working for me with the new system? I've tried all the troubleshooting steps they list.
can you organize a party so i can see you plz and this time plz tell us where i want you on my buddie list!!
Mimo i told you Rockhopper is coming today, and guess what he is!
PS Can't wait wait for the NEW mission to come out.
Way2cool000 CPG moderator
Wow man that is awesome but it is weird but it is cool but it is strange idk what else to say..
I think The mission is about the clock and the polar bear.And Gary the Gadget Guy is the only penguin who is going to help us!..
wow i never new about this site i always went on fevers web this one seems really cool as well mimo wat sever do u go on? and when?. cause i really want to meet u. everyone on this site must know this already but im going to say it anyway if u type in rockhopper and a random password and if it says he banned then hes offline and if it says incorrect password hes on line. and rockhopper usually gos on U.S.A severs on the left column of the page.
Dear Anonymous,
I think you cant log on because your computer is having problems.
Same happend to me i couldn't log on, then this one time when i went to CP it just logged on somehow.
Way2cool000 Cpg moderator
I've been very unlucky when it comes to Rockhopper. I met him but it was first time on club penguin so I didn't know who he was. I danced with him for like 15 minutes then walked on by. I thought there was a party going on and that was why there was hundrededs of penguins around him. When I looked in the news paper I saw a picture of him in it. I went straight back to the plaza where he was, but he was gone. I never saw him again. I'm so unlucky.
Heu anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here! I just got home from school, and im ready to answer your question! You said you're very unlucky when it comes to rockhopper =(!
Dont worry =) Rockhopper is coming to clubpenguin again soon! He's well on his way to making it to shore, and i can't wait! Who else here is really excited?!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Dawn!
Kimberrlley1 here! You said: Mimo, what servers do you go on..and when?! i;d really like to meet you!
Mimo goes on the servers Bigfoot and Fjord =) He's more of a nightowl, so check those 2 servers for him at nighttime! Many penguins would love to meet mimo, but mimo cant set aside time just to meet one penguin. Thats what his parties are for! =) Try to figure out the clues for one of his next parties, and try and meet up with him then! Thanks and good luck!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Way2cool!
Kimberrlley1 here! Im all ready to answer this question =) You said that you told mimo that rockhopper was coming today, and he is!
Awesome prediction Way2cool! You were right =) I cant for him to come..can you?!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo so much!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey litoytsi!
Kimberrlley1 here. You asked mimo if he could organize a party so you can meet him, and tell you where it is?
Mimo's parties are supposed to be hard..but some are easier than others. Mimo never tells you where they are, but he does give clues that you can figure you! =) Thier really fun. On mimo's next parties, try to figure out the clues so you can go to his party@ Good luck!
Thank you for your question &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey litoytsi!
Kimberrlley1 here. You asked mimo if he could organize a party so you can meet him, and tell you where it is?
Mimo's parties are supposed to be hard..but some are easier than others. Mimo never tells you where they are, but he does give clues that you can figure you! =) Thier really fun. On mimo's next parties, try to figure out the clues so you can go to his party@ Good luck!
Thank you for your question &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
when you press the = sign on your keyboard on cp it goes fuzzy
yes pinu
it was weird and happening to me too I wanted to be blue (normal) and it wasnt on my player card
true i think u shoud make a pole for the most famous penguin you,rockhopper,gary,aunt arctic or the ninja
Hey Mimo i just noticed something!! In the message from G that was in last weeks newspaper Herbert's message said ' "Time" is about to run out'!!! He gave us a clue as to what was going to happen! Just to check go check the message in last weeks paper!
Kimberrlley1 thank for the answer.
And yes i cant wait till he comes!
Way2cool000 Cpg moderator.
KEWL!!!!!!!!!:) i luv the missions there so fun
p.s. i hope u find rockhopper i found him last time
i found a secret code on the bottom of the clock it said byg and the bear did do it cause in the secret message he said time is running out
this is Alexa2896 on clubpenguin
Dear Kimberrlly1,
Do you remember me??? I think you are cool!!! I love that I'm you buddy!!!!!!
P.S. Please Post you Never post my comment.
On the stage make the yellow puffle
apear. Then walk to it and click on it. A boulder will come.
AccountName Jtwf
Aw Man THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME,ok mimo in a day penguins can buy a BACKYARD!
Some143 ps. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put me up
omg kool!!!!
Here was your comment:
we cant throw the snowball on the round thing near the clock tower coz it disapeared.
You are right, Anonymous! I think it has something to do with the new mission. Remember when Herbert said that "time" was running out? Well, now it kinda is. Also, if you go to the What's New blog, it has a sneak peak picture of the new mission. A penguin is running with the target for the clock. Interesting... I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
I wouder what the mission is about they said its something to do with a new room? hmmmm
Hey Mimo,
Its funny. There are golf clubs in the migrator!
IT WAS THAT HERBERT DUDE!! WHAT A MEAN POLAR BEAR. If anyone sees powerpuff 22 dont be his buddie because he will take you off and be mean and make you feel bad.
hey mimo heres a cheat on the regular old homepage where the penguin is,click the "n" on the night club sign and the penguin switches outfits to a black penguin with a black mask! siesie45
The new mission sounds so exciting!
I thought the clock was messed up because of a glitch. lol!
The new igloo catalog will be out soon, too. I think they made a backyard!
Christian, the = button changes the quality of the screen, that is why it turns fuzzy.
See you guys later!
that polar bear he's going to PAY
Rockhopper better make it soon im sooooo excited! I am Qtpie1626 and I really want to meet you Mimo. Is Mimo your clubpenguin name too? I'll send you a buddy request if I see you. Please say yes!?!?
I luv clubpenguingang!
Have you ever noticed that the file the missions are in is filled? So theres no space for more I wonder were there going to put the mission name... Club Penguin make missions pretty quick they must be working hard. Oh and I cant wait for the rockhopper party... Ive met him like 6-10 times. I hope you do this time Mimo were all going to help you. From the non-member who types too much..
Numpwood (I go on mammoth and frozen you can usually find me at the dock or iceberg or anywere lol)
Mimo, I know where to go to find Rockhopper. Ok it might be full if you are a non-member.
1. Because members find more room in severs.
2. (About Rockhopper) He is mostly in server Mammoth (USA FLAG PAGE 1)
3. Beach wait mabye 30 minutes to 1 hour or shorter.
4. To check if he is online type in rockhopper and for password put rockhopper.
5. If he is online it wil say INCORRECT PASSWORD CASE SENSITIVE
6. If he is offline it will say BANNED FOREVER.
- Natho Dude (CP Name)
wow, it feels like yesterday i was locked inside a cave with a puffle... lic/ran
I can wait for the new mission
mimo! the funniest thing just happened well i was reading your post-it and i was listening to the starwars episode VI and right when i read, "I WILL FIND HIM THIS TIME!!" the dark scary music came one! i laughed my socks off... even though they never match! -really my socks don't match at all! love:cheese242
You know the clock at the snow forts well I think that herbert P. Bear broke it and I CAN prove it. In last weeks news paper the polar bear said that "time" is about to run out.
Get it? So HE broke it.
(can you give me credit for that please)THANKS!
Way2cool000 CPG moderator.
Mimo What Do You Think Will Happen The Mission Seems So Cool I Keep Checking Out The Blog
p.s hey mimo, cheese242 again... well i learned something... sometimes on the clock tower it says...
AREA= pie multiplied by the radious squared...
when clearly that equasion is to find the circumfrence of a circle... (which is) circumfrence= pie (3.14) multiplied by the radious multiplied by two is the answer! duh! even a second grader could do it!
(by the way i just learned it this year! oops!) no offense second graders! -cheese242
hey mimo! this is my 1st comment! anyways, i had a question. remember that post you made about your color being changed, well, that happend to me, too. and i think i was the first person to comment it. so i thought i was going to get credit. i was just wondering if you knew that.
Clubpenguin name: Samie142
hey mimo! this is chillpill96 and i just wanted to let u know that on my favorites menu, it used to have a scuba diving penguin as the icon beside Club Penguin, but now the icon is a smiling blue penguin. i think this is a part of the new website update. well bye! i heart ur site mimo!
this is cool: I haven't found rockhopper yet either!
clubpenguin name: samie142
this is cool: I haven't found rockhopper yet either!
clubpenguin name: samie142
question to one of the anonymous:
how did you figure out that penguins can buy a backyard in one day? what i mean is, where did you find the clues? i am curious!:)
clubpenguin name:samie142
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For Posting my Comment! You rock Mimo777!!
Dear All!
Some of you say you are CPG moderators, HOW DO YOU BECOME ONE????
Hey Dawn!
You asked what servers do you go on Mimo.
Mimo goes on Big foot and Fjord. Normally, Mimo goes on at night, so go on Club Penguin at Night time and thoes 2 servers. Happy Mimo Hunting!
•Anonymouszs1-CPG Moderator.
um mimo how can i become a cpg moderator?
LOL that clock is HILLARIOUS!! I looked at the clock in the Snow Forts and it was saying random messages like "2=2+4" and "Help!" even "Anyone got the time?" OMGS it's hillarious (OMGS stands for Oh My Guitar Strings)!!! I also think this clock craziness has to do with the new mission and the polor bear lawer. I LOVE Club Penguin!
here is a clue to your rock hopper hunt: last time i was hunting for him (i still haven't found him!) i once saw him at the cove. but i wasn't in time! so maybe try looking at the cove. i forgot the server though. but it was in america.
clubpenguin name: samie142
hey natho dude
i think your tips might actually work! i may try them myself! in advance, thanks! oh and question: can i use them?
i had a question mimo or cpg moderator:
Do you (mimo) have to read all the comments that peole post, does someone else read them for you, and..... well..... no more questions!
hey mimo i said that the clock tower was probabley broken before because the newspaper was really late....;-)
hey mimo the picture of the plaza is a glitch because i noticed that it still doesn't have the stage check it out
mimo, i wish u were the prez of CP then CPG would be THE BEST SITE EVER!
I totally think that the polar bear broke the clock tower! IT'S REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh ya when i say herbert the first time i dealedwith the bear he told me his name was hereberk just tellin yall
p.s im gonna throw the bear of the berg (yes im that strong)
Right now I'm talking about clocks.
Every clock on cp is going crazy!heck out the 1 in the ski lodge!
Big fan o' yours mimo777!
Remember that secret letter?
Mimo, you said that the polar bear was a lawyer. Maybe in the next mission, you will have to be in court or bring him into court! Also, he said "time is running out." So, obviously, HE'S the one who is breaking all the clocks. Why? Something to do with making us not be able to tell time and Club Penguin being destroyed.
Here was your question:
Do you (mimo) have to read all the comments that peole post, does someone else read them for you
Mimo has to check over ALL of the comments. Some of the Club Penguin Gang members might help him, but I am not exactly sure. I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
the last time I saw Rockhopper was when he was at the beach mimo if you find him get the backround I did.Can't wait to see the new mission.
Hey Everyone!
To become a Club Penguin Moderator, all you have to do is look for a question, then answer it the best you can. Pretty easy, huh? BUT you have to remember to sign your name like this:
(Your Penguin Name) CPG Moderator)
If you don't then Mimo won't post it. If you do a really good job, then Mimo might promote you. Good luck and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
hey its i luv swans hope u l iked the glitch
hey, i just wated to say that if u click on the floor removement service on the upgrade igloo sign u can get a secret stone igloo!!! i love ur work
-Barney97(cpg moderater)
The Co Co clock is messed up 2
ill help u look for rockhopper mimo!- giraffe
As soon as i saw the clock i knew it was the polar bear
Did you notice he only distroyed the clocks in the game! kinda suspicios...
Hey Ix3soccer!
Kimberrlley1 here! You asked how you become a moderator?
You become a moderator by answering questions on the blogs, and sign your name like i sign mine..but only after answering a question!=)!
Thanks for your question &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey there!
Kimberrlley1 here to answer a question asked by an anonymous user =) They said you couldnt throw a snowball on the target thing on the clock tower bc it dissappeared?!
Your absolutely right! Herbert must have stolen it when he broke the clock ;-) I hope it gets fixed soon. Its probably going to be the new mission! =)
Thanks &+ thanks so much mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
If you want to become a moderator then... well is very easy all you have to do is answer questions that other people ask in the comments then write your name and atfer your name write CPG Moderator. (example: Way2cool000 CPG Moderator)
Way2cool000 CPG Moderator.
Look at the bottom corner of the clock!
It is tic tac toe code
I decoded it and it says BYG couldthat stand for something or does it mean BY:G as in G did it! hmm Thats hard! I think G did it.
Please add me if you see me because i'm your bigges fan!
this has nothing to do with the subject but on the home page you can click on the starfish next to the penguin and I will change to a shell and if you click again it will change into a sand castle!!;-)
the coo-coo clock in the ski lodge is also going crazy
Hey everyone! Anonymous asked if Mimo approved the comments specificly, or if someone else did that for him. The answer is: Mimo has to do all the work by himself! So if you ever wonder why your comment isn't up yet, it problably is because Mimo is so busy checking other comments or doing other stuff. But don't worry, he'll post yours soon.
Yours truly,
Vapnoar777 (CPG Mod)
OMG! rockhoppers comin AWESOME i cant wait for the mission too! the clock? LOL THATS FUNNY! c ya mimo! y abiigest fan -Ye11
mimo rockhoppers favorate servers are
big foot
I know exactly when Rh is coming and in what sever!!
6:30 Rainbow Australia time
From Discdude
-purplejoeler(cp name)
Hey Mimo!
This is really cool! On the clubpenguin page click on the star fish and it changes! Please post this! Please!
Thank you!
-Red Jacks
mimo if u go to page b8 in the paper it kind of gives away where the pin is
mimo remember in the newspaper the polar bear said that "time" is about to run out
hello i love missions!!!!!!!
please add chushae as a buddy in australia!!!!!
I can't believe it that stupid polar bear smash my favorite clock and the coo coo.
i will never forget this!
Iam not Reyolsen for this time Iam a Revenger you will never forget this day and night you will have a nightmare for doing this
i went on my penguin last night and purple had gone and i was blue!!!!!!!
Hi mimo777 I can't belive RH is comming the new igloos sooo cool i have it. The mission looks good realy good. Can you go on Bigfoot at 8pm at the dojo I wanna be a penguin who finds secrets for the gang Benucicas
Rockhoppers coming ? oh no im not dressed! OH NO IM NOT A MEMBER!
Mimo If you See Rockhopper can you post it on Twitter please ?
And Good luck on finding Rockhopper Mimo.
PS.Have guests come on the newspaper ?i so want to be on it!
missions r awsome! -Monticella
Anonymous, of course you could use my places and stuff! I don't care I love helping people!
P.S. I found Rockhopper 2 TIMES ON MAMMOTH AT THE BEACH!!!!!
- Natho Dude (CP Name)
Here's a cheat for you!!!!
When you first enter AstroBarrier, press no 1,2 or three and you will be taken to level 10,20 or 30!
Thanks, from Mad4books.
mimo when rockhopper came last I heard he had free winged viking helmets could non members get them
signed speedy 712
Hey mimo,
I noticed a glitch.
When they updated the servers, I lost all of my items, and so did other penguins.
I emailed Club Penguin, and they said they would have it fixed very soon, if not by the end of the month.
I seriously can't wait until the next mission!!!
wow mimo tnx for posting my comment i dont mind if u post this one i just wanted to say tnx
remember the first sneak peak of the seventh mission, where the penguin is running from snowballs and holding the rock thing? i think the rock thing is the target!!!
lol maybe you are a dude lol
Hey Speedy712,
Here was your question:
mimo when rockhopper came last I heard he had free winged viking helmets could non members get them
Yep, non-members could get the viking helmets. But I don't think that Rockhopper will have them again any time soon. I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
I just wanted to say:
A lot of people have been saying that in the sneak peek of the new mission, a penguin is running away holding the target from the clock in the snowforts. In my opinion, I think it is a tree stump. Now, dont ask me why he's holding a tree stump, But I think he is.
Big Goonie<--CP Name
Hi everyone! if you ever want to become a CPG Moderator all you have to do is answer a question and then leave your penguin name and say (CPG Maderator).
Crazymania1 (CPG Moderator)
the Cuckoo Clock is broken too
yes pinu
thnx kimberrly1 u seem ike a really nice person 4 answering comments. keep up the good work
mimo usually goes on servers bigfoot and fjord =] see if you can catch him there
someone also asked what "incorrect password; case sensitive" meant. well, case sensitive means that, for example, if my password is "dog" then if i typed "DOG" or "dOG" then it'll be the wrong password. kinda get it now? =]
to become a cpg mod, all ya gotta do is answer questions!! look for questions in the comments and if u know the answer, then post it!
hey samie142, the answer is yes, mimo does read all these comments... all hundreds of these comments =] every single one that he posts! isnt tht amazing? he needs to make sure that there arent any offensive or inappropriate comments. good job mimo! keep up the great wok!
also, Mckmitch, you were right! the code at the bottom of the clock has been on there ever since that clock was put up, and it does say "by: G"
cool, huh??
Hey Soeedy712!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked if nonmembers could get the viking helmets from RH?
They sure can, just as us members =) I cant wait til rockhopper comes =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hry everybody!
Kimberrlley1 here. I went on a school trip today, and i didnt have time to answer many ?'s. Ill answer more tomorrow morning =)
Thaks &+ thanks mimo,
You no how the clock is brocken i rekon that polar bear guy did it :)
I told u i was smart
Mimo you forgot fred in the ski Lodge its broken too!!!!!
Please report this!
WOW! I can't wait until Rockhopper comes and the new mission! Oh joy!
hi mimo
its sorta wierd cos i went to my igloo and my clock was fine!wats happening?i cant wait for the new mission!
Hey there all!
Kimberrlley1 here, to say that i cant answer anymore ?'s till tonight, because im going to see a play today that my cousin is in! =) Ill answer ALL of your questions toinght!
Thanks so much all &+ thanks mimo,
i can't wait to see the new mission
Dude CLUB PENGUIN is the best game ever. I can't wait for the new mission and ROCKHOPPER!!!
Club PEnguin ROCKZ!!!
Hey Kimberrlley!
Have fun at the play!
mimo can u work out a code for me (darthpenguia)its in the agent book f.i.s.h on the spy phone diagram click on the antenor and it should come up but i cant work it out
from a club penguin player
Hey mimo! remember the note that gary the gadget guy showed us in the newpaper? and it said a note that the polar bear said? well in the note the polar bear said, "time" is running out. so the polar bear messed up the clock tower!!!! - Tigercube
were is the lab
Hey Darthpenguia and Agentpenguia,
Here was your question:
mimo can u work out a code for me (darthpenguia)its in the agent book f.i.s.h on the spy phone diagram click on the antenor and it should come up but i cant work it out
I would be glad to tell you what it is. It says: The red light spells "you are cool" in morse.
Kinda weird, huh? I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
there is also tea at the coffee shop!
just click on the chalkboard and it will change to tea, at the coffee shop.
i saw Rockhopper when i first started and i did not know about him.
heyy, DARTHPENGUIA AND AGENT PENGUIA, you said you couldnt figure out a code in the f.i.s.h. spy book, huh? well it says "The red light spells "You are cool" in Morse." pretty cool stuff!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said you couldnt figure out the morse code in the F.I.S.H book?
Well, in the HQ it says "You are cool" on the board =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Jess!
Kimberrlley1 here! You said: Kimberrlley ,have fun at the play!
Hey! I had an awesome time =) It was so funny! My cousin did great also!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
breanna,cpg moderater
"Anonymous said...
Aaaaah!!!!!!!!! Where are some other clocks?"
Hi Anonymous!
I was wondering the same thing! So I went on a mission to find some other clocks!
The Cookoo Clock in the Ski Lodge
The Clock Tower at the Snow Forts
.....I went thru every room in CP and that's all I could find.
hey breanna, you're right! everything has gone completely cuckoo! even the cuckoo clock (ha ha. not funny.) mostly it's herbert's doing... but also, since CP just updated a LOT of things, theres bound to be LOTS of glitches... so all we can do is sit tight and wait for them to fix it. they're working pretty fast, lots of things are already fixed! to keep a closer eye on what they're doing, go to
and check out their progress!
oh yeah and btw, make sure you type (cpg moderator) only if you're answering a question =]
i dont know if anyones mentioned this but its not only the clock tower thats gone mad. the clock in the ski lodge seems to be broken as well
You know what????I have my Computer set to CP time!!!!
currently it is 7:18 am cp time!!!!
hey, do u think the polar bear did it?? alot of penguins are saying that.
Hey Anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here, becasue you asked what some other clocks were?
Some other clocks are the one in the Skilodge and the one at the snowforts =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
the think the polar bear from the mission messed up our clock.
Hey anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here to answer your question =)
Q: Do you think the polar bear did it?
A: I sure do! I think so becuase he stated: Time is running out. Thats why he messed up the clocks and took the target away!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
=) "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey there Floob!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Ill always think your funny, no matter what =) I laughed when i saw your comment about the cuckoo clock! hehe =) You rock floob!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo,
Hi Mimo plz post me i have never been posted!
I love your site! I check it every day!
My penguins name is whirlm.
See ya! secret code for my name: Apf
Wait a minute, how would you know which day would be which? The clock tower has broken! I just hope the party for Rockhopper is going to be on time...
Hi mimo! The clocks going insane!!!!!!I wonder how he did this?
heyy kimberrly thanks!! im trying my hardest to stop cracking corny puns... looks like it's not working. oh well.
you rock too! and you're doing GREAT at your mod job =]
see ya later!
Hey floob!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Your welcome very much =) lol. I guess im starting too...uh oh*wipes off face*! haha jp! Well your doing great also!
Thanks so muhc &+ thanks mimo.
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Floob!
I clicked on your name for Blogger and looked at your profile. Too funny. Creating your own kind of sticky note? lol!
Hey jess!
Kimberrlley here =) I checked it out too floob! Its soo cool =) Your just too funny(haha!)
Thanks so much &+ thanks mimo,
hey jessicamary and kimberrly! thanks for the comments, it really made my day after trudging through school and homework =]
looks like i dont have jessicamary on my buddy list... wanna meet up sometime in cp? comment back!
see ya guys later!
i really love clubpenguin and this is my second month in clubpenguin and i have about 8 catalog for my cloth and i also never saw rockhooper and iam
so curious about that mission
Hi Pinu,
I have experienced the SAME THING. The glitch has also affected my account but I didn't lose the color blue, I lost... PINK. Yes, a different color. Hopefully, CP will restore all the items lost from fellow penguins!
-Fai Fai(CP Name)
mimo777? there is already a mission about the tower... it's really cool, but hard, too... can you help??? i am practically STUCK!!!
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