I don't know about you but, I didn't receive my Club Penguin pay check for the month of April! We always get it on the first day on the month but I haven't got mine yet!
Is it just me? Or are you missing your pay check too?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

i dont think i have got mine yet either.i will go check right now.
I haven't gotten mine yet either someone should email cp about this
i didn't get them either
i will email cp cos they will probaly give us about 200-1000 coins WISH ME LUCK!!!
I don't I wish they would hurry up
no pay check for me either Mimo!
I contacted Club Penguin regarding the problem so it will be there shortly!
oviosly they lost their heads and forgot about about it
How do u get that? :)
I didn't to also have you seen penguins that are white I have also on the Dubstep puffle video someone asked about it and happy77 said they are going to tell us more in a vlog hope it helps >.<
nope i didnt get mine.
Explanation about the White Penguin Problem:
First of all: U should've typed it in on Google like I did :L
Second of all: The white color is coming in soon. But Club Penguin accidentally let it out BUT in order to get it u must hack
I haven't got my paychecks either.
Where do you get all these awesome pictures from, Mimo?
Waddle On!
An April fools joke? anways,we dont need pay checks we already have cart surfer.
Dear Mimo,
Today is April 8th. Last night at around eight o clock EST, an amazing thing happened.There were several testers on Sleet. They were testing a brand new Club Penguin color to be released at the Earth Day Party: WHITE!It was so cool!I just wanted to let you know.And they also wore the OLD CP blue that isn't available anymore.If you don't believe me, look them up on the Friend Finder in your Friend list. Their names are New Color, and Test Color.Just putting it out there.
As of yet, I have no money. If I don't get paid by Wednesday, in e-mailing them.
maybe hurbert took them!=O
I didn't get any pay check too
Im Loveluna 19 on CP, here is an awesome secret cheat in the Book Room for the slime green book:
Page 1:choose option busiest, when finished typing first page, drag mop to the top of the page and release, it will go out the window drag it to erase the mountains and get the coin.
Page 2: choose option tree, when finished typing second page, drag container to the right/left and get the coin.
Page 3:choose option fell, when finished typing third page, get the round shaped blob of slime at the top and drag it around until it goes away and appears a coin, click the coin.
Page 4:choose option made, when finished typing fourth page, move the penguin on the ground to the ceiling by pointing behind him until a coin falls out from the ceiling then put the penguin back on the floor and get the coin.
Page 5:choose option dropped, when finished typing fifth page, slid e the penguin and mop away then watch the wall carefully because it will show a pattern you must coy and then behind the door is the coin. Get the coin.
Page 6:choose option shout, when finished sixth page, drag paint bucket aside and click the coin.
Page 7:when finished seventh page, click the lightbulb and the page will turn into a maze. Drag the lightbulb to its' shadow 3 times dodging the walls, then click the coin on top of the penguins' head.
Page 8:when finished eighth page, drag all the capes out of the box, then drag out 2 socks and replace it with the capes in the penguins' flippers. A coin will appear, click it.
Finish the last page, then you will earn 800 coins!
Please reply and post on blog, super cool and actually works, I've tried.
Loveluna 19
Mimo i have tipped the ice berg you need 50 people all drilling on the bottom right corner it will shake then flip then u get a prize that will stay a surprise!
ha! that rhymes!
I emailed them saying i have not got my 2 pay checks and they gave me my 600 coins so just email them.
Didn't get mine either!!
wats the prize then, yeh big bird
Does no-one earn their own coins anymore???
I mean seriously.
I got my tour guide pay check but not epf
I earn my coins Smiley face.
I have over half a million of them. So does my cousin. We have a sort of race going on.
Even so I expect my paycheck when it is due.
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