Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Club Penguin White Color!

I was on Club Penguin today and saw this white penguin! 

Here is a pic of him at the Cove. Pretty cool, huh?

This is what Happy77 said in a comment on YouTube when some one asked about the color.

Woah cool! Do you think this color will come out during the Earth Day party or for the Card-Jitsu Snow?

Speaking of Card Jitsu Snow... The Club Penguin magazine said it would be coming out in May! Woot! That is next month!

BUT.... I found this comment....

Really Club Penguin! Delaying it AGAIN!?  If it's not coming out in May, is this thing ever coming out?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


Coobreedan said...

I have a buddy who is that colour. I might change to white when it is released but picturing me in that colour is odd.

mario30206 said...

come on cp dont delay it!my membership ends July 29th 2012.they better have it before that!

Rhealady123 said...

how do u turn white?????

Unknown said...

They want to make us believe it isn't out in May.

Yung4 said...

Mimmo they are hackers.

And yes cp has confirmed it is coming out At the earth day party 2012.

(Do not hack this you will get banned!)


DMA0712 said...

Like what Yung said, Club Penguin has confirmed it's going to be out at the 2012 Earth Day Party. And to answer Rhealady123, they are testers who work for CP.

Waddle On!

Godzilla5419... said...

I know why CJS will never come out! In order to gain acess to the fire and water dojo, you need to click on this tablet thingy. SO in order to gain access to the snow door, you need a snow tablet thingy. However there is no place for the snow tablet, because the water tablet is located on where the snow tablet. Due to this issue, please contact the Cp staff Mimo. And maybe even post this to see what suggestions we can create to this dilema.


Anonymous said...

:( SERIOUSLY are u guys kidding me?
lets hop its out at LEAST this year.

BTW white looks awesome!


Anonymous said...

omg omg mimo u can get into the box portal!!! i went into a guys den and there it is! the portal! :O


Anonymous said...

Dear DMA0712
They are not testers who work for cp, they used a program which made it able for them to buy it in the catalog instead of the colour blue.

Anonymous said...

guys its not a hack the people who are white work for cp and u can only see them on sleet they have names like beta alex

Anonymous said...

You know, people just you hacks to turn white consequencing in them being banned.

Anonymous said...

i kew that mimo777 already i knew it saturday or sunday.. o nserver : Sleet
and you have to downoald CHEAT ENGINE its hard than you have to know some come anyway go to youtube and you see how to be white, and iff you be white a lot off penguins will be crowded off you ;)

Mikey8w said...

I know why there is white penguins! They are using a cheat. but anyone who uses it will get banned, It will be released On the earth day party. -Mikey8w

Anonymous said...

By the way the color is arctic white and hackers have found a way to get this before it comes out on earth day 2012

SammyChip said...

Bro I told you about this BTW I know how to turn Artic White! xD

Citrus Peal said...

I saw a bunch of them on CP last night.
It's a really really pale yellow.

Anonymous said...

you never noticed that

Chrissuper12 said...

the white penguins are hackers and they need to be banned so if you see any more banned them

Mikeyw8 said...

Anonymous said...
omg omg mimo u can get into the box portal!!! i went into a guys den and there it is! the portal! :O
Hi! April fools goes on ;-) ~Mikey8w (CPG MOD)~

Anonymous said...

Report anyone who has the arctic white colour. They are cheating.

Anonymous said...

umm for hacking the white color you get banned never dine it

Anonymous said...

I fink i get it maybe tey are hacking the white colour and get banned then after when they are not banned anymore they have it

Anonymous said...

Oh my Gosh i saw that penguin when i want to be a car :(

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