Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Gary Sends Club Penguin EPF Message!

Gary has sent us a new Club Penguin message! Here's what he says:

Hmm, what do you think 2012 will hold for us? It better be good, am I right?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter 


Anonymous said...

Hey mimo, I've heard that the sports shop will be returning in 2012! Also, I hope we get awesome missions instead of field-ops! I wonder if Herbet gives up trying to melt club penguin!

Anonymous said...

I know! It will have - earth quakes, flooding, and rocks falling. XD

Julia3771 said...

I hope there'll be new missions^^! I'm sure 2012'll be better than this year...?

Leon26530 said...

I think tht Herbert will wake up again when card jitsu snow comes

arbereshi said...

Hey Mimo!On what servers do you usually go on?I really want to meet you.A happy new year,mimo,you are awesome!

Superoo13 said...

Superoo13 CPG MOD

Well that is a rumor and many penguins think it is true! You could possibly email CP and ask and you might be lucky by finding something out! Herbert has been an enemy for years and he will never give up! Relax until Gary alerts us on something! CPG MOD

Pingy Ping 1 said...

hey , guys , can u tell me something ? i can't see my map , newspapers , mail , chatbar , can't play games or take pin ! can somebody tell me what to do ? you can send me mail too ? ( ) tnx

Anonymous said...

to pingy pong 1 you will have luck if you log on to a server that one of your friends our on from chrissuper12

Chrissuper12 said...

hey mimo777 i got a idea for you go on club penguin and look at your friend list write down all of your friends on a peace of paper. all though the month go on club penguin and look on your friends list and if a friend is online look for the penguin's name on the paper and put a check by the name for example if billybob was your friend put a check by is name and do that though the whole month and at the end of the month check the paper and if a penguin has not been on at all... you delete them from your friends list

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo just a little easter egg secret or what ever on club penguin open your friends list and type in Klutzy then read what comes up, then type in Herbert P Bear then see what comes up its really funny LOL.

btw if you didnt know this can i please have credit thanks mimo your awesome!!

Cian Roche said...

Hey Pingy Ping!! That happens to me sometimes and it usually changes when I switch the Internet Browser for example: Google Chrome.
Maybe Mozilla Firefox or Safari or MSN or one of those will work.
And about that Sports Shop opening.
I'm so exited!! And I guarantee you Herbert is coming back cause imagine how boring that would be without Herbert causing mischief!! Hope my advice works Pingy Ping and Happy new Year to everyone I know!

Anonymous said...

another year of cp has gone! what a short year it has been

Leon26530 said...

Mimo!! The Storm Cloud outside the dojo is now diffrent!!

Braceface27 CPG Mod said...

Happy New Year!!!!!!

~Braceface27 CPG Mod

Mmjk3 said...

yo mimo! you may already know that if you write in your frindslist search Klutzy or herbert P bear something funny is written there. if you write rockghopper or senei it tells you to meet him on the island to add him as a friend. BUT if you write Dot or Jet Pack Guy it says MEET HIM ON THE ISLAND to add him as friend!!!!
new missions are coming WOOT!


KH1016 said...

Happy New Year Everyone!

Pingu Pingey said...

The sports shop returning? That would be so cool! I do hope that the missions return (PSA) they were more fun and certainly more challenging. Perhaps EPF VS. PSA!

A1321 CPG Mod said...

@Pingu Pingey
Actually you can still play PSA missions by going to the VR Room from the tube transport in the EPF Command Room.

-A1321 CPG Mod

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