Club Penguin has reached their Coins for Change goal! Woot!
And, as you know Club Penguin helped build a school and playground in Haiti, so here is a video about it:
What charity do you think will get the most donations this year?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
anyone knows where is the treasure book?
what is credit?
hey mimo the christmas party is finished they changed the home page!
That is soooo cool! club penguin should be so proud of what they are doing! im so proud :D it nearly brung a tear to my eye :)
The location for the 62nd Field-op is too easy. it's obviously near the pole on Ski Hill. Very near.
i have some codes that all penguin can use.hope it works.
JUNNLR11->500 coins
DECNLR10->500 coins
PUMPKIN1->pumpkin head item
FreeHood->purple hoodie
D23EXP11->green hoodie
~penguin abcd
Anonymous said...
what is credit?
cred·it [kred-it]
1. commendation or honor given for some action, quality, etc.: Give credit where it is due.
2. a source of pride or honor: You are a credit to your school.
3. the ascription or acknowledgment of something as due or properly attributable to a person, institution, etc.: She got a screen credit for photography.
4. trustworthiness; credibility: a witness of credit.
5. confidence in a purchaser's ability and intention to pay, displayed by entrusting the buyer with goods or services without immediate payment.
Not sure why this is relevamt to the post, but there you go.
~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)
anyone knows where is the treasure book?
- Anonymous said
What Treasure Book?
- Darel48
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