Club Penguin has some BIG news about Coins for Change!
Check out this Coins for Change 2011 video!
Over the last five years, Club Penguin players have changed the world! Over $4.5 million has gone to 26 charities! Here is how they've made a difference...
* Building Safe Places: Schools, shelters & playgrounds in 15 countries.
* Protecting the Earth: Endangered animals and natural habitats protected in 20 countries.
* Providing Medical Help: Clean water and medical treatments for over 150,000 children.
This year for Coins for Change, we're challenging penguins to do even more. If they can fill the Lighthouse with coins, we will DOUBLE this year's donation... To $2 million!
So cool! Do you know where you are going to donate your coins?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

How many coins do I need to donate to make $1?
AWESOME I saw a tree kangaroo in that vid :D
So you aren't giving real money, you're giving coins? how does that work if the coins have no real life value? Just curious. :)
but i love doing coins for change!
Anonymous said...
How many coins do I need to donate to make $1?
Your donated coins are worth a percentage, not a dollar amount. The more coins you donate to, the more percent of the million dollars will go to that charity.
~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
So you aren't giving real money, you're giving coins? how does that work if the coins have no real life value? Just curious. :)
You are donating your coins as a percentage. CP gives 1 million dollars (total), and the charities get money based on the percentages. If a charity got 60% of the donated coins, then they will get 600,00 dollars.
~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)
Is it possible we could Do a stamp day sometimes that we all come together too get all hard stamps like dance on iceberg with 30 ppl with hard hats and meet 10 black belts in ninja hidout ?
Anonymous said...
So you aren't giving real money, you're giving coins? how does that work if the coins have no real life value? Just curious. :)
well every year cp donates 1 million dollars to charity But if we can fill the lighthouse with coins they donate 2 million dollars to the place of our choice.
Makes me so proud of what I'm changing!!
in the lounge the fire symbol is still there!
Im not a member but i have 15 thousand coins so im gonna donate all of them
Hey Mimo I just got back from Farmers NZ and I saw a clubpenguin card pack and it was black and it said CardJitsu Water After The Second Wave!!Plz post about this and give me credit k?
Wow! But have you ever wondered how virtual coins changes into real money? Lol.
Btw... the ninja shadows have returned...
They have to make an option for stoping bullying in the world
100 coins= S1
penguins need to save aloth this year! iam donating to help the earth!
Yinfin21 and D_Dude3 said...
They have to make an option for stoping bullying in the world
Sorry to say this, but you can't really stop bullying with money. It just doesn;t work.
I honestly think that people should just donate to one option because all of the options are equally important. I already have about 20,000 coins (earning more) and I am going to spend for all three. Just because you like one option doesn't mean you only donate to that one!
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