Club Penguin Cheats

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Club Penguin Christmas Party FREE item...Holiday Magic Background!

The December 24th new Club Penguin FREE item from the 12 Days of Free Gifts in the Forest is here!

Just another background!  Boo! Hats or other clothing items are so much more fun! Am I right?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter 


Braceface27 said...

No, this is the best background ever.


Anonymous said...

mimio777 look at the light house
acterboy 1

JT said...

Mimo, more coins at lighthouse.


dockaboo811 said...

think about it, 25 is the last item, that has to be really special! it would be funny if it was actually 1 coin. But again, think, it can be a rainbow puffle, or the revealing of a secret room on your map, hehe

Anonymous said...

At least its a nice Background, Oh! And look at the light house :D

mario30206 said...

mimo its even better tommorow, (christmas day) you get a gingerbread suit!

Anonymous said...

Whoa.. too awesome, I like the colors in it. :D

Kattelyn said...

This is a great background! But you can see that they haven been rotating between hats, backgrounds, and pins (in that order. By tomorrow we will have four of each, I believe. Although I would like to get a pair of shoes or a neck item sometime. But I think that the advent calender was a fancastic idea! I'm enjoying the party. Happy Christmas Eve!

Anonymous said...

mario30206 said...

mimo its even better tommorow, (Christmas day) you get a gingerbread suit!

how do you know that?

Anonymous said...

when your sending a letter to aunt arctic, do u put ur penguin name or do you make a name up? also do u hav to put dear aunt arctic?

Anonymous said...

the last item on the 25 in a gingerbread man costume it looks horrible and its all one piece they should of broke the pieces up...

Anonymous said...

cheat for members:
to change igloo items either shape or colours, click on the item while pressing up or down arrow keys. TADA! it changes colours or shape! only works on some items :)

Anonymous said...

BTW how can you sit straight? i only sit diagonal!

That guy. said...

Mimo you shouldnt complaint. at least we are getting 19! free gifts in total. yoou gotta be great full ITS CHRISTMAS. so be greatfull :) just saying. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

nice bckground

but it has to be some cool item

like clothes not backgroun and pin

at least thx

Anonymous said...

at least it is better than a pin!

Anonymous said...

for once a background that is better than pins that are better than other backgrounds but i still think the sunset background is the best

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
cheat for members:
to change igloo items either shape or colours, click on the item while pressing up or down arrow keys. TADA! it changes colours or shape! only works on some items :)


by Shadow25256 sorry did not put my name

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