Hope you get TONS of candy tonight! We will be posting something pretty cool tonight so check back once you get all your candy!
If you haven't seen this yet it's the new Club Penguin Wallpaper. It has been out for awhile ;-]
Click here to download this Club Penguin Wallpaper.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Mimo Games Now!
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
1 – 200 of 377 Newer› Newest»MIMO! you added me on tootsville!
jack said we have to email him why we want the laptop then he will pick a winner!
im going as a pirate! it has a really cool sword! ~ssspencer (penguin name)
im going as a geisha girl (aka kimono girl) i have the robe and my hair in a bun and the white makeup!! lol to bad where i live its EXTREME WINDY! an its gonna rain near the 9:00 mark!!! waa
I'm being a gangsta! Or mofia if you prefer. Heyy, what are YOU being!
awesome i'm gonna be a rocker and U.S.A
i am a cool orange genie!
go mimo!!
i'm going to be a masquarade.
I am going trick or treating in the USA.
I might see you
i am gonna be a witch! lol
Im going as a pirate princess. Its more of a pirate than a princess cuz its pretty much a pirate but the colors are pretty much pink and black.
Im going as KINGPILLOW! Seriously...Im gonna be wearing a pillow cake (filled with stuffing) I'm gonna have a kings cape and crown! LOL! No one will know what i am...I am gonna put "It's my name on every website i play" on the back of my pillow case (which will have a kings crown and the name Kingpillow under and above the crown)
I am dressing up as Mr.Monopoly. I have a cane.
senator9876(penguin name)
Just to tell you, last night i went on cp and i met gary i think it was Alaska =D
The back ground is soooo cool!
omg maybe i will edit MY penguin into the background LOL
my country celebrates the hallowin but we dont go in costumes fore candy hunt yet
Stefan SV VS
lol whats with the lady bug penguin trying to scare the puffle? lady bugs are not scary LOL
Happy Halloween Mimo!
I'm dressing up as kingpillow for halloween. in real life...seriously...Im wearing a pillow case (with stuffing inside) wearing a kings crown and cape. and im gonna have a pillow case for a candy bag and its gonna have a kings crown and the name Kingpillow above and under the picture of the crown. I also dressed up as kingpillow on cp. lol
The background is really cool! this is the coolest halloween party EVER!
dear mimo,
im going as a nerd!!!!! im from america soo i think we celebrate halloween right?! lol
Goobinator (penguin name)
i also added china!!! -swettie422
im going to drees up as a pirate, my sister is going to dress up as a bee
Im Being Haruhi Suzumiya from the anime "The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya"!
man the halloween background is awesome! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays!
im a boy so I WAS going to be an old lady and my cousin was going to be an old man but she didnt want to so now i am going to be a greek or roman or something like that.
Im going to be Michael Jackson lol. I forgot today was Halloween lol
Im going to be a MUMMY! And my best friends r dressing up as a FLOWER,WIZARD,ALIEN & A BABIE. Im planning to get 200 peceis of candy. Wat r u beig for Halloween?
Leepy15438 (cp name)
i am going to trick or treat as a tootsie roll!!!! my BFF is going as a stalk of grapes... (i live in the US like u)
Im going to be a bee, I made the costume my self!
i'm going as a mad scientist and i'm going to carry around a fake rat and mess up my hair :)
~Icestarkk (penguin name)
Im going to be a pirate tonight!
mimo how many coins have u on cp i have 42019lol!
Happy Halloween!Mimo do you live in Pittsburgh cause I live in Pittsburgh.I juat want to know.Probily not.I'm dressing up as a ghost.-Mr Hartwood8(cpgmod)
Hi Mimo, Im gonna be a CUP OF COFFEE for HALLOWEEN! Hope i get lots of candy tonight
im going as a dead fairy!
Im going to be santa! One bag to get candy, and another to give (Im insane)
Thanks! Happy Halloween to everyone ;))
=> Safa153
im gonna be a scary baby with scars all over my face. nice right? lol
-penny 3284
-Penny 3284
:-) happy halloween. i am being a creepy baby, with scars all over my feet. lol, cuuuute
i am being a gothic ballerina!! i even have a tutu!!!
I'm going as Hermonie from harry potter. She's awesome :D
Queen Binawa (Penguin Name)
hi mimo! im going to be a bumble bee!
i am going as the jigsaw killer from saw!
im going to be a clown
I'm going as a hippie
I live in the Netherlands and there they don't celebrate halloween.
But i want to celebrate it! :(
IM going to be an awsome FACELESS thing! i ahve this mask where i can see YOU but u cant see ME!!!
Im going as snake eyes from the new GI Joe movie he is so cool.
Your fan Rance100
i am going as harry potter
im going to be Thing 1, my friends will be Thing 2, and my other friend will be the Cat in The Hat!!
Australia doesn't really celerbrate it that much houses arent decorated but some kids go out like i did lol i got some stuff not much tho
i'm from the philippines and we don't celebrate Halloween, Mimo!!
hey mimo im a big fan i have finished the scavenger hunt and username p83134195
i think i might win the laptop.
im dressing up as my self
im going to be a skeleton.
im am going 2 b spiderman!-Papercat9999
Im going as a Ninja
I am going as a magician. Its kind of a lame looking costume but thats what I get for picking at the last minute. will montina (penguin name)
hi i am aero master mimo,i am form Greece.My country is in europe and we rnt celebrate hallowen :'(.
i am telling this to u cause u tell if some ppl who are in countries with no hallowen celebrating to tell uso cya
im going as jesus
I already went Trick or Treating!
Happy halloween CPG! Its around this time that ive known you guys for 2 TWO TOO TO Years! Youve helped me finding pins,free items ad lots of other things on club penguin and really cool other stuff! I just want to say thank you! Lets make Halloween our Anniversary for our friendship!
Happy FriendShip Anniversary Club Penguin Gang!
in argentina we dont celebrate halloween...
I'm going as a very batty girl. I have fangs, wings, sneakers, a dress, and stockings. Happy Halloween Mimo!
I went Trick Or Treating last night! (Its was yesterday for me America becuase im a day ahead its november now hehehe =])
Anwyay I got TONS of candy,lollys chocolate & everything!
hey mimo
im dressin up as a black cat!
its gonna be awesome!!
my family actually was from a country that didnt celebrate halloween but i hav celebrated it since forever!
p.s. i hope u get a lotta candy 2 :)!
HI. i dont do hallowenn my mom wont let me i have never done it sigh.
I'm going as Queen elizabeth the 1st because i descended from her!
Australia does celebrate Halloween but quarter of the people dont give away candy! When you go to a house sometimes a sign will be on the door saying "GO AWAY NO CANDY" lolz!
i hope everyone gets a lotta candy including u mimo!
im gonna be a black cat!:)
what r u gonna be??
my family is originally from a place that doesn't celebrate halloween.... wierd. anyways i hav always celebrated halloween since...forever.
Ohh I also went as a bandit, I had a bandana around my face so it covered my chin and mouth,a black jumper and jeans and a beanie over my head!
I'm going as the girl-Harry Potter! Because I'm like, a girl:P.
I'm dying to know what the surprise is!
Penguin name:peachyyum68
Im dressing up as a akatsuki member from naruto called Tobi!!
Hi Mimo big fan. Lately i found a penguin dressed up as Santa. I saw a ton of penguins with him and every time he changed a room the room got full. Do you know him?
I'm going to be a ghost and my friend is going to be a witch.
happy halloween
- Sushi5463 and friend with no penguin name but she would like to be call rainbowted626 for her club penguin name!
Bu Bye
Mimo! thats awesome ill tell you later
some on broke my pumpkin and stole sweets + bowl i was a vampire
I am going to be a
Wow thanks Mimo thats really nice and u rock. On other websites there are polls that say who is the best penguin of all time and i voted for you.
I'm going to be the Phantom of the Opera.
Cool, Im going to be a glowstick man, dressed in black with glow sticks in the shape of a stick man
im going as master chief from halo 3
mimo rocks
im alex from wizards of waverly place.
1940s girl!
im going as a ninja!
Wab98 cp name
i live in a france and
i don't celebrate halloween. you americans are lucky.
artiste (french for artist)
my english classes are paying off
I am going as a fencer. I already am a fencer, so it will be easy. (I got third place in a tournament!)
I'm gonna be a punk rocker! I have a Clash t-shirt and everything... except my electric guitar.
Im going as a Ninja Penguin (No Joke )
I WOULD be going as the Grim reaper, but as Australia doesn't celebrate it, not going
I'm going to be a killer doctor ya kno with that torn up doctors coat with fake blood on it and all over my face I can't wait but this is my last year trick or' treating soo :( but anyways ByE! Keep on rocking Mimo!
- Maddie Joe 4 (penguin name)
im being a nerd pizza guy! :)
im a doll [cuse im a girl]
IDK what I am. My mom bought me a red and black cape, and a red and black mask.....sequins....I feel like an evil princess.
I went LASTnight Because i live in NZ,Got heaps of candy,I was dracula.
I'm being an NCIS agent
I'm gunna be a Sleestak from Land of the Lost! It's so funny looking!
Well, Hope ya laugh but am going to dress up as a mustard bottle LOL.
They were all out of ketchup!
What are you dressing up as?
I'm going as a creepy rag doll...I'm so excited about CANDY!!!
sob sob! I didnt have enough money to buy a costume! but I did let my dog bark at everyone who came trick or treating, but she didnt bite them, so they would come back next year and I would have fun again! ah ha ha ha ha ah ha ha ha... ha. so you can have fun even if you dont join in!
i am going to be a ghost busster
im going as the classic GHOST ;)
Im going to every house in my town
to get stacks of candy bye hope you have a scary and lollie filled hollowen
im going to be a guy with an ax
im going to be Zorro.
I am from a country that doesnt celebrate halloween,but i celebrate in cp,xD
Comment by Zaide01
I went with my sis and cousin. The Girls dressed as witches! SPPPOOOKY! I GOT SCARED OF THEM! I WAS A FRANKENSTEIN! We all got Lots of CANDY!! YUM!
I am a really awesome cowgirl! I'm going trick or treating with my 2 best friends! Mimo rocks!
im going as a nerd... with a kick me sign taped on me back and everything!!! its awesome!!
~qiqu (cp name)~
My family doesnt celebrate halloween =(
And im from australia!
not allowed to celebrate.dads winging about the weather so no sweets tonight. :(.oh well,with bonfire night comin up it aint all bad
im going to be boba fett from star wars
I am going as a penguin! Not a CP penguin, but a penguin!
im gunna be harry potter but a girl LOL
I'm going as Hermione Granger(from Hary Potter)!
dude what time will jack be on tonight? -swettie422
I'm from a country that doesn't celebrate halloween.. we celebrate one other thing.. that is alot like halloween but we sing for our candy and we go out in the morning.. not evening :) so like we don't say,, Trick or treat.. we sing ! theeen get candy.. lol :P
I'm dressing up as a Irish Girl! My street has soooo much candy every year, I'm going to gain 20 pounds in 1 night!
Im a countess! what are you being?
~catera1 (penguin name)
Hey mimo,
Im a christian but i do celebrate halloween in australia.I went as witch and i got 100 peices of candy
I live in Australia, which is unfortunate because most people don't celebrate Halloween here, but I still have a Halloween party every year,but the bad thing is that we don't go trick or treating
I am going to be a ghost.
Hey Mimo, I'm from England and I already went Trick-Or-Treating. My friend fell over while we were going to different houses, and he dropped all his candy! :D LOL! I dressed up as a wizard and I got chased by a big gang of trick-or-treaters too. I got loads of candy though! I still haven't eaten it all, wanna help me?
^ Jkz ^ -Pengutibba
im being a "Cereal" killer. its a bunch of small cereal boxes glued to a plain shirt with knives and fake blood. it's so cool!
hi im from the uk and i dont celebrate haloween because my parents think its nonsence but we still ahev trick or treaters
I live in Australia and we dont do halloween.
Im from Romania we dont celebrate Halloween
I am from Australia but me & some of my friends still eat heaps of lollies. I am going as a devil.
Im going as a scientist that was working in his lab and working with a rat but something went wrong...HE TURNED INTO A MUTANT RAT! The mask my sisters said was REALLY scary.
hi mimo sadly im from australia and in australia we dont celebrate halloween ive been trick or treating once
and in other news i finally bought candy corn it was yummy :)
(now i know why americans like it so much)
~miagirlrox (penguin name)
im gonna be darth vader!
Hey Mimo. My name is Andreas and I am from Cyprus, an island in Europe. We don't celebrate Halloween, unfortunately!! Too BAD!! :( Happy Halloween to everyone who does celebrate it!
I'm being the headless horseman!!!!
i wish i was going to be ummm uh my penguin from cp!
Im gonna be a shadow
That rocks mimo i dressed up as a um myself.
Maxcorbett said...
Well, Hope ya laugh but am going to dress up as a mustard bottle LOL.
They were all out of ketchup!
What are you dressing up as?
lol, Max, I'm going as a Hotdog with mustard on it 0_o
Hey mimo I'm dressing up as a ghost
king joe 77
Anonymous said...
im going as jesus
Have you read the commic strip "Pickles"? The little kid wants to dress up as God. It's pretty funny.
i went as a vampire
Legomatic720 said...
HI. i dont do hallowenn my mom wont let me i have never done it sigh.
Ya this will actually be the 2nd time I ever trick-or-treated. I did it last year and know I'm doing it again this year. I don't blame your mom though. Where I live there are quite a few bad things that go on.
Knowledge (CPG Mod) said...
I'm going as Queen elizabeth the 1st because i descended from her!
Well of course. Technically we all descended from everyone. But I get what you mean and that is very cool.
Nymphadora Tonks said...
I'm going as the girl-Harry Potter! Because I'm like, a girl:P.
I'm dying to know what the surprise is!
Penguin name:peachyyum68
Your telling me that Harry Potter wasn't a girl to begin with? Well you learn something new everyday. (I never really like her...or him... whatever it is)
Anonymous said...
I'm being a gangsta! Or mofia if you prefer. Heyy, what are YOU being!
I was going to do that but my parents decided that it probable wasn't a good idea to support the people who rig the super bowl.
im a pillow lol
Anonymous said...
i am a cool orange genie!
go mimo!!
Wow an orange genie. Creative. Has anyone ever seen I dream of genie. It's a pretty old show.
Mel said...
Im going to be Michael Jackson lol. I forgot today was Halloween lol
Goodness that is scary.
I'm A beat up skater.
Waddle On fellow penguins!!!
I am IRON MAN.Its kinda tight but still cool.
Anonymous said...
mimo how many coins have u on cp i have 42019lol!
I have 1 million coins. I cheated to get them though. Not with money maker. It was a glitch. Completely Club Penguins fault.
Halloween is EVIL
Mel said...
Im going to be Michael Jackson lol. I forgot today was Halloween lol
Me too!! Which kind of outfit are you wearing? I'm wearing the outfit that came from the Smooth Criminal music video.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
i'm going as dorothy from the wizard of oz!! I cant wait to trick or treat!! Anyway, hope everyone gets a ton-o-candy!!!!
p.s. what is jack's email
Im gonna be Anakin Skywalker. I might use my red lightsaber!
I am gonna be a mind or mime.
It's gonna be awesome!
Whatya gonna be for halloween???
- Olivia48yes -CP username
I dont celebrate Halloween I think its evil oh and im in Australia
I'm Mario! My littl brother is Luigi! We're having this HUGE Halloween party at our cul-de-sac! We even rented a bounce house!
Warped and proud! ~Syka~
P.S. Mimo, cuz of the party, I can't mod tonight: I'm so BUSY! Sorry!
Anonymous said...
im going as jesus
Wow! I've never met someone going as Jesus! You seem like the interesting type.
Warped and proud! ~Syka CPG Mod~
cool im dressing up as a um well i dont really know what im going to dress up as but as soon as i figure it out i will totally tell u!! u rock MIMO!!!
you Rock!I am hockey mask guy =D. get on cp tonight plz
Hi mimo! Im going to be a dragon for halloween. I wish i was a member for the suit on cp. THanks for the idea of checking the post after getting candy.
I live in Australia & I got lotsa good candy!
Hey Mimo!!
I was a pirate :-) it was cool if i say so myself ;-] well our country defffinatly celebrates halloween (UK) i went to the parade in the city, it was cool cuz its supposed to be the biggest parade in europe ;-)
Anywayyys...what are YOU dressing up as for halloween???
-Narutojudo :]
Hahahahaha hey mimo!! guess what i just noticed!? in the UK (where i live) its 10.46pm, so everyone is out trick or treating or in the city for the parades, but in the US its still daytime and its too early to go out yet!! weird huh?
anywayyz, i got loads of sweets and i went to the parade which was AMAZING!!
-Narutojudo :]
hi im in england and in my house we only carve pumpkins and do nothing else! i was going to go to a party but i missed it! we were going to trick or treat which i have NEVER done before! i know its unbelievable but the carving is still fun ;-)
We dont celebrate halloween here cause I am in australia!!
a werewolf it freaks out my whole family mabey ill have some fun with i.... HAHAHA
i went as me =] which is actually pretty scary. we went "bowling" which is where ppl leave out bowls and we take it all. hope u all had fun
Hammy The Only Guy Who Likes Bacon said...
I already went Trick or Treating!
How can u already go trick or treating?!? Halloween is today and its not even night yet!
Hey Mimo i am going to be a witch.
"WAIT!"not just any witch but the queen of witches
i dont celebrate haloween but i live in the USA my parents dont believe in halloween, if i culd dress up I would go as a fashion model..
I went as darth vader and my friend went as the grim reaper
HaPpY hAlLoWeEn
im dressing up as miny me lol i get on my knees put a large jacket over my knees and say im miny me
lol it looks like im a midget
no offense to anyone
hii mimo! I am from a country that doesnt celebrate haloween lol!
- angel 2881
Im going to be a PENGUIN! :D
ima black ninja
yeah! Australian don't really celebrate it! HAPPY HALLOWEEN ANYWAY
We don´t celebrate Halloween here in Costa Rica!
im gonna be an cowboy
My country dont celebrate halloween ;/ (Poland)... I am going to be a ghost pumpkin xD
MWAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAAA I LIVE IN AUSTRALIA AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI! but we celerbrated anyway i dressd up as the grim reaper MWAHAHAHAAA and i got tons! of lollies!
-Funky97 ( penguin name)
im going as "chucky" from the movie "child's play" LOL.
im luigi!!!!
I'm a bumble bee!!
Anonymous said...
I'm being a gangsta! Or mofia if you prefer. Heyy, what are YOU being!
I was going to ask that myself but i dont think he can say that cause someone could figure out his identityy! They could see a bat walking down the street or something and assume it's him!
Hey Mimo,
I'm from Australia, we don't REALLY celebrate it, but me and my friends went trick-or-treating anyway, we got a little bit of candy. I dressed up as a pumpkin and at about 9 o'clock there was an awesome thunderstorm with heaps and heaps of lightning. Spooky...
I am From Australia we had halloween last night it was alot of fun we had a party!
I live in Australia, and we dont often celebrate Halloween. Ive never been Trick or Treating in my life, and thats been a while.
From bartman2431
I'm not going trick or treating! :/ I'm handing out candy! I'm too old to go trick or treating.. boo! :)
Only some parts of australia celebrates halloween. And im not any of those parts :'(
I think we should celebrate halloween in the ACT!!!
RARGH im angry now
im a hippi im sooooo 1960
im a hippi. what r u
Hey that's cool Pinkrosie909!! yesterday at my school dance i went as a geisha!! my friends didnt recognize me but later on i told them. and people starte calling me "the mysterious chinese lady" lol but i already went trick or treating and i went as a vampire instead when i went cause my costume didnt come in for my dance
I dressed up as Albert Einstien! Nobody recognized me! I even had suspender! But then it started to rain and my wig got all wet... but I still got a lot of candy! ( I got a lot or Reese's cups, but I'm allergic to peanuts so I gave them to my mom)
Mimo I'm going to be an ostrich for Halloween...
i was a hobo it was funny.
happy Halloween!
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