Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, October 29, 2009

New Club Penguin Free Halloween Item! Silly Scarecrow Costume!

Here is how to find the new Club Penguin MEMBER free item cheat. The Silly Scarecrow Costume!

Step 1. Go to The Haunted House.
Step 2. Now go upstairs on the right side.
Step 3. Now click on the goodies!

Yeah it's a member item. So yeah, I don't have it. ;-[

Why is that costume so silly? Thanks, Mellyb10.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

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Wii Wii Wii1 said...

Cool and i was the first vote in your poll no joke lol missed ur cp quickie (school) and yeah but the good thing is its FRIDAY and no school YAY weekend

cookie3303 said...

OMG that is the coolest thing ever u rock. I am going to wear it straight away.

Meepu32 said...

Cool im getting it now!

Anonymous said...

ur NOT that warped even tho u think u r like ppl who are "scared" of clowns. ya right! barly anyone who says they r scared of em arnt and they just want to be like u know what i mean and so r u!

wild hamster [CPG MOD] said...

awsome u rock mimo

wild hamster[CPG MOD] said...

this so rocks!

wild hamster[CPG MOD] said...

u r so the best mimo ive met u ur the best

wild hamster[CPG MOD] said...

im putting that on straight away tell me if u r mimo

swqc said...

im sooo relieved. three day weekend. first time theres a free body item i think...

wild hamster[CPG MOD] said...

u r so the best mimo777!

cookie3303 (CPG MOD) said...

i really wish i could meet u cause u rock.

Shannon.k said...

Wish I was member so i could get it :'(

Jaden Joey said...

I can't wait till Halloween!
By the way,why is Me Santa a member and Mimo777 isn't?

Lil Maney[CPG MOD] said...

Hey Mimo,

Cool Cheat Man

-Lil Maney[CPG MOD]

Flipper 9896 said...

Me Santa looks like a cyclops!!
Cool! If he does have one eye can anyone tell me how?
Flipper 9896

Anonymous said...

I love the costume, thanks Mimo for help me out i did not thought there would something more on the party. Well, at least not something new!

Flipper 9896 said...

Anonymous said...
ur NOT that warped even tho u think u r like ppl who are "scared" of clowns. ya right! barly anyone who says they r scared of em arnt and they just want to be like u know what i mean and so r u!
Mimo is awesome and he is so warped. You are just saying this because u are jealous of how many fans he has got.
Flipper 9896 (CPG MOD)

Safa153 said...

WHAT! 'New' member item?! This is annoying! Really angry! CP doesnt care about Nons! This make Halloween Party 'the worst Halloween' ever!
BTW, Mellyb are you back?! If you back, welcome! ;))
Happy Halloween!

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Safa153 said...

Halloween Party Quiz winners announced! Congrats to all winners-includin me- ;))
Thanks MiMo, ..

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Alisha435 said...

Mimo, if you go to the Cove and look through the binoculars for a while a buoy goes past with messages on it like Boo! and Happy Halloween.
P.s i know you may already know this but it's just incase you dont.

Alisha435 (CPG Mod)

Zach said...

there are more servers in tootsville!

Anonymous said...

If you wear the pumpkin head with it, it looks awesome and saweet!!!

Racket2000 said...

Cool. I can't mod till sunday.


Anonymous said...

i got trick or treating today!


Anonymous said...

cool wish I was a member. Yeah; halloween on my 4 day weekend, we have Monday Tuesday off school.

Syka said...

YEAH AWESOME! I'm going to get it.
Warped and proud! ~Syka~

Syka said...

Racet2000- Cpg Mod said...
Cool. I can't mod till sunday.


Ooh....sorry dude.
Warped and proud! ~Syka CPG Mod~

Syka said...

Jaden Joey said...
I can't wait till Halloween!
By the way,why is Me Santa a member and Mimo777 isn't?

Me Santa PAYS. Mimo doesn't, cuz if he's going to be Mimo, then he needs to keep his look!
Warped and proud! ~Syka CPG Mod~

Anonymous said...

Cool thx so much Mimo
U awesome (and the best) thx again


Zxz192 said...

Jaden Joey said...
I can't wait till Halloween!
By the way,why is Me Santa a member and Mimo777 isn't?

Zxz192 said...
Probably because Me Santa plays CP a lot more

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

why dos me fanta have one eye in the pic?

Stickers303 said...

Jaden Joey said... Why is Me Santa a member but not Mimo?

Mimo was a member but his membership expired. He might get another one soon,

-Stickers303 CPG MOD!

Stickers303 said...

Anonymous said... Why does Me Santa have 1 eye in the picture?

Its only a mask lol =] I think its a nice combination for Halloween!

-Stickers303 CPG MOD!

Danielle Scales said...

Hey Mimo, sorry I havn't commented in a while I've been SUPER busy but i'm ready to get back to moddin' :)

- Lollypop5465 (CPG Mod)

Splash744 (CPG MOD) said...

Oops on my last comment I accidently put my old penguins username Flowers 703 lol! Anyway...

wild hamster[CPG MOD] said...
im putting that on straight away tell me if u r mimo


Mimo can't wear it he's not a member.

- Lollypop5465

Splash744 (CPG MOD) said...

Jaden Joey said...
I can't wait till Halloween!
By the way,why is Me Santa a member and Mimo777 isn't?


Because Mimo's one of the awesome non-members ;)

- Lollypop5465 (CPG Mod)

Splash744 (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
ur NOT that warped even tho u think u r like ppl who are "scared" of clowns. ya right! barly anyone who says they r scared of em arnt and they just want to be like u know what i mean and so r u!
Mimo is awesome and he is so warped. You are just saying this because u are jealous of how many fans he has got.
Flipper 9896 (CPG MOD)

I agree with Flipper, Mimo is awesome and if you don't like him don't come on his site or even comment about him, it's just mean.

- Lollypop5465 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Safa153 said...
WHAT! 'New' member item?! This is annoying! Really angry! CP doesnt care about Nons! This make Halloween Party 'the worst Halloween' ever!
BTW, Mellyb are you back?! If you back, welcome! ;))
Happy Halloween!

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
I know!!! It's so annoying! I've been a member for a few months now, but mine just expired. I could renew mine, but I don't really want to THAT much. Oh, and I know you're a CPG MOD Safa, but only put (CPG MOD) by your name if you're answering a question.

Rock on,

MissMysterous said...

Its silly cuz its SCARY!LOL But anyhow the dots on the suit is silly.

Anonymous said...

Yay Halloween is near,
you know it's me so join today,
or it's just your scary fear,
go to you neighbors and help them sue,
until your cats say boo!

Lol I said the words I can think of

Whizzbobrox said...

I'm a member and I think that nons can always be members and really CP is a free game and it needs money to develop the games. If members help then you get more stuff. Nons should be grateful for what they have coz I have been on games where nons get nothing at all.

otiekinz said...

man! i wish i was a member that costume is AWESOME!


Safa153 said...

Try to give tour for Halloween! Especially I suggest you to check at Beach, Ski Hill and Countyard! Really funny! xD

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Syka said...

Anonymous said...
why dos me fanta have one eye in the pic?

It's a monster mask. You like it? I think it awesome. Oh, and his name is MeSanta, not MeFanta. ;-)
Warped and proud! ~Syka CPG Mod~

Crystal Lee said...

thx mimo.. even though I'm not a member *sniff* Do you mind telling me how you find out about the member stuff before anyone else???

-Chaceldony99 on right now!

Anonymous said...

OMG! 5 minutes ago there were only 2 comments nw 45!?!?! Lolz ill be at the halloween party though! itz gunna be sweeeeeeeeeet!

Anonymous said...

Im banned from cp until 8 o' clock so im SOOOOO excited

Melly said...

Safa153 said...

WHAT! 'New' member item?! This is annoying! Really angry! CP doesnt care about Nons! This make Halloween Party 'the worst Halloween' ever!
BTW, Mellyb are you back?! If you back, welcome! ;))
Happy Halloween!

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)


Maybe.... Maybe not.... you'll have to find out... :)


Marquizi98 said...

Safa153 said...
WHAT! 'New' member item?! This is annoying! Really angry! CP doesnt care about Nons! This make Halloween Party 'the worst Halloween' ever!
BTW, Mellyb are you back?! If you back, welcome! ;))
Happy Halloween!

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Yes they care. It's just that, along time ago, Disney bought Club Penguin for $350 Million. So Club Penguin is looking forward to getting another $350 Million!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

limadude said...

OMG! i am getting it!

Marquizi98 said...

Jaden Joey said...
I can't wait till Halloween!
By the way,why is Me Santa a member and Mimo777 isn't?
Great question! Mimo probably doesn't want a membership with all the fame HE has!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

Marquizi98 said...

Anonymous said...
OMG! 5 minutes ago there were only 2 comments nw 45!?!?! Lolz ill be at the halloween party though! itz gunna be sweeeeeeeeeet!
I know right! Like every hour, Mimo gets more than 100 comments!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

Marquizi98 said...

tiamat333 said...
thx mimo.. even though I'm not a member *sniff* Do you mind telling me how you find out about the member stuff before anyone else???

-Chaceldony99 on right now!
Yeah he does mind. He's like a magician. He never tells!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

Marquizi98 said...

Anonymous said...
why dos me fanta have one eye in the pic?
It's a monster mask! His name's Me Santa not Me Fanta. Hehe :-)
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Wii Wii Wii1 said...
Cool and i was the first vote in your poll no joke lol missed ur cp quickie (school) and yeah but the good thing is its FRIDAY and no school YAY weekend
I am soooo stoked that the weekend is finally here.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Flipper 9896 said...
Me Santa looks like a cyclops!!
Cool! If he does have one eye can anyone tell me how?
Ya it was a costume for one of the older plays in the stage.

CPG mod

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Flipper 9896 said...
Anonymous said...
ur NOT that warped even tho u think u r like ppl who are "scared" of clowns. ya right! barly anyone who says they r scared of em arnt and they just want to be like u know what i mean and so r u!
Mimo is awesome and he is so warped. You are just saying this because u are jealous of how many fans he has got.
Flipper 9896 (CPG MOD)
Well put.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Safa153 said...
WHAT! 'New' member item?! This is annoying! Really angry! CP doesnt care about Nons! This make Halloween Party 'the worst Halloween' ever!
BTW, Mellyb are you back?! If you back, welcome! ;))
Happy Halloween!
Like I said in another post its all part of their compulsive drive. But I don't really care because even though I am not a member I still have a boat load of free items that I have got from previous partys.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Safa153 said...
Halloween Party Quiz winners announced! Congrats to all winners-includin me- ;))
Thanks MiMo, ..

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
You didn't win nor were you the runner up.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Zxz192 said...
Jaden Joey said...
I can't wait till Halloween!
By the way,why is Me Santa a member and Mimo777 isn't?

Zxz192 said...
Probably because Me Santa plays CP a lot more

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
I don't know if he does. Maybe so. Anyway I think the reason is because mimo choose to be a non-member because in one of his older polls he asked if he should become a member.

CPG mod

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Anonymous said...
why dos me fanta have one eye in the pic?
Because he wanted to

CPG mod... Just joking! The cyclops mask was a prop for one of the older plays at the stage.

CPG mod

Vert97 said...

Do they still have the pumpkin head I need to get it. if they do you need to tell on your site they still have both!

Syka said...

Anonymous said...
OMG! 5 minutes ago there were only 2 comments nw 45!?!?! Lolz ill be at the halloween party though! itz gunna be sweeeeeeeeeet!
Yeah, and now there are like 60!
Warped and proud! ~Syka CPG Mod~

forstthesnom said...

Hi mimo something weird happened on Club Penguin when i was doing my igloo this came up: Sorry, your igloo may only contain 99 item Pleas remove an item to add this item. Isnt that weird? That happened to anyone?


Syka said...

Vert97 said...
Do they still have the pumpkin head I need to get it. if they do you need to tell on your site they still have both!

Yes they do! Go get it and show off your pumpkin (and weirdness) pride!
Warped and proud! ~Syka CPG Mod~

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said..
If you wear the pumpkin head with it,it looks awesome and saweet!
Cool! I like to mix n'match my clothes to make a real scary costume.Happy Halloween!-MrHartwood8(cpgmod)

Toysgoneby (CPG MOD) said...

Safa153 said...
WHAT! 'New' member item?! This is annoying! Really angry! CP doesnt care about Nons! This make Halloween Party 'the worst Halloween' ever!
BTW, Mellyb are you back?! If you back, welcome! ;))
Happy Halloween!

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

October 30, 2009 2:33 AM
I agree 100%. CP wants everyone to have fun, but non- members can't of they can't buy anything,get any cool free items, or enter cool rooms.
- Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)

Toysgoneby (CPG MOD) said...

Whizzbobrox said...
I'm a member and I think that nons can always be members and really CP is a free game and it needs money to develop the games. If members help then you get more stuff. Nons should be grateful for what they have coz I have been on games where nons get nothing at all
I think that you bring up a good point, but nons don't get to play CP at the level that members do. I am a member, but I kinda think everyone should be a member, for FREE.
Hope this helped
-Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)

Music&Me said...


zed199 said...

Jaden Joey said...

I can't wait till Halloween!
By the way,why is Me Santa a member and Mimo777 isn't?
The answer to the question is that Me Santa pays for membership and mimo doesn't pay

zed199 said...

Anonymous said... Why does Me Santa have 1 eye in the picture?
its a mask with only one eye from a really old play.

-zed199 cpg mod p.s. grrr i forgot all about putting cpg mod next my name after my name

Anonymous said...

i dont want to be mean (sorry if i do) but cp IS fair and the reason members get so much more is cuz they pay and if they paid but DIDN'T get the privalages, nobody would pay and CP wouldn't get the money and they'd have to close down and its better being a non member then no penguin at all! so quit acting sooo jealous! ive been a member since febuary 2008 and its not our fault ur not a member!

ps i got the scarecrow thing and pumkin head and everything else! yay! dont wanna boast srry if i am

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