Sweet! Club Penguin is 4 years old. Amazing!
Go to the Coffee Shop and click on the Pinta once then mouse over it to get the new free Party Hat! It will drop to the ground.

You know anyone who has all four hats? I have 3.
Post a comment if you are a member of the 3 Hat Club like me!
Also, go to the Book Room and click on the New Year Book. There is a pin cheat for every month. Pretty easy. Have fun!
Here are the Year Book Pin Cheats from my friend Dudett44!
Page 2 (Storm) Click the colour picture in the top right corner.
Page 3 (Dojo) Click the snow to the right of the door.
Page 5 (coins for change) click the present RH is leaning on
Page 7 (Dance) Click the mexican penguins right maraca
page 9 (puffles) click the lowest white puffle
page 10 (penguin play awards) Click the tuxedo penguins hat
page 11 (April fools & easter) click the purple egg that has a present in it.
Page 13. (medieval) click the blue dragon
Page 15. (adventure) click the yellow bird (bottom right)
Page 16. (music) click the baratone
Page 17. (flight) click the anchor looking cloud
Page 19. (fair) click the picture of the ninja at the beach.
Don't forget the Planet Cazmo Party!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Mimo Games Now!
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
1 – 200 of 308 Newer› Newest»my friend Leo1107 has all 4-well he doesn't go on much,so he probably won't get this one,but he joined the third day club penguin was made!
same here i have 3. we must of started around the same time!
Hey mimo
Cool hat isn't it?
BTW if you had 4 hats you would be BETA TESTER
I have 3 Hats too =]
is the hat only for members?
you dont click :) you just roll ur mouse over it (change it before anyone sees) lol
mimo it took u awhile i found it like at 9:15
is the hat only for members?
Cool Mimo. I Was Right Next To You,I Was Ryanbearsroc. Im A Huge Fan. I Work With Paintboy100 But Im A Huge Fan Of Yours. Can You Add Me Sometime In Your Spare Time.Thanks! -Ryanbearsroc
Cool mimo ill try to get it now!
My first party hat!!
Just was haning out with Me Santa! Cool Bloke he is! Such a nice scary outfit =] Wow 4 years! Ive known you guys for 2 years =] I have had a few dreams about you guys! I had another one a few nights ago lol! You rock CPG!
Always with love,
Nikhil said... Is the hat only for members?
Of corse not! It is for everyone! Grab one it will be super rare! My membership expired today and I even got one =]
-Stickers303 CPG MOD!
OMG mimo i saw you there im sooo lucky!!! and i have 4 party hats, but not the beta hat.
Alpha202 said... I have 4 hats exept the Beta Hat!
How can you have 4 Hats but not the Beta Hat? There only has been 4 Hats including the Beta Hat and you said You dont have it lolz! You must mean 3 hats =]
i have 4, i was on during the beta. I rememeber when they first built the stage!
Nikhil said....
Is the hat only for members?
No,all the party hats are for everyone! enjoy the party!!
I hope this helped
Youg3(CPG Mod)
that is the best thing ever!!!
u rock mimo.
Nikhil said...
is the hat only for members?
no anyone can get it just click to pinata
wii Mimo Mod
i only have one.I missed out on the 3rd i joined like right when it ended.
this party is awesome! I have been in club penguin for 2 years ive heard of it when it came out but i didn't understand computers then lol =) i missed the third hat because I was like a week old and didnt know they were giving out party hats =( but awesome party this year =)!
plzzzzz tell me........
is the hat only for members????
same i have three, i joined just after the first water party.
Box of fun
I got all 4 now :D
Thanks Mimo.
- dill1784
I have 3 too! I started around December 2007.
i hav three hats, and the second pin :D also theres a beta penguin at server sherbert town!
i have all 4 hats my penguin is Called PMASA, the first party hat was blue and green.
Cool, mo! (yeah, i'm so weird, i've taken to calling mimo "mo"! Rofl! you know, miMO! hey that rhymed :D:D:D) hey, that was so awesome when we met again on Webosaurs! Lol, i was like the only dino treating you like a normal person. Anyway, did you see Rex? He was pretty cool! He lol asked me when i was talking to you, "Hey birdygurl, you being nice?" i don't think he was serious.......... anyway, idk why he would think i'm NOT being nice! Did you see all those lost-looking dinos? They looked all forlorn and sad...... poor dudes. So i told 'em how to get free armor without needing a membership, how to unlock places with scrolls, and how to get to the Secret Lab like you showed me. I talked to 'em for a while to cheer 'em up when nobody else was talking to them. :( i felt pretty bad for them.
Anyway, that rocked, didn't it? And this anniversary is so cool! Too bad i ain't a member... ;(
the penguin that I use only has three, but one I lost had the other one
Sorry Mimo i only have the 3rd one
I'm a part of the 3 party hat club.
-Rocker 1834
I have three and im a member!
I have 4 hats on my penguin Smiley126.
1st anniversary hat- to 4th. :)
I have 3 hats, but only because I missed one of the parties (the 2nd anniversary, I think). I have the yellow/orange one, the yellow/orange/blue one, and the new blue/purple one.
I have all the hats! my penguin is 1185 days old!
Actually there is 5 party hats:
*Beta - Pink & Yellow
*1st Year - Blue & Green
*2nd Year - Yellow & Orange
*3rd Year - Blue, Orange & Yellow
*4th Year - Blue & Pink
But yeah, I have 3 party hats aswell!
I have 2nd, 3rd and 4th Year... :)
Colours huh...
I see you dont live in the USA
In the USA it colors...i know now....
I have three just like you!!
I have all 4 hats! Green and blue, yellow and orange, last years and now this years! Thx 4 all the cheats this CP year mimo!
Btw the hats are free items, not members, and you need 2 have 5 hats(now) to be a beta. Hope this helps!
I'm having too 3 hats! :)
waddle73720 said...
my friend Leo1107 has all 4-well he doesn't go on much,so he probably won't get this one,but he joined the third day club penguin was made!
October 23, 2009 9:57 PM
Very Impressive!:)
~~oisin1001 CPG mod~~
zigzag123 said...
same here i have 3. we must of started around the same time!
October 23, 2009 9:58 PM
Awww! I only have one, my first party was last years Halloween party!
~~oisin1001 CPG mod~~
i have three now
Nikhil said...
is the hat only for members?
October 23, 2009 10:00 PM
Nope, everyone gets it, but it will NEVER come back!:O
~~oisin1001 CPG mod~~
Jalen said...
mimo it took u awhile i found it like at 9:15
October 23, 2009 10:02 PM
It's because he has to take the screenshots, find all the hidden pins(in the guidebook) and write it all out. And it IS a very long post!
~~oisin1001 CPG mod~~
Anonymous said...
Cool mimo ill try to get it now!
My first party hat!!
October 23, 2009 10:04 PM
Me too! And nice smiley!
~~oisin1001 CPG mod~~
Stickers303 said...
Just was haning out with Me Santa! Cool Bloke he is! Such a nice scary outfit =] Wow 4 years! Ive known you guys for 2 years =] I have had a few dreams about you guys! I had another one a few nights ago lol! You rock CPG!
Always with love,
October 23, 2009 10:06 PM
Yeah! Hee hee! Some of those dreams are phunn with an E!
Alpha202 said...
OMG mimo i saw you there im sooo lucky!!! and i have 4 party hats, but not the beta hat.
October 23, 2009 10:08 PM
Oops! Mimo made a mistake!
same i have 3
Hey Mimo can you get the pins that appear in the year book?
thanks Squoshua
wots da 3 hat club mimo please tell, i am sure we are all wonderin'!
The yearbook pins are so cool. But I can't click and save them, is that normal?
i have 3 party hats but i didnt get the 3rd party hat so i would have the 4 party hats, but you forgot that to have the complete collection you must have the beta hat as well.
i've got 3 hats too
I have all 4
I'm Alageegee :D
I've got 3!
i have 2nd hat 3 and 4XD
Ive got 3! lol
Hey Mimo,
I have all 4, I have been a member of CP since nearly the beginning.
I joined about forty-five, or something days ago. So this is my anniversary party!
Also, if you go to the cannon in bottom-right of the Town, hover over it, and it will fire like the Crow's Nest on the Migrator did!
I got 3 aswell... I wonder what the first was like?
I have 3 hats! If i joined 2 months earlier i would have four hats!
I Have All 4 Hats!!!!
i have 4 hats.....
I am a member of the 4 hats club! Been to every single anniversary! Unless you count beta.
Thats Mama Luigi to you Mario!
Hey mimo
Ummm nothin much to say but ive got all four hats and my cousin has got all five (beta hat) how cool is that!!!
lol I have 3 hats Mimo! The only one Im missing is the second hat cause I didn't play much that year.
Success Mimo i have 3 hats aswell!
I have all four
I have three of them too!
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Pin in the boiler room! So cool! For anyone who asks, the hat isn't just for members. CP is almost as good as books. Shame you can't get pocket sized solar powered computers to carry it everywhere...
I think i have 4 or 3 but mimo777 ur the best
I have all 4 of the hats. I remember the first one
Good Memeries
I have 3 too mimo :)
Nikhil Said:
is the hat only for members?
No its availble to everyone!
~Lil Man 2k9~ CPG Mod
I have 3 hats, Seems like ages ago when i joined!
happy me 545 Said:
Hey mimo
Cool hat isn't it?
BTW if you had 4 hats you would be BETA TESTER
If you were a beta tester you would now have 5 hats! Beta Hat, 1st Anniversary, 2nd anniversary, 3rd anniversary and 4th anniversary.
~Lil Man 2k9~
im part of the 3 club too! lol i joined on 7th january 2007 :)
I started when the 1st hat was being given out. I didn't realise what free items were so I didn't get it D:
But I guess that still counts as three :P
Mimo your site background ROCKS by the way! I have only 2. :-(
~Horrid 123~
Im A Beta Tester! :D
Nikhil said...
is the hat only for members?
No..its for everyone..even non-mems
yours only
rock rahul1(CPG MOD)
I have 3 hats!! Woo
i am a member of the 3 hat club i have all 3
hey mimo this might sound wierd but
there are only three more spaces
for year books mabey club pneguin will end in three years
hay mimo ive got 3 hats too
Hey Mimo
I'm in the 3 hat club too!!!
yours only
rock rahul1(CPG MOD)
I have 1st year hat, 2nd , 3rd and 4th :) So i have all 4 :)
I have 3 too. I have the 2nd hat, the 3rd and now the 4th =)
I have all four!NOW!
Thanks Mimo you helped me found the 4 party hat!!!!
I used to have 4 but then my brother swore on that account maby times and i got banned.........
I have 3 hats to! :)
I have three too mimo! What month did you join club penguin?
i have the hat
I have 3 of them :D
i have a sad cheat mimo:(.
I tried nubbing and going in the hiding places, but they don't work!!! :( I am sad now.
WoOoW today is my birthday too :D
i have 3 cuz if i had four id be a beta tester. (by the way i kinda want the beta hat if u know what i mean)
Rondny 101
Nikhil said...
is the hat only for members?
Zxz192 said...
Nope, its for everyone! Party like you mean it! ;)
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
I would've had all four if i didnt miss the first one, but i have 3 still ~~bio fusion
Love the cake!
Love the cheats!
I have 3 aswell!
This is my first onea! :-( but there will be many more.... :-)
I have a ll four!
Hey, Mimo. I have 3 hats as well. The orange and yellow stripes, blue and orange and yellow stripes, and now the light blue and purple stripes, right? That's cool. The 3 Hat Club should like meet up or something!
i only have 3 what color is the first one??
Nikhil: Is the hat only for members?
No members and non members can get it
Im Beta "all 4 hats"
Cool beans!
I love this new hat! its also my second!
Stickers303 said...
I have 3 Hats too =]
I have a glitch and it got rid of of my party hats! Now i have only 2.
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
I have all 4 =p
i have all 4 of them
Froggt (CPG MOD)
Nikil said
Is it for members?------------------------------------------------------No is there for everyone to enjoy!
Enjoy the party
OMG!! 4 YEARS!! THIS COMING YEAR IS GONNA ROCK!! I have three hats but not the first or the beta which sucks but I still got my account IN the first year so you would think I might have one.... P.S. My account name is Fabuluse like FAB!! You lose!!! I <3 CP CHEATS!! U ROCK MIMO!!
i have three hats and i missed one
Hey mimo i have all three hats!! I love cp and ur awesome website! Im 1215 today can you belief it! Anyways rock on!!!!
I have all 4 hats starting from the first birthday.If you had 5 hats you would be a beta tester.
Club Peguin has really really went downhill! If you weren't before Disney then you can't really have a say because when there was no Disney, Club Penguin was awesome; but now it's just sad. Maybe it's awesome because you haven't seen it before Disney came.
Anonymous dinazolin said...
Cool Mimo. I Was Right Next To You,I Was Ryanbearsroc. Im A Huge Fan. I Work With Paintboy100 But Im A Huge Fan Of Yours. Can You Add Me Sometime In Your Spare Time.Thanks! -Ryanbearsroc
Srry, but Mimo can't add! It won't be fair to all the other penguins.
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
Anonymous Alpha202 said...
OMG mimo i saw you there im sooo lucky!!! and i have 4 party hats, but not the beta hat.
Yah! You are veeery lucky!
~Racet20000- Cpg mod
i am a member too
Hey Mimo I have 3 hats! I wanna be in the club :).
Psssssht I have 4 That's rite 4 party hats!!!! HA HAAAA
I have all four hats and I go on all the time. If u see me I would be happy to add u to my buddy list. Right now I am wearing the first year party hat!
Me have 3 hats!
i have all 3 too!
I have three hats! Just like Mimo. I joined in September 2007.
I only have three hats soo i am in the club! Yay! YIPPY SKIPPY!! (that is a annoyingly wierd word my teacher says!!)
i have 3 party hats too!
Mimo I have 3 party hat one is yellow ans orange, one is tellow, orange, blue and I have the new one. My penguin has near 1045 days I'm really old. I don't have beta psrty hat :(
Actolia (penguin name)
I HAVE 3!!!
happy me 545 said...
Hey mimo
Cool hat isn't it?
BTW if you had 4 hats you would be BETA TESTER
Acually to correct you you would have five party hats. Beta hat,1st
Party hat,2nd party hat,3rd party hat and 4th party hat.
I have 3 party hats too!
I have three hats. I almost had all 4. I joined 1 day late!
I have 3 hats just like u mimo!
I have the three hats !
Hey mimo, i have all four hats. My penguin is about 12460 days old.
i have 3 hats :)
Yo! Im back from da Bahamas woot! Sorry i havent been modding. Da CP Partay is sweet! This is my first-i have been on CP almost two years, but I kept missing the other anniversary parties. :-( Thx Dudette44! You r awesome. ~Syka~
Nikhil said...
is the hat only for members?
No! It's for anyone who decides to join in! Mems and non-mems allowed! So get on out there and PARTAY! ~Syka CPG Mod~
dinazolin said...
Cool Mimo. I Was Right Next To You,I Was Ryanbearsroc. Im A Huge Fan. I Work With Paintboy100 But Im A Huge Fan Of Yours. Can You Add Me Sometime In Your Spare Time.Thanks! -Ryanbearsroc
Before Mimo will add you, you must become a Mimo Mod. For mod rules and info, vist the CPG Mod rules page. Their LINK is just above the mod list. ;-) ~Syka~
Anonymous said...
Cool mimo ill try to get it now!
My first party hat!!
Mine too! Enjoy the Party! ~Syka~
Mimo! I have all 3! I have 2nd 3rd now... 4th! YAY!
Anonymous said...
Kewl! Don't write in all caps. CPG Rules, and you'll force Mimo to get a hearing aid. ~Syka~
Hey Mimo! I found that there are some new postcards if you haven't seen them already! -Boogles15123
in the coffee shop look behind the balloons wats that brown stuff?????????
I'm the member of the 3 hat club too. I came to clubpenguin in the beginning of Febuary!!
Hey Mimo!
I have 4 hats, but not the Beta one.
Im a member of the 3-hat club too! lol
wish i was there for the first year though...
Thanks for the cheats mimo!
finally got 3 hats
Hey mimo I have 5 I'm a beta cool blog._Beta
W00t! I am a Member of the 3 Hat Club too! Mimo rocks! ;-)
Cool! im am so getting it!
oh yeah mimo!! 3 hat club rocks!!
peace and love missher10
I got three too.
Way to go, it's been 4 years.
I am a Three Year Penguin too Mimo
Its so amazing about how club penguin has changed in a year!
I have 4 hats the orange/yellow, blue/green, blue/yellow/orange, and light blue/purple
I have 3 hats! I have more than two friends who have 4 hats. =)
SI have all 3 hats too :D
I feel special!
Me! :))
I have three hats too!
I have 3 hats. I would have all 4 but I didn't play CP until the 26th of October '05
Hey Mimo! I actually have all four hats- I'm a Clubpenguin professional I guess :P Love all the work you do for us
Love Swimming247 :D
I have 3 party hats but I don't know what one is oldest and then to newest, Lol.
Please help me, Thanks
I have 3 of them, I started in June '07!
Ahhhhhhh! i went to a guys igloo! he had a painting! the eyews followed my mouse!
I Cant get in the coffie shop!!!!
I HAVE A TIP!!!!!!!!!!!
If you cant get into the coffee shop then use ur trasnporter on ur left bottom of screen.
i have three!!!
Wow!! I really have 2, but one more year and I'll have 3! :)
Wasn't the 3rd birthday cake better?
P.S: Try going on a Portugueese server if you are having trouble getting the hat.
i HAVE ALL 4 !!!!!!!
Mimo if you click on the sign that says: Coffee and croisant, it changes to: Tea and scones.
-Lollieboy-(CPG Mod)
Yup. I'm a 3 year/hat member, and proud of it!! :D
if you have 5 hats ur a beta cuz of anniversrry there was beta then anniversry:)and im a member of the 2 hat club XD
I would of had 3 but on the second anniversary i totally forgot until i got on the next day i was SUPER MAD becuase it would be my first one ever so i only have 2
i have only 2 but 1 joined clubpenguin on october 29 the year it was turning two
Wow! You got it really early at midnight (EST).
I got it 9 hrs later :( lol.
i have 4! joined 1st month
I have all 4! :D
AWESOME this is my third and are you gonna post about what time jack will be on in tootsville?
yay! 3 hat club! #2 #3 & #4!
I have the second year, third year, and fourth year hat.
I would have had the first year but it was about a month after I first joined and I forgot! Argh!
i have all for annerversy hats mimo yay
OH ALSO MIMO! If you go to the front page of Club Penguin theres a giant snowball kinda thing sticking out of the mountain! Sometimes its there and sometimes its not! Does anyone know what it is?
I have three. Its awesome.
wow! cp is so full i cant even get to the servers to choose from! i was afraid this might happen
happy me 545 said...
Hey mimo
Cool hat isn't it?
BTW if you had 4 hats you would be BETA TESTER
No, if you had 4 hats then you'll have #1 b-day party hat, #2 b-day party hat, #3 b-day party hat, and #4b-day party hat. if you had 5, then you'd be beta tester.
-Buddytoe(CPG mod)
Nikhil said...
is the hat only for members?
No, luckily, it's for both nonmembers and members. all anniversary hats will be the same.
-Buddytoe (CPG mod)
Nikhil said...
is the hat only for members?
of course not, the hats are for everyone!
at your service,
otiekinz(cpg mod)
Stickers303 said...
Alpha202 said... I have 4 hats exept the Beta Hat!
How can you have 4 Hats but not the Beta Hat? There only has been 4 Hats including the Beta Hat and you said You dont have it lolz! You must mean 3 hats =]
No, remember this is the 4th party hat. (#1, #2, #3, #4) there have been 5 hats including the beta hat.
-Buddytoe (CPG Mod)
Hey Mimo! I am a proud member of the 3-Hat- Club with you! Waddle On!
Nikhil said...
is the hat only for members?
Nope, its for everyone.
Forstthesnom CPG MOD
Mimo i found a cheat! if you click the cupcakes on the table in the coffee shop they will disappear! if you click the table when they are all gone they will reappear!
-Mr Stilton
awesome! I hv three party hats and im a big fan mimo! we must hv started all at around the same time! how about we compare the no. of days old we are and pool them together! then we can hv a freaky awesome warped mimo goal party!
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