Club Penguin Cheats

Friday, October 30, 2009

Freaky Club Penguin Ghost Screen Glitch!

Just in time for Halloween!

Has this ever happened to you? I call it the Freaky Club Penguin Ghost Glitch!

This happened to me the other day. But I don't know how I did it.

If you know how to do this glitch let me know. If this has ever happened to you let me know! Pretty cool.

UPDATE: Some of you are saying you can do this when lightening strikes! Try it. BUT THIS DID NOT HAPPENED TO ME THAT WAY. IT HAPPENED TO ME WHEN I LOGGED ON!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Mimo Games Now!

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Anonymous said...



Santa1456 said...

Awesome! That is such a cool cheat!
:D :D Santa1456 :D :D

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

Wow lol

Anonymous said...

Yes Happened to me about 5 times. I think that cp did this to make it better. Your fan Rance100

Dooyaga said...

Cool! I've seen that glitch but it happened unexpectedly. First just little boxes of white apeared then the whole thing was White! Weird Right, Mimo?
P.S Sorry I haven't Moded in a little while, i'll try to catch up. :D

Marquizi98 said...

MIMO!! I am so sorry Mimo I didn't mod for a while! I can't get on the week days now! So I can only get on WEEKENDS! Please let me still be a Mod please!! I'm begging you! I'll be in moderation everyday of the weekend!

Jitsu Jedi said...

Its the lightining. when it strikes it turns on that glitch. ok mimo. From Jitsu Jedi.

Hawiankt said...

i know how ....
when you go to the dock as soon as the lightning strikes it freezes


Yoshisrock said...

It's lightning strikes.


Anonymous said...

It never happened to me.

-- Smash30

Anonymous said...

Its the lightning mimo! When it strikes it flashes. From Jitsu Jedi(CPG MOD)

Bryan909 said...

Whicked I have no clue how it happend??

-Bryan909 Your budd Cpg Mod

Anonymous said...

yeah, the lightning makes the screen go white... well, the big lightning strikes

Bryan909 said...

Hey mimo new rievewd by you cheak it out!!

-Bryan909 Your Budd! Cpg Mod

Shirley Zhang said...

well i know 2 ways it happens,one is the lightning and 2 is when ur computer is lagging and it freezes for a moment


Alking501 said...

im not sure but i discovered it first i wanted to email u but i couldnt and yes it has happened to me once or twice on marshmallow lol srry i wont take any credit alking501

Knowledge (CPG Mod) said...

It's lightning strikes.



Well, that might not be it because in
Mimo's case, he just logged on. And I don't think there was a very big chance that the lightning struck the second he got on...but good theory!

~Knowledge (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

I once went to play bean counters and the whole coffee shop was white.It was then like that for 3 days!!!!!!

From Xpinkyigrlx1

Anonymous said...

It happens when you log in and you are in a full room

Stickers303 said...

I know how...Ok you know how Club Penguin is slow to walk, move and stuff becuase of the partys? Well due to its slow the screen turns white. This happens if you have a slow computer or when a sever is very very very slow it happened to me a couple of times at other CP Partys & when my computer was broken.


Zecktroid said...

Yeah that happened to me whenever I tried to go to the Ski Village. It happened to other people to. It was just a little problem that is now fixied I think.

Anonymous said...

yeah its happened only when the room was full

Marquizi98 said...

Bryan909 said...
Whicked I have no clue how it happend??

-Bryan909 Your budd Cpg Mod
Me either. Freaky right? Remember, don't put CPG MOD next to your name when you're answering people's questions, congratulating new Mods or Contest Winners.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Hawiankt said...
i know how ....
when you go to the dock as soon as the lightning strikes it freezes
Thats a lie! just joking. Anyway it really is a lie. I checked it out on different servers at different times and it still didn't work. Besides mimo says that it did it when he logged on.

CPG mod

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo awesome blog about the volcano on club penguin if you look very close you can see a red line under the volcano look close! :)

- Wassle 4

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Dooyaga said...
Cool! I've seen that glitch but it happened unexpectedly. First just little boxes of white apeared then the whole thing was White! Weird Right, Mimo?
P.S Sorry I haven't Moded in a little while, i'll try to catch up. :D
Cool where did it happen? I will
e-mail CP.

Unknown said...

this happened to me a lot of times

Anonymous said...

It happened to me but once before it happened in the light house and it was in like august or,july.

Rondny 101

Anonymous said...

MiMo!! CP is DOWN!! I cant log in!!! WHY???

Lexi said...

Shirley said...

well i know 2 ways it happens,one is the lightning and 2 is when ur computer is lagging and it freezes for a moment

Well my computer will definitely do that because mine is like a snail. Maybe i will try the lightning too.
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)

13leejj1 said...

Dude! I've had that like a million times and not on halloween. The dojo and the dock are the most common cases. Dunno why. weird huh?

Lexi said...

Marquizi98 (CPG MOD) said...

MIMO!! I am so sorry Mimo I didn't mod for a while! I can't get on the week days now! So I can only get on WEEKENDS! Please let me still be a Mod please!! I'm begging you! I'll be in moderation everyday of the weekend
What a coincidence! That is my rule too. Even though i can go on on fridays. But i think we deserve to be mods because we try super hard!
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

its just the server didn't load. not a biig deal. lol your like OMG!!!

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Hey mimo if you look on the front page of the newspaper the guy who is doing the surprised emoticon is wearing the Pumkin Antennae but the ball things are green and pink!

Gracie said...

Freakey but cool !

Unknown said...

That's cool. But maybe the lightening striked at the EXACT time you got on, Mim.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Anonymous said...
MiMo!! CP is DOWN!! I cant log in!!! WHY???
I just logged on and it worked for me. Do you have a really slow internet conection? I used to have dial-up and I had to log on and off a few times before getting it to work.

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Anonymous said...
Hey mimo awesome blog about the volcano on club penguin if you look very close you can see a red line under the volcano look close! :)
Oops! Looks like they missed that!

Pester666 said...

It happened to me before but only once. The reason why it happened is because when I logged on the room that the server was trying to put me in was full so I wasn't in a room because I had just logged on.

Fftara said...

Here is what happen you logged on right when lightning striked and the screen froze that way.

Bennym said...

I know how that works!
The room on club penguin you log on to will be full then you click ok then the screen is white!

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Hey mimo is it possible to skip a level in the mod chart? Like if I am not a mod right now is it possible for me to get to be a super mod or legendary mod right off the bat.

Penguin 1030 said...

That has happened to me. I wasn't sure how. I think that Hawainkt is right. He is one of the comenters.

Syka said...

WOAH! Talk about warped!
Warped and proud! ~Syka~
P.S. I just met Gary!!!!!

Syka said...

Bryan909 said...
Hey mimo new rievewd by you cheak it out!!

-Bryan909 Your Budd! Cpg Mod

Yeah he's seen it.
Warped and proud! ~Syka CPG Mod~

wild hamster[CPG MOD] said...

hi weird glitch it happended to my friend

Howie12345 said...

Go to town and click on the pumkin in the sky or just click the sky it makes it lighting alot

Anonymous said...

Mimo my mail says 2039 does yours-purple2768

Anonymous said...

Here is the logical approach...
You logged on when the lighting struck. If everyone says it's lighting then my theory should be right. If this happens every time I would suggest you try and fix it... =)

Anonymous said...

This happens all the time you just need to clear your cache and turn your computer off for 5 minutes.

Anonymous said...

I belive i know the answer,sometimes it appears the Too full room box and it appears in white,although its not necesary the appear of the Box

jjcho said...

mimo!i had a weird glitch.when i went to mine.the door opened and closed really fast.and the letters on the map and newspaper changed letters.creapy

penguinjunkie said...

Hi mimo! Ya this has happened to me last year on the Halloween party i went to the dojo and the whole place was white but i could still see the penguins but nothing else but i dont know how to do it though pretty weird =)

Nathaliez said...

this has happened to me before when i logged on to. it is because sometimes when you log on it takes you to the town, but occasionally the town is full, so that is where it takes you. i dont know about the lightining though.

Turtle140(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...

MiMo!! CP is DOWN!! I cant log in!!! WHY???
They might have been fixing something or your computer was lagging but its works now :)

-turtle140(CPG MOD)

Kyroid said...

It happens when the room you are supposted to go in is full and you will be sent there

lizcat68 said...

It happened to me once. It was kind of annoying because it wouldn't go away and i had to re-log on.

Anonymous said...

It happened to me when i was on the internet and then my sister pulled the internet cable out of the computer. and when i used penguin thunder 7 and clicked 'make a blank room for an hour(other people can see this blank room)' so that might be the case or the halloween party

Anonymous said...

My screen did freeze but something different happened.When It freezed the penguins were just walking in one spot and if they were dancing they would syill be dancing and when it stoped I ask if it happened to the others turns out it did!

Anonymous said...

happens if you have a slow computer or when a sever is very very very slow it happened to me a couple of times at other CP Partys & when my computer was broken.


October 30, 2009 4:49 PM

Zecktroid said...
Yeah that happened to me whenever I tried to go to the Ski Village. It happened to other people to. It was just a little problem that is now fixied I think.

October 30, 2009 4:51 PM

Anonymous said...
yeah its happened only when the room was full

October 30, 2009 4:52 PM

Marquizi98 (CPG MOD) said...
Bryan909 said...
Whicked I have no clue how it happend??

-Bryan909 Your budd Cpg Mod
Me either. Freaky right? Remember, don't put CPG MOD next to your name when you're answering people's questions, congratulating new Mods or Contest Winners.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

October 30, 2009 4:54 PM

Ethanator said...
Hawiankt said...
i know how ....
when you go to the dock as soon as the lightning strikes it freezes
Thats a lie! just joking. Anyway it really is a lie. I checked it out on different servers at different times and it still didn't work. Besides mimo says that it did it when he logged on.

CPG mod

October 30, 2009 5:00 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey mimo awesome blog about the volcano on club penguin if you look very close you can see a red line under the volcano look close! :)

- Wassle 4

October 30, 2009 5:01 PM

Anonymous said...
It happened to me but once before it happened in the light house and it was in like august or,july.

Rondny 101

October 30, 2009 5:09 PM

Anonymous said...
MiMo!! CP is DOWN!! I cant log in!!! WHY???

October 30, 2009 5:12 PM

Polkadotblu9 said...
Shirley said...

well i know 2 ways it happens,one is the lightning and 2 is when ur computer is lagging and it freezes for a moment

Well my computer will definitely do that because mine is like a snail. Maybe i will try the lightning too.
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)

October 30, 2009 5:16 PM

13leejj1 said...
Dude! I've had that like a million times and not on halloween. The dojo and the dock are the most common cases. Dunno why. weird huh?

October 30, 2009 5:17 PM

Polkadotblu9 said...
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD) said...

MIMO!! I am so sorry Mimo I didn't mod for a while! I can't get on the week days now! So I can only get on WEEKENDS! Please let me still be a Mod please!! I'm begging you! I'll be in moderation everyday of the weekend
What a coincidence! That is my rule too. Even though i can go on on fridays. But i think we deserve to be mods because we try super hard!
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)

October 30, 2009 5:17 PM

Anonymous said...
its just the server didn't load. not a biig deal. lol your like OMG!!!

October 30, 2009 5:22 PM

Ethanator said...
Hey mimo if you look on the front page of the newspaper the guy who is doing the surprised emoticon is wearing the Pumkin Antennae but the ball things are green and pink!

October 30, 2009 5:26 PM

Gracie said...
Freakey but cool !
``````````````````````````````````` HOW IS IT FREAKY

Anonymous said...

Syka said...
WOAH! Talk about warped!
Warped and proud! ~Syka~
P.S. I just met Gary!!!!!

October 30, 2009 6:19 PM

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I MET GARY AT THE WIND FESTIVAL OR WHATEVER....

Anonymous said...

Www! It's such a cool glitch!
It happened to me too. WEIRD!


Anonymous said...

yea! it happened to me too! just yesterday, when i went to the cove to film something, i got my spy phone and teleported to the beacon, and everything was white. Cool and FREAKY MiMo.

rialynfae said...

hey! this also happened to me x3

You Won 18 said...

mimo mimo! check the newspaper quick and go to B3 and B4 and you will see that club penguin talks about a sceret room. that proves volcano is gunna be new room ~ You Won 18

Cub107 (CPG Mod) said...

Mimo I have a small cheat: it says in the CP Times that Agents and Tour Guides get paid on November 2nd, but I got paid on October 30th! I wonder if I'll get paid again.... :) $$$

Anonymous said...

this happened to me once at the pool. all i could see was my penguin and other penguin's speech bubbles. I tried to ask them if it was like that for them, but they ignored me!

Anonymous said...

Yeah that happend to me Mimo, its soo cool, its a bit like the SWF file on penguin chat three but white not yellow awsome!

Blue Lenny said...

I know how to do it. It is actually quite old. I used to do it by clicking one server then while it was loading I could click on something else and came to the room of which you came upon. Now days I cannot do it anymore though.

wesman101 said...

MIMO! there was jast lightnig when u loged on

KaylaStar7 said...

ooooooo spooky.... LOL

Samil said...

This usually happened to me when my internet was slow.


Anonymous said...

cause the storm........ some lights from the sky !

Sam 1871 said...

Exactly the same happened to me Mimo but I dont know how to do it :(

Fishy Boy2 said...

If when you log in, and the room is full, that is what happens, and you have to change rooms. It's also my birthday today October 31st!

~Fishy Boy2~

Anonymous said...

mimo 777,
the blank screen glitch happened to me yesterday on friday because as i think on the second i saw the server lighting stiked at the same moment!
Black nini 8

Anonymous said...

mimo 777,
I dont no how, but you know those little screens when watching night of the living sled 1,2 or 3, you know they show the subtitles of the words? I once somehow got it to go in russian, but everything else was in english!
Black nini 8

Elliot. said...

hi mimo, my little brother made a puffle pumpkin for halloween (inspirede by the sign in the club penguin town)

Kritssss said...

this happened to me too!! weird!! it didn't happen once but 3 or 4 times!!!

Anonymous said...

It might have been a lightning strike as soon as you logged on so it suddenly went white. :S

Glitch Boy 7096 said...

I know that glitch,it happend to me a few months ago.Whenever I walked into the sport shop,it was completly blank and I couldn't get to the catolog!(it was the day a new one was relesed).Then,when I met my friend on CP I showed them and they thought I was CRAZY!

Anyways,thats my story.

oisin1001 said...

This happened to me when I tried to go to the beacon to see rockhopper before the adventure party!!

Anonymous said...


Mirelrapid (CPG Mod) said...

Hawiankt said...
i know how ....
when you go to the dock as soon as the lightning strikes it freezes


LOL! Anyway, its still weird!

~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)

Mirelrapid (CPG Mod) said...

Yoshisrock said...
It's lightning strikes.


Mimo said that it's not this!

~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)

Mirelrapid (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
I once went to play bean counters and the whole coffee shop was white.It was then like that for 3 days!!!!!!

From Xpinkyigrlx1

LOOOOL!! That's so funny!

~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)

Safa153 said...

Lol, MiMo! That happens to me! And when I logged in! It says, ''Sorry This room is currently full'' and then the ghost screen appears :))
And It happened to me on FALL FAIR!
I think it happens when there is a HUNT, TICKETS and stuff like that ;)
Hope I helped!

=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

I think it's happened to me once but I logged out straight away lol!!!


243joe said...

Ok Its Happened To Me Before At The Plaza And I Didn't Do Anything???

Anonymous said...

It has happened to me twice. It's either lightning or your screen has to boot or load but you are logged on.

Anonymous said...

Mimo hi again. Did you notice Christmas is in stores already and Halloween hasn't even had trick or treating yet? It happens you log on and when there is a lightning strike at the same time.

Anonymous said...

You Won 18 said...
mimo mimo! check the newspaper quick and go to B3 and B4 and you will see that club penguin talks about a sceret room. that proves volcano is gunna be new room ~ You Won 18

Thanks if going to check that out right now.

Giraffe 7528

Anonymous said...

I know how this happened. it happens when you log on, and the room you pop into is full. its happened to me, Water Rani, 2 times

freezey36 said...

yo mimo

double click on the sky lighting will flash like that


carpinc said...

it happened to me when i logged on too!

Mimotwin777 said...

It might be a glitch from the lightening

Anonymous said...

It happened to me when i was entering the forest, it just turned white!

Anonymous said...

I no how the glytich works!!! ok, so when you log in, the room is sometimes full. when the map pops up, you hit the X and thean it is all white!!

ice cube1242 said...

it's happened a few times to me and i have no clue how it happened

Unknown said...

hi mimo i did that cheat last year

Leonie said...

hi mimo i think i know as u log into club penguin lightning strikes so it makes a blank page because when u click on the pumpkin thingy like on ur quiz thing it flashes white so thats how i think it goes lol ur fan leonie.xx

Anonymous said...

this really freaked me out when i log on sometimes. When I log on sometimes the penguins bodies dont show up, only their clothes are there! Its really weird! Another thing thats weird that happens sometimes is that everyone around me freezes and i dont! Ill be walking around and then, nobodys moving or talking and i can!! Thats weird right! Both of them!

lcoolkid said...

hi mimo,

club penguin newspaper cheat:

click on the jokes title on the puzzle page for xtra jokes!

Lcoolkid :)

Unknown said...

it happens when you log on if when you log on there is a lightning strike it will all turn white anouther way to do it is when lightning strikes quickly go into you mail

Skloop said...

Woah! Sorry I havent been modding, Ive been doing a lot of stuff. Ill get A BUNCH moar done today.


Safa153 said...


by Safa153 ;)

Yoshisrock said...

Mimo it was a lightning strike. They're set to flash every five minutes , and if you happen to log on during one, your do will freeze up.

zmannumba1 said...

Hey mimo if you look in the binoculurs for a minute a thing goes by that says bo then another one goes by and say trick or treat. Its cool!

Anonymous said...

ya it just loaded wrong

limadude said...

that happend to me a long time ago! i call it a white out!

Mono41 said...

It's happened to me before. I think as the room loads you have to disconnect from the internet. i've also had experiences where penguins didn't load, just their clothes were floating there, and also where igloos didn't load, just the furniture. weird...

Anonymous said...

You Won 18 said...
mimo mimo! check the newspaper quick and go to B3 and B4 and you will see that club penguin talks about a sceret room. that proves volcano is gunna be new room ~ You Won 18

Just cause the paper said that doesn't mean that it isn't the 2 secret rooms now (iceburg and Ninja Room) it could just be the hidden lab Gary made 4 the party!!

Always here 2 help

James 1( CPG Mod )

Anonymous said...

I know how it works! If you click the sky and then very fast press the right button on you mouse/mouse pad!!!

Anonymous said...

Press the sky and then very fast press the right button on your mouse or mouse pad

Anonymous said...

it happened to me a while ago! heres how it happened: i got on an almost full server (i think abominable or avalanche or something) and then it turned white and said srry this servers full, and it still let me on! super freaky, just in time 4 halloween!

Lexi said...

Ethanator said...

Hey mimo is it possible to skip a level in the mod chart? Like if I am not a mod right now is it possible for me to get to be a super mod or legendary mod right off the bat
Probably not. You need to work hard to be able to go up the list. Maybe if he hasn't changed it in a long time. But i am not sure.
Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

if you have the clubpenguin ds game it changes i was playing it today on halloween and then when i went to the town their was pumkins!!!

Marquizi98 said...

Ethanator said...
Hey mimo is it possible to skip a level in the mod chart? Like if I am not a mod right now is it possible for me to get to be a super mod or legendary mod right off the bat.
Nahhh I don't think so. But it takes hard work and effort to get to those levels.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

The reason it does that is because CP chooses a random room to throw your penguin in. And if its full, it just goes white. This has happened to me only once.

sprocket07 said...

when they said that about lightning i tried it and it doesn't work. it just flashes for a bit.

Edward Friske said...

Ya I took a picture of it when it happened! I also got pictures of the thunderbolts themselves!
-Mr Edman4

Anonymous said...

hi mimo i wonder when the ninja journey will come

Unknown said...

It HAS happened to me! It's been a blank screen before, and a couple of times, I could walk anywhere! So, the screen would be blank and I could walk to the top of the screen where my mail was, and where the map was too! I really don't know how to do it...

sprocket07 said...

the tootsville pivits today rocks!

Anonymous said...

yeah that happened to me last year, mimo!! but it didnt happen when i logged on...

i did that once when i was walking to the dock and i clicked where the blue speech bubble is and typed words and then it all turned white....!!

its so cool!


Daisy said...

I clicked on something, but I have no Idea what. I think it was the bottom of the page. Freaked me out.

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween Mimo!


Claw Rider said...

I know how to do that. That happened to me a few days back I think when I went on Breeze. The glitch activates at The Snow Forts. If you wait for 20 minutes you wont get disconnected and it will wear off. It happened to me Mimo seriously!!

-Claw Rider.

Empoleon3214 said...

Mimo, have you gotten this glitch? Once my sister went to the town, there were soo many penguins, but everyone was twirling around! She couldnt move or go anywhere so she logged off.

Trevtoad said...

I met gary during the party!!!!!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!!! Hope yall have the best, and safest Halloween ever!!

Rock on

P.S. I is goin trick or treatin'!!!!!!

Horus22 said...

i love this rocks!

as i said before, i managed to repeat the glitch by clicking the space where the speech bubble should have been....

HaPpY hAlLoWeEn EvErYbOdY!!!

Anonymous said...

Just the room capacity and interface screwing up.

Purplyhgf said...

That happened to me too! I will tell you how it happened:
First when I logged on it said something like This room is full, it showed the map.. then I clicked X after the screen was all white.


Jediseth said...

it is when you login and the room is full it shows up white, happened to me today

Dylan Cronin said...

no its the lightning

Anonymous said...

this has happened to me but it was when i logged on. i think it was a loading error thingy.

Anonymous said...

That happened to me when I was looking for Sensei in July. What happens is that when you log on, the room that Club Penguin chooses for you to enter starts loading, but then it suddenly becomes full. It can't load the room that it was right in the middle of loading because it is full, so the ghost thing happens.

Anonymous said...

Im Asulio
It happened to me some days ago. It happens when you join a server and the room that the server will assign to you is full.

Anonymous said...

I hey Mimo i know how it happens!!
u go into a room but when u join it turns full so the screen turns "ghostly"


Unknown said...

it happened to me when i joined a server, wich said: this room is currently full.

Patty Harsh said...

Yeah it happened to me when the town or other place is full and it says" Please pick a different place from the map" or something like that.

Lard Beak said...

That happened to me once, when I walked in to the gift shop. But that time there was no lightning and I could see my penguins and other penguins in that room but they weren't doing anything...

Anonymous said...

Hello Mimo777. I Believe I has the answer to your question. First of All, Where was you at when you logged on? It matters. If You was somewhere where the lighting stricks, than that was the Lighting. I know it happend when you logged on, because when you logged on, the lighting stricked. Hope this answers your question. if not sorry for waisting your time.

Unknown said...

hay it happened to me 2 pretty weird i was like computer why arent you working

Anonymous said...

happened to me.cp was so busy all the servers were full.when i clicked one,my screen went ust ike it.

BeatBoxer110 said...

Cool Cheat Mimo!
Somethin Like That Happened To Me.
I Was On CP When It Just Froze But The Wierd Part Was That Louds Of Blue Penguins Were Dancing In A Line And They Had No Names Strange Huh?

Anonymous said...

Hi mimo777 the cheat happed to me 2 times I just logged on then went to a nearly full server cool yet wierd

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
this really freaked me out when i log on sometimes. When I log on sometimes the penguins bodies dont show up, only their clothes are there! Its really weird! Another thing thats weird that happens sometimes is that everyone around me freezes and i dont! Ill be walking around and then, nobodys moving or talking and i can!! Thats weird right! Both of them!
That either happens becuase it either is loading or your computer is slow like mine lol

Rondny 101

Anonymous said...

It is just the lightning.

Anonymous said...

it happened to me before but i was able to see my penguin and other ppls penguins too,it happened to me at the coffee shop but the weird thing is i was able to walk anywhere i wanted!and the entrance(even though you couldnt see it) was at the top left corner and it happened to me at the beach and it happened to me at someones house i still saw the background of the house but i was able to walk wherevever i wanted
Penguin Name:12mittz12

Stoffy said...

I Know How You Did It...

Your Computer froze when lightning striked, then it unfroze!

Ha Ha Ha.

Anonymous said...

no this doesnt happen when lightening strikes its happened to me about 3 weeks ago at the cove its pritty kool though then it happened again about a week ago and where ever i walked my penguin the white dissapeard so i cleared the screen!

from kungfuman

Anonymous said...

It happens when u log on and the room is full it happened to me

Ckalive said...

it happend to me when i logged on is well


Anonymous said...

Mimo, lightning can strike when you first log on you know.

Uttyt8 said...

That happened to me at least five times for me.

Bongoswirl said...

This happened to me when I entered the Haunted house but I sent a message to CP they helped me fix it :)


Anonymous said...

It might be lightning, but I think it must be from loading and getting on a server, but going to a full room. It happend to me. I can get in, but sometimes it says full room. Then goes to a blank white screen.

Anonymous said...

It happened to my brother.
He was like SOOOOO COOL to me
I have a pic if you want it contact me
(In a comment)

Eddy1 A1 said...

Hmm ... It's lol .

Splash744 (CPG MOD) said...

Cool glitch it's never happened to me though.

- Lollypop5465

QueenieHeidi said...

To do this, I logged on to CP, and the room was full. So it opened the map, and I closed the map, and it was the ghost screen.


Blueredamber said...

the llightning gosse of evey 5 mins you loged on when it stuck

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It happened to me just now. It said "Sorry this room is currently full." It happened while I was connecting to the server.

Dser123 said...

It could be that a bolt of lightning could have "hit" right when you logged on!

From a fan of urs,

clubpenguin penguin unologo43 said...

it happened to me to i dont know how though. i just loged on and i could see nothing but white. can you tell me what happend. it happens to me no matter what server im on. i freaks me out and i dont know what to do. can you help me. i finally got it to work after the tenth time though. can you tell me what happent to the screen. i think what happen though was that someone clikedd on the ski right as you were loging on. other than that i have no clue what happend. can you help me please.
from your clubpenguin penguin fan unologo43

zed199 said...

hey mimo i mgiht know but the whole screen didnt turn all white but once i acidently clicked the right side of the mouse and a lot of white appeared.maybe the samething hapened to you.glad to help.
zed199 (cpg mod)

TheDaleDJ1 said...

Hey Mimo, jst to tell u i dont know if this is a glitch or not but the map icon keeps going from map to pam (Map backwards) constantly

Anonymous said...

It happens when u first log into a server and the room you are put in is full.Its happened to me a few times.

tibitty said...

yeah it keeps happening to me when i go to the mine or the dojo... not only when lightning happens, but EVERYTIME. im beginning to find it irritating...

tibitty said...

its freaking me out!!! i dun even noe how to stop this stupid thing... its probably a problem with my macbook...

nsoccer said...

Mimo you were actually very lucky when that happens. I don't know if it still works today but when everything goes white like that you would be able to buy member items for a minute. I know that because it happened to me

Anonymous said...

the lightnng strikes at the moment you log on

Gsns68 said...

Hey Mimo,
This happened to me the other day when I tried to log on to submit my igloo for the halloween contest. The whole screen was white and all the penguins were walking through tin air!
awesome glitch!
:D :):/ :( :b
If you see me around, come say hi!

Anonymous said...

nothing happend to me

Anonymous said...

mimo its when youre computer loads funny whith cp and takes ages to come back i hope

Anonymous said...

it happened to me all the time . it then said would you like to do u lightening mission / it was well cool the lightening had fallen from the sky and we had to fink of a way to get it back up there ..
bet you did'nt do that did you ?
it then said when i finished . free membership for you if you can find every lightening bolt that has fallen so i did it then i got 10,000 club penguin coins and then i got a free member ship .

Anonymous said...

sup mimo! u rok, and it happened 2 me, too...i was on with my friend, and me and him were enetering the ninja hideout, and it just turned white! it wasnt lightning or anything. and HE got banned 4 three days just for being in there omg good thing i left or i would have got banned too...waddle on!

Mr Acd said...

I now dude right rthat happened in the night club 3 times to me and everbody came in on the right cornar of the screen like i just logged on and someone said BIG DANE in the night club he my fiend so went in there and it looked like the picture u posted and everbody that came in appeared in the cornor of the screen i didnt now if it had happen becuase so many ppl were trying to get in the room at the same time to add the beta or what so ur not the only one that has seen this WOW THAT WAS LONG LOL

hope this helped any Mr Acd (CPG MOD)

Unknown said...

It happened to me a couple of months ago.

Anonymous said...

Umm,Mimo that happens every 2 minutes or so, it was the lightning you probaly just logged on just as it striked(:

Crocgater2 said...

That happens to me quite often

lynz277 said...

that happened to me just right now and no lighting or nothing i just logged on and it was like that soo wierd right

Anonymous said...

Hey, when ever I get on it happens. My mom called the computer guy to see if it was a virus and the guy said " It's not a virus. Club Penguin has been doing this for some time. I've seen it a lot and the problem is that when you log on you have to click it in the right spot. If you don't viriuses (or however you spell it) will come. Club Penguin will probably try to fix it. But for now when you go to log on DONT click on the side. Click exactly on the button." Thats what he said to prevent it. AND ITS WORKED! So yeah thanks MIMO!!

Jagielka5000 said...

Hi mimo what sever do you go on my penguin name is jagielka5000 love this great website
Thanks again

itsthedark said...

itsthedark here! Boy, I haven't been here since, like, forever. This has happened to me, in fact. However, it was usually (as in, it happened to me a lot more than once) in a specific room. I would be in it, and everyone would be stuck in the corner. I would ask if anyone else saw it, and they always said no. I always thought I was crazy! CRAZY!

Anonymous said...

Yes it is THE LIGHTING STRIKE MIMO! sorry if i hurt your ears see ya

icetray36 said...

yup it happened to me alot.... and once it flipped to penguins with no eyes and they were all blue and dancing at the same time with no names and they filled up the entire beach.... CREEPY!!!!

UKLover10 said...

I think that it happens when you log on to a room that is too full. It happened to me this morning!

Anonymous said...

yeah this happend to me! everything froze!!! And another thing that happend but when people walked it showed where i was but only where they walked!

KatieDalePhotography said...

Hey I know how to do that!

Unknown said...

o im sorry i thought the lightning thing was a joke but anyways thats one whay
fluffysheep1 (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

it happened to me twice!

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