Happy77 interviews a party planner and here is what was said:
"Is it challenging to make such a HUGE cake for the Anniversary Party? Doesn't it make you hungry?"
"It sure does. That is why being a cake maker requires extreme self control (but I did go home and make a giant cake anyhow...)!"
"What's your fave party from the past year & why?"
"Definitely the Medieval party! Putting on my fish knight costume and waddling amongst the dragons and fellow gallant adventurers was an experience of epic proportions!"
"Lots of readers are really curious about the colors of the party hat this year. What can you tell us?"
"Haha, part of being a super party planner is not revealing secrets. I can tell you was that it was my favorite color combination ever! So I'm super excited to share! But not 'til Saturday."
Pretty cool!
How many anniversary parties have you been to?
Thanks Safa 153!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
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WOW you posted as i commented about that!
~Lil Man 2k9~ CPG Mod
Nice post mimo xD
~Lil Man 2k9~ CPG Mod
Oh! Thanks so much MiMo!!! Credit!! :D You rock!! ;))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
This will be my Third anniversary party! Im not soo new and not sooo rare! ;))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
I have been to them all! Unless you count the beta party as an anniversary, because if you do, then I have been to three.
Thats Mama Luigi to you Mario!
Mimo, this would be my 2nd anniversary part in Club Penguin. Come the Christmas party, it would be my 1st anniversary of being with the Cp gang! Woot woot!
i've been to two. one i got an orange and yellow hat, and my first i got a blue and green one. what about u mimo?
Flappy Pengy
This will be my first anniversary party!
I've been to all 3 (soo nto be all 4)
Unknown 2 U
I've been to EVERY SINGLE ONE but on different accounts... :D
my beta hat account is intrped, my 2nd party hat is comano, my 3rd party hat is intuos4. :D
i have been to 2 anavereries
the new party hat is pink. they show it in a picture when logging on club penguin.
the new party hat is pink. they show it in a picture when logging on club penguin.
cool, i gotta post that!
Cool i cant wait !!!chow!!!
Cooool I can't wait till saturday.Make sure u go on saturday otherwise u won't be able to get a rare party hat.
lol i think i could have got credit for this because i saw it really early lol, but i forgot to tell you hehe ;)
I've been to the 2nd year anniversary, and to the 3rd year anniversary, so this will be my
3rd party hat!
i know the colors ill give you a hint k p nk yllo there half of the colors k!
ive been to i think 3 parties i joined right after the beta party was over
hmmm... I guess maybe (i started in december 07)this will be my 2!
Awesome! I hope the color combo is pretty! I didn't like last year's. :( I have been to 3 annaversary parties on CP! Yay! They have all been really cool! :D
Mimo, this would be my 2nd anniversary part in Club Penguin. Come the Christmas party, it would be my 1st anniversary of being with the Cp gang! Woot woot!
Awesome!! It's mine too! Well it's my 3rd... I forgot to get the other one last year!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Safa153 said...
Oh! Thanks so much MiMo!!! Credit!! :D You rock!! ;))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
LOL! You always get credit! How do you get your words bold?
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
Safa153 said...
Oh! Thanks so much MiMo!!! Credit!! :D You rock!! ;))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
You always get credit! How do you make your words bold?
~Racet2000- CPg mod
i been in the 2nd and the 3rd aniversary for cp
Mimo, this would be my 2nd anniversary part in Club Penguin. Come the Christmas party, it would be my 1st anniversary of being with the Cp gang! Woot woot!
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
lol kool! i have a picture of happywagons house. he quit:(
i have been to last years this will be my second annevarsy party it will be cool rock on mimo!
Good job on the find safa153!
this will be my 4TH ANNIVERSARY party! i played cp on the day it came out! when did you play mimo?
Lil Man 2k9 said...
Nice post mimo xD
~Lil Man 2k9~ CPG Mod
Whats with the xD?
(Just for the record don't put CPG mod unless you are answering a question)
the new party hat is pink. they show it in a picture when logging on club penguin.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sorry! but that is wrong.. that was the beta hat from cps opening party -swettie422 (CPG MOD)
Safa153 said...
Oh! Thanks so much MiMo!!! Credit!! :D You rock!! ;))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
LOL! You always get credit! How do you get your words bold?
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
At the very beginning of your sentence when you start it, you put < b > then once you see your comment, it'll be bold! Check out other awesome HTML codes such as < i > = italic
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Mimo- you need to get on CP more often! You need to start saying on your secret site: I'm @CP on such-and-such server in such-and-such room! I love CP, and I want to meet you there!!! THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO!!!
~One of your friends on Webosaurs and a member of your secret site
P.S. Wow... I feel so secretive for not using my real name... MUAHAHAHA
wow it sounds exciting! i have been to 2 parties :D
how many have u been to mimo? :P
coool mimo i think its gonna be yellow green and blue...u rock mimo! ;-)
i think this would be my first... it would have been my second but i missed last year's....
OK this is a question for whover knows. So two posts ago mimo told us about the new treasure book. As I was reading the posts Antarcticold asked what mimo's
e-mail was. Many people said clubpenguingang@yahoo.com. Here is my question. Where did you get that address? And who told you?
I am a mimo fan and would like to e-mail mimo.
that is so cool,im so frustrated my project is due tomorrow :(
This would be my FIRST one even though i've been on Cp for FOUR years i always miss them. Lol!
Anonymous said...
the new party hat is pink. they show it in a picture when logging on club penguin.
Thats the Beta Hat that came out in early 2005 for penguins fixing bugs or promble around the island.
Forstthesnom CPG MOD ( i think i am modding hmmmm.....
This is my 2nd party with clubpenguin! I am so excited i just love looking at the year book and hanging out with freinds. I havent been on Club Penguin much latly with so much homework. I dont know about you guys but i have alot of test and i am not in GNT i am in regular. Oh and i just love chocolate cake with chocolate iceing. Yummy, i am so hungry now.
Zxz192 said...
lol i think i could have got credit for this because i saw it really early lol, but i forgot to tell you hehe ;)
I said...
Too bad... Safa153 got the credit.
Ethanator said...
OK this is a question for whover knows. So two posts ago mimo told us about the new treasure book. As I was reading the posts Antarcticold asked what mimo's
e-mail was. Many people said clubpenguingang@yahoo.com. Here is my question. Where did you get that address? And who told you?
I am a mimo fan and would like to e-mail mimo.
Mimo has used that e-mail for previous caption contests, so that people may e-mail captions instead of commenting them and risking the chance of their caption being stolen, I guess.
Anyway, I'm not sure that he checks it anymore, but you can try. People who never try don't get chances! ;)
~Surf Flipper
yo i hope i get posted
Safa153 said...
Oh! Thanks so much MiMo!!! Credit!! :D You rock!! ;))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Just Help MIMO and he will always give you credit..remember, you find that thing before mimo and noone else have told it to mimo.
yours only
rock rahul1(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
the new party hat is pink. they show it in a picture when logging on club penguin.
No its not...dont believe me?....you get to know on 24.
yours only
rock rahul1(CPG MOD)
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD) said...
Safa153 said...
Oh! Thanks so much MiMo!!! Credit!! :D You rock!! ;))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
LOL! You always get credit! How do you get your words bold?
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
At the very beginning of your sentence when you start it, you put < b > then once you see your comment, it'll be bold! Check out other awesome HTML codes such as < i > = italic
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
>b< Thanks marquizi!
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
Safa153 said...
Oh! Thanks so much MiMo!!! Credit!! :D You rock!! ;))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Racet said...
You always get credit! How do you make your words bold?
~Racet2000- CPg mod
Safa153 said...
Oh! Thanks so much MiMo!!! Credit!! :D You rock!! ;))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
LOL! You always get credit! How do you get your words bold?
~Racet2000- Cpg mod
Hello! Heres your answer! I use HTML tags such as < b > and < i >! The only person-me- is using < b > with < i >... So I enjoy it very much! Its great to be different ;))
Hope this helps!
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said:
the new party hat is pink. they show it in a picture when logging on club penguin.
That's a good guess Blue92731! But the party hats have always been striped. So I don't think that they'll change that. But I still give you props for noticing that!
~Jimbany CPG Mod
Anonymous said:
i know the colors ill give you a hint k p nk yllo there half of the colors k!
Pink and yellow are the beta hat colors. You probably saw on the log-in page a penguin in the back wearing those colors, but those won't be the colors. Sorry!
~Jimbany CPG Mod
this will be my second anniversary party the last one was lots of fun! i cant wait!
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