I think all of you liked the idea painting my toenails. So I decided to give you all another shot at getting my toenails painted!
Here is how it will work.
We MUST get my song "Zebras Smell Funny!" played on Radio Disney! We MUST! ;-]
So if Radio Disney plays Zebras Smell Funny, then ZoeZoe will paint my toenails to look like zebras stripes on YouTube!
So let's send Radio Disney a bunch of requests for the song and get it played on the air!
Here is how you do it.
Click here to go to Raido Disney's request page.
Step 1. Once you get there, click on "Can't find my song/artist..." button.
Step 2. At the bottom of the page, put this, Mimo, "Zebras Smell Funny" in the blank "Enter Song and Artist."
Step 3. Click the "Submit" button.
You're done!

Once you send your request, post a comment and let us know! Remember, if Zebras Smell Funny gets played ZoeZoe will paint my toesnails on YouTube!
Link to this post on your web site! Tell everyone! Oh, and if you hear Zebras Smell Funny on Radio Disney, let me know!
HEY! Here's another new game on Mimo Games, Planet Soccer LIve! Try it now!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Mimo Games Now!
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
great idea i will ask 1000000000 times lol see u soon
Mimo! Your songs are on Planet Cazmo! Espcaily, ZEBRAS SMELL FUNNY!
:-DDD votes 1 million times!
Hi mimo
i will
I voted for it
I called Mimo :-D
Best Regards,
Neeko 24
I just requested it! I didn't do it for the purpose of watching your toenails being painted, though.
IDEA! Dye your hair black and white!:-D
I sent a request.
mimo can you do another "whats different contest"
-awsome mike
Ok im gonna mod again
Mimo loooooooooooooooooooooool
I requested it twice
Its raining and we got skool today and the phone keeps ringing but nones there and i need to go to the toilet and its ALL TO MUCH
I painted my nails like that. its easier to use a sharpie for the stripes xP
Wii, keep on doing it until you die. Just kidding.
I requested it! It's the best song ever, and I make all my friends listen to it over and over and over and over and over and over...
voted 25 times XD :D this will be awesome
like you mimo
hv called
i did and i did it the last time you asked everyone and i just did,,....
Ok, I did it, lol.
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
mimo can you do another "whats different contest"
-awsome mike
Zxz192 said...
Mimo might have another one in the future
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
I DID IT! AND MY DEDICATION WAS: This is a dedication to mimo painting his toe nails! LOL!
i did it
hey i voted again this is gonna be funny when you paint your nails!!!!!!
I did!
I just voted and i want to see the video so badly
Anonymous said...
mimo can you do another "whats different contest"
-awsome mike
Maybe in the future...
~Racet2000- Cpg Mod~
Ok Mimo your a little weird.
I Did! My Dedication was: "This song is from Mimo from the popular website www.clubpenguingang.com
Anonymous said...
mimo can you do another "whats different contest"
-awsome mike
Were gonna have to wait and see.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
I love the soccer game thanks mimo its awesome.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
lol! i put the dedication to mimo's toeniails! ;)
I submitted it but since I'm from Australia, I just said I'm from New York.
hey mimo. i sent a request, and i hope it will air on radio Disney! i hope it does air, because it will be a truly remembered moment for you, your fans, your family, and for all of the people who happened to be listening to it. see ya soon!
please post how to ge the song
I just requested! If it isn't on the radio... can you do it anyway? What if I sing it to you?
rofl i will soooooooo request!
ur the awesome est mimo!
btw great idea
Anonymous said...
mimo can you do another "whats different contest"
-awsome mike
Yea Mimo will do more what's different contests i'm sure. Don't worry.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
i requested it 51 times!
left a request lol
I just requested!
mimo you are now crazy but you should really dye your hair black and white... and you said if aqua wins you will paint theme aqua!
hey mimo i will vote but i never heard that song becuz i need somthing to download so can u post the song on youtube plz?
Anonymous said...
mimo can you do another "whats different contest"
-awsome mike
Im sure he will soon :D That would rock!
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(Freshly Washed CPG Mod)
Ok i requested it over 50 times. hopefully thye will play that song. That song makes me crack up.
Yay! I voted!! Im also going to put a link to the post on my site ;-) I'll listen to radio disney for ya Mimo!
One more thing will you ever have another aqua party mimo?
hi mimo i voted for it 10 times!
Will we see ur face if ZoeZoe paints ur toenails? Lol....
Done and Delt with!
i asked.i want to see zoezoe paint your toenails zebra color.lol
I voted for the song. I dont live in the us i live in bc canada so i put i lived in washington. And bye the way when is ur next party on cp?
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA AH! yay!! i wanna see u get your nails painted so im gonna go on radio disney and get that song put on and then when it gets put on you have to say, WOOOOOT!!!! or something random in your video. k? by the way, do you like the warrior cat series or animal crossing or both? oh yeah btw plz post this.
ok baby done i send it and everything is ok
I'm not going to stop sending requests until they put it on the radio.
Hey.....I voted 50 times not kidding! Awesome right? And I'll totally listen for it. XD
sprocket07 said...
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA AH! yay!! i wanna see u get your nails painted so im gonna go on radio disney and get that song put on and then when it gets put on you have to say, WOOOOOT!!!! or something random in your video. k? by the way, do you like the warrior cat series or animal crossing or both? oh yeah btw plz post this.
I don't know about Mimo but I luv animal crossing! and ya it will be so cool to hear it on the radio + we get to see him finally get his toes painted! lol
~Sissyc97 (CPG Mod)
I sent it 12 times but im gonna send 1000000 more!!!!!!!!!!
mimo im a huge fan of zebras smell funny! i will vote for it 10000000000000 times.
-your big (but not fat) fan:
guess what mimo i dont have to put "-awsome mike" anymore.BTW i voted your song for radio disney
I voted 23 times!!!
Mimo i just asked all the times for u hopefully we win
Anonymous said...
mimo can you do another "whats different contest"
-awsome mike
I hope so! I love his contests!
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
hey mimo i will vote but i never heard that song becuz i need somthing to download so can u post the song on youtube plz?
I hope he will some day, because I can't download it either, or the ZoeZoe podcasts. Waddle on!
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
Yeah, I don't think it will happen. Soz, Mimo.
Hey Mimo, I Voted and ill let ya know if its played!
i voted thanks!
Ray said...
Done and Delt with!
Are you Ray Toolbear...?
(CPG MODS or Ray Toolbear answer please)
Anonymous said...
I voted for the song. I dont live in the us i live in bc canada so i put i lived in washington. And bye the way when is ur next party on cp?
Probably not for a month. He may have a quickee party though. Just keep checking his site and his twitter.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
hi mimo!
i totally agree that zebras smell funny.
do you realize though that once your song is on the radio no one will buy your song on itunes anymore?
oh well.
-sugarellen (huge fan)
hi mimo!
how do i become a moderator?
ill do anything! (sort of)
Anonymous said...
Will we see ur face if ZoeZoe paints ur toenails?
I don't think so... Unless Mimo's toes are located on his face. Lol!
Hope I helped!
Princess7635 (CPG MOD)
I requested it and sent an e-mail asking about the status. (how close we are to getting the song played) I'll post when i get some feedback! by the by, I dedicated it to Club Penguin, Disney, and all of their fans! that's what i typed, word for word. Keep on Wadell-ing!
Mimo, I requested it one time. I was wondering if when you become a mod or mimo mod etc. you put your penguin name+mimomod, legendary mod etc. next to it when you're not answering a question.
wow mimo, your toes are huge!
i voted 20 times and was worn out at the end!!!!
requested it 51 times!
-Witty12 (CPG MOD!!!)
Hey Mimo!
I voted for you!I really want to hear you on Radio Disney!(Ok I have no idea how you listen to it, but oh well!
From Peachy53084
mimo you rule i sent 1 im gona send like a hundred more
MIMO I LOVE UR SONG ZEBRAS SMELL FUNNY IF I COULD I WOULD ASK RADIO DISNEY A BILLION JILLION MILLION TIMES!LOL but i cant ask:( cya soon btw i go on club penguin too my penguin name is snake girl if u eva c me plz add me
Hey Mimo,
ROFL! Paint them lol
-Lil Maney[CPG MOD]
lol. i already play planet soccer live.
I requested! we are going to see you having your toenails painted for sure!
Davmanred (CPG Mod)
I like your song Zebras Smell Funny, but the best one I think is Decoding Mimo Finding Mimo. Hey how about a Zebras Smell Funny music video contest?
~Fishy Boy2~
i did it! does, "other" at the bottom of the state box mean like, europe or something? cuz i dont live in america, ( though i would like to! ive been there twice)
- your Irish fan, rose23443
I have requested!!! yeah! -i wanna see ur toenails painted Mimo!-
Anonymous said...
I voted for the song. I dont live in the us i live in bc canada so i put i lived in washington. And bye the way when is ur next party on cp?
Zxz192 said...
Mimos next cp party might not be for a while because he just had one
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
hey mimo il definetly submit so many times it would be so funny to see u get ur toe nails painted
monkey yay (cpg mod)
haha, mimo's toes are so pale, americans never get a pocketful of sunshine while in our country near the equator, we always get burnt by a 67degree celcius temperature. btw, great idea! i already called my uncle at disney music productions asia and he said as soon as he finishes those thingys, he's gonna do it! just say if when would you like to have a something conference with him.
Will we see ur face if ZoeZoe paints ur toenails? Lol....
I doubt it very much, Mimo likes to remain anonomous. If he shows his face everyone will know who he is, he will get stopped on the street and everything. To be honest if I was Mimo I would want the same thing.
Waddle on!
- Lollypop5465
I requested 50 times. No joke. I hope you get your toe nails painted!
- Lollypop5465
me has requested yay lol:) :D :P
Just sent a request.
OMG I thought you would of never tried LOL!!!!!!!I'M SO GOING TO SEND ONE
Wii Wii Wii1 said...
Its raining and we got skool today and the phone keeps ringing but nones there and i need to go to the toilet and its ALL TO MUCH
WOW, are you telling the truth, your phones on the blink, JUST GO TO THE TOLIET, you have to go to school even if it's still raining WOW, that would have been to much for me as well!!!!
Kkkkkk123 (CPG MOD) (PLZ POST)
LOL awsoome! i'll vote :)
Anonymous said...
I voted for the song. I dont live in the us i live in bc canada so i put i lived in washington. And bye the way when is ur next party on cp?
Mimo will post clues when theres going to be another party. sometimes he has quickiee parties so you'll have to be quick :)
S1d8pink (CPG mod) in training
how will we know its your toenails bein painted
I requested it!
I sent a request! I really 7984354625352247 times want to see that! ROFL
Zoozach2 said...
great idea i will ask 1000000000 times lol see u soon
Me too!
~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)
Pengineeta =D said...
I painted my nails like that. its easier to use a sharpie for the stripes xP
~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
hey mimo i will vote but i never heard that song becuz i need somthing to download so can u post the song on youtube plz?
That's a good idea... maybe he will do this...
~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)
Mimo i send my request for zebras smell funny
Pengineeta =D said...
I painted my nails like that. its easier to use a sharpie for the stripes xP
~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)
Will it come off?
-Witty12 (CPG MOD!!!)
I WAS THAT GUY! Not really.
-Witty12 (CPG MOD!!!)
how will we know its your toenails bein painted
Nobody else would have their toenails painted like a zebra!
-Witty12 (CPG MOD!!!)
LOL. Ill try my best! ;)
LOL! mimo u really want 2 paint ur toe nails dont u? LOL!
Yeah sure but what is the number of Raidio Disney? I need to know the number!!!
Wii Wii Wii1 said...
Its raining and we got skool today and the phone keeps ringing but nones there and i need to go to the toilet and its ALL TO MUCH
I don't have school yet... plus they make us go to school no matter what, unless it is a snow day. :(
(Starts: August 8th)
-Muddy Duki
Ella said...
i did it! does, "other" at the bottom of the state box mean like, europe or something? cuz i dont live in america, ( though i would like to! ive been there twice)
- your Irish fan, rose23443
I'm not sure... So you live in Ireland? How is it there? My great-grandparents are imigrants from ireland, they came to America... so I'm in America!
(You know we're talking about North America)
-Muddy Duki
Anonymous said...
hey mimo i will vote but i never heard that song becuz i need somthing to download so can u post the song on youtube plz?
It might play on radio disney, but i don't know for sure. Plus if he does paint his toe-nails, he could possibly put the song "Zebras Smell Funny," in the backround while they are being painted.
-Muddy Duki
i voted! :D u rule mimo!
hope this is a success :D
dan1705 said...
how will we know its your toenails bein painted
dear dan1705
well thats because he will record his sisters painting mimos toe nails :D :D
saavy (CPG Mod)
nice feet lol um i cant listen to Radio Disney because we dont have it from where i am but i would like to see your toenails painted =)
I did it :)
I got it filled out!
I will do it like 50 times a day!
I requested it about SIX MILLION TIMES
Anonymous said...
hey mimo i will vote but i never heard that song becuz i need somthing to download so can u post the song on youtube plz?
Zxz192 said...
If you play Planet Cazmo, you can hear the song on the Cazmo Dukebox. Keep listening to radio disney in case they play the song. Yeah, maybe mimo will post the song on youtube sometime
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
dan1705 said...
how will we know its your toenails bein painted
Zxz192 said...
Lol I guess we just gotta trust him :)
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Will we see ur face if ZoeZoe paints ur toenails?
Zxz192 said...
No probably not because mimo doesnt like to show his face (but he is fine with showing his toes lol)
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
voted 10 times lol i wanna hear it!!
i just finished! :D
i will vote at least 10 times!
cpg mod,
p.s nice feet mimo ur feet look big on camra like sasquach!lol
nice feet lol um i cant listen to Radio Disney because we dont have it from where i am but i would like to see your toenails painted =)
hey umm there is a channel on tv.it is....channel #867 radio disney its a xm channel.hope this helps!
cpg mod,
I requested it about SIX MILLION TIMES
Did you count or was it an estimate?
-Witty12 (CPG MOD!!!)
great idea i will ask 1000000000 times lol see u soon
thats alot of clickin!
lol cpg mod,
Its raining and we got skool today and the phone keeps ringing but nones there and i need to go to the toilet and its ALL TO MUCH
ok wii just CALM down it will be ok just dont panic ok.calm.
lol : )
cpg mod
Anonymous said...
Will we see ur face if ZoeZoe paints ur toenails?
Zxz192 said...
No probably not because mimo doesnt like to show his face (but he is fine with showing his toes lol)
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
he could get his id stolen! :-o
that would not be good!
cpg mod,
i did it because i wanted to see your toenails fainted zebra colors! that will be funny
46 times now i hope i help
I already did it months ago ;))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
mimo can you do another "whats different contest"
-awsome mike
I think it's really soon! ;))
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
k k k k k kk k k k k k k hey mimo you should use sharpie for the black it would be easier! BUT i like nailpolish better it's more humiliating =) cya ~KaTiE~
lol my sis said she was gonna pain her tonails and i sad make them zebra colored
kool, mimo. I cant go on too many sites but the ones i have permission to go onto, so i might not be able to. But good luck all you awesome peeps!
i asked!!!
Mimo no look said...
Mimo! Your songs are on Planet Cazmo! Espcaily, ZEBRAS SMELL FUNNY!
Unknown 2 U said...
Yes, he already knows that. But thank you for telling those who don't know and reminding those who forgot!
Hope I helped, ZSF
Unknown 2 U (CPG Mod)
BTW When is there going to be a new mission? I really want to make more of those contest videos, because I missed the last one. Please soon!
Unknown 2 U
kool, mimo. I cant go on too many sites but the ones i have permission to go onto, so i might not be able to. But good luck all you awesome peeps!
You have got to be allowed! Mimo's reputation is only the line!!!
-Witty12 (CPG MOD!!!)
dan1705 said...
how will we know its your toenails bein painted
no one else is wierd enogh to do it! lol
ferrari628(cpg mod)
i voted like 20 times.my cousins is at radio disney working so ill ask him
i just requested it on the website so im going to keep on asking :)
I Voted!! I hope we get it on Radio Disney! I luv ur website Mimo! :)
I did my best I have no regrets
Just entered. Good Luck!!!
I am not allowed to download anything so I haven't heard that on itunes. :( So I will do my best to help get it played.
-Maddyline1998 (CPG MOD)
P.S. I hope no one thinks your weird (in a bad way) for getting your toenails painted.
i did it i will do it more to get your toenails painted lol!! ;)
I VOTED!!!!!! I HOPE FOR THE BEST!!!!! cant wait to see ur toenails painted
I just requested it!
I did and my dedication was "for painted toenails"
hi mimo i just requested but i put a random name ( bob ) age ( 15 )and state ( Cali ) lol bye mimo thx for being awesome!
- Celistar98
hi mimo, i voted ur song in on radio disney!!!!!
hope i hear it while im listening!!!!
i called them and they told me they are getting alot of requests from this song lately.
LOL i will submit
Anonymous said...
I am not allowed to download anything so I haven't heard that on itunes. :( So I will do my best to help get it played.
-Maddyline1998 (CPG MOD)
P.S. I hope no one thinks your weird (in a bad way) for getting your toenails painted.
No one would ever think that. Besides, Mimo is weird in an insanely AWESOME! way.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
I was on CP and i went to go sled racing, it asked me if I wanted to play so i said yes but then it just carryed on with CP instead off letting me play. Are you having probs to or is it me?
LOL! You should have a party for this too! Mimo, why dont you say where u are on cp if ur on?
anonymous said...
I was on CP and i went to go sled racing, it asked me if i wanted to play so i said yes but then it just carryed on with CP instead of playing off letting me play. Are you having probs too or is it me?
Sorry, I haven't had any problems like that ever, Im sure it was just a bug. Email CP about it.
Anonymous said...
I am not allowed to download anything so I haven't heard that on itunes. :( So I will do my best to help get it played.
-Maddyline1998 (CPG MOD)
well you can listen to it on planet cazmo planet cazmo got all of mimos songs!
hope i helped.....
lanloon5(CPG mod)
i voted mimo do i get some cheese now?
YAYYYYYY i did it! I love Zebras Smell funny!
I absolutly love radio disney! I've actually never heard your song, sorry mimo. Can't wait to hear it and see the awesomeness that it zebra toenails.
Hey Mimo,
Will you ask Zoe if she will do my nails after she dose yours?
-Katy Nugent(PrincessEmeas)
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