Ok! Let's get it on! Now that Aqua won. Now that I don't have to paint my toenails. Now that everyone hates me because Aqua won. Now that it looks like AQUA is going to win on my poll too. Now that it's been awhile since I've had a HUGE Club Penguin party. It's time to have a Club Penguin party!
Here is how it's gonna work. Here is the first clue...
Good luck! This will be fun! Don't Cheat! Whatever that means. ;-]
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Mimo Games Now!
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
1 – 200 of 338 Newer› Newest»WAT????? It looks like dots going across a white square! Ive NEVER been to one of you parties so i REALLY want to go to this one! :)
waddle on
dots???!! hmmm (thinks) lol I will figure it out soon!!
I have no idea what it is because they're just dots!
it look like the beach to me
hey mimo i know where it is its the mine shack
Sounds awesome dude and i know where it but ill never tell!!!!!!!!
Btw Awesome paries today we should do it again!
Dude thats a too hard clue!
Oh yeah i figured out the clue!
i got it! i think your thinking?!
I think i know where the party is!!!
I think I know! I think it's the BEACH!
I'm starting to get something! I'm getting closer!
Nice one Mimo! I totally got it! That was a tricky one!
i will check evry room u rokk mimo i never been to ur parties!
Blizzard507, (mimo friend wanna-be)
It looks like 5 or a brige so mabey 5:00 or the forest hmm
I think it means that the party is gonna be at five o'clock because there is five little dots.
-x356 (moose) :)
maybe...the time???or the place???
are you gonna put more hints or just this one? hmmmmm... i never been to one of your parties in cp soo i really dont know
Nice new banner i reckon if its not a room it has smt to do with 5
Got it.Very very very hard tho just a tip its the room clue
I also hope u add a few penguins (wink wink)
I think its the beach or the forest or cove
which survey is it?
hmmm it's the dock
kinda looks like hawaii i am in hawaii right now!!!!
I know where is that place.Is at ****!A place with just a single building!I really want to go to this party!
I know where it is! Mimo i saw you on webosaurs and P.S when do we get the mimo item?
ive worked it out :-)
i want to be in your cpg gang
I cant believe that i figured that out. But mimo how are we ALL supposed to fit on to those tiny dots???
Aww. You dont look like mimo777 anymore. c.r.y Im still a massive fan but i really wish orange won. YOU OWN ORANGE> When I see an orange penguin with a tour hat even with out the glasses and parrot, i instantly think MIMO! But now i wont think that. I will miss the old mimo but I guess things are about change. so as long as you are happy about your choice, im happy. so have fun being blue. And I hope the come to your [dots?] party
i think the party is at the beach
That will be awesome party! I will try to find eulcs; still thinking... :)
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
i think the dots could be he snow forts...
Tyson_2408 :)
Cool mimo, i hope i can come
~Lil Man 2k9~
>__> I hate aqua, but I guess I'll buy it to come to your party
Got it :D I think the only prob for me wud be the server xD.
Cool! I was trying to find it! And now I found it! Really awesome clue! Now, First clue is OKAY! :D
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Lol, I thought only FIVE minutes on this clue! That wasn't really hard; really easy!
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
thebech it has to be!!!!!;)
Matbolabc said...
dots???!! hmmm (thinks) lol I will figure it out soon!!
Dear Matbolabc
there are lots of dots, wonder what they mean? keep searching!
aclen08 said...
I have no idea what it is because they're just dots!
Not just dots! Investigate '' 4 dots and a line'' :D Just a HINT!
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
miguel said...
it look like the beach to me
Maybe or maybe not! But keep your answers secret, please!
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Hey mimo,
Im Cominnnnnnnnnnn To Your Awesome Party Mimo.
-Lil Maney
hmmmmmmmm {looks up}
got it! not tellin tho
I found it! But, wow that was a hard one Mimo.
Really cOol and awesOMe clue mimo! :D
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
cool i'll try 2 get to it.. I could b going away im not sure.. I dont hate you mimo coz of ur colour any more.. its just orange suits u :)
1i1 pingy
What do you have to do?
Guess which room that pic is on? :S
Mimo! Sorry I havent been modding! I went out of town! I was to busy to tell you. I will mod today a little. Why did you change to aqua?!? I mean, COME ON! Stay orange!!!!!!
I think it's time... hmm... very interesting...
Matbolabc said...
dots???!! hmmm (thinks) lol I will figure it out soon!!
I hope you will figure out it soon! :)
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Blummyblue said...
WAT????? It looks like dots going across a white square! Ive NEVER been to one of you parties so i REALLY want to go to this one! :)
waddle on
I hope you will get ALL clues! And have 1st party with Mimo! :) Just investigate it! :))
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
i'll check
it maybe smoke, from the lodge?
Oh my Gosh! I know what it is!
Hey mimo how did you take a photo on games like Planet cazmo or Clubpenguin
it looks like the beach or the cove to me but they r not just dots i tink there rocks...
mimo you clever dogg.
I got it easy lol (Me and my sis looked for it so yea she found it first!) and (She made me write that) and (Her penguin is called Angel Farah) and im Kl Pinkangel (:
(sorry loads of brackets) :)
I'm not exactly sure... but so far i am almost positive it is the soccer pitch.
hmmm looks like rabbit droppings...
I know your making a snowman! But your going to need sticks.
Nice I'm Wondering.
Mimo,you really shouldn't have an aqua party.It would be a celebration for a color we already had.Get two penguins,one light blue,one aqua,and have them stand side by side.You can't tell a difference.
it looks like a snowman's mouth to me. idk what that has to do with club penguin.
could you maybe not always go aqua maybe for orange one party then aqua another party
I know where it is! That was a good one!
Happy Almost Mimooo BIRTHDAY! I hope you get your Iphone (:
miguel said...
it look like the beach to me
Good guess. Usually I don't solve the clues until i have all of them. It makes some things easier.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Lol that was hard but I found it
Blummyblue said...
WAT????? It looks like dots going across a white square! Ive NEVER been to one of you parties so i REALLY want to go to this one! :)
waddle on
Good luck. Hope to see you there.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Outside of the mine on the snow.
i think its the cove
I think I know what it is...
P.S. Sorry I missed the Webasaurs Party.
I think it is the beach... but I'm just not sure..
beachy!!! (mabye) teehee
i think itts the time. hmmm 5 dots. 5:00?
i think it might be by the rock in the mine????
at the mines
i think the mines
I think I know it it's the ....... ( Im not telling u ) secret
I am ready! I love aqua! I changed my color to it for you. Look on my site and I will post it soon.
LOL! Toatally confusing! I'm not sure what the clue is...I hope I make it to the party! I will be my first mimo CP party! MIMO U RULE!
Good one... atleast i went to the webosaurs party and didnt have to go to the thousand island!!! Let me figure out this one!!!
five? why an odd number? lol
Okay. 1) I'm not mad at you, I'm was just a bit frazzled that Aqua won. 2) I'm sure a decent amount of people feel the same way. And 3),Now I've gotten over it, and I'm ready for a HUGE party!
the new splatters t-shirt is out!
i dont hate u cause aqua won :D
and i feel like trying to get to the aqua party but that aint much of a clue BUT I HAVE SEEN IT BEFORE!!!!
hey mimo are u wearing light blue or aqua and dont you think that aqua looks just like lightblue
hmmm i not sure what it is but i think i have an idea but can you tell us if that was the time,server, or place?? plzz! anywayz we dont all hate its just that should of said that to vote for aqua! i still think MIMO YOU ROCK! bye! -sweetie422
Hmmmmmmmm i'm guessing the time or the day hmmmmmmmmmm
what server? time? confused..
Anonymous said...
hey mimo are u wearing light blue or aqua and dont you think that aqua looks just like lightblue
Zxz192 said...
He will be wearing aqua thats why its a aqua party lol
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
It might be the beach... but it doesn't have any part with 5 stones... hmmmm... Nice one Mimo... More clues soon I hope! :P
Unknown 2 U
Hey, i found it!!!! its the mine. when u go 2 d mine, see near the ? mark in ur chat bar!!! u cam see 5 dots<<<>>>
Anonymous said...
hey mimo are u wearing light blue or aqua and dont you think that aqua looks just like lightblue
Mimo is wearing aqua! He will wear that color to the party.
~Racet2000- Cpg Mod~
Wow mimo, you said you would have a big aqua party for EVERYONE to go to. I hated aqua and the only reason I voted for it was because I wanted to go to your party. So I think you should actually tell us and not keep it a secret.
Hmm... lol, Mimo, ur clues keep getting harder and harder. ;-)
I'm GUESSING that it's either the Beach or 5:00 PM PST, but im just randomly guessing...
I've narrowed it down to two I think where it could be...
It's at the:
Soccer Pitch?
I can't find 5 dots in an eyebrow but I can find four and a line...
I dont know
Give us more clues soon!
Unknown 2 U
Can you tell me, have you rotated it or edited it in anyway apart from cropping, and have you changed the size?
you should paint ypur toenails aqua.lol
My sis and i figured it out its the BEEP~!
ill never give it away!
hey mimo,
what if rockhopper comes back to club penguin while it is floating and G has to make rockhopper's ship a floating ship so it can dock! then, he'll make hover cars for us to fly around the island in! wouldnt that rock mimo?!?!
Anonymous said...
hey mimo are u wearing light blue or aqua and dont you think that aqua looks just like lightblue
He's wearing the color Aqua. Light Blue has a slight difference from Aqua.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
i have no clue what it could be but i have never been to one of ur parties and i really want to go to this one!!!!!add carlylearcol on club penguin
Anonymous said...
hmmm i not sure what it is but i think i have an idea but can you tell us if that was the time,server, or place?? plzz! anywayz we dont all hate its just that should of said that to vote for aqua! i still think MIMO YOU ROCK! bye! -sweetie422
Mimo made the challenge more intense so I'm pretty sure he will not tell us the time, date, or server
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Hey Mimo! I voted 4 u 2 stay orange it's much brighter and a happier colour. lolz. well in my opion.
P.S. Do u do MOSHI MONSTERS? It's A BRILL site. U should try it. Tell us if u do!
From ur biggest fan-lolz,
What! Aqua! Mimo777 say what!! I liked you orange! Aqua looks like light blue! Compare both of the colors. Light Blue Is lighter, Aqua is just a little Darker! Please Mimo, Stay Orange!
i shouldn't tell unless mimo allows that. :P
Ok Mimo this doesnt have to do with the party but I checked the club penguin toy section and now you can buy them at more locations like target and walmart! Go check (sorry if someone already told you or you already posted it!)
I got it! It was a bit hard, but I got it. Mimo, you are sneaky!
Thats hard...BUT i think I worked it out. I was gonna go to your webosaurs party but I forgot and I remembered 1 hour and a half too late! But... thx for making the time at 6 for UK usually ppl put it like 2am UK!
Cool Luxray1
(CP name)
Wow it took me awille but i fond it LOL it was so hard
Robert said...
Can you tell me, have you rotated it or edited it in anyway apart from cropping, and have you changed the size?
Zxz192 said...
Nah he hasnt edited it or rotated it but he might have made it a bit bigger so we can see it better
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Jenny said...
what server? time? confused..
Zxz192 said...
Thats the room clue. Mimo will have other clues for the server, date and time
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Eather beach or mine at five o clock Yay i got it
Put what day plz respond
Robert said...
Can you tell me, have you rotated it or edited it in anyway apart from cropping, and have you changed the size?
I think he cropped it and changed the size of the picture!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
mimo i can never figure out ur clues and i never get to come to ur partys!!!! make the clues easyer pls??
Mimo pleeeease stay orange! Everything is changing so much, don't let this change too! Come on everyone! ORANGE! ORANGE! ORANGE!
it is FIVE stones . what TIME?
i figured it out!its the Well im not gonna tell
Anonymous said...
Eather beach or mine at five o clock Yay i got it
Put what day plz respond
This is a Room clue. Be sure to figure out before Mimo's next clue!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Tuxetothe3 said...
mimo i can never figure out ur clues and i never get to come to ur partys!!!! make the clues easyer pls??
Some of the clues are going to be easy and some are going to be hard. But this is a room clue.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Sneaky Sneaky Mimo.......
I have no idea what it means.
ill give u guys a clue zoom in a lot i mean a lot!
i havee never been to a mimo party! could someone please just give me a hint???!!
Anonymous said...
it is FIVE stones . what TIME?
Dear Anonymous,
Ok, I'll give you a hint, this picture has to do with the room.
~Frostylittle (CPG MOD)
Tuxetothe3 said...
mimo i can never figure out ur clues and i never get to come to ur partys!!!! make the clues easyer pls??
If Mimo would make the clues easier, then it would be so full Mimo wouldn't even be able to get in his OWN party, lol!
Keep thinking! You'll get it! ;D
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)
Jenny said...
what server? time? confused..
There are always 4 clues, Time, Date, Room and Server. This is 1st/the 4 clues.
I'll give a hint: This clue is the ROOM.
Keep thinking! You'll get it! ;D
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Mimo ALWAYS gives clues to his Major Clubpenguin Parties. He always gives clues to the Room, Server, Date and Time. This clue is the ROOM. ;-)
Glad to help! ;D
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)
Robert said...
Can you tell me, have you rotated it or edited it in anyway apart from cropping, and have you changed the size?
The only thing he did was Zoom in this. You have to find where those dots are on Clubpenguin.
Keep searching! ;D
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
i havee never been to a mimo party! could someone please just give me a hint???!!
Zxz192 said...
It is the ROOM clue
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Zxz192 said...
Mimo gives out 4 clues for his parties: room, time, server and date (not in that order). This clue is for the room, so if we work out this clue we will know the room
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
i got it!
HEY! I have 25,00 hits so here are the details for the party coming up.
Date: August 15th
Time: 10 AM PST
Server: Ice Shelf
Room: Ice Berg.
Hosts: Happywagon and Matthew722
Special Guests will appear, but please do not attack them, they are here for the party to.
Repy to me here, or on twitter if you are going!
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
hmmm i think I got it :)
Anonymous said...
i havee never been to a mimo party! could someone please just give me a hint???!!
It is the room. For more hints on clues, Mimo sometimes gives hints on his twitter, so you may want to check out his secret site to check his twitter, or follow him.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
i shouldn't tell unless mimo allows that. :P
Nope, SHHH keep it to yourself.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
maybe...the time???or the place???
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
it is FIVE stones . what TIME?
Nope. Great guess though.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Ok uhh.....there are two places give us a better place cause its either SP or Mine so give us better hint!!
Anonymous said...
are you gonna put more hints or just this one? hmmmmm... i never been to one of your parties in cp soo i really dont know
There will be most likely 3 more clues. each one gives away a different detail for the party. Like this one is room. THen the next 3 clues will each give away either the day, the time, or the server.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
I know what it is.Here is the answer its at the cove because theres about seven dots on the middle of the screen and he took a pic with the coumputer of five of them.Also mimmo is this the only clue because ive never got to go to one of your parties.-MrHartwood8
Its at the beach!
Its outside of the mine
Anonymous said...
Mimo gives clues to his major parties. What he means by room clue is it's a clue to a server location such as the Plaza!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
I think i got it!
Hint; its a room!
Anonymous said...
are you gonna put more hints or just this one? hmmmmm... i never been to one of your parties in cp soo i really dont know
Nope, he always posts 4 hints. ;-)
Glad to help! ;D
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
maybe...the time???or the place???
It's a room. ;-)
Glad to help! ;D
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
are you gonna put more hints or just this one? hmmmmm... i never been to one of your parties in cp soo i really dont know
Usually Mimo gives out about 3 or 4
clues to a party. This is the room clue for the party. He'll give out more for the Time, Date, and Server.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
HEY! Happywagon is having a 25,000 hits party so here are the details for the party coming up. :D
Date: Saturday, August 15th
Time: 10 AM PST
Server: Ice Shelf
Room: Ice Berg.
Hosts: Me and Happywagon
Special Guests will appear, but please don't attack them or anything, there here just to have random fun with us and you! Trust us, it's gonna be a random blast! ;D
Repy to me here, or on twitter if you are going!
Anonymous said...
maybe...the time???or the place???
This clue is based a room clue!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
i havee never been to a mimo party! could someone please just give me a hint???!!
Ok, here's a pretty helpful hint:
This clue is the ROOM for the party. ;-)
Glad to help! ;D
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
are you gonna put more hints or just this one? hmmmmm... i never been to one of your parties in cp soo i really dont know
Hey! Mimo always give 4 clues! These are Server, Time, Date and Room! It's first clue! More clues will be on this blog... Hope this helped...
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
firejade15 said...
Its outside of the mine
It could be Mine or not! But please keep your answer secret ;)
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Aqua is winning on the poll! And Mimo your new banner is AWESOME cool!
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
i think its at cove!
Tuxetothe3 said...
mimo i can never figure out ur clues and i never get to come to ur partys!!!! make the clues easyer pls??
Mimo's clues aren't always HARD! And I am sure this is an easy clue! Just investigate for 5 dots all over CP island! You will find it, I am sure!
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
are you gonna put more hints or just this one? hmmmmm... i never been to one of your parties in cp soo i really dont know
Neither have I. I've tried really hard but I can never get it. I think I know this room though. I'm like extra positive. But if I post where it is it probably won't show cause Mimo doesn't post the right rooms. HE will put more hints. He usually puts at least four.
-Maddyline1998 (CPG MOD)
i think its at cove!
Look a little closer. It's not at the Cove. It has four dots. The one at the very left edge is part of a line.
-Maddyline1998 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
I know what it is.Here is the answer its at the cove because theres about seven dots on the middle of the screen and he took a pic with the coumputer of five of them.Also mimmo is this the only clue because ive never got to go to one of your parties.-MrHartwood8
NO, there will be 3 more clues.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Yes! I got it! :)
Anonymous said...
maybe...the time???or the place???
This is a room clue!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
are you gonna put more hints or just this one? hmmmmm... i never been to one of your parties in cp soo i really dont know
Mimo usually posts 3 or 4 clues for a party. He posts them for the Server, Server Location, Time, and date!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
it is FIVE stones . what TIME?
This is the room clue.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...
Anonymous said...
i havee never been to a mimo party! could someone please just give me a hint???!!
It is the room. For more hints on clues, Mimo sometimes gives hints on his twitter, so you may want to check out his secret site to check his twitter, or follow him.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
but im not aloud to have a twitter so i cant!
Totally awesome i finally found out the clue i wont tell anyone but its a room.
-Little Jedi
Anonymous said...
Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...
Anonymous said...
i havee never been to a mimo party! could someone please just give me a hint???!!
It is the room. For more hints on clues, Mimo sometimes gives hints on his twitter, so you may want to check out his secret site to check his twitter, or follow him.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
but im not aloud to have a twitter so i cant!
You don't have to have a Twitter! You can see Mimo's Twitter all the time to look for hints and clues located on the right sidebar!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Nice back ground on the site!! It looks saweet!
Even that you were ornage since you made this... It was getting boring not really just we were to use to you being orange..Now your Aqua we arent use to you being that.. but now we will get use to u being aqua!
1i1 pingy
I think I know it...:D
Also, I like aqua on you better.
Cowtail5(CPG MOD)
to me i thinks its da... beach
i thinks it the mine entrance
i got it!but im not telling ;)
hehe and i know cause i checked every place on club penguin :O
Got it! Finally! :-) this must be one of your favourite party rooms!:-D
Mimo! That was really tricky! I got it though! And for those who ceep saying that it's the beach, it's not.
Davmanred said...
I know where it is! Mimo i saw you on webosaurs and P.S when do we get the mimo item?
it should be in your cave today
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
Anonymous said...
I cant believe that i figured that out. But mimo how are we ALL supposed to fit on to those tiny dots???
lol its just a clue for the room and we can fit 100 penguins in it
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
Safa153 said...
aclen08 said...
I have no idea what it is because they're just dots!
Not just dots! Investigate '' 4 dots and a line'' :D Just a HINT!
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
i can see u got it right safa 4 dots and a line yes thats where i got the room u have to look closely and it has to match perfectly
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
amyHale ;x said...
What do you have to do?
Guess which room that pic is on? :S
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
Brandon936 said...
Hey mimo how did you take a photo on games like Planet cazmo or Clubpenguin
well you take a screenshot of it anything but it depends you see cuz if u have a windows xp then i think pressing the prt sc button but i use this thing called snipping tool google search snipping tool or something and see what you get
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
Brandon936 said...
Hey mimo how did you take a photo on games like Planet cazmo or Clubpenguin
Zxz192 said...
press the PrtSc SysRq button on ur keyboard, go onto a word document, press paste, crop the picture, copy and paste it into paint and save it as a JPG file
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
amyHale ;x said...
What do you have to do?
Guess which room that pic is on? :S
Zxz192 said...
Yeah find the room that the picture was taken in
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
I cant believe that i figured that out. But mimo how are we ALL supposed to fit on to those tiny dots???
Zxz192 said...
No lol the party isnt on those tiny dots. Those dots are in a room on cp somewhere. We find that room then that room is where the party will be in
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Brandon936 said...
Hey mimo how did you take a photo on games like Planet cazmo or Clubpenguin
Most keyboards have a print screen button. It may be abbreviated Prnt Scrn. It takes a screenshot of the screenwhich you can then save!
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
amyHale ;x said...
What do you have to do?
Guess which room that pic is on? :S
I suppose you could, but try to figure it out before you guess :D
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
I cant believe that i figured that out. But mimo how are we ALL supposed to fit on to those tiny dots???
Haha! This is not a room! We're suppose to figure out the clue in the small image!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
i think i know
amyHale ;x said...
What do you have to do?
Guess which room that pic is on? :S
You're absolutely correct! Guess the picture from the image shown!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Brandon936 said...
Hey mimo how did you take a photo on games like Planet cazmo or Clubpenguin
You press Print Screen located on your keyboard. If it is abbreviated Prnt Scrn that's the same thing. You open up your Paint Program, paste the picture, and there you have your picture!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
amyHale ;x said...
What do you have to do?
Guess which room that pic is on? :S
You're absolutely correct! You have to guess the image shown!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
I cant believe that i figured that out. But mimo how are we ALL supposed to fit on to those tiny dots???
Haha! That's a clue for party room we have solve!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Safa153 said...
aclen08 said...
I have no idea what it is because they're just dots!
Not just dots! Investigate '' 4 dots and a line'' :D Just a HINT!
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
i can see u got it right safa 4 dots and a line yes thats where i got the room u have to look closely and it has to match perfectly
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
Wow! So I was right! I have never been to one of Mimo's parties and I said to other people that it's somewhere that I think you guys are talking about. 4 dots and a line! WOO HOO! I might actually be at this party!
when is the next hint coming mimo AAAAAAAAAH! so nervis hurry mimo!!
Anonymous said...
I cant believe that i figured that out. But mimo how are we ALL supposed to fit on to those tiny dots???
Lol! Acually, those 5 dots are in a room. Were not going to party on those 5 dots, but in the room that HAS thos 4 dots. ;-)
Glad to help! ;D
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)
amyHale ;x said...
What do you have to do?
Guess which room that pic is on? :S
Yeah, u can put it that way. That picture is a room on Clubpenguin, and that room is the room where his party will be. You have to figure out what that room is.
Good luck! ;D
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)
My gosh Mimo. What kind of clue is that!?!?!?
~Double Mvp~
Hopefully mimo will tell us whether it it the time,server,place etc. later on in the week
i thinks it the mine entrance
Nope! There are four dots. And before you respond, the dot on the very left edge is part of a line. It's outside... if that helps.
-Maddyline1998 (CPG MOD)
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