Whoa! In order to fix the leaking windows in the underground pool, Gary has designed a way to make the Club Penguin Island float! It will take jetpacks, propellors, hot air balloons, and super helium balloons!
This Festival Of Flight will be held August 14th - August 18th!
Gary will be keeping an eye on the Festival from the Tallest Mountain! Woot! Sounds like the new room to me! Wouldn't be really awesome if we built a tunnel from Underground Pool to the Tallest Mountain? Then we could get there from the Dojo, the Mine, and the Plaza!
You might think this awesome new party is here to replace the water party we had last year, but guess what, August 21st - September 10, Club Penguin will have another Underwater Adventure! Double woot!
AQUA IS THE WINNING NEW PENGUIN COLOR! Woo Hoo! Check out the picture of Mimo getting painted aqua! (thanks, Blue Pilly32) Check back later for the revealing of Aqua Mimo!
Saweet! Gotta love the parties! Be sure to check back here for more cheats in the Penguin Style Catalog!
Let me know what you think is the coolest part of all this awesomness!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Mimo Games Now!
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
its funny festivial of flight? penguins cant fly???
Cool Mimo I cant wait for this party it sounds exciting sine it's so unique from the other parties!
AWWW! I LIKE ORANGE MIMO! I know: lets make the Orange and Aqua Mimo Teams :P
i think its awesome that aqua won so cool that your going to have a new color i hope i will be at the party
i picked aqua it looks awsome and dont change your color
I think you should 1 more item also.
Mimo, please listen to me.
Kiba30 is right.
Stay orange! and please stop
using your influence in the
CP choice things. Whatever
you want always wins. Some people
actually wanted lavender or
maroon but they couldn't get it.
If you hadn't used your influence
lavender would've won. Plus, in
my opinion, aqua looks too much
like the light blue we already
have in the catalogs! Just think about what I said here. I still
read your blog. Nothing against
you. You're super funny, but stop.
OMG! Festival of Flight sounds awesome, I cant wait!
:( its seriously aqua??? how do you know? where does it say? man... :(
aw mannnn. I wanted lavender. aqua is not cool enough! well that is too bad. maybe they will have it in the future!
i dont think aqua should have won, we already have a light blue, there is hardly no difference. P.s: Festival of flight sounds mint! i can't wait!
p.p.s Mimo u rock!
u kno... i'm kinda upset aqua won.I mean, it's almost the same as light blue.i wanted lavender.sigh,congrats mimo *sniff*congrats...
Keep orange it does not rme with any thing keep it wait but aqua might not ether poo
:( :( i dont like aqua it's like the same color as light blue :( :(
Aqua shouldnt have won, LAVENDER should have been the winning colour
woot woot i love cp parties, i think we all might get a free jet pack lol! o and mimo will ve AQUA FOREVER! DUN DUN DAAAAAA!
Anonymous said...
its funny festivial of flight? penguins cant fly???
dear anonymous
well they will be on club penguin WOOT!
saavy (CPG Mod)
Noooo mimo why never say what u want to win again see what you do!
we had the underwater party and last year
Mimo, in the picture where gary is flying and it says the festival of flight, theres a trail below him!!! Gary seems to be pointing to it!! I wonder where it goes!
Aww dude, i tought it wud be LAVENDER!
I can't wait! but... will we still be able to swim?
Mimo! You forgot something! Not just the new penguin collar but the shirt we voted for! Its in the new Penguin Style! Witch won!
i saw that because if you go in club penguin then click on the banners page then you see a penguin with aqua paint and the penguin is wearing aqua.
the partu will be awsome
mimo by the way check the newspaper instead of having the outline of the pin it has a big question mark ? weird?!
aqua stinks.we hav 2 much blue!
Anonymous said...
its funny festivial of flight? penguins cant fly???
Lol! OH THE IRONY! XD Sounds, as Mimo would put it, smoovee, lol
Mimo Forgot said...
Mimo! You forgot something! Not just the new penguin collar but the shirt we voted for! Its in the new Penguin Style! Witch won!
Sorry, but Mimo already said that on another post :(
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
Aww, aqua is cool, but we allready have light blue! and there's not much difference, plus you look WAY better in orange
okay if you change im not going on ur site any more i hate aqua you were the best but now u changed we should have a vote on if u should change or not!
please please please dont change *sniff*
Anonymous said...
Mimo, in the picture where gary is flying and it says the festival of flight, theres a trail below him!!! Gary seems to be pointing to it!! I wonder where it goes!
Nice eyes u got there! Ur right! It seems to lead to the top of the mountain, which Gary said is his Base of Operations.
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
YEAH!!!!!!!!! I sort of wanted maroon and wanted to see you nails painted, but I can't WAIT for the Aqua Party and the upcoming water and air parties. When IS the Aqua Party going to be?
I'm upset that aqua won, its too much like light blue. I would of been fine if it maroon or lavender. mimo, you OWN orange. Don't change it, I can only think of you as orange. I cannot picture a aqua mimo, allot of people want you to stay orange. Orange is for mimo.
P.S. Mimo, please don't give away your opinion in what you want to win, everyone votes for it. Allot of people can get upset and mad at you. I'm still going to come to this site, u still rock.
P.S.S. Keep Orange, like I said
what about the new pin
Everyone If You Can Go To Snowbound and on the map go to sklooperis's igloo! Sklooperis, Zxz192 and Saavy are all there! Go go go!
This calls for... PARTAY!
im really sad that MAROON DIDENT WIN!!! I know that umm everyone loves party's so everyone wants to see you but they probilly wont get in.
i cant wait 2 c u in aqua it will look soo kool. and i like the flight party thing majig because we get a new room and cp will float i think!
Awww =( I think aqua looks too much like light blue and so do a lot of people... I can't believe it won. We didn't and still don't need another blue...
Mimo...Remember the hidden room pic on the blog? MAybe the circled mountain is the tallest mountain! So was that a hint to the party, or a hint to a new room? hmm...
NOOO! Aqua won! I can't believe it! It is just another shade of blue...
Congrats Mimo, your toes will keep the same color, but is true that Aqua won cause all voters of Aqua Logged Off and Logged In to Vote like 10 times, that's like cheating!
And the next time CP takes another color kinda pink, your TOENAILS WILL FALL, MWHAHAHAHAHAHA (LOL).
Why Aqua? Why can't it be Lavender??? Aqua is the exact same thing as light blue! So, Mimo, you should've just changed your color before! Oh and the parties sound cool! Mimo, did you know everyone voted for Aqua because you said you were gonna have a party?
mimo we already have a color like aqua maroon was better
Anonymous said...
its funny festivial of flight? penguins cant fly???
yeah lol, but Gary is defying gravity, as he trys to lift club penguin up!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
aw mannnn. I wanted lavender. aqua is not cool enough! well that is too bad. maybe they will have it in the future!
Proabaly dude! Good thing staying positive! And like how lavewnder came back to its lost to Lime green Lavender and MAroon will come back next color vote! ;)
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Renato_25j said...
Congrats Mimo, your toes will keep the same color, but is true that Aqua won cause all voters of Aqua Logged Off and Logged In to Vote like 10 times, that's like cheating!
And the next time CP takes another color kinda pink, your TOENAILS WILL FALL, MWHAHAHAHAHAHA (LOL).
Maybe they did, maybe they didn't, and I bet Maroon and Lavender voters did the same. and LOL! ha ha!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
its funny festivial of flight? penguins cant fly???
They will when theres a party
-Chrisy P (Cpg mod)
Ypu know the aqua looks exactly like lightblue and we could have had lavander and almost look more of a ninja like a gray? just a saying.
Yoshisrock said...
Mimo...Remember the hidden room pic on the blog? MAybe the circled mountain is the tallest mountain! So was that a hint to the party, or a hint to a new room? hmm...
Very Observant! I was thinking the Same! You can see the Pathway from the newspaper, and even Sensei is lookiing! and Guess what, the ninjas hiding around Club Penguin Are Gone, they might be taking that path!
=Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
its funny festivial of flight? penguins cant fly???
Penguins will be available to fly hotair balloons and jetpacks at the party!!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
..Awe...sort of sad aqua won...really wanted to see you get your toes painted...
ghdawg6197 said...
what about the new pin
The new pin was the Toy Boat located in the Coffee Shop on the sofa!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
nooooooooooooo! dont change ur color!!!! u should have a vote for it we can vote to see if u should change ur color!!!!!
Pastrytina said...
Why Aqua? Why can't it be Lavender??? Aqua is the exact same thing as light blue! So, Mimo, you should've just changed your color before! Oh and the parties sound cool! Mimo, did you know everyone voted for Aqua because you said you were gonna have a party?
Everybody has different opinions for a color and a lot of people loved Aqua and some people voted for Maroon or Lavender. If you look closely at Aqua, you can see a difference from Light Blue!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Pastrytina said...
Why Aqua? Why can't it be Lavender??? Aqua is the exact same thing as light blue! So, Mimo, you should've just changed your color before! Oh and the parties sound cool! Mimo, did you know everyone voted for Aqua because you said you were gonna have a party
Dear Pastrytina,
There is a small difference between Light Blue and Aqua, which you'll probably see when the new color comes out. And yes, Mimo will be having a party.
~Frostylittle (CPG MOD)
wait the toyboat its supposed to be on water but we wont be in water thats y its a qwestion mark
Sasnar said...
Noooo mimo why never say what u want to win again see what you do!
Hey whoa! This is not Mimo's fault. Truely every single person in the world has a different opinion and a lot of people thought Aqua was a really cool color even if it's the same as Light Blue.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Penguinlova8 said...
YEAH!!!!!!!!! I sort of wanted maroon and wanted to see you nails painted, but I can't WAIT for the Aqua Party and the upcoming water and air parties. When IS the Aqua Party going to be?
It will be soon this month! I think this party Mimo will make clues!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
mimo!!i know whats in the snow forts!!flying boats!like in super mario 64!have you ever played that game?RANDOM..............
i REALLY wanted maroon its been my favorite color 4ever ):
Awesome! Festival of Flight...
It sounds Great! :D
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Aww I can't even really tell the difference between Aqua & Light Blue... *pouts* lol well I hope we'll be able to vote again sometime.
I voted for aqua before i looked at the post because i have always wanted aqua.
Anonymous said...
its funny festivial of flight? penguins cant fly???
LOL! Yea, that's true, but Gary had a Jet Pack, so maybe we DON'T have to fly. ;D
Glad to help! ;D
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
its funny festivial of flight? penguins cant fly???
Lol! All Penguins in CP can fly with propellor cap, or jet pack, or another design from Gary; called 3000 inventions :D
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
:( its seriously aqua??? how do you know? where does it say? man... :(
It's written in the newspaper. It says something like "And the winning color is... AQUA"
Don't be dissapointed, it's just a color. ;-)
Gald to help! ;D
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)
Snowy Bear said...
AWWW! I LIKE ORANGE MIMO! I know: lets make the Orange and Aqua Mimo Teams :P
I think Orange is better, too! But Mimo posted about color changing weeks ago; so we can only respect his ideas! And don't forget we will have an AQUA PARTY soon! :)
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
mimo don't chance to aqua c'mon orange and plus aqua is just another blue! c'mon mimo you look good with orange if there is a party can we do it in chobots?
Sklooperis said...
OMG! Festival of Flight sounds awesome, I cant wait!
This will be the first FLIGHT party that CP had! It sounds awesome; doesnt it? I think CP will give a JET PACK item for Party!:D
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
woot woot i love cp parties, i think we all might get a free jet pack lol! o and mimo will ve AQUA FOREVER! DUN DUN DAAAAAA!
I think so! We will have an item called Jet Pack! Also; when will Mimo OFFICIALLY change his color? Do you know? Today or later? :)
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
we had the underwater party and last year
Yes! I remembered it! It was awesome; there were two free items: Sea Belt and Yellow Snorkels! And Night Club was turned into a Ship!
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Penguinlova8 said...
YEAH!!!!!!!!! I sort of wanted maroon and wanted to see you nails painted, but I can't WAIT for the Aqua Party and the upcoming water and air parties. When IS the Aqua Party going to be?
Really soon! I don't know when; but really soon! Keep checking this blog; so you can see party details! But remember; Mimo MAY hide some 'eulc's; too!
P.S I am sure you know what 'eulc' is; but I will explain in for new CPG fans! Eulc means CLUE! :)
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
everything is AWsome!!
NOOOOO!! Mimo don't change. Stay how you used to be! Be yourself!!
Im SOOOO happy aqua won! I thought lavnder would win, but aqua survived!
Darn I wanted maroon to win! But that is ok atleast mimo gets a new paint job. This means we will need more CP partys! woo! Ttyll
-Katy Nugent (PrincessEmeas) <3's mimo!
Mimo, what does your Franktown Rocks character look like?
Unknown 2 U
woo hoo aqua won ithought lavender was going to winn i voted for aqua so woo hoo mimo you rule!
-bryan909 (cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
its funny festivial of flight? penguins cant fly???
Unknown 2 U said,
No they can't, but we'll be using balloons, Hot air balloons, Jet Packs, etc, to lift CP onto the clouds!
Read the newspaper for more.
Hope I helped,
Unknown 2 U (CPG Mod))
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
woot woot i love cp parties, i think we all might get a free jet pack lol! o and mimo will ve AQUA FOREVER! DUN DUN DAAAAAA!
The jetpack would be cool and mimo rox with aqua
-Chrisy P (Cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
:( its seriously aqua??? how do you know? where does it say? man... :(
Unknown 2 U said...
It says it the Club Penguin newspaper.
Hope I helped,
Unknown 2 U (CPG Mod)
YAY time to fly! wait how do you fly?
Safa153 said...
Awesome! Festival of Flight...
It sounds Great! :D
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Unknown 2 U said...
Hey Safa!
Try not to say (CPG Mod) unless you're helping someone out! It was probably an accident, because you're used to doing it.(I did it once too)
Hope I helped,
Unknown 2 U (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
:( its seriously aqua??? how do you know? where does it say? man... :(
Zxz192 said...
It says in the new newspaper today
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Mimo stay orange if u turn aqua ur gunna look BAD!!!!
Unknown 2 U said...
Mimo, what does your Franktown Rocks character look like?
Unknown 2 U
Zxz192 said...
Mimos character is a skunk
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
boo mimo stay orange lots of us r mad.
How can you even tell? The catalog didn't come out yet! SO aqua hasn't won!
Anonymous said...
Mimo, please listen to me.
Kiba30 is right.
Stay orange! and please stop
using your influence in the
CP choice things. Whatever
you want always wins. Some people
actually wanted lavender or
maroon but they couldn't get it.
If you hadn't used your influence
lavender would've won. Plus, in
my opinion, aqua looks too much
like the light blue we already
have in the catalogs! Just think about what I said here. I still
read your blog. Nothing against
you. You're super funny, but stop.
- frodofan97
Hold yer horses There! Mimo really liked Aqua. So he decided to turn Aqua if it won. Now everyone has there own opinions, including you.
And Aqua didn't win just because Mimo influenced everyone. I mean think of ALL the people that play Club Penguin. There were over 12 million account in the year of 2008. So I think 5 million votes for aqua, 4 million votes for Lavender, and 3 million votes for Maroon. Around there. =) Be happy that at least a color got picked, or at least that we have a new color.
Anonymous said...
How can you even tell? The catalog didn't come out yet! SO aqua hasn't won!
Zxz192 said...
Actually aqua HAS won because if you read the newspaper, it says that aqua has won in there
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
boo mimo stay orange lots of us r mad.
Well, at least be nice. Mimo really likes Aqua, and its his opinion. And NONE of you guys should be mad.
- Vanessa95182 (CPG MOD)
mimo! dont change to aqua! please!!!!
im begging of you! orange is your signature color!
Cool! A Festival of Flight AND a Water Party!!! Woah cool parties! Also, I think I'm going to go on strike. You have to keep your color orange! It's totally Mimoish! :) :) :)
With Lots of :p Faces :P
Anonymous said...
How can you even tell? The catalog didn't come out yet! SO aqua hasn't won!
Unknown 2 U said...
Yes, Aqua has won. :( It says it in the newspaper that comes out every Thursday.
Hope I helped,
Unknown 2 U (CPG Mod),
im losing my membership august 21
Waddle Dee77
Anonymous said...
How can you even tell? The catalog didn't come out yet! SO aqua hasn't won!
They revealed answer in the newspaper. The color will be in stores tomorrow in the Penguin Style Catalog!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Katy Nugent said...
Darn I wanted maroon to win! But that is ok atleast mimo gets a new paint job. This means we will need more CP partys! woo! Ttyll
-Katy Nugent (PrincessEmeas) <3's mimo!
Unknown 2 U said...
Haha Katy!
Thats completely right! At least someone is looking at the bright side of Aqua winning the colour vote! Lol :P
Unknown 2 U (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
:( its seriously aqua??? how do you know? where does it say? man... :(
Word on the street is if you look in the newspaper it says Aqua wins!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Mimo you cant say time in club penguin no more!
Mpepsim said...
I can't wait! but... will we still be able to swim?
Dont worry Mpepsim i think you will be able to swim
YAY!! Aqua won! That makes me sooooo happy! And, lavender really didn't have a chance, becuz of boys. (no offense though) TAKE THAT MAROON! But seriously, a flying party?!?! That is so awesome!!!
Mimo Forgot said...
Mimo! You forgot something! Not just the new penguin collar but the shirt we voted for! Its in the new Penguin Style! Witch won!
Dear Mimo Forgot I am happy you are trying to help but mimo already posted that.
i don't like aqua! i was almost sure that lavender would win! but don't change colors mimo! you made the color orange a popular color. don't change!!
awnh i hate the color aqua no odense aqua lovers
its just that its just like the color baby blue mimo dont u think your bribing us
MIMO plz listen to your fans and make shure u dont change into aqua
plz plz mimo plz
ya know,
im glad aqua won. i voted for it.
I would feel better if Lavender won.
I am not in a happy mood. :(
i cant wait till all of this stuff. btw. you cant say time anymore. it was in the safe chat button thingy.but it is gone now. -Forestruns
stop trying to change peoples votes a lot of us wanted lavender aqua is boring
WHAT NOT LAVENDER !!!! aqua stinks
mimo dont change ur color!!!!!!!!
I got an idea!! Mimo you know how you became a Ninja and you made a poll saying should you keep the Green Sunglasses or The Ninja Mask? Maybe you should make a poll saying should you keep Orange or Aqua!
mimo always has parties whats the big deal of one party its not like hes ever gonna add anyone
Anonymous said...
:( its seriously aqua??? how do you know? where does it say? man... :(
in the clubpenguin times
-Chrisy P (Cpg mod)
Unknown 2 U said...
Mimo, what does your Franktown Rocks character look like?
Unknown 2 U
Hes a skunk
-Chrisy P (Cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
boo mimo stay orange lots of us r mad.
Whoa bequiet mimo owns this site u cant tell him wut too do + he really liked aqua and mimo777 is not ur penguin
-Chrisy P (Cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
How can you even tell? The catalog didn't come out yet! SO aqua hasn't won!
Check the newspaper
-Chrisy P (Cpg mod)
WOOOO! Parties!
WOW! A lot of parties and I hope a lot of new free stuff and new stuff for members! ....Awww. I wanted lavendar. :(
cool but can u still paint ur toe nails?
hiya anonymous! you said
its funny festivial of flight? penguins cant fly???
yup thats the whole creative part of the festival.
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
ugg. i wanted lavender to win. i dont like it when ppl interfere with votes. its so unfair. and aqua is the same as light blue!!!! jeez ppl think!
hiya anonymous! you said
:( its seriously aqua??? how do you know? where does it say? man... :(
in the newspaper
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
hiya mpepsim! you said
I can't wait! but... will we still be able to swim?
lol sure of course, everything will just bve based on stuff that fly
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
hiya anonymous! you said
Mimo, in the picture where gary is flying and it says the festival of flight, theres a trail below him!!! Gary seems to be pointing to it!! I wonder where it goes!
wow great observation! nice eyes!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
No offense but i like lavender because the aqua looks like the light blue
im kinda mad and sad that aqua won
I'm so upset aqua won! I wanted lavender! No!!!
I hope I have time to attend that Aqua party you were talking about earlier in the month.
If I do, it'll be the first party that I'll attend that's hosted by you!
Anonymous said...
cool but can u still paint ur toe nails?
No he can't paint his toenails Aqua. He said he'd do this if Lavender or Maroon won. But Mimo is going to surprise us with an exclusive Aqua Party!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
In my opinion, aqua was the worst. It was way too much like light blue. Plus I think Mimo looks better in orange. Thats just my opinion.
Thats Mama Luigi to you Mario!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
:( its seriously aqua??? how do you know? where does it say? man... :(
On the news in club penguin
lol That's funny how CP put a pic of a orange penguin being painted aqua! Just like you mimo! I think CP meant to do that lol anyways it's really cool!
cool! all the upcoming events are sweeeeet!!! when i was just going to read the newspaper i was thinking that lavender had won but when I saw aqua i had a giant smile in my face. also, we're gonna have a festival of flight! club penguin is having lots of great ideas! you would look cool with aqua and i hope i can go to your aqua party! :)
Anonymous said...
:( its seriously aqua??? how do you know? where does it say? man... :(
Log onto Club Penguin and check out the new newspaper. it'll give you all the info you need! ;) Hope I help! :)
Princess7635 (CPG MOD)
Aqua won! I'm happy because I like it but... I can't believe you are changing color. :(
yippeeee i love aqua!!i cant wait for the party i will be wearing that color for a long time!!
Aqua is the 14th color on club penguin and there would have been another color
mimo i know why aqua won CUZ U TOLD EVERYBODY TO VOTE FOR IT THATS WHY srry anyway i think aqua looks to much like light blue and in that picture is it aqua or lightblue?
hey mimo i really thought that lavender would win i voted for maroon and aqua won only cuz u told everybody to vote for it people were GOING to vote for a DIFFERENT COLOR BUT CHANGED IT WHEN U TOLD THEM TO VOTE FOR AQUA i knew aquawas going to when the moment you told evrybody to vote for aqua so thx :(
aqua is here
aqua is th same as light blue :(
Mimo, please listen to me.
Kiba30 is right.
Stay orange! and please stop
using your influence in the
CP choice things. Whatever
you want always wins. Some people
actually wanted lavender or
maroon but they couldn't get it.
If you hadn't used your influence
lavender would've won. Plus, in
my opinion, aqua looks too much
like the light blue we already
have in the catalogs! Just think about what I said here. I still
read your blog. Nothing against
you. You're super funny, but stop.
Frodo. Mimo isnt FORCING everyone to vote aqua, thats just his preferred choice. I agree, aqua does loo klike light blue but mimo isnt the reason it won. whatever color was chosen people will always be dissapointed coz every color cant win.
Mimo, you are selfish. Whatever you want you get. I promised everyone that if Aqua or Lavender won I would delete everyone on my friends list. If maroon won I would wear pink for a week. So I had to delete all of my friends because of you mimo. It's not right for you to be so selfish. Next time zip your mouth. Let us decide not you. If you would have shut your mouth and let us decide, Maroon would have won. I quit clubpenguin now. THanks to you.
Festival of Flight, I think they will have jet pack's. But weird quesstion. Here, If it is going to be an under the sea party why is there a festival of Flight? Or are you FLying into the water? These are the questions that haunt me.
i hate aqua its the exact same as light blue lavendar should have won
mimo i dont know if you notice but the windows at the pool are leaking my penguins name is pinlin3
Frockle92 Said
Mimo, you are selfish. Whatever you want you get. I promised everyone that if Aqua or Lavender won I would delete everyone on my friends list. If maroon won I would wear pink for a week. So I had to delete all of my friends because of you mimo. It's not right for you to be so selfish. Next time zip your mouth. Let us decide not you. If you would have shut your mouth and let us decide, Maroon would have won. I quit clubpenguin now. THanks to you.
You know you didn't have to promise everyone that! its a LITTLE bit extreme to make a promise like that right? but you may have a point, people do like to listen to mimo because he's famous, and maybe sometimes he could vote and keep it to himself, and let other people decide
cool guy7414
Frockle92 said...
Mimo, you are selfish. Whatever you want you get. I promised everyone that if Aqua or Lavender won I would delete everyone on my friends list. If maroon won I would wear pink for a week. So I had to delete all of my friends because of you mimo. It's not right for you to be so selfish. Next time zip your mouth. Let us decide not you. If you would have shut your mouth and let us decide, Maroon would have won. I quit clubpenguin now. THanks to you.
Woah there! Chillax my friend. No need to blame Mimo. It's not right to get upset over something so little. There are millions and millions of penguins on club penguin, and only probably 1/16 read this blog. Even so, Aqua did win by majority. Why would you delete you friends? ;D I would've just 'said' that I deleted them, but really kept them, I mean how would they know? Don't quit Club Penguin just because of a color, you can always re add friends and even make new ones. So cut Mimo some slack and be happy that you even got a new color.
- Vanessa2466 is my User. :D
mimo underwater adventure is a play just go to the club penguin then community ad look at the poll
mimo i think you made everyone vote for the aqua colour...is not that i dont like it but is almost the same as light blue, the other two colours were way cooler than aqua =( i just want u to know that many people vote for the aqua colour just because you kind of told them to.
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