A few days ago we had a contest about how well you remembered the music Jam Party. Click here to read about it.
Well here is the answer!
It's the Ice Cube! Or the Ice Berg if you are normal! ;-]
Congrats to all the big wieners! You like my contests?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Mimo Games Now!
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Ha Ha hard.
Good job everybody. I might make a new Entry mines low he he.
Too bad. I'm not normal.
mimo im a big fan of yours penguin name is bindy mindy 3
you rock mimo
mimo! ur poll has dance with a guppy and wear a live peacock on ur head tied on 50% each. the other 2 have 0%. cool huh! i voted for da peacock
That was the contest I missed when I was on vacation. Oh well, congratz wieners.
Mindy 3 said...
mimo im a big fan of yours penguin name is bindy mindy 3
you rock mimo
It dont take a genius to find that out =]
Ha Ha i'd read to a goat. I might do 'The Swim' with the guppy. You know how you hold your nose,and you have one hand in the air ad you bend down ha ha ha funny.
its no fair none of my messages get through i said iceberg and it didnt show up and i try to help ppl and it doesnt show up so i cant be a mod i cant get through i bet this message wont get through!
I guessed that like when there was no comments and I didn't post anything cause I thought I wouldn't win (I never win any of Mimo's contests) but I don't care really cause there was no prize. :D Yay! I'm happy for the people who won!
-Maddyline1998 (CPG MOD)
Mimo i did put the iceberg and im leaving tomorrow for the whole week so dont take me off the mod list.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
Ah, Dorkelspangilfregendish!
Noooo! I not good at Club Penguin memories. I just like to look at the clothes and cool merchandise!
Marquizi98 said...
Noooo! I not good at Club Penguin memories. I just like to look at the clothes and cool merchandise!
Aww. Keep an eye out next time,mimo so crafty he he ha ha ye.
i luv yur contests!!! GO MIMO
I rember Mimo Chat best thing ever. Say when are you making another Pointless vid. My fav is dishes ha ha had lots of messages. Ha ha I keep saying Ha ha. lol Ha Ha ye is my new thing ha ha ye
mimo thats no fair i was going to commet but the contest was over so i couldnt waaaaaa i was going to say iceburg it was my dream
to have my penguin name on your blog
you should have had the contest go on a bit longer
I knew it!but i was to late to make a guess :( Congratz all u winners and all who tried
Congrats to all the contest weiners! LOL! Mimo, I hate to say this... but Im far from normal! LOL
~Racet2000~ Cpg Mod
I guessed the answer RIGHT!!!! And I was ONE OF THE FIRST ONES!!!! Ugh
2nd of August 2009
Its My Birthday today! im 12!
2nd of august 2009
Its my Birthday today! im 12 today and im having a party in my igloo!
on Husky my igloo is on the map!
-Roxmolly4321 please come!
OH! I knew it! I was to late for the contest cause it was closed. But I Tried to figure it out anyways :D
Congratulations to all the ContesT Weiners who participated. You guys are very smart!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
I heard of the contest and wanted to enter but you only had it up for a few hours!I knew it was the iceburge.It's so easy!Also you rock mimmo!
Come to my CPG MOD Partay! It's going to rock! I hope I see all of you there!
Server: Fjord
Server Location: Dock
Date: August 2, 2009
For: Marquizi98 becoming a CPG MOD!
Time: 2:00 P.M. PST
I love your contest! I ushally don't get the right answer but it's still fun!
Good job to everyone who one! You guys deserve it!
~Frostylittle, President of CPN
Anonymous said...
mimo im a big fan of yours penguin name is bindy mindy 3
you rock mimo
kool know your one of the other 1.2 million mimo fans:)
Arakezi (CPG MOD)
Ha Ha well the music jam had those speakers like everywhere though...
yay i win!!
I really wanted to come to the planet cazmo party cause im a beta tester but I had to go to my sister's dumb farm camp. I hope we have another skae party but I will probably be able to go on chobots tomorrow.
:d I GOT IT RIGHT thx mimo for the congrats
right now HUGE PARTY AT DAISY2021 server. Yeti GOGOGO!!!!
Hey Mimo!It's me Mimo98 the blogger.My Penguin Name
is 1998colby and I really want to be a CP mod AND a Penguin Gang Member!How do you become one?Waddle On Mimo777!!!!!!!
mimo! insted of penguin... (heaps of numbers) now they have P(Heaps of numbers)
mimo you know the server northern lights well they made a server southern lights lol
whats franktown rocks?
mimo! i got the answer right, i posted a comment that said ''iceberg'' you did not put my name up! not cool
mimo, sorry that i poted a few seconds ago saying that i did write iceerg ( i did) but i dont really care now cause there was no prize ! cobgratz on the winners!!
Hey Mimo,
Sweet I Knew It Was The Ice Berg I Still Remember Meating The Pb There Cool Contest.
Waddle On,,
-Lil Maney
nickels said...
mimo thats no fair i was going to commet but the contest was over so i couldnt waaaaaa i was going to say iceburg it was my dream
to have my penguin name on your blog
you should have had the contest go on a bit longer
That's awful! But Mimo had to end the Contest because he had a limit for the first 20 penguins to comment. I think you were a little to late and I'm really sorry. Be sure to parcipate in the next contest!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Hey what about the homescreen contest. When will you tell us the answers to that??????
Sweet im gonna try to make it to the Chobots party tomorrow, pretty early though!
Congratz winners ;-)
Stickers303 said...
Ha Ha i'd read to a goat. I might do 'The Swim' with the guppy. You know how you hold your nose,and you have one hand in the air ad you bend down ha ha ha funny.
Thats not really stickers is it? I dont think it is, wasnt stickers real blogger name club penguin wave? Hmmmmm
tibo10 said...
mimo you know the server northern lights well they made a server southern lights lol
Cdecker81: I thought they added a new one too. I am not sure, but I don't remember a Southern Lights. Thanks for the news! ;)
chiippo said...
i luv yur contests!!! GO MIMO
Cdecker81: Mimo's contests do rock. ;) Mimo rocks!
Anonymous said...
Cdecker81: Good job! Congrats ;)
Anonymous said...
mimo, sorry that i poted a few seconds ago saying that i did write iceerg ( i did) but i dont really care now cause there was no prize ! cobgratz on the winners!!
Cdecker81: I bet Mimo forgives you. Good job getting the right answer!
tobyzoe98 said...
whats franktown rocks?
It's a new game that Mimo likes to play.
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
Marquizi98 said...
Come to my CPG MOD Partay! It's going to rock! I hope I see all of you there!
Server: Fjord
Server Location: Dock
Date: August 2, 2009
For: Marquizi98 becoming a CPG MOD!
Time: 2:00 P.M. PST
Sounds cool! I can celebrate becoming a mod too! I hope I can make it!
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
nickels said...
mimo thats no fair i was going to commet but the contest was over so i couldnt waaaaaa i was going to say iceburg it was my dream
to have my penguin name on your blog
you should have had the contest go on a bit longer
I'm sorry Nickels! Mimo has to put a limit on the weiners, so I hope you understand. Stay tuned for the next contest to see if you can get it!
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
mimo! insted of penguin... (heaps of numbers) now they have P(Heaps of numbers)
I think Mimo knows about this already, but thanks for telling us!
~Cdecker81(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
yay i win!!
Awesome! Congrats!
~Cdecker81 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
2nd of August 2009
Its My Birthday today! im 12!
Happy Birthday! If I find you in CP, I will try to send you a post card!
~Cdecker81 (CPG Mod)
Marquizi98 said...
Come to my CPG MOD Partay! It's going to rock! I hope I see all of you there!
Server: Fjord
Server Location: Dock
Date: August 2, 2009
For: Marquizi98 becoming a CPG MOD!
Time: 2:00 P.M. PST
I will try to come! Hopefully Mimo will be there! Congrats on becoming a mod! I hope to become one soon!
~Cdecker81 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
I knew it!but i was to late to make a guess :( Congratz all u winners and all who tried
It's ok, I bet Mimo will have another awesome contest soon! Maybe next time!
~Cdecker81 (CPG Mod)
Marquizi98 said...
Noooo! I not good at Club Penguin memories. I just like to look at the clothes and cool merchandise!
I;m not good at CP Memories either. Maybe you will have better luck on Mimo's next party ;)
~Cdecker81 (CPG Mod)
Sorry, I meant to say next contest not next party. ;)
Hey, I was the first person to guess and I said Iceberg but i'mot up there. :(
Btw, Idea Quiz. Is one going to become real? Hope So
nickels said...
mimo thats no fair i was going to commet but the contest was over so i couldnt waaaaaa i was going to say iceburg it was my dream
to have my penguin name on your blog
you should have had the contest go on a bit longer
I'm really sorry Nickels! Mimo had a limit for 20 weiners, I hope you understand though. Be sure to look out for Mimo's next contest!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
tobyzoe98 said...
whats franktown rocks?
It's an awesome exclusive game that are one of Mimo's favorite games!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
you rock!
Anonymous said...
its no fair none of my messages get through i said iceberg and it didnt show up and i try to help ppl and it doesnt show up so i cant be a mod i cant get through i bet this message wont get through!
Guess What it did
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
Stickers303 said...
I rember Mimo Chat best thing ever. Say when are you making another Pointless vid. My fav is dishes ha ha had lots of messages. Ha ha I keep saying Ha ha. lol Ha Ha ye is my new thing ha ha ye
Yea i remember the old mimo chat it was awesome
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
nickels said...
mimo thats no fair i was going to commet but the contest was over so i couldnt waaaaaa i was going to say iceburg it was my dream
to have my penguin name on your blog
you should have had the contest go on a bit longer
Well i didnt get to enter either and i have had my name on mimos blog for a while now 2 keep trying to win contests
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo!It's me Mimo98 the blogger.My Penguin Name
is 1998colby and I really want to be a CP mod AND a Penguin Gang Member!How do you become one?Waddle On Mimo777!!!!!!!
Well u cant be a cp mod unless ur 18 and live in canada or u cant become a penguin gang member but u can become a cpg mod by answering questions like this and yea put cpg mos after ur name when u answer them
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey what about the homescreen contest. When will you tell us the answers to that??????
I dont think he will but i dunno
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...
Stickers303 said...
Ha Ha i'd read to a goat. I might do 'The Swim' with the guppy. You know how you hold your nose,and you have one hand in the air ad you bend down ha ha ha funny.
Thats not really stickers is it? I dont think it is, wasnt stickers real blogger name club penguin wave? Hmmmmm
It is Kiwi but he switched to jimdo but i dont know why he didnt use his blogger account but annywayz it is
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
Marquizi98 said...
Come to my CPG MOD Partay! It's going to rock! I hope I see all of you there!
Server: Fjord
Server Location: Dock
Date: August 2, 2009
For: Marquizi98 becoming a CPG MOD!
Time: 2:00 P.M. PST
Lil Maney: As Mimo Said He'd LOVE to participate In our Parties But He Just Cant.
Hey Mimo,
Theres A Wierd Safe Chat By Glitch When You Say Good Bye It Says Goodbye But It Used To Say Good-Bye This Wasnt To Long Ago.
-Lil Maney (CPG MOD)
I know the answer; but the contest WAS over, lol! That was nice contest...
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
2nd of August 2009
Its My Birthday today! im 12!
Happy Birthday! I will be 14; four months later ;-)
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Well done!!
Flipper 9896 - CPG MOD.
Mimo i did put the iceberg and im leaving tomorrow for the whole week so dont take me off the mod list.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
Don't worry! You are a 'super' MOD; so I am sure you won't be taken off the list! :D
Keep Modding!
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
nickels said...
mimo thats no fair i was going to commet but the contest was over so i couldnt waaaaaa i was going to say iceburg it was my dream
to have my penguin name on your blog
you should have had the contest go on a bit longer
I am really sorry for you... When I want to join; contest was OVER, too! So don't worry; wait for another contest; keep commenting...
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
2nd of august 2009
Its my Birthday today! im 12 today and im having a party in my igloo!
on Husky my igloo is on the map!
-Roxmolly4321 please come!
I hope I will come and send you postcards! Happy Birthday again :D
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo!It's me Mimo98 the blogger.My Penguin Name
is 1998colby and I really want to be a CP mod AND a Penguin Gang Member!How do you become one?Waddle On Mimo777!!!!!!!
To become a Club Penguin Gang(CPG) Mod; you have to answer people's question and put (CPG MOD) by your name! If you are good at 'modding'; you will see your name on the MOD list... Good Luck; keep commenting and keep MODding! :D
Hope this helped!
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Marquizi98 said...
Come to my CPG MOD Partay! It's going to rock! I hope I see all of you there!
Server: Fjord
Server Location: Dock
Date: August 2, 2009
For: Marquizi98 becoming a CPG MOD!
Time: 2:00 P.M. PST
Sorry; but that time is NOT good for me- so can't come... I am sure you will 'Rock' Fjord Dock and ALL Fjord server :D
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
tobyzoe98 said...
whats franktown rocks?
Zxz192 said...
Its a new game where you can play as hamsters and stuff
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD) said...
Marquizi98 said...
Come to my CPG MOD Partay! It's going to rock! I hope I see all of you there!
Server: Fjord
Server Location: Dock
Date: August 2, 2009
For: Marquizi98 becoming a CPG MOD!
Time: 2:00 P.M. PST
Sounds cool! I can celebrate becoming a mod too! I hope I can make it!
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
I can also celebrate becoming a mod! Ill try to come. See you guys at the party! ☺
~Racet2000~ Cpg Mod
Anonymous said...
2nd of August 2009
Its My Birthday today! im 12!
Well... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have the best birthday ever.
Enjoy your birthday,
Cpg Mod
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo!It's me Mimo98 the blogger.My Penguin Name
is 1998colby and I really want to be a CP mod AND a Penguin Gang Member!How do you become one?Waddle On Mimo777!!!!!!!
Hello. Only Mimos family can be a CPG Member but u can be a mod! Its easy! Answers peoples questions like Im answering your and put your name at the end with (CPG Mod.)Glad to help,
~Racet2000~ Cpg Mod
PS: The offical mod rules are on ghe left tollbar on the homepage.
Thats not really stickers is it? I dont think it is, wasnt stickers real blogger name club penguin wave? Hmmmmm
Yea, it was :\ Freaky. We either have an imposter on our hands or Stickers decided for am change of name(maybe not to confuse the CP community with two names).
Cya Kiwi!
Pengwun Powa
yay i got it! i dont think i was one of the first 20 though, lol
Marquizi98 said...
Noooo! I not good at Club Penguin memories. I just like to look at the clothes and cool merchandise!
Thats ok, these contests are just for fun, you dont get anything :D Remember, theres always the internet if you need help ;)
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
2nd of August 2009
Its My Birthday today! im 12!
Happy Birthday! Woot! Hope it is fun :D
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
nickels said...
mimo thats no fair i was going to commet but the contest was over so i couldnt waaaaaa i was going to say iceburg it was my dream
to have my penguin name on your blog
you should have had the contest go on a bit longer
I think Mimo may have already had his 20 weiners by the time you had found out the answer, sorry, about that, maybe next time :D
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
Marquizi98 said...
Come to my CPG MOD Partay! It's going to rock! I hope I see all of you there!
Server: Fjord
Server Location: Dock
Date: August 2, 2009
For: Marquizi98 becoming a CPG MOD!
Time: 2:00 P.M. PST
I'll try to make it!
obyzoe98 said...
whats franktown rocks?
A new game Mimo plays, sweetness!
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
tibo10 said...
mimo you know the server northern lights well they made a server southern lights lol
sorry tibo, but that server has been there for a while. In fact, it was a possibility that one of Mimo's parties was gonna be there a few months ago. He said that he chose between Northern Lights, Southern Lights, and Aurora, so it has been there for a while, sorry :(
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
mimo! i got the answer right, i posted a comment that said ''iceberg'' you did not put my name up! not cool
I think you posted it to late anyways, after Mimo had 20 winners, otherwise your name would have been up there, i'm sure of it :D
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo!It's me Mimo98 the blogger.My Penguin Name
is 1998colby and I really want to be a CP mod AND a Penguin Gang Member!How do you become one?Waddle On Mimo777!!!!!!!
Its easy! All you have to do is copy a persons question, paste it into the comment boxx. Then you make a line of dashes or something like that, and put your anwser under the line. Then just write your name with CPG mod next to it, and thats it! You cant become a part of Club Penguin Gang only Mimo's family can, but you can become a mod!
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
its no fair none of my messages get through i said iceberg and it didnt show up and i try to help ppl and it doesnt show up so i cant be a mod i cant get through i bet this message wont get through!
I think the reason your iceberg answer didnt get through is because it was the right answer :D That way nobody else would see your answer and copy you. Some comments Mimo wont approve because they are innapropriate, annoying, or unhelpful. Otherwise if your comments arent coming through, then it is because he has stopped approving comments for that post, sorry :(
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
its no fair none of my messages get through i said iceberg and it didnt show up and i try to help ppl and it doesnt show up so i cant be a mod i cant get through i bet this message wont get through!
Look ur comment has been put through, but there was no prize it was just for fun, Mimo will do more and he tries his best to put everyone's comment through. I used to have the same problem as u, I was answering questions and they didn't come through, that's probably because Mimo (and his family) are very busy ppl and can't post everyone's comment (try to be the first to see the thing then post a comment!!)
Hope this helped!!
Kkkkkk123 (CPG MOD)
Marquizi98 said...
Come to my CPG MOD Partay! It's going to rock! I hope I see all of you there!
Server: Fjord
Server Location: Dock
Date: August 2, 2009
For: Marquizi98 becoming a CPG MOD!
Time: 2:00 P.M. PST
Well done mate for becoming a CPG MOD, Congratz to u and all who made it, I hope I can come to this party of ur's it sounds super fun!!!
Kkkkkk123 (CPG MOD)
can some one please tell me what franktown rocks is?
I dont think any of us are normal mimo!
pin glitch the new toyboat pin appers before the umbrealla on the pins plz post mthis name is kiwi 1400 first timer
tobyzoe98 said...
whats franktown rocks?
It's a new game that Mimo plays. :D
Glad to help! ;D
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)
LOL! I bet the penguin with the propellar hat was a finalist, he was in the picture! :P
Yet, he didn't. *Sniffle*
I knew that it had to be the ice cube or dock or night club! I just knew it!!!
Anonymous said...
2nd of August 2009
Its My Birthday today! im 12!
Happy Birthday dude/dudet!
Make a wish, but don't vote for a donut, it's not worth it. ;-)
Erm... im not saying I wished for that or anything. :/ LOL! ;D
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)
Congratz to all the Wieners! LOL! I'm pretty hungry right now, so don't put the name "Wieners" into my head, it won't look pretty. ;-)
Lol! :P
Once again, CONGRATZ!
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
its no fair none of my messages get through i said iceberg and it didnt show up and i try to help ppl and it doesnt show up so i cant be a mod i cant get through i bet this message wont get through!
Hey Anonymous,
Your message got through! It's okay maybe you aren't looking hard enough! You might also be putting to many !!!! or ???? so just read the comment rules and I bet your comments will be posted soon! :)
With Lots of Smiles :)
Miaponygirl9 (CPg MOd)
Anonymous said...
2nd of August 2009
Its My Birthday today! im 12!
Hey Anonymous!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you eat lots of cake!!! :)
With Lots of Smiles :)
tobyzoe98 said...
whats franktown rocks?
Hey Tobyzoe98,
Franktown Rocks is a website Mimo plays that you can make friends and make music! I haven't tried it out yet but I will soon! Hope to see you on it! :)
With Lots of Smiles :)
Miaponygirl9 (CPG MOD)
Marquizi98 said...
Come to my CPG MOD Partay! It's going to rock! I hope I see all of you there!
Server: Fjord
Server Location: Dock
Date: August 2, 2009
For: Marquizi98 becoming a CPG MOD!
Time: 2:00 P.M. PST
Hey Marquizi98!
I thought you told me it was 12:00 PST but I will try to come at both times :) lol!
With Lots of Smiles :)
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo!It's me Mimo98 the blogger.My Penguin Name
is 1998colby and I really want to be a CP mod AND a Penguin Gang Member!How do you become one?Waddle On Mimo777!!!!!!!
CPG MOD? It's easy!!!!Copy and paste one of the questions into the box at the top and answer a few more and hey presto, ur a CPG MOD!!I'm sorry to say that no one can become a penguin gang member, only Mimo's family can (which they are!!)
Hope this helped!!!
Kkkkkk123 (CPG MOD)
Yay~I was right :3
I remembered it.
tobyzoe98 said...
whats franktown rocks
It is one of 'Awesome' games that Mimo plays!
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Good Job! You are really good at Party Memories! :D
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
tobyzoe98 said...
can some one please tell me what franktown rocks is?
It is one of the hundereds of awesome games that Mimo plays. Hope I helped.
~Cdecker81 (CPG Mod)
so ur not normal? KOOL!
im not either.... i get really hyper and im in luv with cheeze
Sklooperis said...
yay i got it! i dont think i was one of the first 20 though, lol
Awesome! I wish I entered! Congrats! ;)
~Cdecker81 (CPG Mod)
Sissyc97 said...
so ur not normal? KOOL!
im not either.... i get really hyper and im in luv with cheeze
Guess what? Me too!!!!!
~Racet2000- Cpg Mod~
I thought it was the the Dance club! Good one!
Congrats Marquizi! Awesome new MOD!
... Ice Cube huh Cool LOL Mimo you rock!
Hey Mimo!It's me Mimo98 the blogger.My Penguin Name
is 1998colby and I really want to be a CP mod AND a Penguin Gang Member!How do you become one?Waddle On Mimo777!!!!!!!
Well, you can`t become a CPG member because that`s reserved for Mimo's family, but to be a mod you need to be polite and follow the rules first of all.
Next, after you answer a question, put "CPG mod" after your name.
Do Not put CPG mod after your name if you aren`t answering a question. In time, if you`re good, Mimo will add you as a mod!
(This is all posted at the bottom of the CPG homepage on the right side in the yellow)
~Dizzy97 (CPG mod)
mimo! insted of penguin... (heaps of numbers) now they have P(Heaps of numbers)
They've had that for a few days now :)
mimo! i got the answer right, i posted a comment that said ''iceberg'' you did not put my name up! not cool
Maybe you weren`t one of the first 20.
~Dizzy97 (CPG mod)
whats franktown rocks?
A Game Mimo plays. Sorta like CP.
~Dizzy97 (CPG mod)
Well u cant be a cp mod unless ur 18 and live in canada or u cant become a penguin gang member but u can become a cpg mod by answering questions like this and yea put cpg mos after ur name when u answer them
But you /can/ become an agent by clicking the yellow badge in the top right corner of the screen and taking the secret agent quiz.
Basically, a secret agent is a CP mod.
Not exactly, but you report people if they are inappropriate which is what a mod is.
~Dizzy97 (CPG mod)
Lil Maney: As Mimo Said He'd LOVE to participate In our Parties But He Just Cant.
She meant for they mods and Mimo/CPG fans to come, not Mimo ;)
~Dizzy97 (CPG mod)
can some one please tell me what franktown rocks is?
It's a new game that Mimo just started playing.
It's sorta like Webosaurs and Club Penguin and Chobots combined.
~Dizzy97 (CPG mod)
pin glitch the new toyboat pin appers before the umbrealla on the pins plz post mthis name is kiwi 1400 first timer
Someone already said that, but thanks for the tip!
You have to catch something as soon as it happens to get credit from Mimo :)
~Dizzy97 (CPG mod)
im a big big fan of this
I got it right but it said that i could not enter my answer! I have to say good job t the people that got it right and to the people that didn't!
~Torry 2007~
Im happy for all the peeps that one the Mimo contest Godd job winners
-Chrisy P(cpg mod in training)
Anonymous said...
2nd of August 2009
Its My Birthday today! im 12!
Happy 12th Birthday to you
-Chrisy P(Cpg mod in training)
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