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Club Penguin wants to know what all we will be doing to help Gary lift up the Underground Pool for the Festival of Flight. Do you have any ideas?
New Mimo Secret Party coming...
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
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The Festival of Flight will be awesome! I hope they sell jetpacks!
The Festival of Flight will be awesome! I hope they sell jetpacks!
Yeah that would be cool
I know! We can form a giant balloon that says GO MIMO on it haha
hey mimo what if they give away propellar hats and we all have to fly using them!! that be awesome
The Festival of Flight will be awesome! I hope they sell wings!
MIMO I WAS RIGHT!!! i said that those boat things with flying wings was for going on and then fly around! there going to prob put cp on those and we can fly!
This is awesome
mimo i think they will sell jetpacks but mimo anyways twitter is shut down so i cant follow you on there
I hope they sell everything free!
i want to help by giving them tools lol mimo tools that is and the festival of flight will be awsome cause its like a new party!
-bryan909 (cpg mod)
i cant wait for gary to come so then i will go penguin storm write garys id and then i get his backround and then i will have all of them except for aunt artic man i need hers for my collection
Cool I cant wait for this "Festival Of Flight"
Are we gonna be able to fly?
I wish we could take club penguin all over the world when were in the clouds that would be awesome right!
I wish I wish (looks up at sky)
Maybe we can skydive OR bungee jump from the lighthouse ;-)
hey mimo meet me on club penguuin today on
:snow forts
:1:00 pst my name is zero429
I think this may be the start of Club Penguin FINALLY selling jet packs so penguins can fly! And I hope the open the new room! BTW Mimo, how do you know we can enter it through the DOJO?
I hope we get a airplane at the party. LOL!
I hope that the festival will have super helium baloons!!
secret party?
Icy9463 said...
The Festival of Flight will be awesome! I hope they sell jetpacks!
yh..i dont hope that they sell jetpacks i hope they give it for free cuz im not a memeber and disney didnt provide the membership in my country=(
Icy9463 said...
The Festival of Flight will be awesome! I hope they sell jetpacks!
I agree Icy I hope they do to!
same i hope they put jet packs open for free.the pin isnt there yet?
i think everyone goes to the beacon gets jet packs ties a rope around stuff in cp then theres a new level in jetpack adventure
dat wud be cool icy9463! when is mimos clubpenguin party?
Icy9463 said...
The Festival of Flight will be awesome! I hope they sell jetpacks!
Dear Icy9463,
Ya, that is a pretty cool idea. Than you could probably float in place like the propeller hat does.
~Frostylittle (CPG MOD)
jimbo3003 said...
dat wud be cool icy9463! when is mimos clubpenguin party?
The party will be announced sometime sooner! This time Mimo might reveal clues!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...
Are we gonna be able to fly?
Yes we will be able to fly hopefully!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
same i hope they put jet packs open for free.the pin isnt there yet?
Dear Anonymous,
The latest pin is the sail boat which is at the Coffee Shop. The next one will come out in about a week and a half.
~Frostylittle (CPG MOD)
Hedgehog 14 said...
secret party?
Dear Hedgehog 14,
The secret party will be celebrating that Aqua won (Mimo said he would throw a party if Aqua wins)
~Frostylittle(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
same i hope they put jet packs open for free.the pin isnt there yet?
The newest pin is located on the couch near the window in the Coffee Shop.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...
Are we gonna be able to fly?
Hopefully!!! Waddle on! : )
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
same i hope they put jet packs open for free.the pin isnt there yet?
The pin is in the coffee shop. It is a sailboat! Waddle on! : )
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
i think jetpack guy might make a appearance..........
but the free items might be "propeller hat" "winged viking helmet if thats wat its called" or....."FAIRY WINGS" or a jetpack.......
cpg mod pilpulp.
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...
Are we gonna be able to fly?
ya] but probaly with jetpacks or propeller hats but everyoneeee knows "penguin's cant fly" but can club penguin????
cpg mod pilpulp]
maybe they will get a whole lot of green puffles cause they hav the propellur hats and they will lift it. like why they mite hav the green puffle beanbag chair to vote on!
from hedgehog 14: secret party?
Well hedgehog 14 not much of a secret now that they talked about it
awsome mike (CPG Mod)
mimo, cant get the clothes yet but if u go on a spanish server u will be able too. so theres a lit cheat just in case u didnt know.
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...
Are we gonna be able to fly?
Most likely we will!
--Jamesbond98 (CPG Mod)
Are we gonna be able to fly?
If you have a propellor hat, yah.
~Dizzy97 (CPG mod)
hey mimo meet me on club penguuin today on
:snow forts
:1:00 pst my name is zero429
Sorry, Mimo can`t come to your party.
If he went to your party, he would have to go to everyone else's to be fair.
And there's hundreds of parties going on every day, if Mimo went to them all, he wouldn`t have time to play any of his games or update his sites!
~Dizzy97 (CPG mod)
dat wud be cool icy9463! when is mimos clubpenguin party?
You mean the Aqua party?
He has only told us the room so far.
~Dizzy97 (CPG mod)
Hmmm...to wear the winged Viking helmet or the red propeller hat or the blue propeller hat?
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