Club Penguin Cheats

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Who is Mimo? Really?

Ok, you have all asked a lot of questions about who I am. Boy or Girl? How old? What school? Well, I decided I'll tell you a little more about me. I have been private about who I am because I like to be mysterious. I like puzzles and clues and stuff. Can you tell? So here goes.

I am a 12 year old boy. Club Penguin Gang is my whole family! I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters. That makes 6 of us kids! We are all home schooled. My brothers and sisters and my Mom and my Dad all help me with the site. It is something we do together as a family. And we have fun doing it.

We have family meetings and come up with fun ways for me to have my parties. We also come up with other ideas for more sites.

Our family has a friend who wants to right a short story about the adventures of Mimo! How cool is that?

My brothers and sisters all play Club Penguin, Webkinz and other games. I like to skateboard and play xbox. I like to read. Right now I am reading a Halo book.

We'd like to hear what you think. We try to keep this site clean and fun. We like your ideas. Do you have more questions about me?

It looks like my latest party hints my be a little too hard. I might give some hints. ;-)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


Anonymous said...


im a member callee Cheeze

Anny Ning said...

thanks mimo!! haha its nice to know who this guy is, this guy who's giving us awesome cheats and hints for club penguin... before it was kinda like accepting gifts in the middle of a think fog cuz u dont know who its from =] 1 more question... waht does mimo mean? or stand for?

first post, i think...

mimo rocks!!!!

Anonymous said...

I do home school to and my cp name is Wassam

Anonymous said...

thats really nice from u mimo i was wondering if that lttle poem about youreself was a hint to the next party from daniel and koren

Anonymous said...

omg i love ure site ONLY 12 godd! am 12 and could never do this.

ps can you plz go and play on beanie; aus cause i really wanna met u!

mimo rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


just want to ask if you have already posted this...

- when you hide at the back of the cash register in the gift shop, people will not be able to click you to see your game card...

More power!!!

- lindsay01 (i'm sorry i forgot my blogger username that's why i chose anonymous) ;P

Anonymous said...

mimo,u introduced its my turn.i am a girl aged 12 yrs and i just love singing.i have no siblings and forget about my boredom by playing club penguin,reading information books,singing and reading ur articles.
u rock mimo
p.s i will become a famous popstar one day.

Anonymous said...

I homeschool, too!!
homeschoolers rock!

my twin brother is in to runescape

Anonymous said...

Hello Mimo! What do you mean by home-schooled?


Anonymous said...

oh my god!!

Mimo,U r just 12??

And u learnt graphics and webdesigning??

Thats soooo nice

- grtme

Anonymous said...

wow thankz mimo thats awsome to be home educated!!! i need to go to boring skool :-( so about clubpenguingang when you have a mimo party is the rest of the cp gang there? or is it just u?
and also are any of the cp gang members or are they all nonmembers?

Stephanie said...

Wow thats really cool! I'm i am home schooled too! Me and my Mom and Sister ALWAYS play on Clubpenguin... and half of the time we're on Clubpenguingang. This is a very hard clue but it reminds me and my mom of the pizza parlor... hmmm.
Wow I never dreamed you where twelve . great web site! Cool!
Hannabrianna & Aqua1322

Anonymous said...

hi mimo
i am 12 year's old
and i got a site and my family hlep me
were do u live?
i live in SA

Anonymous said...

hi Mimo,

That is cool about you.

So you are American? Because you wrote Mum like Mom.

Well I am Australian.

What is your favourite colour? Sorry I mean favorite and color if you are even American! Which I think you are, Are you?


Anonymous said...

WOW! UR WHOLE FAMILY DOES IT?! AND UR ONLY 12! (Like me!) SHEESH KEBABS! Thats really neat. good job, mimo and family!!

Anonymous said...

kool!! my cp name is yooky6
i dont play that much but i started august last year mimo rocks im the one who started one or two yellow puffle wars

turtwig_lover said...

Mimo your only 12 im older than you! woo! well yeah sorry uh had to do that im 13 lol thats typical heatwave bragging about well nothing! read the paper is says theirs a party to save thi migrator!

Anonymous said...

I can't beliive it you must be really clever!

Anonymous said...

I thought you were 18!

Anonymous said...

hay ur awsome im 12 and a girl.i just lov dancing im not home schooled and i live in new zealand but go on the usa severer. i hav a little sister who really wants 2 met mimo!!!

From ellelicious7 and 10jayme10(my sis)

PS you made this site with ur friends cause i could never do this and im pretty smart!!!!

PSS wat time do u go on cp

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo. that is SO cool I homeschool too, homeschoolers rock! only I don't live in the US I'm Asian lol and I'm 13 I thought u were 15 or 16 something lol didn't know ur only 12. thanks a lot for making this site it rocks!

Dalek ad said...

Wow Mimo I never knew that, Ive got one questioin, whats your real name.

Anonymous said...

hi mimo it is so cool to know there more people like me.mabey we could catch up on a chat site were there is not so many other people talking cause i have a few tips for u.

ps if u give me a reaply ill contact u some how again

from the cheat hunter

turtwig_lover said...

mimo i know a cool glitch on how to have LOADS of friends have like 99 then get everyone to add you open all the mail and say YES to all of them then click the ? on the chatbar it will say you have loads of friends!

Anonymous said...

heart stopped when you said "My whole Family" omg! I think thats really cute! {U will probebly think thats wierd!} anyway I think to have a Great a site such asa this you must have a fabulous family. If only MINE would let me have a Wordpres... Anyway thats getting off track I think you've got a fab family you guys put in sooooooo much effort in this site! Sometimes the Hints are hard! But I know why.
Good Luck With This Site Mimo And Family!

Anonymous said...

Also Mimo and Family is your Dad or Mum like a computer wiz or something? Cause I've a feeling this isn't a wordpress set up u pick!

Craig Justin Tan said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! So that's Mimo777.

PS: Are you the oldest of the 6?

Anonymous said...

U rox and u r only 12 thats so kool u rox

ps my club penguin name is jay5555

u rox ;=)

Anonymous said...

WOW your so smart you found all those cheats and your only 12! your lucky you have a great family!

Anonymous said...

wow my sis is 12 and she wouldn't beable to make asite like that wow
from funky97

clubpenguinclubhouse said...

SWEET! cool im 9 lol

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo777,

Are you from America? Which state? Please give some party hints because I've seen you before but you never said anything!

Kind regards,

Princess Haze

C.P. name; Princess Haz

Anonymous said...

wooooooo go mimo i like halo 3 these cheats r really awsome :) well cyas

Anonymous said...

.what?!mimo?!your tweleve 12 ?!can't believe it im 12 years old too and doesn't even know how to..well i know how to decorate a website but the clubpenguin gang thingy you're so awesome.

Anonymous said...

I just turned 12. When is your birthday?

Anonymous said...

im 12 too! LOL!

Anonymous said...

mimo your 12!!
i cant believe it!!
your pretty smart for a twelve year old i mean...
thought you were older than that
i cant belive i was dying to go to a cp party hosted by a 12 year old...
shouldnt underestimate 12 year olds
i still love your cheats mimo!!!

Zorbaks said...

Wow! Thanks! Yea, it was really nice to hear something from you, and who are you who helps us so much;)And im 12 years old too..but i'm girl!

Anonymous said...

tat is awesome tat ur 12!!!!
ok honestly i thought ur older than 18......
im 12 too..........yeah............
ok than....
hav a nice day


Anonymous said...

what state do you live in

Anonymous said...

Wow Mimo! Really? You're only 12??? I will not say any personal information about me, but I will say this: I am a female. Are you a member on CP? Do you like the idea that kids all around the world can see your website?! There must me at least 1,000 kids or so! How is it like being home schooled? Do you like being home schooled?

Bibbety Blue
(My CP name)

Anonymous said...

what state do u live inn and city

Anonymous said...

Mimo i got the poem! It was hard!
See you on _________________

-Zar Rocks

Anonymous said...

whats your real name but that is fine if you cant answer becasue it might be to reveiling

Anonymous said...

SUP MIMO IM ONLY 10 AND CLUBPENGUIN IS SO MUCH FUN I WAnt to know what districked u live in
because i live in foresthills

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ha ha my family has five kids!!!LUCKY UR HOMESCHOOLED!!!!!

ivoryxsky said...

wow that is impressive
you have excellent writing skills! lol i love cbg

Musicboy12 said...

im older than mimo. lol im 15

Musicboy12 said...

hmm.......i like cheese

Anonymous said...

were you home schooled since the beginning?i dont like public school.and out of all your siblings are you the youngest or the oldest or in the middle?

Anonymous said...

I have 6 brothers and 2 sisters plus me that makes 9 kids.We are all homeschooled!! I have never been to school,I also love reading. and am 12.

p.s. I'm 12

Anonymous said...

homeschool is when you do school at home but you study as much as you do at school or more!! Homeschool rules!!

Anonymous said...

WOW MIMO I THOUGHT YOU WOULD NEVER REVILE IM 11 and im Turning 12 this may! I have Im a girl, I have 4 sisters and one little Bro.

~ Charmerry

Anonymous said...

wow i thought you were a teen! im a girl named grace i wondering where what state you live in cause your a diffrent time zon than me...who is ufride?

Anonymous said...

... can't beleve you can do this! i have to go to a school... i can never sleep on my bed because my 2 fat cats sleep there and i feel like im a cat bed or sometin your lucky mimo! any way 12 is a cute age! LOL

Anonymous said...

you like halo? awsome

Anonymous said...

hi mimo iam parik8 i am oly 9 ??

Anonymous said...

not to be racist mimo, but what race is your family? african american? hispanic? white?

Anonymous said...

hey mimo that sounds kinda like me im 12 and have 3 sisters and 2 bros if u want to send me somthing my email is and oh my cp name is


Anonymous said...

Do your brothers and sisters care you get all the glory of Club Penguin Gang as it shows you all over? Will you ever have a paarty for us Irish we never really get parties at out time unless we're willing to stay up til 1.00 in in the morning.If you have travian what servers are you in you can join my alliance if you want ! Woo Mimo ( and family )

Anonymous said...

Dear Mimo
Pleas e-mail me pleas pleas pleas:)

My e-mail is :

Anonymous said...

hey were around the same age. i just turned 13. im a boy too.

Anonymous said...

Hey Which Halo book are you reading, I like the Fall of Reach the prequal to the game although it was written by a different author to the other ones. I enjoy reading as well. Gaming is just a getaway.

Anonymous said...

you're home-schooled? really? or is that just something you say so people wont look for you in another school?
also i was wondering in which state u lived in. i want to know if you're in a great state. i live in New York. last question- do u have a religion, or are u just American. u know, when u want to know something it really hits u. i mean, you cant have a friend without knowing about them, its just weird! yeah anyways, thanx.

Anonymous said...

so...your homshcooled to? and you siblings are the club penguin gang also? well, i didnt know that. thats prety awsome

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! your homeschooled????????? So am I!!!!! that's so cool!:)

foreveralone said...

mimou are so young! by the way is this sonething like blog or wat?

Anonymous said...

Cool!I'm home school'd too!Great..What kind of home school,Im k12

Anonymous said...

heyy mimo i think its really kewl that u r 12 and do all that work with your family! ur a really nice guy to fing help for others! from Kiaarmon

Anonymous said...

Its actually a family work.

J0ej0e said...

Cool Mimo your only one year older than me!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo is U Fride a brother or sister of yours?????

My Cp Name is = Wx4d

Anonymous said...

hey can i guess what new webpage ur doin? well im gonna lol! is it for bin weevils u dont have to post this if it is rite if it is wrong do and put me on a winner list if i win i am sarcastic360

Anonymous said...

OMG i love halo. and i skateboard to.

Anonymous said...

hey mimo ive got a question, are you a member on club penguin?

Anonymous said...

Hi mimo
i play webkinz and toontown and CLUB PENGUIN i like CLUB PENGUIN the best becuse you can type and stuff like that and i think all of the people on club penguin cheats are really thankful that you made this club penguin cheat site!! and we are all thankful!!

Anonymous said...

I am your biggest fan, isn't that funny Mimo ? I am a 15 year old boy from Sweden and you are a 12 year old from...? Yeah, wich country do u come from Mimoo ? :D


yo mimo,there is going to be a party for Rockhopper and the Migrator on febuary 15. :D so thx


isaacmoose said...

yo mimo i'm 11 and i home shcool to you rock
my cp name is

Anonymous said...

with how cool the site was u sound like u must be 18 or sumfin... :) im twelve too(but im a girl)! your so lucky to be home schooled!
- Emmapeanut

Anonymous said...

hey mimo,i have a question.can you tell me when does your birthday come.just tell me the date and the month.pls answer

Anonymous said...

Cool! I play Xbox too, and I've read the Halo books :D

Anonymous said...

my turn to introduce myself!!!
my cp name is emmapeanut i am a twelve year old girl i spend my time on club penguin with my friend helen and watching simpsons and reruns of whos line is it anyway! (tv show from 1990's) I LUV COMEDY!!!! LOL!!!
- Emmapeanut, England

Anonymous said...

I am homeschooled, I have never been to school (hooray)!

Never thought that you were...

Impressive site


Anonymous said...

hey yo mimo i love cp and i LV your site too but WHERE do u go on club penguin!! i look on alot of servers but where on cp r u!!

ps im 9 and a girl. i love your site so when i need help this is the top of da list boy!!

Anonymous said...

Cool dude! I'm 12 years old too! lol

~CP name:Naiuhz

Anonymous said...

I am 12 too. I run a site as well!

Unknown said...

this is one you can post

thanks for telling us more about you mimo

thats not fair i had no clue so many people were homeschooled besides me ;-)

Steve said...

Hmm, nice to this about you. I have a question though, do you live in Califronia and what religion are you?

Sour Milky said...

Sorry for double posting but i'm home schooled to!

Anonymous said...

ok i will tell you more about myself. my cp name is icecube553. i am 13. i was born in 1994. i live in pennsylvania. i go to a public middle school. although i am sick right now..thats why i'm home at 12:50. im a boy. i already said that earlier oh well.

Watex said...

hey mimo do u live on the east coast of maryland?
cuz it'd be real cool if we knew each other in real life! lol

and r ur sisters and brothers the same age as you?

likespuffles said...

hi my penguin name is likespuffles
im in australia so its hard to go to your parties becuse when you have them im at school so i cant go to your parties please make them at like when its the weekend or in midday.

lol said...

Thats so cool im homeschooled too!

Taiga H said...

Boy, you've got a nice family, mimo! Banzai for your family

Sanchit Agarwal said...

ur just awsome at the of 12 u r doing such a wonderful and fen and adventurous job best of luck for ur future and clubpenguingang is the website which i visit the most...Keep On Rocking Dude ~~~!!!!

Sanchit Agarwal said...

and i for got to say good luck to ur family as well!!!!!!!

Craig said...

I'm homeschooled too and I love it!!!!!

Oh and Mimo your party hints are SOOOO HARD i doubt anyone will be at your party, accept for like Bill Gates and people who do programming and hacking for a living. lol.

Usually I can figure them out, but these are soo hard I don't even know where to start.

Hopefully someone will be lucky enough to decode it.
Please post this comment!

Craig said...

Oh cool I am homeschooled too!
Hey Mimo, I just wanted to say...
you'd be lucky if anyone shows up at your part. Maybe I'm just really dumb, but those party hints are SOOOOO hard so far.

Well, at least someone else will be able to enjoy your party. Maybe I can catch a ride to the next one right?

Well thanks for everything Mimo.

violet05 said...

What state do you live in? I live in New York. I am 11 and I am a girl!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Thats awesome! I'm homeschooled too!☺hehe! MIMO ROCKS! I just figured out how to takes pictures of my penguin so I'm going to! Bye!
P.S. I'm homeschooled too!☺☺

Unknown said...

im livin in pennstate too!!
and im 12 and in middleschool!!!


Anonymous said...

you are too smart for a 12 year old!! i could NEVER make up clues like that i'm too much of a dummie :P you are awsome!! :P :) <3

Anonymous said...

Home-schooled how long did you schooled for the day?? How many days you have school?? How come you dont go to School like us??

Anonymous said...

hey mimo!
cani PLEASE BECOME A BETA TESTER for ur new site?
please e-mail me at

Eric said...

OMG your family is so cool!


Anonymous said...

hey mimo im home-schooled too that so cool man i thought nobody was but so cool im 11.
i wish my dad let me have a site like yours i have one brother and two sisters im oldest oh yea

Anonymous said...

wicked you're 12 with a website!!

well so am i =P but my site has nowhere near as many visitors as yours

home schooling is sooo cool!
do you do quantum-physics?

when is your bday! we should all come meet you for your 13th birthday party!

from, ppb

derk941 said...

hey mimo how did you make your own site like how the url is
p.s. this is the same derk941 that always posts but i'm using my blogger name instead of my aol one.

Squishadish said...

OMG MIMO!!!!I am homeschooled too!!!
OMG thats sooo cool!
P.s. My account got BANNED(Squishadish)!!:-(

Anonymous said...

Your one year older that me!Cool!Hey,everyone posting,what kind of home school are you in?If you guys are K12,I probally know you!!:)Mabey even mimo!!!Amazing!

Filppers7 said...

Why are you home schooled?

Unknown said...

Hey Mimo, I play Webkinz too! My CP Username is Iceygal22 and my Webkinz Username is tye1tye2. Sweet! C U at ur next party! Right now im using my google. :)

Koco563 said...

THANK U Plus I'm 12 too but my birthday is coming up!

Anonymous said...

Mimo!!!!!!!! Guess What!!!!!!!!
I 've have just seen ZoeZoe11 on Frozen, and the best part is he/she added me! YAY

Anonymous said...

club penguin name is Bookpoo

Anonymous said...

Mimo can i be a Beta Tester for you new site? Please i am always left ou :(

elves54 said...

Ballin!!!! Im twelve too Going on thirteen in march

ohwrap said...

i have 3 bros and 0 sisters.So theres 4 of us!
-Oli 580
p.s.What School do you go to?I might go to that school!

Unknown said...

Thats cool!! I'm 12 too. But I'm not from the states though, I'm from Canada. My penguin's name is Ukraine1995-igloo's always open and i'm ALWAYS on Canadian server, North Pole. go CPGang!!!

Anonymous said...

Mimo, Sorry For posting so many comments, but this one is important. Do you ever reply, and did you buy a .com website because i want one, but i don't know here to get it. Please Help

Stephanie said...

Very cool mimo . I can't beleive that your twelve! you are so awesome! And its really cool be cause im home schooled too! Very cool website!
Me, my mom and my sister Always play on clubpenguin and clubpenguingang. Very cool you have two penguins. Are you ever on the other one?
Do you ever play on it and people don't know it's you?
I mean what if half the penguins had you as a buddy and they didn't even know it, And then... took you OFF they're buddy list. That would Be BAD! So do you ever play on your other penguin Mimo?
Please respond!

Hannabrianna & Aqua1322

16pinky123 said...

wow there is soo many thing I didn't know about u!!!

Unknown said...

Hay I just started coming to your site and I already think your pretty cool. Can't wait till your next post. Mimo is so awsome. So what are the names of your family on clubpenguin.

Tunaburger said...

Cool! I totally dig it that you and your family run the site.

Anonymous said...

Do you or anyone else in your family play Runescape?

P.S. If you do add me. My name is iwannabjesus

Anonymous said...

do you play xbox360?

whats ur gamertag?

Anonymous said...




iamanevilzombie said...

Wow! were really diffrent!!!
Im a 10 year old girl! only child. No brother nor sisters. Im reading a book called "the luckiest girl" and i have some great friends! Im so diffrent than you! and i go to public school in New Jersey! HOW DIFFRENT! were like the compleate oppisit!


Anonymous said...

18 years old??? im 11 and i manage to start a website. its not hard

Anonymous said...

mimo, i have 2 questions 4 u,what state do u live in? and do u have a wii

Liquid Chrome Productions said...

your asome from jimy 0123

tally48 said...

hi mimo. im twele too. we have a lot in commen. i think that u r so awseome and same with ur sit. i wish that i could meet ur penguin. well have u ever seen mine? my name is tilly48. im really popular on club penguin. i love it. ttyl :)

Anonymous said...

It's great to finally get to meet you Mimo777! You know whats weird? Im a 12 year old girl who skateboards, plays xbox, and likes to read! Fun, Fun! By the way I'm Sunsh9. I've gotten posted on your site a couple of times.
P.S. Thanks for answering my question! Really nice of you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo777, I know that I already left a comment, but I have one more question. Do you have an AIM screen name? Mine is . That would be cool to meet you on AIM!
(By the way, I'm Sunsh9)

Ashlee said...

That is soooooooooooo cool to know mimo! I am 14! Wow, never thought i wud be older than Mimo, thats really cool though! Bestest Wishes to you and your family! Keep up the A~W~E~S~O~M~E work!!!


Anonymous said...

thats cool that now u decide to tell us and uve been mysterious all that time. I'm a girl and i hope we can meet online sometime. Iplay clubpenguin and webkinz. my username on clubpenguin is lokul97 and sparkle7997 on webkinz. I get along nice with guys and i have seven guy frends and two girl frends which makes me happy cuz im different. you seem like a really nice guy. and i like ur username its random like mine. again i really wanna be freinds with you and i have a suggestion. why dont you make a webshow about yourself and black out ur face until the end of the epsode as a mystery? see ya mimo! --my real name is kayla whTS URS?

Anonymous said...

hi me again oh just want you to know im only ten but i still hope we can get along.--kayla:D

Anonymous said...

Wow mimo! quite an accomplishment for a 12 yr old lol! i am also 12 and have a fer sites focused around the same idea of gaming assistance! QUESTION - on an average weekday, how many unique hits do you get?


cham1 said...

I always thought for some reason you were nine and thanks for telling us more about you by the way ive used your site for a long time but this is my first comment

SS522 said...

hay mimo ur pritty cool wut do u lok like? plz keep me posted!

SS522 said...

u r so funny!
sory i dont men to flirt

Anonymous said...

what state do you live in??

0562georgia club penguin cheats said...

hey go to the pizza palour open the doors and its the wrong backdrop!

Anonymous said...

Ahoy! ye rock!
I would really wants t' know why ye choose t' be a hornswaggle scallywag?

Anonymous said...

r u black or white and wat state n town do u live in?

bluewing110 said...

i'm glad to know that there are more home-schoolers. question for you, do people think your weird just because your home-schooled? it happens to me alot.

Anonymous said...

i was homeschooled for one year and i loved it! but im not homeschooled anymore daisydarr

Anonymous said...

Hi, you might have seen me posting very often these few days.

I have lots of names, my passport name is Gabriella Jessica.
I'm 10. You can guess that I'm a girl, right? I live in New Zeland.

I am attending a special school where we are homeschooled at school. We do assesment and play games. We also study. On my worksheets I write Natalie Clarrise. I use different names for different occasions. I love in-line skating and skateboarding too.

E-mail me if you have any questions on my identity at

pinkiekayleigh said...


mimo rocks!!!

how do i join your site?

Anonymous said...

heyy same here I have 8 ppl in total! Nice I think its kinda annoying sometimes, but its sometimes cool cuz people are like *WOW* when they think that there is 8 ppl in your family! nice!

16idk said...

more info... what state do u live in?

joe said...

sweet dude hey man gain e-mail me plz

Anonymous said...

hey im 12 im a girl i live in the US i go to school publicly (is that a word?)i play girls softbal i love it so much i mostly play catcher do you play any sports?

Anonymous said...

oh and my cp screen name is taylo33

olivia345 said...

wow this is so cool of u to introduce urself. I am 11 and am a girl, i am not home schooled (lucky u!) I have an awesome school though. =) i have a sister and mom and dad. My cousins go on clubpenguin too, one of them goes on runescape, it's an awesome game. my cp name is Magg49, nonmember! Meet me sometime on bigfoot please!


olivia345 said...

hi again, more info please, whats ur real name? Do u live in the US? If so, what state do you live in? Is this too much info?? Sorry!
Please post my comments!!! u rock mimo! I live in the US, my name is Olivia.

Anonymous said...

is your real name Mimo or another name

monkeytoesmia said...

im homescooled to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG ur 12? Wouldve never realized that...

Anonymous said...

mimo my life is just like yours!im 11 yrs old and i have 5 brothers and no sisters!i have like 20 pet mice, and my club penguin name is Evgeni500(meet me at the iceburg 11:00am tomorrow central time.)and i wanted to know what state do you live in?i live in St.Peters Missouri.

Anonymous said...

Yo Mimo, It's me, QBcrusher92. How many coins do you have?
I'm 15 BTW, I don't play CP nearly as much as you guys, I basically just check your site and when theres free items i go on real quick and grab it.
Thanks for all the time you guys put into the site, its a great success apparently
Ps. I ALWAYS wanted a mining hat!!! I started AFTER they gave them out so I was so happy when i saw it was the new item, I think their starting to give out all of the old items again, the waterwings and umbrella hats shouldn't take too long to appear

Anonymous said...

thts really awesome!!! R u allowed to tell us wht u look likk, u sound cute!

Anonymous said...

Heyy, mi cp name is unordinary00
and i think its really cool what ur doing. Keep at it. Is homeschooling fun? I cant tell u mi name, but im 12 and really smart (highschool math) and even i couldn't run a site, u must b AWESOMR than i thought!!!!

Anonymous said...

EAST COAST ROX!!!! which side r u on (if u live in America???)

Anonymous said...

You should post ur friends story on this webpage!!!

egyptianash said...


egyptianash said...

my club penguin name is Egyptianash will you add me?

violet05 said...

is this a party hint?? im not goin 2 ur party cuz its 2 hard 2 figure out.

1dipper2 said...

Hiya mimmo ive never posted on this blog before so here it goes:

im only 1 year younger than you i thought you were somfink like 23 running all this i have a blog aswell can you visit and post in some time that would be the best thing thatll ever happen to me thanks!

Bavar said...

we got alot in common mimo! my family has 6 kids 4 bros and 1 sis (poor sis) and im 1 year older so we r basically the same in age and family! lol

Bavar said...

plz plz plz go on Aust Big Surf I wanna meet u!im a year older and im really smart u must b smarter cuz i dont think that i cud do as well as u! plz plz plz i wanna meet u if u dont wanna go plz tell me where i can go 2 meet u plz plz plz

Bavar said...

ps. U ROK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bavar said...

Mimo can i pleez be a mod i want 2 help make ur site i will not do anything bad im not the sort of person to do that but i wil giv as many helping tips as i can and update it if u havent recently

Anonymous said...

iv decided to use this as my cheat site.its the best!but by the way u didnt say what country you live in

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo. this is linkmaster107 and OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE UR TWELVE!!! THAT IS SOOO brother said ur were, like an adult. and so did ur friend, Mrs rebecca (clubpenguin). I seriously thought u were an adult too! but now that u revealed it... Thx SO much!!!

Love ur website. And clupenguingang is ur family??? That is SO kewl.

Cross Nature said...

I am a 12 year old boy how play club penguin every day i stared playing computers when i was the age of 5 year old i have two brothers and 1 sister. i stared graphics and web designing in the age of 6 i live in Singapore i hope one day i were become a It manger and help people fix computer and stuff.

turtwig_lover said...

ooh mimo i have a question that im dying to know do you like pokemon?

2monkey64 said...

Hey Mimo777 here is a new cheat.

Here it is.

1.Open your player card.

2.Put anything on.

3.Close your player card.

4.Open your playercard again

5.Now put anything on that has a special dance.

6.Keep your player card open.

7.Now go to your actions and dance.
You will do what the special dance is while your clothes are floating in front of you!


princessljd said...

Hey Mimo777 that sound cool
Whats it like been home scooled

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! your 12??? thats amazing!!! Im 14 going on 15 and i would never even know how to do this!!! you sound very mature for your age btw.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok Mimo. you told all of us about you. Why dont you tell us about all of the clubpenguin gang?
P.s. This is Gebbiaboy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Really I'm only 8 and a half!

Anonymous said...

i did not know you were 12 mimo! i am only 10 and i could be homeschooled but i don't want to. Do you live in america? if you do, which state? i live in florida. since you are home schooled you may not know what i am about to say is, but you might. are you in gifted? i am. please post me!

Club Penguin Fun said...

your just like me

frill-hime said...

i wanna celebrate your b day

Anonymous said...

hey im 12 and this would be impossible for my family. my dad's still in the caveman ages!

Anonymous said...

that is sooo cool, mimo! i am 11 (almost 12) and homeschooled too!! club penguin is actually really popular with homeschoolers. all my homeschooled friends are on club penguin!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

mimo, do you want to?

Anonymous said...

Well Mimo, I'm only 10..
BTW, my penguin's name is Yoniz421.

Anonymous said...

Cool. I am 13 and i also love to skateboard. I suck, im learning how to kickflip. I can already ollie. I skate my Girl deck.

Love your site man. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Yeah,I know such an old post.Are u like in 7th grade or something.I'm just wondering.Cuz I turned 12 a few days before u posted this so yeah.

Anonymous said...

Yo mimo you are the BEST BOY IN THE WORLD can we be buddys? you r awesome.(p.s. fanks for da cheats, they help me alot!)

Penguin Rocker said...


Wow! I never knew you were homeschooled! Well I go to this government-aided school where we have relaxed school life! No that hard like in other schools, and also that easy in public schools1 It is really cool!

Anonymous said...

whoa mimi yo soound neat!! Me and my little brothes and sisters luv cp and your site!!:D You must be real smar to make this site!

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