Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, February 11, 2008

Save the Migrator Theories!

I have been studying the Iceberg today. And I have heard from some of you too. Some of you say we are going to build a robot. I think that is a good theory. If we have to build a robot, then the robot will be able to lift the broken Migrator out of the water and then we can rebuild it. Rockhopper better bring us a NEW item, a REALLY NEW item for saving his ship, don't you think? ;-)

Right now it's kinda fun to look around and SEE the different stuff on the Iceberg. I like to dance in the water over on the right by the yellow tape. Some of you have also seen where you can click on the claw thingy to make it open and close. I think the best part so far is getting inside the yellow dome.

So what do you think? We know we will need to get out our drills and helmets and work. But what will we need to do? I really think we will have to build a submarine! Don't you think we will have to be able to go underwater some how? Maybe for the party it will be a new room! Then we can finally see what it looks like under Club Penguin Island! I LOVE IT! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE PARTY!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


7word said...

Cool Theories!!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

i like the robot idea

Filosopher said...

The theory of the submarine is really cool. Im really happy too about the party. Rock-hopper

Anonymous said...

that is so cool

Anonymous said...

sup me homies

Hopper1520 said...


ps: This site is better than mine! I like it!

Anonymous said...

thats kewl

Anonymous said...

dear mimo, What is your favorite hockey team?

Anonymous said...

heyyyy. cool

Cytgirl825 said...


Eduardo Ortuño said...

maybe we're building a boat to go for the migrator pieces. my penguin name is buddytoe

Anonymous said...

ya like tty awsome mimo


jackclubpenguincheat is said...

Kinda nice!!


Anonymous said...

ya!I agree,

Unknown said...

soundS interesting. I CANT WAIT FOR THE PARTY!

Anonymous said...

i hope we get to go in rockhoppers office thingy

Unknown said...

Real cool!

Anonymous said...

hi this is theriot4

if u didnt come to my last party it was awesome.


my next party is :




Anonymous said...

Your right! It does look a lot like it will be a robot. I never noticed that, mabye the new room will be going inside the robot and seeing an animation of getting the ship! That would be cool! And so would the submarine!

Anonymous said...


jennacide14 said...

i think the submarine is the best theory

Pokemon Guy said...

omg mimo....U ROCK HaRD!!!!!!!!

Chris Johnston said...

I reckon the orange dome in gonna go on da thing in da water and the pipes connect so it'll B a submarine!

Jakey said...

Thats A Really Cool Idea!!!

princessljd said...

WOW that sounds BRILLIANT
also ur SOOOOOOOOO cool
ur nickname:coolio

Anonymous said...

a submarine would be awesome!

and we could link the underground to the cave with a permanant tunnel!!


and there could even be a new RobotMiniGame!


Shruti said...


Owen_Oj pengy said...

I think we might make the iceberg into a jet powered boat!

Anonymous said...

Iv'e lost my password and clubpenguin will not send me a reset thing and iv'e emailed them about it and they don't reply.
So I can't play clubpenguin hope u have a good time.

doggi said...


dolphingal10 said...

i cant wait for the party either mimo!

dolphingal10 said...

mimo i thought i would tell you alittle about myself.
1. Im 12, like you
2. Im a girl
3. Im from south eastern USA
4. I LOVE club penguin and I have a membership. :)
5. I also love webkinz, myspace, hamsters and dolphins.
6. My club penguin account name is dolphingal10

Thats just alittle about myself! Hopefully I'll see you at your next party.

Musicboy12 said...

that would be awesome if we could go you got me all hyper....


Anonymous said...

i think its a submarine

if u look at the the rund boat thing it looks like a submarine and the orange pod goes over it

also i think it will be a game at the iceberg

Global Chobots said...

I am also very excited!
i can't wait.....
Very coooool.
I can't wait for the party

from Marcel482(clubpenguin+wordpress name)

Pochoma123 said...

I think it will be a submarine! So you go in it and grab the peices!

Anonymous said...

darn mimo i wish everyone had off today. its election day for me.

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo, i just, since you said your site is a family thing i guess we cant be in cpg. cuz i realized the cpg members are all ur family! kewl idea!
-Spq96 wuz here lol

16pinky123 said...

koolio and SWEETNESS!!!!!!!!! sweetness is my fav word and cool theories!!!!!

Richard Tynan said...

Its probalya gaint magnet using the blueprints we saved in the mission or a gaint claw to lift it out

Anonymous said...

Its gonna be a Submarine i no it because the ornage globe thing and the claw thingy is to pull up the Migrator!

Ray Toolbear said...

I know what they are building. It is a machine to pick up the pieces left over for the migrator crash.

derk941 said...

yeah i think we will have to build a submarine too..

Unknown said...

hello mimo ,,,, cool theory .....and how can i become a clubpenguingang member.... i want to become a member because u have helped me a lot

Unknown said...

hello mimo ,,,,,, cool theories ...and also how can i become a club penguingang member ....i want to become a member because u have helped me a lot in clubpenguin

xapakomenosg13 said...

I like the submarine idea!I believe that we will build a submarine and we will lift the broken Migrator so as to rebuild it!I won't miss the party at Friday!We all want to help Rockhopper!
Mimo i hope i will some day meet you!Thank you for everything!Keep the good work!

Me said...

I thin its a giant mechanical claw that will drop down and pick it up

Anonymous said...

i think it's a submarine cuz the glass? the thing floating? the arm to grab it

Anonymous said...

i LOVE the domee!! it would be ah-mazing to go under water!!

Panpap said...

I think we are gonna be able to see the p00l fromthe outside!

Wally 15 said...

That is a really cool idea. Espesially the submarine and the other new room i like that!:):)
Wally 15

Nikeguy23 said...

Dear Mimo,

The new room idea is so awesome! I wish I'd thought of that one!

Anonymous said...

I think that the whatever-it-is at the iceburg will turn into a new game at the party! How else will we get the pieces. G is the maker of the whatever-it-is he's the Secret Agent guy too, maybe there will be a new mission. We'll see at the party!

Unknown said...

Hey mimmo im having a Valintines day party at my igloo please come
WHERE: My igloo it will be open
When:Its going to be on 3:00 penguin time pm
Server:Server Tuxedo
PLease mimo plz com
When again: on Valintines day
bye please come

Unknown said...

about my party my name is Purple 5547

Anonymous said...

we ARE building a submarine thats what that thing is floating in the water and that orange dome is going to go over it

Eleboy123 said...

Hi mimo

i think that the thing we are building is going to be a new room and wen you go 2 it there while be a mini game were you have to controll the claw with your mouse and grab the pieses

derk941 said...

hey mimo!! look at the what's new on the club penguin site there's a sneak peek for the party!!! it looks like it is ocean themed! im soooo excited!

Anonymous said...

cant wait 4 da party on friday and lov da theories but i dont think there will b a submerine and i dont think there will be a new room this soon

Anonymous said...

That person with the party!!!!
Feb. 3 already pasted!

emosk8tpunke said...

its a submarine theres a dome on the lwft and in the water theres a platform by the dock and its gonna have claws so it can grab things or my other theorie is that its a suit that penguin will use and the stand inside it


Anonymous said...

i know what you do. You know the orange thingymajig well you'll put that on the top so you can bereath,Then you take the claw then you put it on the bottom then with the other tube you'll hook it up on the other side the the first tube is.last,you hook the thingymajig computer onto the sub and you'll go down under water and the computer will tell you if they will go out so they have to save you or if your A OK

Unknown said...

It is definitely going to be a submarine. Think about it: a mini-sub usually has some form of observation bubble (the clear orange dome), but a robot would have slots and stuff for sensors (like sonar). The orange dome is also just the right size to fit 2 or 3 penguins under it. A gripper claw (lower right) is pretty much standard equipment for any exploratory submersible, especially a mini-sub. If you think about it, it could only be a submersible of some kind.

I wanna meet you Mimo!!!!!! :)

Unknown said...

name hint: I fly and I burn
Maybe we can rebuild the migrator to be like an amphibious plane or something, or a hovercraft! I think that would be awesome (P.S. I'm a techie person).

Maybe the party will be on Valentine's Day (thursday)!

Maybe there will be a new mission where we help G make the machine or something (I'm a spy)!

Anonymous said...

Mimo, theres a huge jackhammer at the iceberg and if u put on a helmet and dance behind it, it looks like ur using a huge jackhammer

Anonymous said...

I think we will build a giaant heavy boat and load the pieces of the ship on board so we bringmit back to club penguin and rebuild it!!!!!!!!

Green Lime said...

He Should Give us a golden migrator statue

Wiggletghfh said...

Mimo I know a awesome glitch! You know the magnifying glass thing that zooms in on the page which is located at the bottom-right of your computer screen. Click on it and click custom and make it zoom in 700% and walk on the white stuff on clubpenguin (it will appear there) and walk up. Then zoom out and your on the wall. From: Wiggletghfh

spencer said...

hey mimo! Cool theories! what is going on with your new character? and by the way my penguin name is putput426!

club penguin lover said...

Wow that is a awsome theory! And I was also wondering how often do you get on club penguin? I'm sure you get this alot but maybe(hopefully)we could like hangout or something anyways think about it and let me Know in one of your letters please also I just wanted to say love your letters,i hope we can hangout some time and my club penguin name is Tiffy700! anyway tottaly love you your hugest biggest most awsome fan Tiffy700 A.K.A Tiffany!!!!! love you bye

Anonymous said...

The party IS going to be an underwater party!

With a new room submarine thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S i know this cuz it was on the Developer blog

Riuchan said...

tht about the new room, is a really good idea

Anonymous said...

My theory is that we are going to build a device that will fit one penguin inside it. (didn't you see the seat?). Which makes me think... Are we going to have a new mission torecover RH's boat?!!

dotIE said...

Hey Mimo mabye it will become a game u no?like u dive down under CP and have to find stuff!!!

GAME2P.COM said...

haha~nice site, cool site you have, ok always stay cool with it

Anonymous said...

I lovit!

Fantastic Five said...

ive been looking at some other sites and there is gonna be A NEW ROOM.

please post ive never been posted.

pinkprincessnatalie said...

Hey Mimo, I know this is totally not related to SAVE THE MIGRATOR PROJECT but I would like to request to you a favour, can you make more secret missions for the spies?

Anonymous said...

i think its sort of like a slvage arm

Anonymous said...

nice theorie i hope its TRUE!

Jaydn said...

ik why his name is Rockhopper. cuz there is a Rockhopper Penguin in real life!!

derk941 said...

hey anntvr
your right about the underwater party. but the picture in the developer's blog isn't a submarine its the book room...UNDERWATER!!!! this party will be the best one looks SWEETTT!

denmead said...

how to get the silver surfboard
you click on the flame surfboard and then on the starfish and wallah the silver surfboard coms up it costs 800 coins
coll theories though

Anonymous said...

Mimo...I love your site! I'm positive it's a robot cuz the bubble and the floating thingy near the yellow tape fit together. To make the claw close mouse over the claw's hinge.

Ray Toolbear said...

please post the new party sneak peek

Unknown said...

Mimo! Mimo! Mimo!
You gotto look at the news at "what's new page! They gave a picture of the party! You are true! It is a submarine!

ps: you rock mimo!

Becky said...

Its an orange dome


turtwig_lover said...

well, according to what we know i does look like a robot so what i conclude is Gary will put the dome on the spaceshipey bit and the claw then he will go under and grab the migrator pieces and bring them to our beloved burg
~heatwave5566 im smartical :)

turtwig_lover said...

well, according to what we know i does look like a robot so what i conclude is Gary will put the dome on the spaceshipey bit and the claw then he will go under and grab the migrator pieces and bring them to our beloved burg
~heatwave5566 im smartical :)

Anonymous said...

I don't think that you should demand a free item from Rockhopper!
Think of all the stuff he's been through!

Anonymous said...

I would like another free item! that would be awesome!

Unknown said...

I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

QueenDork3 said...

Hey Mimo! This is Bluekingice. You got the walking on water thign from one of my pics on RMP.

Anonymous said...

it looks like a space ship



Fantastic Five said...

Mimo u r sooooooo cool!!!!!

Unknown said...


When: Feb 5, 3:00 CP time

Where: Ice Box, Night Club

Why: I'm bored

Who: heyman500000 (CP name)

How: Ice Box is very inactive so lots of people can come

Anonymous said...

HA Mimo go to clubpenguin home page and click on shop then click on What's New and you can see a sneak peek photo of the party

Anonymous said...

I already told you my theory on why the migrater crashed and the new mission probablities, but heres what I think about what they are building. I agree that it is probably a ship or a submarine or something, but maybe this could be a new GAME! It could be like a drive the submarine in search for the Migrator game! Fun, right? Maybe it will happen!

fatmat129 said...

i think its gonna be a giant hovering cow that will wipe half of clubpenguin off the face of the earth and thousands of new items will be scatered every where it probably wont happen but it would be cool<><

fatmat129 said...

todays my birthday and valentines day is tommorrow so im gonna get a lot of gifts

fatmat129 said...

a kind of tip/cheat is open your payer card put on drill hat dont x out of your player card and press d youll be jumping up and down without a jackhammer

Anonymous said...

thats so cool i checked out the newspaper just now its cool.

Anonymous said...

Its a new game, in which we will be able to go underwater!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the dome thing will go on top of the spaceship thing and then the dome-like things in the middle of the iceberg will go on top of the dome thing and the metal thing with black and yellow tape will go underneath the spaceship thing to make it float.

Anonymous said...

do you think it is kind of wierd that club penguin has had the same sports catalog since november?

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

OOPS!! I meant my party at 15 not 5!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i love cp ! !!!

Anonymous said...

I think they're going to make a game out of it.

Anonymous said...

Mimo Its Monticella If You Go To The Underwater Nightclub, Then Walk On Walls, It Will Look Like You Are Swimming Without That Duck And Water Wings! Just Put On Swim Stuff you have and walk on those walls!

Anonymous said...

I think that the new submarine will become a mini-game!!!
cp name: wales11

Anonymous said...

umm heyy not dat cool

Anonymous said...

hey,i was just wondering if you mimmo77 and the gang can orginize a few days for non-members to get clothes,hats,more puffles,furniture coz im a non-member and it pretty boring be cause i have alot of coins but i cant use them i got all the things that a non member can get and now that i have them theres nothing to do. so if you would be generise enough(i know you kind)to orginize a few days for all the non members. you rock captain boot

Anonymous said...

mimo... you probaly knew this but when you first log onto club penguin you will see a blue penguin and when you click on that it will change colours and clothes

Anonymous said...

It should be called the aqua grabber!

Anonymous said...

Mimo i wanna meet you !
however, please make me a member and want to see club penguin as you see you no more than asking you please!

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