Ok, so far I've given the clues to the server and the room. And I've given a good hint to the room clue. That's it. I have not given any clues for the time or date yet. Did you get them yet or do I need to give more hints? If just a few people know them, that's good. This will be a cool party. I'll post the time soon. If you can't figure it out don't worry I'll have another party soon. ;-)
The Save Migrator party should be fun. I bet there will be a new cool free item. And I bet Rockhopper will bring a new item too. What do you think?
Thanks for all the great comments about me and my family and homeschooling. I live in the United States in the Midwest. I wish I could answer all your questions. You are all very cool penguins! What countries are you from?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Mimo's next Party. Do you know where?
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, migrator, mimo777, parties, rockhopper
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1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»im from australia!!!!!!hmm no comments yet when i posted :P
Australia! Aussie rule! (I'm not saying America sucks. America is pretty cool)
im from SLOVENIA!!!!!!! :P
hey if u r asking which country im from im from PHIL
~hubcub~(my penguin name)
Hi Mimo, I dont have a clue what anything is so I won't be able too come! I couldn't come to your last party either because it was to early in the morning in England it was 2:00 am!!!
im from phil
~hubcub~(penguin name)
I dont know were?but it might be in the fjord server because i saw him there but he didnt want to be my buddy!
PLEASE mimo i want to be ur buddy!!! How about we meet at the icerink at fjord on monday 5:00???
also im an aussie that lives in NSW
hmmm i wonder....
Hi Mimo. I HAVE NO CLUE WHERE YOUR PARTY IS. if there is any way you could tell me that would be great. Email? Something like that?
Ive never been to any of your parties before and i would love to. Thank you.
hey mimo u rock!pls answer my Q:can u add me?
by the way do u have an xbox coz i have peace out!:)
oh my gosh mimo u r homeschooled? i am homeschooled too!! I'm from the good ol' USA. I'm in North Carolina.what curriculum do you use?
im from australia !!!!!!!!!!
its so great ova yay 2nd COMMENT
yay 2nd comment! i m frm india evn i m 12 yrs old..
mimo u rok nd keep rokin...
niikpy( cp name)
3rd comment mimo u said dat u wouldnt post comments dat had ' !!!!!!' but u still post
dont feel bad or anythin.. jus curious
Ur the best mimo it must be so cool being homeschooled. Is it fun?
Hi u rox mimo i come from Australia down the bottom plz post this u rox penguin name jay5555
im from west australia!
Cool! I know it!
hehe im in england (why do you think we are posh? well im not :P)
what the heck has happened to club penguin? it wont let me on a server!
omg mimo, thanks to this i've just figured out the server and room!!
...2nd comment maybe?
shud be 2nd comment
i dint get all the answers but i got an answer which i think may be wrong
lol i went HELP WE CANT LOG ON HELLLP! lol.
hi i think you are right
Lol Mimo it's so cool that you are homeschooled! I'm from Argentina.
You inspirated me to have my own Club Penguin site! And don't worry, I didn't copied anything. :)
- Chispy12
hi mimo777 i know the stuff already an mimo can i be your friend
Hi Mimo.Its Me Skuisyi.Im from Malaysia.When is your birthday?Because mine is on 11 March 1996.
what i didnt no there were party hints is it that poem thingy i thought that was just a poem and the hints for it well i dont no
im from the north east of the US and and you cant get on any severs
and i kno what sever your party is on i think but i cant find the room and when did you get a website?
im from singapore
I don't get your party, it's too hard. I am from the United States.
I'm from the old well new united stats in New York in a small nice neighborhood its great!
Hi Mimo!
I'm from England and I loooooove your site! Everytime I look at your site it makes me smile!
Thanks for opening Club Penguin Gang!
2nd comment!!!!
i am from england
(not new england)
hi I'm from the USA !!!!
Mimo why is cp not working?
what i donty get it heeeeelp
hey mimo
its to hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey Mimo i have been in your site alot of times but this is my first time to leave a comment.since i read about you i kind of like you;)
Anyway i have an xbox too and my brother is crazy about Halo3 but i love rayman raving rabbids if you know it;)
Second comment at least I think.
Well mimo777 the 2,22,53 hint was so not useful I first thougth it was the 2,22,53, words but it didn't make sense so I think I need more clues
i am from the east side of america
and i am going 2 ur party mimo i figured everything else so far cant wait by the way mimo I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Hi again! I got a new chat blogger... again. The google ID says that I am typing in everything incorrectly! Thanks for answeringmy question, though! I hope to see you on club penguin again, Mimo!
P.S. I hope this helps! If you walk to the right of the HQ desk and click on the door, your penguin will walk across it!
Man! MIMO! I check your site time to time to see if there are any updates. FINALLY YOU POSTED SOMETHING! I want to come to your party please post more stuff.
Hey MIMO777 2 things 1. I live in America and these party hints are tough can you give hints for server and room plz
i'm from florida
sounds very kool mimo good job with the site and all
im from UK!!
please have a UK party for us soon!
sooo many fans down here!
all you do is have the party at 1pmish US time, and we're on at 7ish UK time
im from us to!! im 11 and live in ma im stumped on the hints but im going to keep trying
p.s. i used to use the name clubpenguin101
oh yeah well im the second one im from amirica in illinois!!!i became a member 2 days ago!!!oh yeah ya know your flashing words thing well type why does every one ... you finish the sentence your self!cool huh?
ok. i dont know where anything is so can you plz post it on?
I'm from Canada! pretty cool huh?
oh and im from united states, east, maryland
Thanks Mimo It is in this server....
This place.....
im one of the first few comments! Anyway, i live in india!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i loooooooooooooooove india, do u like US? ive been wanting to go there for ages
I'm from the US
Hi Mimo! I am from the eastern coast of the USA! WOOT WOOT!
I am a big fan. P.S. you rock!! from your fan, Sokaa45
i live in america! go usa!
pleeeaaase! mimo give a hint for the server please i beg you!
hey mimo, i noticed that you have been only posting comments with people who have their own site. how do you know if they do or not?
I live in the U.S. in New York. WooHoo! Hey Mimo, have you ever been to New York?
I still dont have any of the hints found.darn
I'm from the United States too. But I lived in Michigan.
P.S. Can u give the hint for the server? PLEASE.
plase please please please give more hints fo everything i never ever ever been to your party and im beging you to give us more hints plese mimo plese ill do anything i just want to go to your party you are my role motel and i need to go to my role motel party just plese give us more hints plese think about it thanks
I'm from Japan. I have my own Club Penguin site. I use this page as a reference and yours is much better compared to mine!
mimo i cant get on any server but i think i kno y because they might be putting some sorta new thing on there for maybe the save the migrator project or something
If Correct post If wrong dont post:
is the server Hibernate?
I am from South Africa but i want to move
it sucks it 10:53 eastern time and cp is still not running i wonder whats up i sent them a email but nothing yet :-( but the new postcards are cool may b there is a bug
i cant get in the servers!
I live in the US in the state of California.
hi mimo,
yea dats rite i thought dat prob was only wid me and ma frend..
byeu rock mimo
Club Penguin isn't running!
It say:"Connecting to Server" and i was waiting for 1 hour!!
Mimo can you make the next party easier then if you won't give us hints for (2,22,53)?
Im from United States and I live in New York in a neiborhood called Flatbush and my sisters school is called Flatbush so I say where is the flat bush?
I got nothing...
Maybe I'm just stupid. LOL.
Anyway, I can't come to your party. Sorry. Maybe some other time...*sob*
Hey Mimo, You didn't mention to the CPG public that there are 3 new postcards!
One says "Be My Buddy"
The second says "Jet Pack Adventure"
and the 3rd says "Ski Hill"
If you post this, give credit to Cytgirl825!
i have figured out both of the clues so far! yayyyy. i'm from the united states too...i'm in the east.
ahhh i cant get on club penguin!!! every sever has just one smiley face thing so i guess no one is on..but on two austrailian servers it says i have a buddy on....intersesting...maybe two of my buddys are secretly beta tester things...nahh i don't think soo.
hi im from montreal,canada
hi im from canada,montreal
Im canadian. My favourite server is the North Pole
Mimo , this is a random question but why is your penguin name Mimo777?
I'm from the United States of America!!!!!
I'm from California,United States. West Coast!I'm on an avalanche mission right now.
hey robert31 ja sam iz hrvatske i am from croatia hi
NEW YORK CITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!
united states.
california =]
I am Really sorry Mimo. I dont understand this! Im 12, too! I just dont get this... Sorry.
im from irelad and leprachuns egzist in ireland
Im from Ecuador, South America. Mimo777 ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
sacramento ca usa
oh yah. dude im from the midwest too!
I dont know
hmm....midwest.....nebraska????? lol you dont have to answer that question, but i would like you to....
Club Penguin crashed a while ago but is back now...other comments have been saying similar stuff....
anyway what happened to the poll on the left?!?!?!
is austin really right? or wrong? because Mimo doesnt want other people to know the answer so easily...
Im from America, too! I used to live in Minnesota, but now I live in North Carolina! I think that is a good idea to have few people figure out the clue. I can't crack the riddle, but I'm sure that the people who did will be happy!
P.S. I always go on Walrus!
I know a way to nub:
Go to the gift shop
Go to the bottom left corner where the map is
no one can find you-ish!
hey mimo im from the midwest to i live in Missouri.
I'm live in america in texas. but my parents are from korea
Mimo am I aloud to join the Club Penguin Gang? Thank you, Mark (aka.Wally 15) sorry if i snet this more than once to you. I am trying to get used to it.:)
if u wanna know where the party is go to big foot(us server) Feb. 11. and 12 meet me at the pizza place.
ill be there just leave a comment telling me u wanna meet me there and wat time eastern time zone ok thanks
And ill be having a party on the 13 in the berg big foot all day
wanna know where it is???
just leave a comment saying in what server ,what time,what place in cp.
and i will be having a party on Wednesday all day in the berg if u r going plz leave a comment u r going
Mimo please oh please let me be on your clubpenguing gang crew. Like ufride and them. please tell me at tooly_raymond_ahmad@yahoo.ca I promise i wont let you down i will attend all your parties please oh please mimo
at tundra we tried to tip iceburg
Hey Mimo777 i think I'm on to something! is your party on the server Mammoth?
If so don't post this
If not please post this so i no I'm wrong
I'm from Peru, South America
hey... plz tell me when ur party is and all the detals
i finally understand the clues i've looked over them like a BILLION timess!! yay!! see you there!! :D
~ Tigi22 (my cp name :P)
Hey, Mimo! I've got some glitches that you might like! In HQ, go to the right of the desk. Then, click on the door. Your penguin will walk across the desk! I'll post the next one in a couple minutes! I've got about five more!
Ok! I've got another new one, and it is sweet! You know where the friendship bracelet is, right? In that Rockhopper book(in case you didn't know!) Go to the far bottom left corner of the book room. Get as far as possible! Then, click on the stairs. As fast as you can, click on the Rockhopper book and go to the last page. Click on the bracelet, but don't say "yes". Just wait for your penguin to reach the stairs. When you go downstairs there will be a giant bracelet on the screen! It will go away when you log off. It is an awsome glitch! If it is a new glitch that you did not know, please give me credit if it's ok with you...
mimo wheres the heading of ur website? this labtop is kinda slow.
i didn't see the hint when did u leave it?
i didnt see the hints =(
d[-_-]b guy with headphone
SUNNY SAN DIEGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cool! i live in the midwest too
I'm from Romaina and i moved to the U.S. when i was 7. I now live in Texas and I'm 13 years old
mimo is cool
Mimo? Do you talk back to me? Because I E-Mailed you and you havent anwswered? And Can people help me with the clues? Thank you.
Wally 15
Hi Mimo,
Im Queengaga! I got to go to your last party, but I didnt even know you were posting clues yet. Please Post some hints. I didnt get your last hint because it was way too hard! Please Help me and other bewildered penguins. By the way I am 12 and I live in California,USA.
I will meet you on feb 11,2008 on us server bigfoot at 3:00 club penguin time zone. See you there!
ummmmm... mimo you forgot something in the stage if you click on the clock in the stage it will show 3 diffrent times! :) just helping out your site oh and can i be a member of clubpenguingang
oh and mimo there are 3 new postcards! :) just helpin' out!
and the soda machine spits out a soda!! cool huh you um forgot that 2
my email is xadian777sa@gmail.com if you need to send me something for being a clubpenguingang member
oh and to make the tate,zeus,and moose signs come down you can click on the ceiling not just the switch box 3000
i dont know anything about the party...
hi mimo ,
plz i dont wanna bother u but how do u become a member on clubpengun gang
just wondering
hey its dragonslyre
i am going to post my next party clue tomorow so keep your eyes open
HINT: If you wear only your miners helmet then dance, i.e. jackhammer, then change room with your map and DON"T MOVE YOUR MOUSE then in the room you went to, you will automatically start jackhammering. I found that out on my own! : )
P.S. Mimo, you rock and are seriously dedicated and we all appreciate what you do!
I am from New Zealand. You are so dedicated, it's unbelievable. YOU ROCK, MIMO!
America baby! I realy want to go Austrillia and Ireland, 'cause I heard from some of my friends that they're real awesome. See ya' Mimo!
I'm from Austalia!!!!!!
can you make one party clue were you just say it?[i never been at one!!!]
Australia!!!!!!!!!! YAY!
hi im from austrailia and i live in darwin and im homeschooled and yeaaaaaa
hey mimo my friend said there's a poem where i can find where u ah nvm oh i live Singapore Tampines.
my clubpengin name is jw99 plz add me sure buddy!
hi, i am from Singapore
I live in Australia but I was born in Canada so WoOoOoOoOoOo0Oo for me!!!!!!!!!!
By the way Mimo,
Ive figured out the clues and this will be my first mimo party and it will ROCK!!!!
I agree, i hope its only a couple of people so everyone meets everyone else.
I have been to America and its pretty cool too ;)
p.s. this is my mums livejournal account not mine
when you said about home skwling it makes you sound rich as!!
Im from Estonia! It's in Europe, south of Finland.
i dont get the clues AT ALL! man..and i was rlly excited about this party..and ur right..i guess i am gonna have to wait for the nxt party..make the clues a little bit easier nxt time plz!
Nothen Irland Northen Irland.
Im from Malta, South of italy,Not sicaly and i did not get a clue!!!
hello Mimo777 here is a FUNNY cheat:
1: click on ur penguin.
2:Put on 3 items
3: x out ur player card
4:Open ur player card and put on the building hat and jacket BUT dont x out ur card
5: Press dance with the card UP
6: ur dancing REALLY weird!
Im from Ireland
iTZ COOL but itz mostly ALWAYS raining!
United States of AMERICA!!!!!!!
Home Sweet home!
Oh ya we got Hollywood!
LOL I cant wait4 ur party... u rule Mimo!
totally unrelated but i found a cheat... if you are a secret agent and you open the "fish" book and flip to the page where there is the items that make you do different things and click on them, they change !!!!!!!!!
PS: I am not a secret agent... my friend is... but I found out on his peng...
MIMO MIMO!! in the stage if you click on the little door in the stage on the platform thingie, the door will MOVE!! cool huh?
I found a new glitch! I call it the walkin on water glitch! Go to that metal thingy floating above the water at the iceberg then click the water underneath and you can walk on it!!!!!!
I'm living here in America right now...but I am originally from Philippines! I'm the first generation to come here! FILIPINO REPRESENT!
HEY, srry i caqnt come 2 ur party u give hard clues it is fun but challenging unless i randomly find u somewhere... any way i am from Sacramento Ca. hey, what kind of sk8board do u have and do u like MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE or any other bands? if u could post the answers that would be great but til then bye
I have no idea where your party is.
Hey, Mimo. I've got another cheat that you might not know, so listen. I know how to nub anywhere on club penguin. Ok. What you do is type in
in the web page bar.The screen will look different from the usual club penguin play page. Sign in. Know, drag the sides of your internet browser together until there is a white space under your chat bar. click the space and your penguin will walk under the chat bar! It's a lot of fun! Give me some credit if you did not know this! All the other sites got it from me!
Ok. I got another one. Go to the cove and do the nubing thing I told you. Walk to the edge of the chat bar in a light blue color. Make sure only your head is visible! Sit in a down right position and bam! You are almost completely invisible! Give me credit on this one! It is completely my idea!
im from south eastern usa! ill give you a hint, you see First Flight on out license plates. lolz. you rock mimo!
I love this site! _____
_/ |
By the way, this is the real DJ dude!
Mimo, I've heard many people ask you how your site became so popular, I agree that-that would be a good question to answer. I only get abot 200 hits a day now. Any tips?
Mimo Rox
i have no idea where your party is,i wasn't here for the first hints.
im from Turkey!!! no joke im really from Turkey if u want look at a globe
Can anyone help me and tell me where and when the party is? Thank you alot
Wally 15
I'm from Australia and i love your website
hey mimo i am from malta in the middle of the mediterranian i did not figer out the room and server yet can you give more simple clues pls
cp name: apl17
Hello Mimo77
Im from Ireland Its cool!Ireland is actuly VERY cool!
Here is somthing i found out 1 day:
If u type in something like: ClUbPeNgUiN it turns out like clubpenguin!
Im from England!!
though i wish i lived in america! Or Austrailia! Or Slovenia!
Its strange how most foreign people (basically to me eveyrone who isnt english irish or scottish cos i am all those) think english are really posh. Were not! infact were really all very casual cos i (and most people) basically live in jeans. Apart from the queen. lol. I no the place but server, no way!
Is this a party hint?
Yep. I totally got it! (I figured it out last time but I forgot to go!) At least, I THINK I've got it. I just hope I'm right...
~Quacko4 (CP username)
im from the midwest too! but i'm not homeschooled. I LOVE Clubpenguin!
-angeldoll99(cpenguin name)
I need more clues.Why do you make your clues so hard?
Im from New Zealand!!!
I am from Singapore!
i am from India!MERA BHARAT MAHAN!!
im from England
I am from England
hi people! Im hannah =]P] can anybody PLEASE tell me where his party is what time, and what server? PLEEASE? ive been looking for his parties ever since he had his fist and i cant EVER find them ='[ can you please help me too mimo?
Im pretty sure its on mulet (I'll b there!!!)
(penguin name Queen Sage)
those are tears... becaus i cant fig'ger it out about the server! and im Tamiflu, who has cum 2 evry party evr since i heard about the site. please giv a hint, because i never want to miss a party of yours! ive also almost got the date...
i'm kiwi,which means im a new zealander.hope i find ur party!
I'm from Romania...... a country from the European-center.
I'm from England (U.k) !!!
I totally agree with p44v9n !
You rock Mimo !
I live in the midwest to! I live in MN. If you want to email me my address is Sameurleu@bigstring.com
Dear Mimo,
Hello! Oh, I am from China. And I also play Club Penguin!! It is cool to play C.P. with kids from other countries, isn't it?
Im from the United States too.But im from South Carolina.Anyway your
website ROCKS!!!!
i try and try to find you on fjord or bigfoot but i cant find you.
from your #1 fan
p.s.my penguin name is Darth Neoguy
Hey im from the midwest too!
maybe i'll c u whenever ur around the Chicago area!
Im from the U.S and i know the server and the room. the server is **** ***** and the room is the *** **** sorry i cant tell you other penguins even though your awesome!
~Empleon Girl (penguin name)
im from the philipenes but i moved to america. and my user for cp is Rasengan 9 and mimo777 plz meet me at 12:00 pm at mammoth at the dance lounge im ur biggest fan! and also cool web
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