The Club Penguin Gang had a surprise super secret party just for Mycatcartmen! Her sister told us she was very sick with leukemia. So we surprised her with a Mimo party! WOOHOO! The Club Penguin Gang was there, U Fride, Me Santa, ZoeZoe11. Check out the cool pictures!

She had good news for us. She is getting better and will live! We are so happy for you Mycatcartmen!
Everyone post a get well soon message to Mycatcartmen!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
1 – 200 of 414 Newer› Newest»That was cool Mimo. Awesome. Two thumbs up. :) See you around
How nice are you?! I wish I was there. You are such a nice person!
that was very nice
aww.. that was such a nice thing 2 do, wiked that mycatcartmen is getting better! =]
have an nice day everyone and keep smilin!
you are nice mimo. that was nice of you and club penguin gang to do that for her!
U r so nice mimo
Awwww thats so nice!My uncle has lukemea :(
HEY Mycatcartmen!!!!! I'm so happy for you and I'm glad you're okay!!!
I want to meet you sometime.Okay?
Get well soon i wish you could do it to my brother, hes quiet ill.
My little brother King banny and my sister Betty Duong had a flu for like days.I feel sorry for them.
if only u throw a party.
wow mimo you are really nice!!!! i am soo glad mycatcartmen is gonna live, i hate the thought of any penguin/ person getting sick........ get better soon, mycatcartmen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was a very nice thing to Mimo. Get much better Mycatcartman!!!! * )
* )
Trackn Field
was that the mimo party ur planning for?
hey mimo its dallas111111,any who that was nice of u to throw her a party and tell her im glad shes getting better ok ill see u around
ur truly,dallas
that was a very nice thing to do. And i think you should give the six month membership to mycatcartmen. Hope you get better soon mycatcartmen.
Oh yeah i forgot to post my name, on that comment about giving mycatcartmen the membership was me, Hooper 101.
get well soon. hope u feel better
i am glad you she got better. that was so nice of you to do that. you rock. if anybody leaves you their email will you send them something? please post the answer. if the answer is yes....
if not, happy holidays and have a great day.
On which server you are?
that was awsome i was there. p.s. get whale soon. from mosos1995
hey i noticed that in the pictures that none of u are ur brothers and sisters aint members
my sis is okay
awwwwww that so sweet. P.S. what server is that? P.S.S. my birthday is may 8th. P.S.S.S. My penguin name is Techno122.
| |
hey its me dallas agean,anywho u and mycatycartman seem like the perfect couple ill see u around sometime seeya
Nice Mimo..your the best...
omg mimo u are so nice!!im very happy for mycatcartman!Get good really soon!!Good luck!!
hey Mycatcartmen I hope u get better sood and good luck oh mimo ur so nice to do that for her or him which ever
hey mimo this is councilor123 dad speaking could you host a party for my son councilor123 in the server deepfreeze about 5:00pm in england and 10:00 in america so thanks :) councilor123s dad
OMG mimo you must be the nicest person ever!(i bet that party made
mycatcarmen gave her a boost on to her way to getting better)
PS:you have gave me an idea to give a surprize party to my friend at shool who has a cp account.She has pnumonia
Oh that was great...
I HOPE YOU GET BETTER SOON, I hope you can get better and help mimo sumtimes with partys ;)
Get Well Mycartmen!!!!!
(spelling error in the blog post, re-read it Mimo ;)
you are such a great person!
can we get RSS feeds for your blog? and what happened to the Poll on the left?
one other thing; you rule ;)!
WOW! Mimo you rock!
Thats awesome mimo thank you! You really made a difference!
get well soon Mycatcartmen! heres something funny a friend of mine made up, Aw man! He's asleep in the sink! again! lol!
that was super nice mimo!!
p.s. do u have a youtube account? if u do, u should check out my videos, just search zuldemar!
Yay!! Get super well super soon mycatcartmen! that was very nice of all of u mimo.
from, king bubba 3 and imaG
Mimo your so nice :)
I have a glitch. How do I contact you?
get well soon mycatcartmen
Can you meet me? PLEASE! Fjord snowforts at 12:40 pm (pst) I BEG YOU!
Can you meet me? PLEASE! Fjord snowforts at 12:40 pm (pst) I BEG YOU! My penguin is Captain AR1.
Hey Mimo,
Thats great!
It looked much fun!
See ya later!
- The Jay Dude
get well soon
on the other hand,PLZ try out those glitches i sent u
Awww mimo today earlier i thought u were mean cuz u were giving such hard clues for parties but even though ur 12 ur sooo nice:D
Mimo you are such a nice person... you give free gift membership cards, while they could be yours... You make a surprise party for mycatcartmen... Can you tell her this?:
Mycatcartmen, I hope you get better soon. It's so great that you're starting to get well!
Mimo, you are an wonderful penguin/person.
- Chispy12
Kool Mimo! Hope you get wll soon Mycatcartmen! ;)
thats really nice mimo
That was very nice of u!!!
I wish I could have been there!
GET WELL SOON!!!!!!! U ROCK MYCATCARTMEN!!!!!!!!! Licorice102
Hey Mycatcartmen Get well!!that was nice mimo777 you are a good person....Yay mycatcartmen You will live!!!!!!
mimo plz add me plz ps;my penguin name is jjspiy
he mycartmen ur so cool i cant belive u met mimo i have been dieng to meet him
ps; my name is jjspiky
How do you take pictures for clubpenguin
hey mimo! i found a new way to dance with the newspaper. dunno if you already know it. anyways email me at i'll email yah back with how. (I didn't know were to post this. sorry if i posted in a bad area) lol
Kangaroooo (CP name)
Good Luck Mycatcartman glad to here your feeling better
i wazn't there but that is really really nice go mimo
that was nice mimo very nice
waddle on,
your awsome mimo your really nice to other people
waddle on,
I hope you get well Mycatcartmen! You deserved that party Mimo777 and his gang got you!
You are such a nice person! The whole Club Penguin Gang is! Good Job!
mimo that was the kind to do u are great but i wish i was there well mimo my penguin name is kugi123456 plz be my buddy -kugi123456 ps i never get posted
U are so nice, thanks for making this website and being everyones friend!!!! =);):) three smiles for u!!!!
Luv Blue-Princess15 (Nelly9cutie for clubpenguin)
I am happy for mycatcartmen and mimo777.that was real nice.I hope u get better mycatcartmen.ALL THUMBS UP MIMO777
i hope you get well real soon!:-) and thats very nice of you mimo.
get better soon mycatcartmen!
awhh, that's sweet.
I hope you get well and wonderful!
GET WELL SOON, MYCATCARTMEN!! You're so kind Mimo777. it was so considerate from u to make that party.
Im 12 too.!!
Get well soon.......... -doesn't cry- not going to tell what happen
Wait, if your buddy list is full then how can she be your buddy???
that was nice but i wish i could have been there
Hope you get well soon, Mycatcartsmen! I wish I was there!
I'm going right past "get well soon card" so heres my comment.
Mycatcartmen GET WELL NOW!
whoooooooooooooooo the poll is back!!
mimo, do you play Pokémon?
will you battle me in Diamond and Pearl one day...?
i'm sure you've noticed many CPers do, with usernames such as TurtwigLover, and Lucrio800..
really hope you do play it!
check out my website sometime, k?
Get well soon mycatcartman! I kno exactly how it feels to be very sick. You are in my entire family's prayers. Love you!
hi mimo, they changed the pin's place to the other side!! i swear!! check it out!!!
so nice mimo see ya around!!
get well soon!
Is mycartmen alright? Oh i hope u get better soon!
I just had a great idea! the club penguin awards award for niceist penguin(s) ever goes too... THE CPG!!!!! ur all so KIND! I can't beleive it! a privete mimo party just for mycartmen!
i don't understand mimo.
i'm sure you've realised this is my third post today..
and my second one had a question, and you didn't answer it.......
ps: you still rule =P
u r so sweet mimo!
Mimo, that was a very nice thing u did for mycatcartmen!!!!! it's good to see allot of penguins giving a helping hand or bein nice!!!!
see ya round mimo,
mr snowyguy1
your so nice mimo
mycatcartmen get well
HI MIMO! Can you do me a big favor please!
Advertise my friends site.She really wants her site to be as great as yours! Im even a fan of your site.
mycatcartmen can u meet me at :
where: dojo
server:fjord (american server)
when: feb 16 at 4:00 cp time or u can come earlier
mimo if u can come plz come with cpg
get well mycatcartmen
you are so nice mimo!!!!!
awww..tht is so sweet! that looks so cool..feel better mycatcartman!
you are very nice mimo! keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg you are So nice mimo! Get better soon MyCatCartMen! XD
Mimo you are so sweet!
Mycatcartmen, hope you have a full and safe recovery!
that was awesome mimo thats such an awesome thing to do
mimo777, can you give me mycartmen's email address. i want to give them a free 6 month membership to club penguin. i am serious. they deserve it. i think i could cheer him/her up that way. thats so sweet what you did!!! mimo u rock! email me back with her/his email address plZ. i wanna buy them a 6 month membership. i mean it! im not joking. i promise i will! my email is PLZ EMAIL ME BACK!!
waddle on!!! mimorulez!!! lol
- tai lung
mimo777 can you plz meet me at iceberg at 1:30 country austarlia server kusciko i beg you plzzzzzzz can you because i have never met you my name is bigmuma4.
shot g
Mimo, ur such a nice and caring person! Congratulations on surriving Likemia
my next party is coming soon check out the information.
When:Wednsday 27th February
What time:7.00pm-9.00pm(club penguin standerd time)
What server:Icebound(us server)
Where:pizza parlor
Members(come dresed in the pizza parlor uniform and flip some pizzas
Non-Members(dress in somthing that reminds you of pizza)
we are going to have a band contest so come along with your bands or if you want to just play an instrument by yourself come along and join in the fun.
Everyone is invited!
OMG! Mimo your SO sweet!
- Pinkdaisypen (Club Penguin name)
Wow. And I thought it was bad for me having the Flu! So nice of u mimo. Glad she'll be okay. Well... lemme tell ya, if I had to chose between what I have now (Flu) and lukemia, id chose flu. so nice of u mimo.
That was sooo nice of you and ya know what it was nice of you to have a party without screaming fans just for mycatcarten
That was sooo sweet of you, and i think i know how Mycatcartmen feels because i used to be sick but got better. So i think that she will live and get to be healty. I have fate in her.Keep up the good work!
DJ Amber 1
Get well Mycatcartmen!
I know another hint.There is a fish and if you click near the castle on a fish it will get a blue and pink fish to follow it.
There is a fish in the forest on aa castle and if you click it you can see two other fish follow it. The fish colers are orange blue and pink in order.
I just wanted to know if you ever met captain Rock Hopper the penguin.
I wanted to know if your a member or not.ALSO,if you have more then two penguins.
mycatcartmen i really hope u get better i hope u liked ur party. cangrats on living and getting better. i hope u get better soon.
I wanted to knowif you ever saw my penguin.I shouldierboy and if you do can we be friends.
I have a cheat that some people may not know of...In the nightclub: on the floor there is a little dorr way under the ladder with a wheel on it. if u go over top of it with your mouse it will open:) hope this helped.
your account Mimo777 never does clothing changes. If you keep doing that then maybe your account should be a Club Penguin Gang Mascot. Is it? But your secret account that you revealed. I wonder does it have a lot of clothing that you picked up from parties?
Get well soon!
Thank the lord for Mycatcartmen living! You're a very strong person to fight through that and live! That was very nice of you Mimo, I can't bealeive you did that!
I'm so glad she'll B OK!!!!! :D
I'm so :D she'll B okay!!!!!!
hey mimo thats cool i was there. i was magoo551. i thought that was a nice thing.
Get Well SOON!!! Im glad you feel better!
awww mimo you'r so sweet "cries"
aww it's so cute i think i'm gona try to be on you'r website! how ever you do that... Ta Ta from gracie
Hi mimo that was nice of u to thro a party for mycatcartmen. Get wll soon, mycatcartmen!!
you guys are so very nice
best wishes to you mycartman!! im so glad your gettin better :)
get well
Mimo777, you are so nice to do that for Mycatcartmen, I think that she Really enjoyed it. I'm Extremely glad shes getting better so she'll be alright! :) :D
~Empleon Girl (club penguin name)
that was sooooo nice!
you are a really nice person!
Get well Soon Mycartmen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good job Mimo! You are nice.
-Ned Zoing
Wow! You are so nice Mimo! Also U Fride, ZoeZoe11, Me Santa, and others that helped make that party! I hope mycatcartmen keeps on getting better! If I was mycatcartmen I would basically get better right on the spot if I got a secret party from you!
CP Name: Bozobam
wow i am hapy for you pls get well soon mycarcartmen ! i hope to meet you soon ! mino are you so nice!
wow mimo! u r nice. get well soon to ur sister mycatcartmen!
oh my god,
that is very bad.leukemia!i will pray for mycatcartmen for her recovery soon.well i think mycatcartmen should have got the gift card as the person has gone through and ggoing through a difficult ilness.the person will live.
mimo you are really nice!!!!
that was a good thing you did!
hey everybody!i love clubpenguin SO much!!to me,it is 1 of the BEST online game websites EVER in my life(so far atleast)!i have 6 penguins total and you can only get 6 or under for penguins.i have 2 girl penguins and the other 4 penguins are boys.2 of them are members(a boy and a girl)and the other 4 are not members(1 girl and 3 boys).i hope some of the people who posed a comment on here could be 1 of my friends on my buddylist on ""!and i hope atleast one time ill see some of you on clubpenguin and maybe we could be friends.that would be nice.LOL(laugh out load)!!im on clubpenguin ALMOST EVERYDAY!!!!so you might see me lol!one of my penguins names are "Snowy729" and she is a girl and im a girl too in real life.well,i g2g(got to go)!bye!see ya on clubpenguin(well...maybe or not)!!!!
is your party next sunday?
Rock on Mycatcartmen! hope u get well soon !!!!!!!!!!!!
-Agent Chill
awesome m man!(both m man's!)(mimo and what ever)
you should go and check okn the green puffle at the night club on server antartic!
were having a go back down party soon!(back to his speaker)
Mycatcartmen, I hope you get better soon! It's so great that you're starting to get well! And Mimo, U Fride, Me Santa, and Zoe Zoe11, that is so sweet of you all to throw her a special party! I wish I was there! P.S. That was probably the best Club Penguin Gang party ever!
-Rainey Rain
A.K.A Sierra
Get well soon Mycatcartmen! I hope u are 100% well soon! I will be praying for you!
Your Friend,
GET WELL SOON "Mycatcartmen"
Mimo that was such a nice thing:]
CP. Name is Heg1030
I hope you get better
Wow Mimo that was really nice I bet the poor girl got really brightened up!
Your a really nice person it takes someone special to do THAT!
Cya round
mimo u rock thnx 4 the cheats and lukemia girl hope u get better!!
It takes some special to do that taht was a nice jester mimo thnx bye
your really nice mimo!
:{) -Blue Dude776
Mimo i found a cheat if you go with all caps and type in WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE till it will let you some leters will be outside the box,
im sparkyrulez
get well soon mycatcartmen!!
mimo also check out the blog on clubpenguin!!
exciting news coming soon
That is so nice Mimo!!! I hope Mcatcartmangets better soon!!! See yah!![Mabe]
Hi Mimo.I was wondering whether i could join you for CPG?Please.
good luck to Mycatcarmen! Hope you get better! mimo it wa svery nice of you to have a party for Mycatcarmen
that is so sweet of u!!
ClubPenguingang is so AWESOME n sweet in every way!!
get well soon! mycatcartmen! And mimo u r such a marvellous person i hav ever seen.
ur gr8est fan
mimo u r the best person i know
get well soon mycatcartman
hey mimo, what sports do you play? becuz I think i might know you in real life. i might know you if youre initials are P.H.
u rock!
How nicer can a guy get? Helping Mycatcartmen like that. :o!! So amazing!
you missed this cheat!...
the alarm at the 5456878345667
I wish I was there. U r such a nice penguin! lol
Ps. Wow!
150 comment cool! Anyways, it wasn't just mimo it was alsoU Fride, Me Santa, and Zoe Zoe11!
may mycatcartmen live for hundred years,and wish u good luck mimo
Hi Mimo777 and Mycatcartmen,
Awesome Mimo!Two thumbs up defiantly this time around!
Mycatcartmen I hope you continue to get better and we see you around in the future!
Thank you,
Kind blessings,
Princess Haze Princess Haz
Waddle on!
this party will iiiiii have!!!
Hope You Get Better!
that was very kind of u mino! u are nice and kind!:)
You are so nice an please tell the sick nice girl that I hope she gets better soon!
From Jazz124000
Hey! Thats Awesome Mimo! You are like the kindest penguin int he world! And, you're still so cool.
And congrats Mycartcartman! HOPE YA GET BETTER!
That was really nice of u CPG!Three cheers for u.HIP HIP HURRAY!HIP HIP HURRAY!HIP HIP HURRAY!Get well soon Mycatcartmen.
You are so kin Mimo!I wish I was one of the member gang.I am glad to hear she will live! :)
I hope you get well soon Mycatcartmen!
Mimo there is coming a new game!I saw it on Billybob's side!
-Fab flower
that was just to nice mimo tou are so nice hope you guys had fun=)
Dear Mycatcatman
Get well soon!
From Your Friend Sir Pyjamas xxx
Hey mimo i am your best reader of i have a cheat to say. its a catch a mulet cheat. leasen here.1.thirst go to the icefishing.2. then wate till the mulet comes.3.dont let the small fish go so the mulet will try too eat it.4.when the mulet comes you have to have a fish in order to catch penguin is janjania if you see me add me so a can tell you more cheats. see ya!
oh yea mimo its me janjania again i want to say to you a big big thing this cheat works only in thease places:alaska,grizly,snowday,icepond,and woolsoks.see you around
That was very nice of u mimo
Tell her that im SO happy that shes ok.
can u have a little party 4 me coz.. wen i have partyz nobody turns up :(
Get well Mycatcarmen :)
get well soon mycatcartmen.mimo why doesnt cp put a party for valentines day.i hope they put it next year
How do you know Mycatcartmen?
And... Get well soon Mycatcartmen!
cool mimo your great good luck mycatcartmen
ps my names katieburns
WOO HOO! U Fride is on my buddy list! least I have one C.P.G Agent.
Hi Mimo and Mycatcartmen,
Mimo that was fabulous of making up a party for Mycatcartmen! That was really kind of you. I hope everyone could be kind-hearted like you!
Mucatcartmen, I feel happy for you too that you're recovering! I hope you can boost all the way through the dieases!
you are very kind mimo!!!!
Hey its me can you do it on monday 18th febuary please sorry to bother you councilor123s dad
Dear Mimo777.
Can you PLEASE make me a member of Club Penguin Gang! PLEASE! I have seen everyone in the gang, ecxept for Purplyn, and I have U Fride as a buddy! Please!
Captain AR1 (my penguin name)
ps- I am on everyday at 9 am (pst)
Get well soon Mycatcartmen!
That is soooo sweet of you Mimo!!I bet you made her feel ALOT better!!
-Cp name Squishadish
u rock mimo and get better mycartmen
mimo ur nice!!!!!!!!
Your the nicest penguin I know great job keep it up!!!!
mimo you realy do have a big heart that was so caring and nice.
mycatcartmen hope you get better
-Darth Neeoguy
how are you all there at the same time?do you got like ten computers?
mimo!ur such a nice person!i wud luv to be her!get better mycatcartmen!!xxx
That was so nice just to have a party for her. Im glad shes going to live. Wow that sounds weird
Mr Doodles 1 (CP NAME)
mimo, can you buddy me
what time are you in club penguin?
mimo? i finaly found ur website. i was there. by the way that was really have a great website. i found it by asking people if they knew someone named mimo.
- cj1293
Get Well Soon!
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